MODULE prtctl_trc !!============================================================================== !! *** MODULE prtctl *** !! Ocean system : print all SUM trends for each processor domain !!============================================================================== #if defined key_passivetrc USE par_trc_trp USE oce_trc ! ocean space and time domain variables USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE lib_mpp ! distributed memory computing IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE !! * Module declaration INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: & !: nlditl , nldjtl , & !: first, last indoor index for each i-domain nleitl , nlejtl , & !: first, last indoor index for each j-domain nimpptl, njmpptl, & !: i-, j-indexes for each processor nlcitl , nlcjtl , & !: dimensions of every subdomain ibonitl, ibonjtl REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & !: tra_ctl !: previous trend values !! * Routine accessibility PUBLIC prt_ctl_trc ! called by all subroutines PUBLIC prt_ctl_trc_info ! PUBLIC prt_ctl_trc_init ! called by opa.F90 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! OPA 9.0 , LOCEAN-IPSL (2005) !! $Header$ !! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see modipsl/doc/NEMO_CeCILL.txt !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE prt_ctl_trc (tab4d, mask, clinfo, ovlap, kdim, clinfo2) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE prt_ctl *** !! !! ** Purpose : - print sum control 3D arrays over the same area !! in mono and mpp case. This way can be usefull when !! debugging a new parametrization in mono or mpp. !! !! ** Method : 2 possibilities exist when setting the ln_ctl parameter to !! .true. in the ocean namelist: !! - to debug a MPI run .vs. a mono-processor one; !! the control print will be done over each sub-domain. !! The nictl[se] and njctl[se] parameters in the namelist must !! be set to zero and [ij]splt to the corresponding splitted !! domain in MPI along respectively i-, j- directions. !! - to debug a mono-processor run over the whole domain/a specific area; !! in the first case the nictl[se] and njctl[se] parameters must be set !! to zero else to the indices of the area to be controled. In both cases !! isplt and jsplt must be set to 1. !! - All arguments of the above calling sequence are optional so their !! name must be explicitly typed if used. For instance if the mask !! array tmask(:,:,:) must be passed through the prt_ctl subroutine, !! it must looks like: CALL prt_ctl(mask=tmask). !! !! tab4d : 4D array !! mask : mask (3D) to apply to the tab4d array !! clinfo : information about the tab3d array !! ovlap : overlap value !! kdim : k- direction for 4D arrays !! !! History : !! 9.0 ! 05-07 (C. Talandier) original code !! ! 05-10 (C. Ethe ) adapted to passive tracer !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: tab4d REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: mask CHARACTER (len=*), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: clinfo CHARACTER (len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: clinfo2 INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: ovlap INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: kdim !