MODULE par_ice !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE par_ice *** !! Sea-Ice model : definition of the parameters !!====================================================================== !! * Modules used USE par_oce INTEGER, PARAMETER :: & !: kmax = 1 , & !: ??? nsmax = 2 !: ??? !!-- Parameter providing the number of vertical ice layers INTEGER , PARAMETER :: & !: nlayers = 2 , & !: ??? nlayersp1 = nlayers + 1 !: ??? ! maximum number of variable for output INTEGER, PARAMETER :: & !: noumax = 40 !: ??? ! Parameters for outputs to files "evolu" made by routine "informe" : ??? INTEGER, PARAMETER :: & !: ninfmx = 100 , & !: maximum number of key variables nchinf = 5 , & !: ??? nchsep = nchinf + 2 !: ??? !!====================================================================== END MODULE par_ice