#!/bin/sh # # AUTHOR - date # =========== # Simona Flavoni - 02/2010 - LOCEAN # # DESCRIPTION # =========== # Graphics outputs files are written in my_IDL/PS/ps_ts/. # # A global document with all plots in Postscript, PDF or HTML file can be produced. # # EXAMPLES # ======== # $ ./time_series.sh -exp1 sEXP1 -exp2 sEXP2 -ystart year1 -yend year2 -format pdf # # PROBLEMS # ======== # no batch processing possible because of SAXO interactiviy Seb is working on it ... # # TODO # ==== # portability on linux # define overriding policy # finalize ps and pdf production # usage=" Usage : ${command} -exp1 exp1 -exp2 exp2 -ystart start -yend end -format pdf exp1 is your experience name exp2 is name of experience of reference ystart is the first year from which you want to compute Time Series yend is the last year for which you want to compute Time Series example: ./time_series.sh -exp1 core2000 -exp2 core2000 -ystart 1 -yend 2000 -format pdf " # minargcount=10 if [ ${#} -lt ${minargcount} ]; then echo "Not enought arguments" echo "${usage}" exit 1 fi # while [ ! -z "${1}" ] # ++ pb bash do case ${1} in -exp1) exp1=${2} shift ;; -exp2) exp2=${2} shift ;; -ystart) start=${2} shift ;; -yend) end=${2} shift ;; -format) format=${2} shift ;; -h) echo "${usage}" exit 0 ;; *) # other choice echo "${usage}" exit 1 ;; esac shift # next flag done # # ++ check parameters set -u # # define output directory for POSTCRIPT files #++ change directory psdir=/Users/sflod/TOOLS/my_IDL/PS/CLIMATO/ts_ps #psdir=/Users/sflod/TOOLS/my_IDL/PS/INTERAN/ts_ps pdfdir=/Users/sflod/TOOLS/my_IDL/PS/CLIMATO/ts_pdf #pdfdir=/Users/sflod/TOOLS/my_IDL/PS/INTERAN/ts_pdf htmldir=/Users/sflod/TOOLS/my_IDL/HTML # test if ${psdir} already exists if [ -d ${psdir} ]; then echo "${psdir} already exist" #+++exit 1 else mkdir -p ${psdir} fi # test if ${pdfdir} already exists if [ -d ${pdfdir} ]; then echo "${psdir} already exist" #+++exit 1 else mkdir -p ${pdfdir} fi # memorize current IDL_STARTUP file memo_idl_startup=${IDL_STARTUP} # generation of IDL commands file to launch several std_plots commands rm /tmp/time_series_multi.pro 2> /dev/null cat << EOF >> /tmp/time_series_multi.pro psdir='${psdir}' std_ts,'${exp1}','${exp2}',${start},${end},/postscript exit EOF # idl_command='/Applications/itt/idl64/bin/idl' # !! only on my mac # # check if IDL available type ${idl_command} status_type=${?} if [ ${status_type} -ne 0 ] then echo "eee : idl not found" exit 1 fi # debug more /tmp/time_series_multi.pro # # launch IDL ${idl_command} /tmp/time_series_multi.pro status_idl=${?} # test if idl returns ok # echo "iii : ${status_idl}" # # restore IDL_STARTUP file IDL_STARTUP=${memo_idl_startup} export IDL_STARTUP # produce the final document case ${format} in pdf) rm ${pdfdir}/all_ts.pdf 2> /dev/null echo "psdir: ${psdir}" for file in ${psdir}/*.ps ; do echo "ps2pdf" ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 ${file} done ls ${pdfdir} mv *.pdf ${pdfdir}/. texexec --pdfarrange --result=/tmp/all_ts.pdf ${pdfdir}/*.pdf rm -rf *.aux *.log /tmp/*.log mv /tmp/all_ts.pdf ${pdfdir}/all_ts.pdf #commented because convert gives images of bad quality # convert ${psdir}/*.ps /tmp/all_ts.pdf # convert -resize 800x600 ${psdir}/${exp1}_${exp2}/ps/*.ps /tmp/all_ts.pdf ;; html) rm /tmp/time_series.html 2> /dev/null # check if convert available convert_command='/sw/bin/convert' # !! only on my mac type ${convert_command} status_type=${?} if [ ${status_type} -ne 0 ] then echo "eee : convert not found" exit 1 fi # debug for file in `ls ${psdir}/*.ps | sed -e "s/\.ps//"` ; do ${convert_command} -antialias ${file}.ps ${file}.png done # creation of a HTML file cat << EOF > /tmp/time_series.html
EOF cat /tmp/time_series.txt >> /tmp/time_series.html cat << EOF >> /tmp/time_series.html
EOF cat << EOF >> /tmp/time_series.html EOF more /tmp/time_series.html ;; *) echo " format ${format} not implemented" exit 1 ;; esac # #===================== # prepare to put images on dods # +++ to finish it #LOGIN=xxxx #Tag_Name=ORCA2_LIM2 #rsh ${LOGIN}@gaya.idris.fr exec /bin/ksh < /dev/null 2>&1 # /usr/local/bin/dods_cp ${exp1} DODS/pub/${LOGIN}/${Tag_Name}/CORE2/INTERAN/ts_pdf/${exp1} > /dev/null 2>&1 #EOF #===================== # end exit 0