/******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* CONV (converter) for Agrif (Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran) */ /* */ /* Copyright or or Copr. Laurent Debreu (Laurent.Debreu@imag.fr) */ /* Cyril Mazauric (Cyril_Mazauric@yahoo.fr) */ /* This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and */ /* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, */ /* modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C */ /* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL */ /* "http://www.cecill.info". */ /* */ /* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, */ /* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only */ /* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the */ /* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited */ /* liability. */ /* */ /* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated */ /* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the */ /* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, */ /* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also */ /* therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced */ /* professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore */ /* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their */ /* requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or */ /* data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the */ /* same conditions as regards security. */ /* */ /* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had */ /* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms. */ /******************************************************************************/ /* version 1.7 */ /******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "decl.h" /******************************************************************************/ /* preparation and write of the argument list of a subroutine */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /* writeheadnewsub_0 */ /******************************************************************************/ /* Firstpass 0 */ /* We should write the head of the subroutine sub_loop_ */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void writeheadnewsub_0() { char ligne[LONG_C]; if ( firstpass == 0 && IsTabvarsUseInArgument_0() == 1 ) { if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Enter in writeheadnewsub_0\n"); /* we should add the use agrif_uti l if it is necessary */ WriteHeadofSubroutineLoop(); WriteUsemoduleDeclaration(); if ( ImplicitNoneInSubroutine() == 1 ) fprintf(fortranout, " IMPLICIT NONE\n"); WriteIncludeDeclaration(); /* */ /* We should write once the declaration of tables (extract */ /* from pointer) in the new subroutine */ if ( mark == 1 ) fprintf(fortranout,"!!! 000000000000000 \n"); if ( SubInList_ContainsSubroutine() == 0 ) WriteLocalParamDeclaration(); if ( mark == 1 ) fprintf(fortranout,"!!! 111111111111111 \n"); sprintf(ligne,"\n#include \"ParamFile%s.h\" \n",subroutinename); tofich(fortranout,ligne,1); WriteArgumentDeclaration_Sort(); if ( mark == 1 ) fprintf(fortranout,"!!! 222222222222222 \n"); writesub_loopdeclaration_tab(List_UsedInSubroutine_Var,fortranout); if ( mark == 1 ) fprintf(fortranout,"!!! 333333333333333 \n"); writesub_loopdeclaration_scalar(List_UsedInSubroutine_Var,paramout); if ( mark == 1 ) fprintf(fortranout,"!!! 444444444444444 \n"); /* now we should write the function declaration */ /* case if it is the */ WriteFunctionDeclaration(); if ( mark == 1 ) fprintf(fortranout,"!!! 555555555555555 \n"); if ( SubInList_ContainsSubroutine() == 0 ) WriteSubroutineDeclaration(1); if ( mark == 1 ) fprintf(fortranout,"!!! 666666666666666 \n"); if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Out of writeheadnewsub_0\n"); } else if ( firstpass == 0 ) { AddUseAgrifUtil_0(fortranout); WriteUsemoduleDeclaration(); WriteIncludeDeclaration(); if ( ImplicitNoneInSubroutine() == 1 ) fprintf(fortranout, " IMPLICIT NONE\n"); if ( mark == 1 ) fprintf(fortranout,"!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \n"); WriteLocalParamDeclaration(); if ( mark == 1 ) fprintf(fortranout,"!!! bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb \n"); if ( functiondeclarationisdone == 0 ) WriteFunctionDeclaration(); WriteArgumentDeclaration_beforecall(); /* writesub_loopdeclaration_scalar(List_SubroutineArgument_Var,fortranout); writesub_loopdeclaration_tab(List_SubroutineArgument_Var,fortranout);*/ if ( mark == 1 ) fprintf(fortranout,"!!! ccccccccccccccc \n"); if ( mark == 1 ) fprintf(fortranout,"!!! ddddddddddddddd \n"); WriteSubroutineDeclaration(1); if ( mark == 1 ) fprintf(fortranout,"!