MODULE lib_feti !!============================================================================== !! *** MODULE lib_feti *** !! Ocean solver : FETI library !!============================================================================== !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! OPA 9.0 , LOCEAN-IPSL (2005) !! $Id$ !! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see modipsl/doc/NEMO_CeCILL.txt !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_feti !! feti_creadr !! feti_prext !! feti_init !! feti_iclr !! feti_vclr !! feti_vmov !! feti_vneg (used in lib_feti) !! feti_vsub !! feti_vadd (used in lib_feti) !! feti_ldlt (used in lib_feti) !! feti_desremo (used in lib_feti) !! feti_mxv (used in lib_feti) !! feti_mxvadd (used in lib_feti) !! feti_saut (used in lib_feti) !! feti_moyen (used in lib_feti) !! feti_assemb (used in lib_feti) !! feti_poids !! feti_probit (used in lib_feti) !! feti_inisub !! feti_subound !! feti_subdir !! feti_listdir !! feti_blodir !! feti_numblo !! feti_blomat !! feti_blomat1 !! feti_nullsp !! feti_project (used in lib_feti) !! feti_etesolv (used in lib_feti) !! feti_osaxpy (used in lib_feti) !! feti_proe (used in lib_feti) !! feti_proet (used in lib_feti) !! feti_consrhs (used in lib_feti) !! feti_dualschur !! feti_extend (used in lib_feti) !! feti_restri (used in lib_feti) !! feti_halfint !! feti_front !! feti_calinv (used in lib_feti) !! feti_nbdia (used in lib_feti) !! feti_liblod (used in lib_feti) !! feti_liblos (used in lib_feti) !! feti_resloc !! feti_pblos (used in lib_feti) !! feti_pbloi (used in lib_feti) !! feti_proax !! !! EXTERNAL used (BLAS): sgemv, strsv, saxpy, irecv !! !! References : !! Guyon, M, Roux, F-X, Chartier, M and Fraunie, P, 1994 : !! A domain decomposition solver to compute the barotropic !! component of an OGCM in the parallel processing field. !! Ocean Modelling, issue 105, december 94. !! !! Modifications : !! original : 98-02 (M. Guyon) !!------------------------------------------------------------------------ !! * Modules used USE lib_mpp ! distribued memory computing CONTAINS subroutine feti_creadr(ial,ialmax,lmax,ltab,iatab,chtab) ! ial = derniere adresse libre dans le super-tableau de longueur lmax . ! ltab = taille de la structure de donnee tab , d'adresse iatab . implicit none external mynode integer ial,ialmax,lmax,ltab,iatab integer iialmax,iibidon,mynode character(len=12) chtab iatab=ial ial=iatab+ltab ialmax=max0(ial,ialmax) if(ial > lmax) then write(0,*)' creation de la structure de donnee ',chtab write(0,*)' depassement taille super-tableau :' write(0,*)' taille maximale , taille demandee :',lmax,ial stop endif !... test de la memoire iialmax=-ialmax call mpp_min(iialmax,1,iibidon) iialmax=-iialmax ! if(mynode() == 0)then ! write(0,*)' creation de la structure de donnee ',chtab ! write(0,*)'taille max vaut : ',iialmax ! endif end subroutine feti_creadr !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_prext(n,x) implicit none integer n REAL(kind=8) x(n) REAL(kind=8) xmin,xmax integer i xmin=x(1) xmax=x(1) do i=2,n xmin=min(xmin,x(i)) xmax=max(xmax,x(i)) end do ! write(0,100)xmin,xmax 100 format(8d10.3) end subroutine feti_prext !********************************************************************* subroutine feti_init(noeuds,x) implicit none integer noeuds REAL(kind=8) x(noeuds) integer ji do ji=1,noeuds x(ji)=1. end do end subroutine feti_init !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_iclr(n,x) implicit none integer n integer x(n) integer i do i=1,n x(i)=0 end do end subroutine feti_iclr !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_vclr(n,x) implicit none integer n REAL(kind=8) x(n) integer i do i=1,n x(i)=0.e0 end do return end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_vmov(n,x,y) implicit none integer n REAL(kind=8) x(n),y(n) integer i do i=1,n y(i)=x(i) end do return end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_vneg(n,x,y) implicit none integer n REAL(kind=8) x(n),y(n) integer i do i=1,n y(i)=-x(i) end do return end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_vsub(n,x,y,z) implicit none integer n REAL(kind=8) x(n),y(n),z(n) integer i do i=1,n z(i)=x(i)-y(i) end do return end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_vadd(n,x,y,z) implicit none integer n REAL(kind=8) x(n),y(n),z(n) integer i do i=1,n z(i)=y(i)+x(i) end do return end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_ldlt(n,a,d,v,ndlblo,lisblo,nmdlblo,j0) !...ndlblo nombre de liberte bloques = nombre de pivots nuls = dim(Ker(Ep)) !...nmdlblo = Max (ndlblo(Ep)) <= superstructure management in f77 context ! p=1,Np implicit none integer n,ndlblo,nmdlblo integer j0 REAL(kind=8) a(n,n),v(n),d(n) integer lisblo(nmdlblo) integer i,j,k REAL(kind=8) piv,epsilo ! pivot de reference . piv=a(1,1) ! epsilon . epsilo=1.e-10 ! factorisation de Crout d'une matrice pleine . do j = 1 , n ! calcul du produit de la ligne numero j par la diagonale . do k = 1 , j - 1 v(k) = a(j,k) * a(k,k) end do ! calcul des termes de la partie inferieure de la colonne . call sgemv('N',n-j+1,j-1,-1.e0,a(j,1),n,v,1,1.e0,a(j,j),1) ! detection des pivots nuls . if(a(j,j) < (piv*epsilo)) then ndlblo=ndlblo+1 lisblo(ndlblo)=j0+j do i=1,j-1 a(i,j)=0.e0 end do do i=j+1,n a(j,i)=0.e0 end do a(j,j)=0.e0 d(j)=0.e0 else piv=a(j,j) d(j)=1.e0/a(j,j) do i = j+1 , n a(i,j) = a(i,j) * d(j) end do endif end do ! recopie de la partie triangulaire superieure . do i = 1, n do j = i+1, n a(i,j)=a(j,i) end do end do do i=1,n a(i,i)=d(i) end do return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_desremo(n,j0,a,y,x) implicit none integer n,i,j,j0 REAL(kind=8) a(n,n),x(n),y(n) ! descente remontee du systeme . ! initialisation du vecteur resultat . do i=1,n x(i)=y(i) end do ! descente du systeme L x = x , L est a diagonale unitaire . call strsv('L','N','U',n-j0,a(j0+1,j0+1),n,x(j0+1),1) ! division par la diagonale . do j=j0+1,n x(j)=x(j)*a(j,j) end do ! remontee du systeme U x = x , U est a diagonale unitaire . call strsv('U','N','U',n-j0,a(j0+1,j0+1),n,x(j0+1),1) return end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_mxv(n,m,a,x,y) ! calcul du produit matrice-vecteur : y = A x implicit none integer n,m REAL(kind=8) a(n,m),x(m),y(n) REAL(kind=8) alpha,beta ! initialisation du vecteur y . alpha=1.e0 beta=0.e0 call sgemv('N',n,m,alpha,a,n,x,1,beta,y,1) return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_mxvadd(n,m,a,x,y) ! calcul du produit matrice-vecteur : y = y + A x implicit none integer n,m REAL(kind=8) a(n,m),x(m),y(n) REAL(kind=8) alpha,beta ! initialisation du vecteur y . alpha=1.e0 beta=1.e0 if((n > 0).and.