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: overlap, numid, jn, js, sind, eind, kdir REAL(wp) :: zsum, zvctl REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: zmask, ztab3d CHARACTER (len=20), DIMENSION(jptra) :: cl CHARACTER (len=10) :: cl2 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arrays, scalars initialization overlap = 0 kdir = jpkm1 zsum = 0.e0 zvctl = 0.e0 cl(:) = '' cl2 = '' ztab3d(:,:,:) = 0.e0 zmask (:,:,:) = 1.e0 ! Control of optional arguments IF( PRESENT(ovlap) ) overlap = ovlap IF( PRESENT(kdim) ) kdir = kdim IF( PRESENT(clinfo ) ) cl(:) = clinfo(:) IF( PRESENT(clinfo2) ) cl2 = clinfo2 IF( PRESENT(mask) ) zmask (:,:,:) = mask(:,:,:) IF( lk_mpp ) THEN ! processor number sind = narea eind = narea ELSE ! processors total number sind = 1 eind = ijsplt ENDIF ! Loop over each sub-domain, i.e. the total number of processors ijsplt DO js = sind, eind numid = 90 + js ! Set indices for the SUM control IF( .NOT. lsp_area ) THEN IF (lk_mpp ) THEN nictls = MAX( 1, nlditl(js) - overlap ) nictle = nleitl(js) + overlap * MIN( 1, nlcitl(js) - nleitl(js)) njctls = MAX( 1, nldjtl(js) - overlap ) njctle = nlejtl(js) + overlap * MIN( 1, nlcjtl(js) - nlejtl(js)) ! Do not take into account the bound of the domain IF( ibonitl(js) == -1 .OR. ibonitl(js) == 2 ) nictls = MAX(2, nictls) IF( ibonitl(js) == 1 .OR. ibonitl(js) == 2 ) nictle = MIN(nictle, nleitl(js) - 1) IF( ibonjtl(js) == -1 .OR. ibonjtl(js) == 2 ) njctls = MAX(2, njctls) IF( ibonjtl(js) == 1 .OR. ibonjtl(js) == 2 ) njctle = MIN(njctle, nlejtl(js) - 1) ELSE nictls = MAX( 1, nimpptl(js) + nlditl(js) - 1 - overlap ) nictle = nimpptl(js) + nleitl(js) - 1 + overlap * MIN( 1, nlcitl(js) - nleitl(js) ) njctls = MAX( 1, njmpptl(js) + nldjtl(js) - 1 - overlap ) njctle = njmpptl(js) + nlejtl(js) - 1 + overlap * MIN( 1, nlcjtl(js) - nlejtl(js) ) ! Do not take into account the bound of the domain IF( ibonitl(js) == -1 .OR. ibonitl(js) == 2 ) nictls = MAX(2, nictls) IF( ibonjtl(js) == -1 .OR. ibonjtl(js) == 2 ) njctls = MAX(2, njctls) IF( ibonitl(js) == 1 .OR. ibonitl(js) == 2 ) nictle = MIN(nictle, nimpptl(js) + nleitl(js) - 2) IF( ibonjtl(js) == 1 .OR. ibonjtl(js) == 2 ) njctle = MIN(njctle, njmpptl(js) + nlejtl(js) - 2) ENDIF ENDIF IF( PRESENT(clinfo2) ) THEN DO jn = 1, jptra zvctl = tra_ctl(jn,js) ztab3d(:,:,:) = tab4d(:,:,:,jn) zsum = SUM( ztab3d(nictls:nictle,njctls:njctle,1:kdir) & & *zmask(nictls:nictle,njctls:njctle,1:kdir) ) WRITE(numid,FMT="(3x,a,' : ',D23.16)") cl(jn), zsum-zvctl tra_ctl(jn,js) = zsum ENDDO ELSE DO jn = 1, jptra ztab3d(:,:,:) = tab4d(:,:,:,jn) zsum = SUM( ztab3d(nictls:nictle,njctls:njctle,1:kdir) & & * zmask(nictls:nictle,njctls:njctle,1:kdir) ) WRITE(numid,FMT="(3x,a,' : ',D23.16)") cl(jn), zsum END DO ENDIF ENDDO END SUBROUTINE prt_ctl_trc SUBROUTINE prt_ctl_trc_info (clinfo) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE prt_ctl_trc_info *** !! !! ** Purpose : - print information without any computation !! !! ** Action : - input arguments !! clinfo : information to print !! !! History : !! 9.0 ! 05-07 (C. Talandier) original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments CHARACTER (len=*), INTENT(in) :: clinfo !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: numid, js, sind, eind !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( lk_mpp ) THEN ! processor number sind = narea eind = narea ELSE ! total number of processors sind = 1 eind = ijsplt ENDIF ! Loop over each sub-domain, i.e. number of processors ijsplt DO js = sind, eind numid = 90 + js WRITE(numid,*)clinfo ENDDO END SUBROUTINE prt_ctl_trc_info SUBROUTINE prt_ctl_trc_init !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE prt_ctl_trc_init *** !! !! ** Purpose : open ASCII files & compute indices !! !! History : !! 9.0 ! 05-07 (C. Talandier) original code !! ! 05-10 (C. Ethe ) adapted to passive tracer !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: js, numid, sind, eind CHARACTER (len=31) :: clfile_out CHARACTER (len=27) :: clb_name CHARACTER (len=19) :: cl_run !