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeee \n"); } } /******************************************************************************/ /* WriteVariablelist_subloop */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to write the list of the variable which */ /* should be called by the sub_loop_ subroutine */ /* The first part is composed by the list of the local variables */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* List_SubroutineDeclaration_Var a,b,c, & */ /* d,e,f, & */ /* a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h ========> g,h */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void WriteVariablelist_subloop(FILE *outputfile) { listvar *parcours; char ligne[LONG_C]; int compteur; if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Enter in WriteVariablelist_subloop\n"); parcours = List_SubroutineArgument_Var; didvariableadded = 0; compteur = 0 ; while ( parcours ) { /* if the readed variable is a variable of the subroutine */ /* subroutinename we should write the name of this variable */ /* in the output file */ if ( !strcasecmp(parcours->var->v_subroutinename,subroutinename) ) { if ( didvariableadded == 0 ) { strcpy(ligne,""); } else { if ( compteur == 0 ) strcpy(ligne,""); strcat(ligne,","); } strcat(ligne,parcours->var->v_nomvar); didvariableadded = 1; compteur = compteur + 1; if ( compteur == 3 ) { if ( retour77 == 0 ) { strcat(ligne," &"); fprintf(outputfile,"\n %s",ligne); } else fprintf(outputfile,"\n & %s",ligne); compteur = 0; } } parcours = parcours -> suiv; } parcours = List_FunctionType_Var; while ( parcours ) { if ( !strcasecmp(parcours->var->v_subroutinename,subroutinename) ) { if ( didvariableadded == 0 ) { strcpy(ligne,""); } else { if ( compteur == 0 ) strcpy(ligne,""); strcat(ligne,","); } strcat(ligne,parcours->var->v_nomvar); didvariableadded = 1; compteur = compteur + 1; if ( compteur == 3 ) { if ( retour77 == 0 ) { strcat(ligne," &"); fprintf(outputfile,"\n %s",ligne); } else fprintf(outputfile,"\n & %s",ligne); compteur = 0; } } parcours = parcours -> suiv; } if ( compteur != 3 && compteur != 0 ) { if ( retour77 == 0 ) fprintf(outputfile,"\n %s &",ligne); else fprintf(outputfile,"\n & %s ",ligne); } if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Out of WriteVariablelist_subloop\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ /* WriteVariablelist_subloop_Call */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to write the list of the variable which */ /* should be called by the sub_loop_ subroutine into the called */ /* The second part is composed by the list of the global table */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* List_UsedInSubroutine_Var SubloopScalar = 0 | SubloopScalar = 1 */ /* a,b,c, & | a,b(1,1),c, & */ /* a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h =====> d,e,f, & | d(1),e(1,1,1),f, & */ /* g,h | g,h(1,1) */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void WriteVariablelist_subloop_Call(FILE *outputfile) { listvar *parcours; char ligne[LONG_40M]; char ligne2[10]; int i; int compteur ; if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Enter in WriteVariablelist_subloop_Call\n"); parcours = List_UsedInSubroutine_Var; compteur = 0 ; while ( parcours ) { /* if the readed variable is a variable of the subroutine */ /* subroutinename we should write the name of this variable */ /* in the output file */ if ( !strcasecmp(parcours->var->v_subroutinename,subroutinename) && parcours->var->v_allocatable == 0 && parcours->var->v_pointerdeclare == 0 ) { if ( didvariableadded == 0 ) { if ( retour77 == 1 ) strcpy(ligne,"\n & "); else strcpy(ligne,"\n "); } else { if ( compteur == 0 ) { if ( retour77 == 1 ) strcpy(ligne,"\n & "); else strcpy(ligne,"\n "); } strcat(ligne," , "); } strcat(ligne,vargridcurgridtabvars(parcours->var,0)); /* if it is asked in the call of the conv we should give */ /* scalar in argument, so we should put (1,1,1) after the */ /* the name of the variable */ if ( SubloopScalar != 0 && (IsVarAllocatable_0(parcours->var->v_nomvar) == 0 && parcours->var->v_pointerdeclare == 0 ) && parcours->var->v_nbdim != 0 ) { i = 1; while ( i <= parcours->var->v_nbdim ) { if ( i == 1 ) strcat(ligne,"( "); if ( SubloopScalar == 2 ) { strcat(ligne,":"); if ( i != parcours->var->v_nbdim ) strcat(ligne,","); } else { strcat(ligne," lbound( "); strcat(ligne,vargridcurgridtabvars(parcours->var,0)); strcat(ligne,","); strcpy(ligne2,""); sprintf(ligne2,"%d",i); strcat(ligne,ligne2); if ( i != parcours->var->v_nbdim ) strcat(ligne,"),"); } if ( i == parcours->var->v_nbdim ) strcat(ligne,"))"); i++; } } didvariableadded = 1; compteur = compteur +1 ; /*if ( retour77 == 0 ) { strcat(ligne," &"); fprintf(outputfile,"\n"); } else fprintf(outputfile,"\n & ");*/ /*tofich(outputfile,ligne,0);*/ } parcours = parcours -> suiv; } Save_Length(ligne,41); tofich(outputfile,ligne,0); /* Now we should replace the last ", &" by " &" */ /* if ( didvariableadded != 0 && retour77 == 0 ) fseek(outputfile,-1,SEEK_CUR); if ( didvariableadded == 0 ) fseek(outputfile,-1,SEEK_CUR);*/ if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Out of WriteVariablelist_subloop_Call\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ /* WriteVariablelist_subloop_Def */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to write the list of the variable which */ /* should be called by the sub_loop_ subroutine into the def */ /* The second part is composed by the list of the global table */ /* _tmp */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* List_UsedInSubroutine_Var */ /* a-tmp,b-tmp,c_tmp, & */ /* a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h =====> d_tmp,e_tmp,f_tmp, & */ /* g_tmp,h_tmp */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void WriteVariablelist_subloop_Def(FILE *outputfile) { listvar *parcours; char ligne[LONG_40M]; int compteur; if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Enter in WriteVariablelist_subloop_Def\n"); parcours = List_UsedInSubroutine_Var; compteur = 0 ; while ( parcours ) { /* if the readed variable is a variable of the subroutine */ /* subrotinename we should write the name of this variable */ /* in the output file */ if ( !strcasecmp(parcours->var->v_subroutinename,subroutinename) && parcours->var->v_allocatable == 0 && parcours->var->v_pointerdeclare == 0 ) { if ( didvariableadded == 0 ) { if ( retour77 == 1 ) strcpy(ligne,"\n &"); else strcpy(ligne,"\n "); } else { if ( compteur == 0 ) { if ( retour77 == 1 ) strcpy(ligne,"\n & "); else strcpy(ligne,"\n "); } strcat(ligne,","); } strcat(ligne,parcours->var->v_nomvar); compteur = compteur + 1; didvariableadded = 1; /* if ( compteur == 3 ) { if ( retour77 == 0 ) { strcat(ligne," &"); fprintf(outputfile,"\n %s",ligne); } else fprintf(outputfile,"\n & %s",ligne); compteur = 0; }*/ } parcours = parcours -> suiv; } /* if ( compteur != 3 && compteur != 0 ) { if ( retour77 == 0 ) fprintf(outputfile,"\n %s &",ligne); else fprintf(outputfile,"\n & %s",ligne); }*/ Save_Length(ligne,41); tofich(outputfile,ligne,0); /* Now we should replace the last ", &" by " &" */ /* if ( didvariableadded != 0 && retour77 == 0 ) fseek(outputfile,-1,SEEK_CUR); if ( didvariableadded == 0 ) fseek(outputfile,-1,SEEK_CUR);*/ if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Out of WriteVariablelist_subloop_Def\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ /* WriteHeadofSubroutineLoop */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to write the head of the subroutine */ /* Sub_Loop_ */ /******************************************************************************/ /* Sub_loop_subroutine.h */ /* */ /* subroutine Sub_Loop_subroutine ( & */ /* a,b,c, & */ /* SubLoopScalar d,e(1,1),f(1,1,1), & */ /* g,h & */ /* ) */ /******************************************************************************/ void WriteHeadofSubroutineLoop() { char ligne[LONG_C]; FILE * subloop; if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Enter in WriteHeadofSubroutineLoop\n"); tofich(fortranout,"\n",1); /* Open this newfile */ sprintf(ligne,"Sub_Loop_%s.h",subroutinename); subloop = associate(ligne); /* */ if ( retour77 == 0 ) sprintf(ligne," subroutine Sub_Loop_%s( &" ,subroutinename); else sprintf(ligne," subroutine Sub_Loop_%s( ",subroutinename); fprintf(subloop,ligne); /* */ WriteVariablelist_subloop(subloop); WriteVariablelist_subloop_Def(subloop); /* */ sprintf(ligne,")"); fprintf(subloop,ligne); /* if USE agrif_Uti l