(m > 0))then call sgemv('N',n,m,alpha,a,n,x,1,beta,y,1) endif return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_saut(numnes,listnes, & plistin,numins,listin, & numnos,v,w,bufin,bufout) !! narea,numnos,v,w,bufin,bufout) ! computation of the jump of a field on the interfaces, in the case ! where subdomain number i is allocated to processor number i-1 . ! INPUTS : numnes = number of neighbouring subdomains ! listnes = list of neighbouring subdomains ! lint = list of inner interfaces ! lext = list of extern interfaces ! plistin = pointer of sublists of interface nodes ! numins = number of interface nodes ! listin = list of interface nodes ! narea = subdomain number ! numnos = number of nodes in the subdomain ! v = local field ! OUTPUTS : w = jump of v ! WORKSPACE : bufin = contributions of local field on interface ! bufout = contributions of outer fields on interface ! work implicit none ! external irecv !! integer irecv, work(100) !! integer numnes,numins,numnos,narea integer numnes,numins,numnos integer listnes(numnes,3), plistin(numnes+1), listin(numins) REAL(kind=8) v(numnos),w(numins) REAL(kind=8) bufin(numins),bufout(numins) integer i,j,l integer mesg mesg=128 ! receiving the values of the outer fields on the interface ! do i=1,numnes ! l=(plistin(i+1)-plistin(i))*8 ! work(i)=irecv(mesg+listnes(i)-1,bufout(plistin(i)+1),l) ! end do ! gathering the values of the local field on the interface do i=1,numnes do j=plistin(i)+1,plistin(i+1) bufin(j)=v(listin(j)) end do end do ! sending the values of the local field on the interface do i=1,numnes l=(plistin(i+1)-plistin(i))*8 ! call mppsend(mesg+narea-1,bufin(plistin(i)+1),l,listnes(i)-1,0) call mppsend(mesg+listnes(i,3)-1,bufin(plistin(i)+1),l, & listnes(i,1)-1,0) end do ! computing the jump on each interface do i=1,numnes ! call msgwait(work(i)) l=(plistin(i+1)-plistin(i))*8 ! call mpprecv(mesg+listnes(i)-1,bufout(plistin(i)+1),l) call mpprecv(mesg+listnes(i,2)-1,bufout(plistin(i)+1),l) end do do j=1,numins w(j)=bufin(j)-bufout(j) end do return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_moyen(numnes,listnes, & plistin,numins,listin, & narea,numnos,weight,v,w,bufin,bufout) ! averaging a field on the interfaces, in the case where subdomain ! number i is allocated to processor number i-1 . ! INPUTS : numnes = number of neighbouring subdomains ! listnes = list of neighbouring subdomains ! lint = list of inner interfaces ! lext = list of extern interfaces ! plistin = pointer of sublists of interface nodes ! numins = number of interface nodes ! listin = list of interface nodes ! narea = subdomain number ! numnos = number of nodes in the subdomain ! weight = weighting vector ! v = local field ! OUTPUTS : w = averaged field ! WORKSPACE : bufin = contributions of local field on interface ! bufout = contributions of outer fields on interface ! work implicit none ! external irecv !! integer irecv, work(100) integer numnes,numins,numnos,narea integer listnes(numnes,3), plistin(numnes+1), listin(numins) REAL(kind=8) weight(numnos),v(numnos),w(numnos) REAL(kind=8) bufin(numins),bufout(numins) integer i,j,l,n integer mesg mesg=128*2 ! initialization call feti_vmov(numnos,v,w) ! receiving the values of the outer fields on the interface ! do i=1,numnes ! l=(plistin(i+1)-plistin(i))*8 ! work(i)=irecv(mesg+listnes(i)-1,bufout(plistin(i)+1),l) ! end do ! gathering the values of the local field on the interface do i=1,numnes do j=plistin(i)+1,plistin(i+1) bufin(j)=v(listin(j)) end do end do ! sending the values of the local field on the interface do i=1,numnes l=(plistin(i+1)-plistin(i))*8 ! call mppsend(mesg+narea-1,bufin(plistin(i)+1),l,listnes(i)-1,0) call mppsend(mesg+listnes(i,3)-1,bufin(plistin(i)+1),l, & listnes(i,1)-1,0) end do ! computing the jump on each interface do i=1,numnes ! call msgwait(work(i)) l=(plistin(i+1)-plistin(i))*8 ! call mpprecv(mesg+listnes(i)-1,bufout(plistin(i)+1),l) call mpprecv(mesg+listnes(i,2)-1,bufout(plistin(i)+1),l) end do do j=1,numins n=listin(j) w(n)=w(n)+bufout(j) end do do n=1,numnos w(n)=w(n)*weight(n) end do return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_assemb(numnes,listnes, & plistin,numins,listin, & narea,numnos,v,w,bufin,bufout) ! assembling a field on the interfaces, in the case where subdomain ! number i is allocated to processor number i-1 . ! INPUTS : numnes = number of neighbouring subdomains ! listnes = list of neighbouring subdomains ! lint = list of inner interfaces ! lext = list of extern interfaces ! plistin = pointer of sublists of interface nodes ! numins = number of interface nodes ! listin = list of interface nodes ! narea = subdomain number ! numnos = number of nodes in the subdomain ! v = unassembled field ! OUTPUTS : w = assembled field ! WORKSPACE : bufin = contributions of local field on interface ! bufout = contributions of outer fields on interface ! work implicit none ! external irecv !! integer irecv, work(100) integer numnes,numins,numnos,narea integer listnes(numnes,3), plistin(numnes+1), listin(numins) REAL(kind=8) v(numnos),w(numnos) REAL(kind=8) bufin(numins),bufout(numins) integer i,j,l,n integer mesg mesg=128*3 ! initialization call feti_vmov(numnos,v,w) ! receiving the values of the outer fields on the interface ! do i=1,numnes ! l=(plistin(i+1)-plistin(i))*8 ! work(i)=irecv(mesg+listnes(i)-1,bufout(plistin(i)+1),l) ! end do ! gathering the values of the local field on the interface do i=1,numnes do j=plistin(i)+1,plistin(i+1) bufin(j)=v(listin(j)) end do end do ! sending the values of the local field on the interface do i=1,numnes l=(plistin(i+1)-plistin(i))*8 ! write(90,*)'envoie a ',listnes(i),'de ',l,'octets' ! write(90,*)'tag est : ',listnes(i,3) ! call mppsend(mesg+narea-1,bufin(plistin(i)+1),l,listnes(i)-1,0) call mppsend(mesg+listnes(i,3)-1,bufin(plistin(i)+1),l, & listnes(i,1)-1,0) end do ! computing the jump on each interface do i=1,numnes ! call msgwait(work(i)) l=(plistin(i+1)-plistin(i))*8 ! write(90,*)'recoie de ',listnes(i),'de ',l,'octets' ! write(90,*)'recois avec tag :',listnes(i,2) ! call mpprecv(mesg+listnes(i)-1,bufout(plistin(i)+1),l) call mpprecv(mesg+listnes(i,2)-1,bufout(plistin(i)+1),l) end do do j=1,numins n=listin(j) w(n)=w(n)+bufout(j) end do return end !**********************************************************************c !! subroutine feti_poids(numnes,listnes,plistin,numins,listin, & !! narea,numnos,w,bufin,bufout) subroutine feti_poids(numnes, numins,listin, & numnos,w ) ! computation of the subdomain weighting vector, in the case where ! subdomain number i is allocated to processor number i-1 . ! INPUTS : numnes = number of neighbouring subdomains ! listnes = list of neighbouring subdomains ! plistin = pointer of sublists of interface nodes ! numins = number of interface nodes ! listin = list of interface nodes ! narea = subdomain number ! numnos = number of nodes in the subdomain ! OUTPUTS : w = weighting vector ! WORKSPACE : bufin = contributions of local field on interface ! bufout = contributions of outer fields on interface ! work implicit none !! integer numnes,numins,numnos,narea integer numnes,numins,numnos !! integer listnes(numnes), plistin(numnes+1), listin(numins) integer listin(numins) REAL(kind=8) w(numnos) !! REAL(kind=8) bufin(numins),bufout(numins) integer j,n ! initialization do n=1,numnos w(n)=1.e0 end do ! computing the weight on each interface do j=1,numins n=listin(j) w(n)=w(n)+1.e0 end do do n=1,numnos w(n)=1.e0/w(n) end do return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_probit(numnes,listnes,plistin,numins,listin, & numnos,w,bitw) ! computing the local right-hand-side associated with a field ! on the interface . ! INPUTS : numnes = number of neighbouring subdomains ! listnes = list of neighbouring subdomains ! plistin = pointer of sublists of interface nodes ! numins = number of interface nodes ! listin = list of interface nodes ! numnos = number of nodes in the subdomain ! w = interface field ! OUTPUTS : bitw = local right-hand side implicit none integer numnes,numins,numnos integer listnes(numnes,3), plistin(numnes+1), listin(numins) REAL(kind=8) w(numins) REAL(kind=8) bitw(numnos) integer i,j,n ! initialization do n=1,numnos bitw(n)=0.e0 end do ! assembling the values on the interfaces do i=1,numnes do j=plistin(i)+1,plistin(i+1) n=listin(j) bitw(n)=bitw(n)+w(j) end do end do return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_inisub(ni,nj,ibondi,ibondj,iperio, & ibsw,ibnw,ibse,ibne, & ninterf,ninterfc,nni,nnic) implicit none integer ni,nj,ibondi,ibondj,iperio integer ibsw,ibnw,ibse,ibne integer ibsw2,ibnw2,ibse2,ibne2 integer ninterf,ninterfc,nni,nnic ! integer i,j ! determination de la position du sous-domaine dans la grille ! cela depnd de ibondi et ibondj ! nombre de sous-domaines voisins et de la longueur du tableau des ! noeuds voisins ! initialisation ninterf=0 nni=0 !...first, the "segment-points" if((ibondi == 2).AND.