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Allocate arrays ALLOCATE(nlditl (ijsplt)) ALLOCATE(nldjtl (ijsplt)) ALLOCATE(nleitl (ijsplt)) ALLOCATE(nlejtl (ijsplt)) ALLOCATE(nimpptl(ijsplt)) ALLOCATE(njmpptl(ijsplt)) ALLOCATE(nlcitl (ijsplt)) ALLOCATE(nlcjtl (ijsplt)) ALLOCATE(tra_ctl(jptra,ijsplt)) ALLOCATE(ibonitl(ijsplt)) ALLOCATE(ibonjtl(ijsplt)) ! Initialization tra_ctl (:,:)=0.e0 IF( lk_mpp ) THEN sind = narea eind = narea clb_name = "('',I3.3)" cl_run = 'MULTI processor run' ! use indices for each area computed by mpp_init subroutine nlditl(:) = nldit(:) nleitl(:) = nleit(:) nldjtl(:) = nldjt(:) nlejtl(:) = nlejt(:) ! nimpptl(:) = nimppt(:) njmpptl(:) = njmppt(:) ! nlcitl(:) = nlcit(:) nlcjtl(:) = nlcjt(:) ! ibonitl(:) = ibonit(:) ibonjtl(:) = ibonjt(:) ELSE sind = 1 eind = ijsplt clb_name = "('',I3.3)" cl_run = 'MONO processor run ' ! compute indices for each area as done in mpp_init subroutine CALL sub_dom ENDIF DO js = sind, eind numid = 90 + js WRITE(clfile_out,FMT=clb_name) js-1 OPEN ( UNIT=numid, FILE=TRIM(clfile_out),FORM='FORMATTED' ) WRITE(numid,*) WRITE(numid,*) ' L O D Y C - I P S L' WRITE(numid,*) ' O P A model' WRITE(numid,*) ' Ocean General Circulation Model' WRITE(numid,*) ' version OPA 9.0 (2005) ' WRITE(numid,*) WRITE(numid,*) ' PROC number: ', js WRITE(numid,*) WRITE(numid,FMT="(19x,a20)")cl_run ! Print the SUM control indices IF( .NOT. lsp_area ) THEN IF ( lk_mpp ) THEN nictls = nlditl(js) nictle = nleitl(js) njctls = nldjtl(js) njctle = nlejtl(js) ELSE nictls = nimpptl(js) + nlditl(js) - 1 nictle = nimpptl(js) + nleitl(js) - 1 njctls = njmpptl(js) + nldjtl(js) - 1 njctle = njmpptl(js) + nlejtl(js) - 1 ENDIF ENDIF WRITE(numid,*) WRITE(numid,*) 'prt_tra_ctl : Sum control indices' WRITE(numid,*) '~~~~~~~' WRITE(numid,*) WRITE(numid,9000)' nlej = ', nlejtl(js), ' ' WRITE(numid,9000)' ------------- njctle = ', njctle, ' -------------' WRITE(numid,9001)' | |' WRITE(numid,9001)' | |' WRITE(numid,9001)' | |' WRITE(numid,9002)' nictls = ', nictls, ' nictle = ', nictle WRITE(numid,9002)' nldi = ', nlditl(js), ' nlei = ', nleitl(js) WRITE(numid,9001)' | |' WRITE(numid,9001)' | |' WRITE(numid,9001)' | |' WRITE(numid,9004)' njmpp = ',njmpptl(js),' ------------- njctls = ', njctls, ' -------------' WRITE(numid,9003)' nimpp = ', nimpptl(js), ' nldj = ', nldjtl(js), ' ' WRITE(numid,*) WRITE(numid,*) 9000 FORMAT(a41,i4.4,a14) 9001 FORMAT(a59) 9002 FORMAT(a20,i4.4,a36,i3.3) 9003 FORMAT(a20,i4.4,a17,i4.4) 9004 FORMAT(a11,i4.4,a26,i4.4,a14) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE prt_ctl_trc_init SUBROUTINE sub_dom !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE sub_dom *** !! !! ** Purpose : Lay out the global domain over processors. !! CAUTION: !! This part has been extracted from the mpp_init !! subroutine and names of variables/arrays have been !! slightly changed to avoid confusion but the computation !! is exactly the same. Any modification about indices of !! each sub-domain in the mppini.F90 module should be reported !! here. !! !! ** Method : Global domain is distributed in smaller local domains. !! Periodic condition is a function of the local domain position !! (global boundary or neighbouring domain) and of the global !! periodic !! Type : jperio global periodic condition !! nperio local periodic condition !! !! ** Action : - set domain parameters !! nimpp : longitudinal index !! njmpp : latitudinal index !! nperio : lateral condition type !! narea : number for local area !! nlcil : first dimension !! nlcjl : second dimension !! nbondil : mark for "east-west local boundary" !! nbondjl : mark for "north-south local boundary" !! !! History : !! ! 94-11 (M. Guyon) Original code !! ! 