should be add */ AddUseAgrifUtil_0(subloop); /* */ oldfortranout = fortranout; fortranout = subloop; if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Out of WriteHeadofSubroutineLoop\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ /* closeandcallsubloopandincludeit_0 */ /******************************************************************************/ /* Firstpass 0 */ /* We should close the sub_loop subroutine, call it and close the */ /* function (suborfun = 0) */ /* subroutine (suborfun = 1) */ /* end (suborfun = 2) */ /* end program (suborfun = 3) */ /* and include the sub_loop subroutine after */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void closeandcallsubloopandincludeit_0(int suborfun) { char ligne[LONG_C]; if ( firstpass == 0 ) { if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Enter in closeandcallsubloopandincludeit_0\n"); if ( IsTabvarsUseInArgument_0() == 1 ) { /* We should remove the key word end subroutine */ RemoveWordCUR_0(fortranout,(long)(-(pos_cur-pos_endsubroutine)), pos_cur-pos_endsubroutine); /* We should close the loop subroutine */ sprintf(ligne,"\n end subroutine Sub_Loop_%s",subroutinename); tofich(fortranout,ligne,1); fclose(fortranout); fortranout = oldfortranout; AddUseAgrifUtilBeforeCall_0(fortranout); if ( functiondeclarationisdone == 0 ) WriteFunctionDeclaration(); WriteArgumentDeclaration_beforecall(); if ( !strcasecmp(subofagrifinitgrids,subroutinename) ) fprintf(oldfortranout," Call Agrif_Init_Grids () \n"); /* Now we add the call af the new subroutine */ if ( retour77 == 0 ) sprintf(ligne,"\n Call Sub_Loop_%s( &" ,subroutinename); else sprintf(ligne,"\n Call Sub_Loop_%s( ",subroutinename); fprintf(fortranout,ligne); /* Write the list of the local variables used in this new subroutine */ WriteVariablelist_subloop(fortranout); /* Write the list of the global tables used in this new subroutine */ /* in doloop */ WriteVariablelist_subloop_Call(fortranout); /* Close the parenthesis of the new subroutine called */ sprintf(ligne,")"); fprintf(fortranout,ligne); /* We should close the original subroutine */ if ( suborfun == 3 ) sprintf(ligne,"\n end program %s" ,subroutinename); if ( suborfun == 2 ) sprintf(ligne,"\n end"); if ( suborfun == 1 ) sprintf(ligne,"\n end subroutine %s" ,subroutinename); if ( suborfun == 0 ) sprintf(ligne,"\n end function %s" ,subroutinename); tofich(fortranout,ligne,1); /* we should include the above file in the original code */ sprintf(ligne,"\n#include \"Sub_Loop_%s.h\" \n",subroutinename); tofich(fortranout,ligne,1); } if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Out of closeandcallsubloopandincludeit_0\n"); } } void closeandcallsubloop_contains_0() { char ligne[LONG_C]; if ( firstpass == 0 ) { if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Enter in closeandcallsubloopandincludeit_0\n"); if ( IsTabvarsUseInArgument_0() == 1 ) { Remove_Word_Contains_0(); sprintf(ligne,"\n end subroutine Sub_Loop_%s",subroutinename); tofich(fortranout,ligne,1); fclose(fortranout); fortranout = oldfortranout; AddUseAgrifUtilBeforeCall_0(fortranout); if ( ImplicitNoneInSubroutine() == 1 ) fprintf(fortranout, " IMPLICIT NONE\n"); WriteLocalParamDeclaration(); if ( functiondeclarationisdone == 0 ) WriteFunctionDeclaration(); WriteArgumentDeclaration_beforecall(); WriteSubroutineDeclaration(0); if ( !strcasecmp(subofagrifinitgrids,subroutinename) ) fprintf(oldfortranout," Call Agrif_Init_Grids () \n"); /* Now we add the call af the new subroutine */ if ( retour77 == 0 ) sprintf(ligne,"\n Call Sub_Loop_%s( &" ,subroutinename); else sprintf(ligne,"\n Call Sub_Loop_%s( ",subroutinename); fprintf(fortranout,ligne); /* Write the list of the local variables used in this new subroutine */ WriteVariablelist_subloop(fortranout); /* Write the list of the global tables used in this new subroutine */ /* in doloop */ WriteVariablelist_subloop_Call(fortranout); /* Close the parenthesis of the new subroutine called */ sprintf(ligne,")"); tofich(fortranout,ligne,1); /* We should close the original subroutine */ sprintf(ligne,"\n contains"); tofich(fortranout,ligne,1); /* we should include the above file in the original code */ sprintf(ligne,"\n#include \"Sub_Loop_%s.h\" \n",subroutinename); tofich(fortranout,ligne,1); } if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Out of closeandcallsubloopandincludeit_0\n"); } }