(iperio /= 1))then ! la periodicite : pas d'interface east / west si nbondi = 2 ! ET nperio != 1 ! elseif(iperio == 1) then ! doit marcher!? else ! west if(ibondi /= -1)then ninterf=ninterf+1 nni=nni+nj+1 endif ! east if(ibondi /= 1)then ninterf=ninterf+1 nni=nni+nj+1 endif endif ! south if(ibondj /= -1.AND.ibondj /= 2)then ninterf=ninterf+1 nni=nni+ni+1 endif ! north if(ibondj /= 1.AND.ibondj /= 2)then ninterf=ninterf+1 nni=nni+ni+1 endif nnic=nni ninterfc=ninterf !...second, the "corner-points" !...determination of the neighboorings, they depends on iperio ! boundary condition => local description : ipXX becomes ipXX2... ibnw2 = ibnw ibne2 = ibne ibsw2 = ibsw ibse2 = ibse !...iperio boundary condition effect if(iperio == 1) then !...general case : Earth == infinite tube ibnw2 = 1 ibne2 = 1 ibsw2 = 1 ibse2 = 1 !...real boundary condition if(ibondj == -1.OR.ibondj == 2) then ibsw2 = 0 ibse2 = 0 endif if(ibondj == 1.OR.ibondj == 2) then ibnw2 = 0 ibne2 = 0 endif endif ! la periodicite : pas de coin si nbondi = 2 ! ET nperio != 1 ! north-west if(ibnw == 1)then ninterfc=ninterfc+1 nnic=nnic+1 endif ! north-east if(ibne == 1)then ninterfc=ninterfc+1 nnic=nnic+1 endif ! south-west if(ibsw == 1)then ninterfc=ninterfc+1 nnic=nnic+1 endif ! south-east if(ibse == 1)then ninterfc=ninterfc+1 nnic=nnic+1 endif ! write(0,*)' nbre de voisins =',ninterf ! write(0,*)' longueur des interfaces =',nni ! write(0,*)' longueur des interfaces =',nnic return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_subound(ni,nj,ildi,ilei,ildj,ilej, & imoi,ibondi,ibondj,iperio, & ninterf,ninterfc, & iowe,ioea,ioso,iono, & ibsw,ibnw,ibse,ibne, & ipsw,ipnw,ipse,ipne, & nsdvois,nsdvoisc, & plistin,nni,listin) implicit none integer ni,nj,ildi,ilei,ildj,ilej integer imoi,ibondi,ibondj,iperio integer iowe,ioea,ioso,iono integer ibsw,ibnw,ibse,ibne integer ipsw,ipnw,ipse,ipne integer ninterf,ninterfc,nni integer nsdvois(ninterf,3),nsdvoisc(ninterfc,3) integer plistin(ninterfc+1),listin(nni) integer nint,nni0,ii,jj ! integer i,j,nint,nni0,ii,jj external mynode integer mynode ! determination de la position du sous-domaine dans la grille ! cela depnd de ibondi et ibondj ! liste des sous-domaines voisins et des noeuds interface ! be carefull!!! in the FETI algorithm, area number is considered ! instead of process number ! initialisation nint=0 nni0=0 plistin(1)=0 !...first, the "segment-points" if((ibondi == 2).AND.(iperio /= 1))then ! la periodicite : pas d'interface east / west si nbondi = 2 ! ET nperio != 1 elseif(iperio == 1) then ! west nint=nint+1 nsdvoisc(nint,1)=imoi do jj=1,nj+1 listin(nni0+jj)=(jj-1)*(ni+1)+1 end do nni0=nni0+nj+1 plistin(nint+1)=nni0 nsdvoisc(nint,2)=1 nsdvoisc(nint,3)=2 ! east nint=nint+1 nsdvoisc(nint,1)=imoi do jj=1,nj+1 listin(nni0+jj)=(jj-1)*(ni+1)+ilei end do nni0=nni0+nj+1 plistin(nint+1)=nni0 nsdvoisc(nint,2)=2 nsdvoisc(nint,3)=1 else ! west if(ibondi /= -1)then nint=nint+1 nsdvoisc(nint,1)=(iowe+1) do jj=1,nj+1 listin(nni0+jj)=(jj-1)*(ni+1)+1 end do nni0=nni0+nj+1 plistin(nint+1)=nni0 nsdvoisc(nint,2)=1 nsdvoisc(nint,3)=2 endif ! east if(ibondi /= 1)then nint=nint+1 nsdvoisc(nint,1)=(ioea+1) do jj=1,nj+1 listin(nni0+jj)=(jj-1)*(ni+1)+ilei end do nni0=nni0+nj+1 plistin(nint+1)=nni0 nsdvoisc(nint,2)=2 nsdvoisc(nint,3)=1 endif endif ! south if(ibondj /= -1.AND.ibondj /= 2)then nint=nint+1 nsdvoisc(nint,1)=(ioso+1) do ii=1,ni+1 listin(nni0+ii)=ii end do nni0=nni0+ni+1 plistin(nint+1)=nni0 nsdvoisc(nint,2)=3 nsdvoisc(nint,3)=4 endif ! north if(ibondj /= 1.AND.ibondj /= 2)then nint=nint+1 nsdvoisc(nint,1)=(iono+1) do ii=1,ni+1 listin(nni0+ii)=(ilej-1)*(ni+1)+ii end do nni0=nni0+ni+1 plistin(nint+1)=nni0 nsdvoisc(nint,2)=4 nsdvoisc(nint,3)=3 endif !...second, the "corner-points" !...determination of the neighboorings, they depends on iperio ! boundary condition => local description : inimpp or inimpp2... ! la periodicite : pas de coin si nbondi = 2 ! ET nperio != 1 !!!!!!!!!verifier la definition des voisins-coin ! north-west if(ibnw == 1)then nint=nint+1 nsdvoisc(nint,1)=(ipnw+1) listin(nni0+1)=(ilej-1)*(ni+1)+1 nni0=nni0+1 plistin(nint+1)=nni0 nsdvoisc(nint,2)=5 nsdvoisc(nint,3)=8 endif ! north-east if(ibne == 1)then nint=nint+1 nsdvoisc(nint,1)=(ipne+1) listin(nni0+1)=(ilej-1)*(ni+1)+ilei nni0=nni0+1 plistin(nint+1)=nni0 nsdvoisc(nint,2)=6 nsdvoisc(nint,3)=7 endif ! south-west if(ibsw == 1)then nint=nint+1 nsdvoisc(nint,1)=(ipsw+1) listin(nni0+1)=1 nni0=nni0+1 plistin(nint+1)=nni0 nsdvoisc(nint,2)=7 nsdvoisc(nint,3)=6 endif ! south-east if(ibse == 1)then nint=nint+1 nsdvoisc(nint,1)=(ipse+1) listin(nni0+1)=ilei nni0=nni0+1 plistin(nint+1)=nni0 nsdvoisc(nint,2)=8 nsdvoisc(nint,3)=5 endif ! compte les coins do ii=1,ninterf nsdvois(ii,1) = nsdvoisc(ii,1) nsdvois(ii,2) = nsdvoisc(ii,2) nsdvois(ii,3) = nsdvoisc(ii,3) enddo ! impressions ! write(*,*)' sous-domaine :',imoi ! write(*,*)' nombre de sous-domaines voisins :',ninterfc ! do ii=1,ninterfc ! write(*,*)' sous-domaine voisin :',nsdvoisc(ii,1) ! write(*,*)' nombre de noeuds interface :', & ! plistin(ii+1)-plistin(ii) ! write(*,*)' noeuds interface :',(listin(jj),jj=plistin(ii)+1, & ! plistin(ii+1)) ! end do return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_subdir(ni,nj,noeuds,ndir,mgcnum) implicit none integer ni,nj,noeuds,ndir integer mgcnum(ni+1,nj+1) integer i,j ! integer i,j,k ! determination de la position du sous-domaine dans la grille ! narea = (j-1)*iglo + i , avec 1<=i<=iglo et 1<=j<=jglo ! 