95-04 (J. Escobar, M. Imbard) !! ! 98-02 (M. Guyon) FETI method !! ! 98-05 (M. Imbard, J. Escobar, L. Colombet ) SHMEM and MPI versions !! 8.5 ! 02-08 (G. Madec) F90 : free form !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Local variables INTEGER :: ji, jj, js ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: & ii, ij, & ! temporary integers irestil, irestjl, & ! " " ijpi , ijpj, nlcil, & ! temporary logical unit nlcjl , nbondil, nbondjl, & nrecil, nrecjl, nldil, nleil, nldjl, nlejl INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & iimpptl, ijmpptl, ilcitl, ilcjtl ! temporary workspace REAL(wp) :: zidom, zjdom ! temporary scalars !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Dimension arrays for subdomains ! ----------------------------------- ! Computation of local domain sizes ilcitl() ilcjtl() ! These dimensions depend on global sizes isplt,jsplt and jpiglo,jpjglo ! The subdomains are squares leeser than or equal to the global ! dimensions divided by the number of processors minus the overlap ! array (cf. par_oce.F90). ijpi = ( jpiglo-2*jpreci + (isplt-1) ) / isplt + 2*jpreci ijpj = ( jpjglo-2*jprecj + (jsplt-1) ) / jsplt + 2*jprecj ALLOCATE(ilcitl (isplt,jsplt)) ALLOCATE(ilcjtl (isplt,jsplt)) nrecil = 2 * jpreci nrecjl = 2 * jprecj irestil = MOD( jpiglo - nrecil , isplt ) irestjl = MOD( jpjglo - nrecjl , jsplt ) IF( irestil == 0 ) irestil = isplt DO jj = 1, jsplt DO ji = 1, irestil ilcitl(ji,jj) = ijpi END DO DO ji = irestil+1, isplt ilcitl(ji,jj) = ijpi -1 END DO END DO IF( irestjl == 0 ) irestjl = jsplt DO ji = 1, isplt DO jj = 1, irestjl ilcjtl(ji,jj) = ijpj END DO DO jj = irestjl+1, jsplt ilcjtl(ji,jj) = ijpj -1 END DO END DO zidom = nrecil DO ji = 1, isplt zidom = zidom + ilcitl(ji,1) - nrecil END DO zjdom = nrecjl DO jj = 1, jsplt zjdom = zjdom + ilcjtl(1,jj) - nrecjl END DO ! 2. Index arrays for subdomains ! ------------------------------- ALLOCATE(iimpptl(isplt,jsplt)) ALLOCATE(ijmpptl(isplt,jsplt)) iimpptl(:,:) = 1 ijmpptl(:,:) = 1 IF( isplt > 1 ) THEN DO jj = 1, jsplt DO ji = 2, isplt iimpptl(ji,jj) = iimpptl(ji-1,jj) + ilcitl(ji-1,jj) - nrecil END DO END DO ENDIF IF( jsplt > 1 ) THEN DO jj = 2, jsplt DO ji = 1, isplt ijmpptl(ji,jj) = ijmpptl(ji,jj-1)+ilcjtl(ji,jj-1)-nrecjl END DO END DO ENDIF ! 3. Subdomain description ! ------------------------ DO js = 1, ijsplt ii = 1 + MOD( js-1, isplt ) ij = 1 + (js-1) / isplt nimpptl(js) = iimpptl(ii,ij) njmpptl(js) = ijmpptl(ii,ij) nlcitl (js) = ilcitl (ii,ij) nlcil = nlcitl (js) nlcjtl (js) = ilcjtl (ii,ij) nlcjl = nlcjtl (js) nbondjl = -1 ! general case IF( js > isplt ) nbondjl = 0 ! first row of processor IF( js > (jsplt-1)*isplt ) nbondjl = 1 ! last row of processor IF( jsplt == 1 ) nbondjl = 2 ! one processor only in j-direction ibonjtl(js) = nbondjl nbondil = 0 ! IF( MOD( js, isplt ) == 1 ) nbondil = -1 ! IF( MOD( js, isplt ) == 0 ) nbondil = 1 ! IF( isplt == 1 ) nbondil = 2 ! one processor only in i-direction ibonitl(js) = nbondil nldil = 1 + jpreci nleil = nlcil - jpreci IF( nbondil == -1 .OR. nbondil == 2 ) nldil = 1 IF( nbondil == 1 .OR. nbondil == 2 ) nleil = nlcil nldjl = 1 + jprecj nlejl = nlcjl - jprecj IF( nbondjl == -1 .OR. nbondjl == 2 ) nldjl = 1 IF( nbondjl == 1 .OR. nbondjl == 2 ) nlejl = nlcjl nlditl(js) = nldil nleitl(js) = nleil nldjtl(js) = nldjl nlejtl(js) = nlejl END DO DEALLOCATE(iimpptl) DEALLOCATE(ijmpptl) DEALLOCATE(ilcitl) DEALLOCATE(ilcjtl) END SUBROUTINE sub_dom #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Dummy module : NO passive tracer !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif !!====================================================================== END MODULE prtctl_trc