MODULE in_out_manager USE lib_print ! formated print library USE par_kind USE par_oce PUBLIC !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! namelist parameters !! ------------------------------------- ! namrun: parameters of the run CHARACTER (len=16) :: & !: cexper = "exp0" !: experiment name used for output filename LOGICAL :: & !!: * namelist namrun * ln_rstart = .FALSE. , & !: start from (F) rest or (T) a restart file ln_ctl = .FALSE. !: run control for debugging INTEGER :: & !!: * namelist namrun * no = 0 , & !: job number nrstdt = 0 , & !: control of the time step (0, 1 or 2) nit000 = 1 , & !: index of the first time step nitend = 10 , & !: index of the last time step ndate0 = 961115 , & !: initial calendar date aammjj nleapy = 0 , & !: Leap year calendar flag (0/1 or 30) ninist = 0 , & !: initial state output flag (0/1) nbench = 0 !: benchmark parameter (0/1) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! output monitoring !! ----------------------------------- INTEGER :: & !: nstock = 10 , & !: restart file frequency nprint = 0 , & !: level of print (0 no print) nwrite = 10 , & !: restart file frequency nictls = 0 , & !: Start i indice for the SUM control nictle = 0 , & !: End i indice for the SUM control njctls = 0 , & !: Start j indice for the SUM control njctle = 0 , & !: End j indice for the SUM control isplt = 1 , & !: number of processors following i jsplt = 1 , & !: number of processors following j ijsplt = 1 !: nb of local domain = nb of processors !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! logical units !! ------------------------------ INTEGER :: & !: numstp = 1 , & !: logical unit for time step numout = 2 , & !: logical unit for output print numnam = 3 , & !: logical unit for namelist numnam_ice = 4 , & !: logical unit for ice namelist numevo_ice = 17 , & !: logical unit for ice variables (temp. evolution) numice_dmp = 18 , & !: logical unit for ice variables (damping) numsol = 25 , & !: logical unit for solver statistics numwri = 40 , & !: logical unit for output write numisp = 41 , & !: logical unit for island statistics numgap = 45 , & !: logical unit for differences diagnostic numbol = 67 , & !: logical unit for "bol" diagnostics numptr = 68 , & !: logical unit for Poleward TRansports numflo = 69 !: logical unit for drifting floats ! !: * coupled units !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Run control !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: & !: nstop = 0 , & !: e r r o r flag (=number of reason for a ! ! prematurely stop the run) nwarn = 0 !: w a r n i n g flag (=number of warning ! ! found during the run) CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: ctmp1, ctmp2, ctmp3 ! temporary character CHARACTER (len=64) :: & !: cform_err="(/,' ===>>> : E R R O R', /,' ===========',/)" , & !: cform_war="(/,' ===>>> : W A R N I N G', /,' ===============',/)" !: LOGICAL :: & !: lwp , & !: boolean : true on the 1st processor only lsp_area = .TRUE. !: to make a control print over a specific area !!------------------------------------------------------------------------ !! Contral/debugging !! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp) :: & !: u_ctl, v_ctl, & !: sum of ua and va trend t_ctl, s_ctl !: sum of ta and sa trend !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! OPA 9.0 , LOCEAN-IPSL (2005) !! $Header$ !! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see modipsl/doc/NEMO_CeCILL.txt !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE ctl_stop( cd1, cd2, cd3, cd4, cd5, & & cd6, cd7, cd8, cd9, cd10 ) !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE stop_opa *** !! !! ** Purpose : ??? !! !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(len=*),INTENT(in),OPTIONAL :: cd1, cd2, cd3, cd4, cd5, cd6, cd7, cd8, cd9, cd10 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- nstop = nstop + 1 IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,"(/,' ===>>> : E R R O R', /,' ===========',/)") IF( PRESENT(cd1 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd1 IF( PRESENT(cd2 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd2 IF( PRESENT(cd3 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd3 IF( PRESENT(cd4 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd4 IF( PRESENT(cd5 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd5 IF( PRESENT(cd6 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd6 IF( PRESENT(cd7 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd7 IF( PRESENT(cd8 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd8 IF( PRESENT(cd9 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd9 IF( PRESENT(cd10) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd10 ENDIF CALL FLUSH(numout) END SUBROUTINE ctl_stop SUBROUTINE ctl_warn( cd1, cd2, cd3, cd4, cd5, & & cd6, cd7, cd8, cd9, cd10 ) !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE stop_opa *** !! !! ** Purpose : ??? !! !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(len=*),INTENT(in),OPTIONAL :: cd1, cd2, cd3, cd4, cd5, cd6, cd7, cd8, cd9, cd10 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- nwarn = nwarn + 1 IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,"(/,' ===>>> : W A R N I N G', /,' ===============',/)") IF( PRESENT(cd1 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd1 IF( PRESENT(cd2 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd2 IF( PRESENT(cd3 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd3 IF( PRESENT(cd4 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd4 IF( PRESENT(cd5 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd5 IF( PRESENT(cd6 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd6 IF( PRESENT(cd7 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd7 IF( PRESENT(cd8 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd8 IF( PRESENT(cd9 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd9 IF( PRESENT(cd10) ) WRITE(numout,*) cd10 ENDIF CALL FLUSH(numout) END SUBROUTINE ctl_warn END MODULE in_out_manager