1. NUMBER THE GRID-POINTS USING BMASK ! ------------------------------------- ndir=0 do j=1,nj+1 do i=1,ni+1 ndir=ndir+1-mgcnum(i,j) ! do k=1,noeuds ! ndir=ndir+1-mgcnum(k,1) enddo enddo return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_listdir(ni,nj,logdir,ndir,lisdir) implicit none integer ni,nj,ndir integer logdir(ni,nj),lisdir(ndir) integer i0,ji,jj ! creation de la liste des degres de liberte bloques i0=0 do ji=1,ni do jj=1,nj if(logdir(ji,jj) == 0) then i0=i0+1 lisdir(i0)=ji+(jj-1)*ni endif end do end do if(i0 /= ndir) then ! write(*,*)' nombre de ddl bloques/prevus :',i0,ndir ! write(*,*)'liste des ddl Dirichlet :',(lisdir(ji),ji=1,ndir) stop endif return end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_blodir(n,x,ndlblo,list) implicit none integer n,ndlblo integer list(ndlblo) REAL(kind=8) x(n) integer i ! remise a zero des ddl bloques do i=1,ndlblo x(list(i))=0.e0 end do return end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_numblo(ndlblo,lisblo) implicit none external mynode !! integer mynode,indlblog,iibidon integer mynode integer ndlblo integer lisblo(ndlblo) !! integer n ! indlblog=-ndlblo ! call mpp_min(indlblog,1,iibidon) ! indlblog=-indlblog ! if(mynode() == 0)THEN ! write(0,*)' nombre de degres de liberte flottants :',ndlblo ! write(0,*)' liste :',(lisblo(n),n=1,ndlblo) ! endif return end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_blomat(ni,nj,a,ndlblo,lisblo) implicit none integer ni,nj REAL(kind=8) a(ni,nj,5) integer ndlblo integer lisblo(ndlblo) !! integer i,j,k,l,n integer i,j,k,n do n=1,ndlblo ! degre de liberte bloque : lisblo(n) = (j-1)*ni + i i=mod(lisblo(n)-1,ni)+1 j=((lisblo(n)-1)/ni)+1 ! annulation des coefficients sur la ligne do k=1,5 a(i,j,k)=0.e0 end do a(i,j,3)=1.e0 ! annulation des coefficients dans les colonnes correspondantes if(i > 1) then a(i-1,j,4)=0.e0 endif if(i < ni) then a(i+1,j,2)=0.e0 endif if(j > 1) then a(i,j-1,5)=0.e0 endif if(j < nj) then a(i,j+1,1)=0.e0 endif end do return end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_blomat1(ni,nj,a,ndlblo,lisblo,nsp) implicit none integer ni,nj,ndlblo REAL(kind=8) a(ni,nj,5),nsp(ni,nj,ndlblo) integer lisblo(ndlblo) !! integer i,j,k,l,n integer i,j,n do n=1,ndlblo ! degre de liberte bloque : lisblo(n) = (j-1)*ni + i i=mod(lisblo(n)-1,ni)+1 j=((lisblo(n)-1)/ni)+1 ! annulation des coefficients dans les colonnes correspondantes if(i > 1) then nsp(i-1,j,n)=-a(i-1,j,4) endif if(i < ni) then nsp(i+1,j,n)=-a(i+1,j,2) endif if(j > 1) then nsp(i,j-1,n)=-a(i,j-1,5) endif if(j < nj) then nsp(i,j+1,n)=-a(i,j+1,1) endif end do return end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_nullsp(noeuds,ni,nj,lpblo,blo,a,ndlblo,lisblo,nsp,z) ! calcul du noyau de la matrice implicit none integer noeuds,ni,nj,lpblo,ndlblo REAL(kind=8) a(ni,nj,5) integer lisblo(ndlblo) REAL(kind=8) blo(lpblo),nsp(noeuds,ndlblo),z(noeuds) external sdot REAL(kind=8) sdot,res integer j,i ! calcul de [Aii]-1 * Aib do j=1,ndlblo call feti_resloc(noeuds,ni,nj,a,lpblo,blo,nsp(1,j),nsp(1,j),z) end do ! remise a identite du bloc diagonal correspondant aux modes bloques do i=1,ndlblo do j=1,ndlblo nsp(lisblo(i),j)=0.e0 end do nsp(lisblo(i),i)=1.e0 end do ! verifications do j=1,ndlblo call feti_proax(noeuds,ni,nj,a,nsp(1,j),z) res=sqrt(sdot(noeuds,z,1,z,1)/ & sdot(noeuds,nsp(1,j),1,nsp(1,j),1)) ! write(0,*)' residu de la colonne ',j,' du noyau :',res ! write(0,*)' vecteur colonne :' ! call prvec(noeuds,nsp(1,j)) end do return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_project(gint,pgint,nspdim,x,b,nmspdim,numit0 & ,nitmax,gvec,agvec,d,ad,add,gamm,numnes,listnes,plistin,numins & ,listin,narea,numnos,nsp,v,w,bufin,bufout,work) implicit none integer nitmax, nspdim REAL(kind=8) x(nspdim), b(nspdim) !...the Krylov optimisation used in PCG associated to the Coarse Solver ! involve to keep di & adi vectors in etesolve procedure ! the nmspdim parameter is introduced to avoid message "out of bound" ! arrising qhen the memory is checked! ! nmspdim = Max (nspdim(Ep)) <= memory management (f77 context) ! p=1,Np ! REAL(kind=8) gvec(nspdim), agvec(nspdim), ! & d(nspdim,0:nitmax-1), ad(nspdim,0:nitmax-1), ! & add(0:nitmax-1), gamm(0:nitmax-1) integer nmspdim REAL(kind=8) gvec(nspdim), agvec(nspdim), & d(nmspdim,0:nitmax-1), ad(nmspdim,0:nitmax-1), & add(0:nitmax-1), gamm(0:nitmax-1) integer numnes,numins,narea, numnos, numit0 integer listnes(numnes,3), plistin(numnes+1), listin(numins) REAL(kind=8) nsp(numnos,nspdim), v(numnos), & w(numins), gint(numins), pgint(numins) REAL(kind=8) bufin(numins), bufout(numins) REAL(kind=8) work(0:nitmax-1) call feti_proet(numnes,listnes,plistin,numins,listin,numnos, & gint,nspdim,nsp,b,v) call feti_etesolv(nspdim,x,b,nmspdim,numit0,nitmax,gvec,agvec,d,ad & ,add,gamm,numnes,listnes,plistin,numins,listin,narea,numnos & ,nsp,v,w,bufin,bufout,work) call feti_proe(numnes,listnes,plistin,numins,listin,narea,numnos, & nspdim,nsp,x,v,w,bufin,bufout) call feti_vsub(numins,gint,w,pgint) return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_etesolv(nspdim,x,b,nmspdim,numit0,nitmax,gvec & ,agvec,d,ad,add,gamm,numnes,listnes,plistin,numins,listin & ,narea,numnos,nsp,v,w,bufin,bufout,work) ! INPUTS : nspdim = dimension of null space : LOCAL ! x = initial solution ! b = right hand side ! nmspdim = Max (nspdim(Ep)) <= memory management ! p=1,Np ! numit0 = number of previous direction vectors, at most ! nitmax ! nitmax = number of maximum direction vectors for ! reconjugation ! gvec = gradient vector ! agvec = A * g ! d = direction vector ! ad = A * d ! add = dot products (Ad,d) ! gamm = GAMMA coefficients ! numnes = number of neighbouring subdomains ! listnes = list of neighbouring subdomains ! plistin = pointer of sublists of interface nodes ! numins = number of interface nodes ! listin = list of interface nodes ! narea = subdomain number ! numnos = number of nodes in the subdomain ! WORKSPACE : bufin = contributions of local fields on interface ! bufout = contributions of outer fields on interface ! work = workspace for mpp_sum calls implicit none integer nitmax, nspdim REAL(kind=8) x(nspdim), b(nspdim) !...the Krylov optimisation involve to keep di & adi vectors ! the nmspdim parameter is introduce to avoid message "out of bound" ! arrising qhen the memory is checked! ! REAL(kind=8) gvec(nspdim), agvec(nspdim), ! & d(nspdim,0:nitmax-1), ad(nspdim,0:nitmax-1), ! & rho, temp1(2), temp2(2), add(0:nitmax-1), ! & gamm(0:nitmax-1), facg0, facgn, facst, eps integer nmspdim REAL(kind=8) gvec(nmspdim), agvec(nmspdim), & d(nspdim,0:nitmax-1), ad(nspdim,0:nitmax-1), & rho, temp1(2), temp2(2), add(0:nitmax-1), & gamm(0:nitmax-1), facg0, facgn, facst, eps integer numnes,numins,narea, numnos integer listnes(numnes,3), plistin(numnes+1), listin(numins) REAL(kind=8) nsp(numnos,nspdim), v(numnos), w(numins) REAL(kind=8) bufin(numins), bufout(numins) REAL(kind=8) work(0:nitmax-1) integer i, j, n, numit0, nn, n1, numit1 external sdot REAL(kind=8) sdot ! initialisation do 1 i=1,nspdim x(i) = 0.e0 gvec(i) = -b(i) 1 continue facg0 = sdot( nspdim, gvec, 1, gvec , 1) call mpp_sum(facg0,1,work) if( facg0 == 0.e0 ) return eps=1.e-24 facst=facg0*eps ! initial projection if(numit0 > 0) then do 91 j = 0 , numit0 gamm(j) = - sdot(nspdim,gvec,1,d(1,j),1) / add(j) 91 continue call mpp_sum(gamm,numit0+1,work) call feti_mxvadd( nspdim, numit0+1, d, gamm, x ) call feti_mxvadd( nspdim, numit0+1, ad, gamm, gvec ) ! test residual after initial projection facgn = sdot( nspdim, gvec, 1, gvec, 1 ) call mpp_sum(facgn,1,work) if( facgn <= facst ) then ! write(0,*) 'residual after initial projection for feti_etesolv=' & ! ,facgn/facg0 return endif endif ! compute (Et E) * gvec call feti_proe(numnes,listnes,plistin,numins,listin,narea,numnos, & nspdim,nsp,gvec,v,w,bufin,bufout) call feti_proet(numnes,listnes,plistin,numins,listin,numnos,w, & nspdim,nsp,agvec,v) ! conjugate d . if(numit0 > 0) then numit1=min0(numit0+1,nitmax-1) do 94 i=0,numit0 gamm(i) = -sdot(nspdim,gvec,1,ad(1,i),1)/ add(i) 94 continue call mpp_sum(gamm,numit0+1,work) call feti_osaxpy( nspdim,gamm(numit0),d(1,numit0), & gvec,d(1,numit1)) call feti_osaxpy( nspdim,gamm(numit0),ad(1,numit0), & agvec,ad(1,numit1)) call feti_mxvadd( nspdim, numit1-1, d, gamm, d(1,numit1) ) call feti_mxvadd( nspdim, numit1-1, ad, gamm, ad(1,numit1) ) else numit1=0 do 20 i = 1, nspdim d(i,numit1) = gvec(i) 20 continue do 30 i = 1, nspdim ad(i,numit1) = agvec(i) 30 continue endif ! computing rho do 50 nn = numit1, nitmax n=min0(nn,nitmax-1) temp1(1) = sdot( nspdim, gvec, 1, d(1,n), 1 ) temp1(2) = sdot( nspdim, ad(1,n), 1, d(1,n), 1 ) call mpp_sum(temp1,2,temp2) add(n) = temp1(2) rho = - temp1(1) / add(n) call feti_osaxpy( nspdim, rho, d(1,n), x, x ) call feti_osaxpy( nspdim, rho, ad(1,n), gvec, gvec ) ! test residual . facgn = sdot( nspdim, gvec, 1, gvec, 1 ) call mpp_sum(facgn,1,work) ! write(0,*) 'iteration =', nn+1, 'residual = ', facgn/facg0 if( facgn <= facst ) then goto 999 endif ! reconjugation of gvec do 60 i=0,n gamm(i) = -sdot(nspdim,gvec,1,ad(1,i),1)/ add(i) 60 continue call mpp_sum(gamm,n+1,work) n1=min0(nn+1,nitmax-1) call feti_osaxpy( nspdim,gamm(n),d(1,n),gvec,d(1,n1)) call feti_mxvadd( nspdim, n1-1, d, gamm, d(1,n1) ) ! compute (Et E) * d call feti_proe(numnes,listnes,plistin,numins,listin,narea, & numnos,nspdim,nsp,d(1,n1),v,w,bufin,bufout) call feti_proet(numnes,listnes,plistin,numins,listin,numnos,w, & nspdim,nsp,ad(1,n1),v) 50 continue if(narea == 1) then write(0,*) 'No convergence for ete in ',nitmax,' iterations' stop endif 999 continue numit0=min0(n,nitmax-1) ! write(0,*) 'number of iterations for ete :', nn+1, ' , residual =', facgn return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_osaxpy( n, a, x, y, z ) implicit none integer n REAL(kind=8) a, x(n), y(n), z(n) integer i do 10 i = 1, n z(i) = y(i) + a * x(i) 10 continue return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_proe(numnes,listnes,plistin,numins,listin,narea, & numnos,nspdim,nsp,alpha,v,w,bufin, & bufout) ! jump of a velocity field on the interfaces, in the case where ! subdomain number i is allocated to processor number i-1 . ! the velocity field is Nsp * alpha, where Nsp is the nullspace . ! INPUTS : numnes = number of neighbouring subdomains ! listnes = list of neighbouring subdomains ! plistin = pointer of sublists of interface nodes ! numins = number of interface nodes ! listin = list of interface nodes ! narea = subdomain number ! numnos = number of nodes in the subdomain ! nspdim = dimension of the null space ! nsp = null space ! alpha = components of the velocity field in the null ! space ! v = corresponding velocity field ! OUTPUTS : w = jump on the interface ! WORKSPACE : bufin = contributions of local field on interface ! bufout = contributions of outer fields on interface ! work implicit none integer numnes,numins,numnos,narea,nspdim integer listnes(numnes,3), plistin(numnes+1), listin(numins) REAL(kind=8) v(numnos),w(numins) REAL(kind=8) bufin(numins),bufout(numins) REAL(kind=8) alpha(nspdim), nsp(numnos,nspdim) integer i ! computing the values of the local velocity field do i=1,numnos v(i)=0.e0 end do call feti_mxvadd( numnos, nspdim, nsp, alpha, v ) ! computing the jump on the interface call feti_saut(numnes,listnes,plistin,numins,listin, & numnos,v,w,bufin,bufout) !! narea,numnos,v,w,bufin,bufout) return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_proet(numnes,listnes,plistin,numins,listin, & numnos,w,nspdim,nsp,alpha,v) ! projection in the null space of the right-hand-side associated with ! a Lagrange multiplier w . ! INPUTS : numins = number of interface nodes ! listin = list of interface nodes ! numnos = number of nodes in the subdomain ! w = Lagrange multiplier ! nspdim = dimension of the null space ! nsp = null space ! OUTPUTS : v = local right-hand-side ! alpha = projection of v in the null space implicit none external sdot REAL(kind=8) sdot integer numins,numnos,nspdim,numnes integer listnes(numnes,3),plistin(numnes+1),listin(numins) REAL(kind=8) v(numnos),w(numins) REAL(kind=8) alpha(nspdim), nsp(numnos,nspdim) integer i ! assembling the values of the Lagrange multiplier on the interface call feti_probit(numnes,listnes,plistin,numins,listin,numnos,w,v) ! computing the projection of v in the null space . do 1 i=1,nspdim alpha(i)=sdot(numnos,v,1,nsp(1,i),1) 1 continue return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_consrhs( vdim,nspdim,rhs,nsp,cb ) implicit none external sdot REAL(kind=8) sdot integer vdim, nspdim REAL(kind=8) rhs(vdim), nsp(vdim,nspdim), cb(nspdim) integer i ! compute the right hand side for constraint do i=1,nspdim cb(i)=-sdot(vdim,rhs,1,nsp(1,i),1) end do return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_dualschur(noeuds,ni,nj,a,lpblo,blo, & ninterf,ninterfc,nni,nnic, & ndvois,ndvoisc,plistin,listin, & poids,u,v,f,bitw,utilu, & lambda,g,pg,mg,nitmax,nmaxd,j0,wj,dwj,dwwj, & gamm,work,bufin,bufout,narea,epsilo,ndlblo, & lisblo,ndkerep, & xnul,ynul,numit0ete,nitmaxete,eteg, & eteag,eted,etead,eteadd,etegamm,nsp,etev, & etew,nnih,plistih,gh,w,dw, & residu,indic,jn) implicit none ! nombre de ddl par noeuds, nombre de noeuds interne et interface integer noeuds,ni,nj,nni,nnic ! integer jpj,jpi ! numero du sous-domaine = numero de processeur + 1 integer narea ! tableaux descripteurs de la matrice locale REAL(kind=8) a(ni,nj,5) ! tableaux descripteurs de l'inverse de la matrice du probleme local integer lpblo REAL(kind=8) blo(lpblo) ! tableaux descripteurs de l'interface integer ninterf,ninterfc integer ndvois(ninterf,3),ndvoisc(ninterfc,3) integer plistin(ninterfc+1),listin(nnic) ! tableaux descripteurs de l'interface ajoutes pour nperio == 1 REAL(kind=8) poids(noeuds) ! utilitaires pour les assemblages aux interfaces REAL(kind=8) bufin(nnic),bufout(nnic) ! vecteurs locaux REAL(kind=8) u(noeuds),v(noeuds),f(noeuds) REAL(kind=8) bitw(noeuds),utilu(noeuds) ! vecteurs inconnues aux interfaces ! mg est le gradient preconditionne : M = sum(Bi Ai Bit) REAL(kind=8) lambda(nni),g(nni),pg(nni),mg(nni) ! tableaux servant a gerer le stockage de la moitie des coefficients ! des tableaux des directions de descente sur chaque interface integer nnih integer plistih(ninterf+1) REAL(kind=8) gh(nnih) ! tableaux des directions de descente ! on appelle D la matrice condensee a l'interface : sum(Bi [Ai]-1 Bit) ! j0 est le nombre de vecteurs D orthogonaux deja stockes ! j0 est egal au plus a nmaxd-1 ! lorsque le nomtre total d'iterations atteint nmaxd, seule la derniere ! direction calculee est stockee dans la colonne numero nmaxd integer nitmax,nmaxd,j0 REAL(kind=8) wj(nnih,nmaxd),dwj(nnih,nmaxd),dwwj(nmaxd) REAL(kind=8) w(nni),dw(nni) ! utilitaires pour les calculs de produits scalaires globaux REAL(kind=8) work(nmaxd),gamm(nmaxd) ! tableaux descripteurs du noyau de la matrice locale et tableaux ! servant a la projection sur le noyau !...ndlblo is the dimension of the local nullspace .=<. the size of the ! memory of the superstructure associated to the nullspace : ndkerep ! indeed ndkerep = Max ndlblo = Max dim(Ker(Ep)) ! p=1,Np ! ndkerep is introduced to avoid messages "out of bounds" when memory ! is checked integer ndkerep integer ndlblo,numit0ete,nitmaxete integer lisblo(ndlblo) REAL(kind=8) xnul(ndlblo),ynul(ndlblo),eteg(ndlblo),eteag(ndlblo) !...the Krylov optimisation used in PCG associated to the Coarse Solver ! involve to keep di & adi vectors in etesolve procedure ! the ndkerep parameter is introduced to avoid message "out of bound" ! arrising when the memory is checked! ! ndkerep = Max (ndlblo(Ep)) <= memory management (f77 context) ! p=1,Np ! REAL(kind=8) eted(ndlblo,nitmaxete),etead(ndlblo,nitmaxete) REAL(kind=8) eted(ndkerep,nitmaxete),etead(ndkerep,nitmaxete) REAL(kind=8) eteadd(nitmaxete),etegamm(nitmaxete) REAL(kind=8) etev(noeuds),etew(nni),nsp(noeuds,ndlblo) ! indicateur de convergence integer indic REAL(kind=8) residu integer jn ! utilitaires !! integer j,k,j1,ji,jj,jk integer j,k,j1 REAL(kind=8) scal(2),ff,roj,epsilo,epsilo2 ! fonctions externes external sdot REAL(kind=8) sdot ! booleen pour caracterisation ! numerique si llconv=1 integer llconv llconv=0 !...critere d'arret epsilo2 = epsilo **2 => evite sqrt epsilo2 = epsilo * epsilo ! calcul du carre scalaire du second membre global call feti_assemb(ninterfc,ndvoisc,plistin,nnic,listin,narea,noeuds & ,f,utilu,bufin,bufout) ff=sdot(noeuds,utilu,1,utilu,1) call mpp_sum(ff,1,work) ! write(90,*)'valeur du carre du second membre ds le Schur Dual :',ff ! calcul du second membre contraint call feti_consrhs(noeuds,ndlblo,f,nsp,ynul) ! calcul de lambda0 satisfaisant la contrainte ! call feti_vclr(nni,lambda) call feti_etesolv(ndlblo,xnul,ynul,ndkerep,numit0ete,nitmaxete & ,eteg,eteag,eted,etead,eteadd,etegamm,ninterf,ndvois,plistin & ,nni,listin,narea,noeuds,nsp,etev,etew,bufin,bufout,work) call feti_proe(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin,narea,noeuds, & ndlblo,nsp,xnul,etev,lambda,bufin,bufout) ! calcul du nouveau second membre call feti_probit(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin,noeuds,lambda,bitw) call feti_vadd(noeuds,bitw,f,bitw) ! calcul du champ local initial u0 ! call feti_blodir(noeuds,bitw,ndlblo,lisblo) call feti_resloc(noeuds,ni,nj,a,lpblo,blo,bitw,u,utilu) ! calcul du gradient initial g0 = feti_saut(u0) !! call feti_saut(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin,narea,noeuds,u,g & call feti_saut(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin, noeuds,u,g & ,bufin,bufout) ! reinitialisation de lambdaj0 par reconjugaison call feti_restri(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,plistih,nnih,narea,g, gh) do k=1,j0 gamm(k)=sdot(nnih,gh,1,wj(1,k),1) end do if(j0 >= 1) call mpp_sum(gamm,j0,work) do k=1,j0 gamm(k)=-gamm(k)/dwwj(k) end do call feti_restri(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,plistih,nnih,narea, lambda,gh) call feti_mxvadd(nnih,j0,wj,gamm,gh) call feti_extend(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,plistih,nnih,narea,gh, lambda) ! calcul du second membre associe a lambdaj0 if(j0 > 0) then call feti_probit(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin,noeuds, lambda,bitw) call feti_vadd(noeuds,bitw,f,bitw) ! calcul du champ local associe uj0 ! call feti_blodir(noeuds,bitw,ndlblo,lisblo) call feti_resloc(noeuds,ni,nj,a,lpblo,blo,bitw,u,utilu) ! calcul du gradient initial gj0= feti_saut(uj0) !! call feti_saut(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin,narea,noeuds & call feti_saut(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin, noeuds & ,u,g,bufin,bufout) endif ! calcul du gradient projete ! call feti_vmov(nni,g,pg) call feti_project(g,pg,ndlblo,xnul,ynul,ndkerep,numit0ete & ,nitmaxete,eteg,eteag,eted,etead,eteadd,etegamm,ninterf,ndvois & ,plistin,nni,listin,narea,noeuds,nsp,etev,etew,bufin,bufout,work) ! calcul du gradient preconditionne ! call feti_vmov(nni,pg,mg) call feti_probit(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin,noeuds, pg,bitw) call feti_proax(noeuds,ni,nj,a,bitw,v) !! call feti_saut(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin,narea,noeuds,v, mg,bufin,bufout) call feti_saut(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin, noeuds,v, mg,bufin,bufout) ! verification du residu initial residu=sdot(nni,mg,1,mg,1) call mpp_sum(residu,1,work) residu = (4. * residu) / ff if(residu <= epsilo2)then ! residu=10.*sqrt(residu/ff) ! if(residu < epsilo)then if(llconv == 1)then if(narea == 1)then write(0,*)' residu carre approche initial :',residu endif endif ! calcul du champ global moyenne aux interfaces et du residu global call feti_vsub(noeuds,u,etev,utilu) call feti_moyen(ninterfc,ndvoisc,plistin,nnic,listin,narea, & noeuds,poids,utilu,utilu,bufin,bufout) call feti_vmov(noeuds,utilu,u) call feti_proax(noeuds,ni,nj,a,utilu,v) call feti_vsub(noeuds,v,f,v) call feti_assemb(ninterfc,ndvoisc,plistin,nnic,listin,narea, & noeuds,v,utilu,bufin,bufout) residu=sdot(noeuds,utilu,1,utilu,1) call mpp_sum(residu,1,work) residu=sqrt(residu/ff) ! residu=residu/ff if(llconv == 1)then if(narea == 1)then write(0,*)' residu exact initial :',residu endif endif 101 format(10d9.2) return endif ! calcul de la premiere direction de descente ! calcul du gradient preconditionne projete call feti_project(mg,mg,ndlblo,xnul,ynul,ndkerep,numit0ete & ,nitmaxete,eteg,eteag,eted,etead,eteadd,etegamm,ninterf,ndvois & ,plistin,nni,listin,narea,noeuds,nsp,etev,etew,bufin,bufout ,work) call feti_restri(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,plistih,nnih,narea, & mg,wj(1,j0+1)) do k=1,j0 gamm(k)=sdot(nnih,wj(1,j0+1),1,dwj(1,k),1) end do if(j0 >= 1) call mpp_sum(gamm,j0,work) do k=1,j0 gamm(k)=-gamm(k)/dwwj(k) end do call feti_mxvadd(nnih,j0,wj,gamm,wj(1,j0+1)) ! iterations de gradient conjugue a l'interface !debug do j=j0+1,j0+nitmax if(llconv == 1.and.narea == 1) write(0,*)'etape numero',j-j0 ! j1 est le numero de colonne de la derniere direction de descente ! j1 = j, numero d'iteration total, tant que j < nmaxd ! au-dela, j1 = nmaxd j1=min0(j,nmaxd) ! calcul de Dwi , D = sum ( Bi [Ai]-1 tBi ) call feti_extend(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,plistih,nnih,narea, wj(1,j1),w) call feti_probit(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin,noeuds, w,bitw) ! call feti_blodir(noeuds,bitw,ndlblo,lisblo) call feti_resloc(noeuds,ni,nj,a,lpblo,blo,bitw,v,utilu) !! call feti_saut(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin,narea,noeuds,v & call feti_saut(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin, noeuds,v & ,dw,bufin,bufout) call feti_restri(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,plistih,nnih,narea, dw,dwj(1,j1)) ! calcul du coefficient de descente call feti_restri(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,plistih,nnih,narea, g,gh) scal(1)=sdot(nnih,gh,1,wj(1,j1),1) scal(2)=sdot(nnih,dwj(1,j1),1,wj(1,j1),1) call mpp_sum(scal,2,work) roj=-scal(1)/scal(2) dwwj(j1)=scal(2) ! remise a jour de lambda, g et u call saxpy(nni,roj,w,1,lambda,1) call saxpy(nni,roj,dw,1,g,1) call saxpy(noeuds,roj,v,1,u,1) ! calcul du gradient projete ! call feti_vmov(nni,g,pg) call feti_project(g,pg,ndlblo,xnul,ynul,ndkerep,numit0ete & ,nitmaxete,eteg,eteag,eted,etead,eteadd,etegamm,ninterf & ,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin,narea,noeuds,nsp,etev,etew,bufin & ,bufout,work) ! calcul du gradient preconditionne Mg , M = sum ( Bi Ai tBi ) ! call feti_vmov(nni,pg,mg) call feti_probit(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin,noeuds, pg,bitw) call feti_proax(noeuds,ni,nj,a,bitw,v) !! call feti_saut(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin,narea,noeuds,v & call feti_saut(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin, noeuds,v & ,mg,bufin,bufout) ! verification du residu global approche residu=sdot(nni,mg,1,mg,1) call mpp_sum(residu,1,work) ! residu=10.*sqrt(residu/ff) residu = (4. * residu) / ff if(llconv == 1.and.narea == 1)then write(0,*)' residu carre global approche apres ', & j-j0,' iterations :',residu endif ! if(residu < epsilo) then if(residu <= epsilo2)then if(llconv == 1.and.narea == 1)then write(0,*)'residu carre global approche apres ', & j-j0,' iterations :',residu endif ! calcul du champ global moyenne aux interfaces et du residu global call feti_vsub(noeuds,u,etev,utilu) call feti_moyen(ninterfc,ndvoisc,plistin,nnic,listin,narea, & noeuds,poids,utilu,utilu,bufin,bufout) call feti_vmov(noeuds,utilu,u) call feti_proax(noeuds,ni,nj,a,utilu,v) call feti_vsub(noeuds,v,f,v) call feti_assemb(ninterfc,ndvoisc,plistin,nnic,listin,narea, & noeuds,v,utilu,bufin,bufout) residu=sdot(noeuds,utilu,1,utilu,1) call mpp_sum(residu,1,work) ! residu=residu/ff residu=sqrt(residu/ff) if(llconv == 1.and.narea == 1)then write(0,*)' residu global exact apres ', & j-j0,' iterations :',residu endif jn = j - j0 j0=min0(j,nmaxd-1) if(llconv == 1.and.narea == 1)then write(0,*)' nombre de directions orthogonales conservees :',j0 endif return endif !################################################################## ! calcul du champ global moyenne aux interfaces et du residu global call feti_vsub(noeuds,u,etev,utilu) call feti_moyen(ninterfc,ndvoisc,plistin,nnic,listin,narea, & noeuds,poids,utilu,utilu,bufin,bufout) call feti_proax(noeuds,ni,nj,a,utilu,v) call feti_vsub(noeuds,v,f,v) call feti_assemb(ninterfc,ndvoisc,plistin,nnic,listin,narea, & noeuds,v,utilu,bufin,bufout) residu=sdot(noeuds,utilu,1,utilu,1) call mpp_sum(residu,1,work) ! residu=sqrt(residu/ff) residu=residu/ff if(llconv == 1.and.narea == 1)then write(0,*)' residu carre global exact apres ', & j-j0,' iterations :',residu endif !##################################################################### ! calcul de la nouvelle direction de descente par reconjugaison ! calcul du gradient preconditionne projete call feti_project(mg,mg,ndlblo,xnul,ynul,ndkerep,numit0ete & ,nitmaxete,eteg,eteag,eted,etead,eteadd,etegamm,ninterf & ,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin,narea,noeuds,nsp,etev,etew,bufin & ,bufout,work) call feti_restri(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,plistih,nnih,narea, mg,gh) do k=1,j1 gamm(k)=sdot(nnih,gh,1,dwj(1,k),1) end do call mpp_sum(gamm,j1,work) do k=1,j1 gamm(k)=-gamm(k)/dwwj(k) end do call feti_mxvadd(nnih,j1,wj,gamm,gh) j1=min0(j1+1,nmaxd) !%%%%%%%%%%stabilisation numerique %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% call feti_extend(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,plistih,nnih,narea, gh,w) call feti_project(w,w,ndlblo,xnul,ynul,ndkerep,numit0ete & ,nitmaxete,eteg,eteag,eted,etead,eteadd,etegamm,ninterf & ,ndvois,plistin,nni,listin,narea,noeuds,nsp,etev,etew,bufin & ,bufout,work) call feti_restri(ninterf,ndvois,plistin,nni,plistih,nnih,narea, w,gh) !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% call feti_vmov(nnih,gh,wj(1,j1)) end do residu = sqrt(residu) if(narea == 1) then write(0,*)' residu global approche apres ',nitmax, & ' iterations :',residu endif indic=-2 return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_extend(numnes,listnes, & plistin,numins,plistih, & numinh,narea,wh,w) ! reassembling an half interface field ! INPUTS : numnes = number of neighbouring subdomains ! listnes = list of neighbouring subdomains ! lint = list of inner interfaces ! lext = list of extern ibnterfaces ! plistin = pointer of sublists of interface nodes ! plistih = pointer of half-sublists of interface nodes ! numins = number of interface nodes ! numinh = half number of interface nodes ! narea = subdomain number ! wh = half interface vector ! OUTPUTS : w = complete interface vector ! WORKSPACE : work implicit none ! external irecv !! integer irecv, work(100) integer numnes,numins,numinh,narea integer listnes(numnes,3), plistin(numnes+1), plistih(numnes+1) REAL(kind=8) wh(numinh),w(numins) integer i,l,lin,lout integer mesg mesg=128*10 ! if subdomains i < j are neighbours, subdomain i manage the first ! half of the interface, and subdomain j the remaining part ! receiving the values of the outer fields on the interface ! sending the values of the inner field on the interface do i=1,numnes l=(plistin(i+1)-plistin(i)) ! if(narea < listnes(i)) then if(listnes(i,3) < listnes(i,2))then lout=(l-(l/2)) lin=(l/2) ! work(i)=irecv(mesg+listnes(i)-1,w(plistin(i)+(l/2)+1), lout*8) ! call mppsend(mesg+narea-1,wh(plistih(i)+1),lin*8,listnes(i) -1,0) call mppsend(mesg+listnes(i,3)-1,wh(plistih(i)+1),lin*8, listnes(i,1)-1,0) call feti_vmov(lin,wh(plistih(i)+1),w(plistin(i)+1)) else lout=(l/2) lin=(l-(l/2)) ! work(i)=irecv(mesg+listnes(i)-1,w(plistin(i)+1),lout*8) ! call mppsend(mesg+narea-1,wh(plistih(i)+1),lin*8,listnes(i)-1,0) call mppsend(mesg+listnes(i,3)-1,wh(plistih(i)+1),lin*8, listnes(i,1)-1,0) call feti_vmov(lin,wh(plistih(i)+1),w(plistin(i)+(l/2)+1)) endif enddo ! waiting for the completion on each interface do i=1,numnes l=(plistin(i+1)-plistin(i)) ! if(narea < listnes(i)) then if(listnes(i,3) < listnes(i,2))then lout=(l-(l/2)) ! call mpprecv(mesg+listnes(i)-1,w(plistin(i)+(l/2)+1), lout*8) call mpprecv(mesg+listnes(i,2)-1,w(plistin(i)+(l/2)+1), lout*8) call feti_vneg(lout,w(plistin(i)+(l/2)+1), & w(plistin(i)+(l/2)+1)) else lout=(l/2) ! call mpprecv(mesg+listnes(i)-1,w(plistin(i)+1),lout*8) call mpprecv(mesg+listnes(i,2)-1,w(plistin(i)+1),lout*8) call feti_vneg(lout,w(plistin(i)+1),w(plistin(i)+1)) endif end do return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_restri(numnes,listnes,plistin,numins,plistih, & numinh,narea,w,wh) ! restriction of an interface field to one half on each interface ! INPUTS : numnes = number of neighbouring subdomains ! listnes = list of neighbouring subdomains ! plistin = pointer of sublists of interface nodes ! plistih = pointer of half-sublists of interface nodes ! numins = number of interface nodes ! numinh = half number of interface nodes ! narea = subdomain number ! w = complete interface vector ! OUTPUTS : wh = half interface vector ! WORKSPACE : work implicit none integer numnes,numins,numinh,narea integer listnes(numnes,3), plistin(numnes+1), plistih(numnes+1) REAL(kind=8) wh(numinh),w(numins) integer i,l,lin ! if subdomains i < j are neighbours, subdomain i manage the first ! half of the interface, and subdomain j the remaining part do i=1,numnes l=(plistin(i+1)-plistin(i)) ! if(narea < listnes(i)) then if(listnes(i,3) < listnes(i,2))then lin=(l/2) call feti_vmov(lin,w(plistin(i)+1),wh(plistih(i)+1)) else lin=(l-(l/2)) call feti_vmov(lin,w(plistin(i)+(l/2)+1),wh(plistih(i)+1)) endif end do return end !**********************************************************************c !! subroutine feti_halfint(numnes,listnes,plistin,numins,plistih & !! ,numinh,narea) subroutine feti_halfint(numnes,listnes,plistin, plistih & ,numinh ) ! construction of the pointer of the restriction of an interface ! field to one half on each interface ! INPUTS : numnes = number of neighbouring subdomains ! listnes = list of neighbouring subdomains ! plistin = pointer of sublists of interface nodes ! numins = number of interface nodes ! narea = subdomain number ! OUTPUTS : numinh = half number of interface nodes ! plistih = pointer of half-sublists of interface nodes ! WORKSPACE : work implicit none !! integer numnes,numins,numinh,narea integer numnes, numinh integer listnes(numnes,3), plistin(numnes+1), plistih(numnes+1) integer i,l ! if subdomains i < j are neighbours, subdomain i manage the first ! half of the interface, and subdomain j the remaining part plistih(1)=0 numinh=0 do i=1,numnes l=(plistin(i+1)-plistin(i)) ! if(narea < listnes(i,1)) then if(listnes(i,3) < listnes(i,2)) then ! write(*,*)'je gere interface avec : ',listnes(i,1) plistih(i+1)=plistih(i)+(l/2) else ! write(*,*)'il gere interface avec : ',listnes(i,1) plistih(i+1)=plistih(i)+(l-(l/2)) endif end do numinh=plistih(numnes+1) return end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_front(n,ni,nj,a,lcmat,cmat,d,v,w,ndlblo,lisblo & ,nmdlblo) implicit REAL(kind=8) (a-h,o-z) dimension a(n,5) ! routine de calcul de la decomposition frontale par blocs de ! la matrice pentadiagonale a . ! cmat contient les termes des blocs diagonaux factorises . dimension cmat(lcmat),d(n) !...ndlblo nombre de liberte bloques = nombre de pivots nuls = dim(Ker(Ep)) !...nmdlblo = Max (ndlblo(Ep)) <= superstructure management in f77 context ! p=1,Np integer ndlblo,nmdlblo integer lisblo(nmdlblo) ! d ne contient pas, en sortie, l'inverse de la diagonale de Crout . ! v est un tableau servant a stocker la partie triangulaire inferieure ! stricte d'un bloc diagonal , et w un tableau servant a stocker un ! bloc sur-diagonal plein . ! de dimension egale a la largeur maximale d'un front . dimension v(ni,ni),w(ni) !!! ndimd=ni lbd=ndimd*ndimd ! lecture du tout premier bloc diagonal nb=1 ! adresse du bloc diagonal courant iac=1 call feti_liblod(n,ni,a,ndimd,nb,cmat(iac)) ! inversion du premier bloc diagonal . ! write(*,*)' inversion du premier bloc diagonal ' j0=0 call feti_ldlt(ndimd,cmat(iac),d(1),w,ndlblo,lisblo,nmdlblo,j0) call feti_calinv(ndimd,cmat(iac),v) ! contraction puis inversion des blocs diagonaux de la la matrice ! front par front . do 2 nb=2,nj ! write(*,*)' front numero ',nb ! adresse du bloc diagonal precedent iap=iac iac=(nb-1)*lbd+1 ! lecture du bloc sur-diagonal precedent: passage bande-vecteur call feti_liblos(n,a,ndimd,nb-1,w) ! elimination du bloc extra-diagonal . ! lecture du bloc diagonal courant: passage bande-plein call feti_liblod(n,ni,a,ndimd,nb,cmat(iac)) ! calcul du nouveau bloc diagonal courant . ! write(*,*)' calcul du nouveau bloc diagonal courant ' call feti_nbdia(ndimd,w,cmat(iap),cmat(iac)) ! inversion du nouveau bloc diagonal courant . ! write(*,*)' factorisation du nouveau bloc diagonal courant ' j0=(nb-1)*ndimd call feti_ldlt(ndimd,cmat(iac),d((nb-1)*ndimd+1),w,ndlblo, & lisblo,nmdlblo,j0) call feti_calinv(ndimd,cmat(iac),v) 2 continue return end !**********************************************************************c subroutine feti_calinv(dim,a,b) ! calcul de la partie triangulaire inferieure du bloc : ! b = [a]-1 puis recopie dans a complet . implicit none integer dim REAL(kind=8) a(dim,dim),b(dim,dim) integer i,j call feti_vclr(dim*dim,b) do j=1,dim b(j,j)=1.e0 call feti_desremo(dim,j-1,a,b(1,j),b(1,j)) end do do j=1,dim do i=j,dim a(i,j)=b(i,j) a(j,i)=b(i,j) end do end do return end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_nbdia(n,d,w,v) implicit REAL(kind=8) (a-h,o-z) dimension d(n),v(n,n),w(n,n) do 1 j=1,n do 2 i=1,n v(i,j)=v(i,j)-d(i)*w(i,j)*d(j) 2 continue 1 continue return end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_liblod(n,ni,a,ndimd,nb,db) implicit REAL(kind=8) (a-h,o-z) dimension db(ndimd,ndimd) ! tableaux descripteurs de la structure morse de la matrice . dimension a(n,5) call feti_vclr(ndimd*ndimd,db) ! do i=1,ndimd*ndimd ! db(i,1)=0.e0 !8 continue n0=(nb-1)*ndimd ! lecture de la diagonale db(i,i) . do 3 i=1,ndimd db(i,i)=a(n0+i,3) 3 continue ! lecture de la premiere sur-diagonale db(i,i+1) . do 4 i=1,ndimd-1 db(i,i+1)=a(n0+i,4) 4 continue ! lecture de la premiere sous-diagonale db(i,i-1) . do 2 i=2,ndimd db(i,i-1)=a(n0+i,2) 2 continue return end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_liblos(n,a,ndimd,nb,v) implicit REAL(kind=8) (a-h,o-z) dimension v(ndimd) ! tableaux descripteurs de la structure morse de la matrice . dimension a(n,5) n0=(nb-1)*ndimd ! lecture de la deuxieme sur-diagonale v(i) . do 5 i=1,ndimd v(i)=a(n0+i,5) 5 continue return end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_resloc(n,ni,nj,a,lcmat,cmat,y,x,z) implicit REAL(kind=8) (a-h,o-z) dimension a(n,5) ! routine de resolution utilisant la decomposition frontale par blocs ! de la matrice heptadiagonale a . ! cmat contient les termes des blocs diagonaux factorises . dimension cmat(lcmat) ! d contient l'inverse de la diagonale de Crout . dimension y(n),x(n),z(n) ! call feti_vmov(n,y,z) ndimd=ni lbd=ndimd*ndimd ! descente du systeme . do nb=1,nj-1 ! calcul du second membre condense : z(i+1)=y(i+1)- FD-1 z(i) . iacmat=(nb-1)*lbd+1 n0=(nb-1)*ndimd call feti_mxv(ndimd,ndimd,cmat(iacmat),z(n0+1),x(n0+1)) call feti_pbloi(n,ni,nj,a,x,z,nb) end do ! inversion du dernier bloc diagonal . iacmat=(nj-1)*lbd+1 n0=(nj-1)*ndimd call feti_mxv(ndimd,ndimd,cmat(iacmat),z(n0+1),x(n0+1)) ! remontee du systeme par bloc . do nb=nj-1,1,-1 ! calcul du second membre condense : z(i)=z(i)- E x(i+1) . call feti_pblos(n,ni,nj,a,x,z,nb) ! calcul de la solution pour le bloc diagonal courant . iacmat=(nb-1)*lbd+1 n0=(nb-1)*ndimd call feti_mxv(ndimd,ndimd,cmat(iacmat),z(n0+1),x(n0+1)) end do end !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_pblos(n,ni,nj,a,x,y,nb) ! calcul du produit matrice-vecteur morse : y = y - A x . ! produit par le bloc superieur numero nb . implicit REAL(kind=8) (a-h,o-z) dimension a(n,5) dimension x(n),y(n) n0=(nb-1)*ni ! produit par la deuxieme sur-diagonale a(i,i+ni) . do i=n0+1,n0+ni y(i)=y(i)-x(i+ni)*a(i,5) end do end subroutine feti_pblos !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_pbloi(n,ni,nj,a,x,y,nb) ! calcul du produit matrice-vecteur morse : y = y - A x . ! produit par le bloc inferieur numero nb . implicit REAL(kind=8) (a-h,o-z) dimension a(n,5) dimension x(n),y(n) n0=nb*ni ! produit par la deuxieme sous-diagonale a(i,i-ni) . do i=n0+1,n0+ni y(i)=y(i)-x(i-ni)*a(i,1) end do end subroutine feti_pbloi !*********************************************************************** subroutine feti_proax(n,ni,nj,a,x,y) ! calcul du produit matrice-vecteur morse par la matrice heptadiagonale ! a stockee par bandes . implicit REAL(kind=8) (a-h,o-z) dimension a(n,5) dimension x(n),y(n) ! produit par la diagonale . do i=1,n y(i)=x(i)*a(i,3) end do ! produit par la premiere sur-diagonale a(i,i+1) . do i=1,n-1 y(i)=y(i)+x(i+1)*a(i,4) end do ! produit par la deuxieme sur-diagonale a(i,i+ni) . do i=1,n-ni y(i)=y(i)+x(i+ni)*a(i,5) end do ! produit par la premiere sous-diagonale a(i,i-1) do i=2,n y(i)=y(i)+x(i-1)*a(i,2) end do ! produit par la deuxieme sous-diagonale a(i,i-ni) do i=1+ni,n y(i)=y(i)+x(i-ni)*a(i,1) end do end subroutine feti_proax #else !! no use of FETI librairy #endif !!====================================================================== END MODULE lib_feti