MODULE mppini !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE mppini *** !! Ocean initialization : distributed memory computing initialization !!====================================================================== !! History : 6.0 ! 1994-11 (M. Guyon) Original code !! OPA 7.0 ! 1995-04 (J. Escobar, M. Imbard) !! 8.0 ! 1998-05 (M. Imbard, J. Escobar, L. Colombet ) SHMEM and MPI versions !! NEMO 1.0 ! 2004-01 (G. Madec, J.M Molines) F90 : free form , north fold jpni > 1 !! 3.4 ! 2011-10 (A. C. Coward, NOCS & J. Donners, PRACE) add mpp_init_nfdcom !! 3. ! 2013-06 (I. Epicoco, S. Mocavero, CMCC) mpp_init_nfdcom: setup avoiding MPI communication !! 4.0 ! 2016-06 (G. Madec) use domain configuration file instead of bathymetry file !! 4.0 ! 2017-06 (J.M. Molines, T. Lovato) merge of mppini and mppini_2 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! mpp_init : Lay out the global domain over processors with/without land processor elimination !! mpp_init_mask : Read global bathymetric information to facilitate land suppression !! mpp_init_ioipsl : IOIPSL initialization in mpp !! mpp_init_partition: Calculate MPP domain decomposition !! factorise : Calculate the factors of the no. of MPI processes !! mpp_init_nfdcom : Setup for north fold exchanges with explicit point-to-point messaging !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE bdy_oce ! open BounDarY ! USE lbcnfd , ONLY : isendto, nsndto, nfsloop, nfeloop ! Setup of north fold exchanges USE lib_mpp ! distribued memory computing library USE iom ! nemo I/O library USE ioipsl ! I/O IPSL library USE in_out_manager ! I/O Manager IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC mpp_init ! called by opa.F90 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2017) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS #if ! defined key_mpp_mpi !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Default option : shared memory computing !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE mpp_init !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE mpp_init *** !! !! ** Purpose : Lay out the global domain over processors. !! !! ** Method : Shared memory computing, set the local processor !! variables to the value of the global domain !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! jpimax = jpiglo jpjmax = jpjglo jpi = jpiglo jpj = jpjglo jpk = jpjglo jpim1 = jpi-1 ! inner domain indices jpjm1 = jpj-1 ! " " jpkm1 = MAX( 1, jpk-1 ) ! " " jpij = jpi*jpj jpni = 1 jpnj = 1 jpnij = jpni*jpnj nimpp = 1 ! njmpp = 1 nlci = jpi nlcj = jpj nldi = 1 nldj = 1 nlei = jpi nlej = jpj nperio = jperio nbondi = 2 nbondj = 2 nidom = FLIO_DOM_NONE npolj = jperio ! IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'mpp_init : NO massively parallel processing' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~ ' WRITE(numout,*) ' nperio = ', nperio, ' nimpp = ', nimpp WRITE(numout,*) ' npolj = ', npolj , ' njmpp = ', njmpp ENDIF ! IF( jpni /= 1 .OR. jpnj /= 1 .OR. jpnij /= 1 ) & CALL ctl_stop( 'mpp_init: equality jpni = jpnj = jpnij = 1 is not satisfied', & & 'the domain is lay out for distributed memory computing!' ) ! IF( jperio == 7 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'mpp_init: jperio = 7 needs distributed memory computing ', & & 'with 1 process. Add key_mpp_mpi in the list of active cpp keys ' ) ! END SUBROUTINE mpp_init #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_mpp_mpi' MPI massively parallel processing !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE mpp_init !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE mpp_init *** !! !! ** Purpose : Lay out the global domain over processors. !! If land processors are to be eliminated, this program requires the !! presence of the domain configuration file. Land processors elimination !! is performed if jpni x jpnj /= jpnij. In this case, using the MPP_PREP !! preprocessing tool, help for defining the best cutting out. !! !! ** Method : Global domain is distributed in smaller local domains. !! Periodic condition is a function of the local domain position !! (global boundary or neighbouring domain) and of the global !! periodic !! Type : jperio global periodic condition !! nperio local periodic condition !! !! ** Action : - set domain parameters !! nimpp : longitudinal index !! njmpp : latitudinal index !! nperio : lateral condition type !! narea : number for local area !! nlci : first dimension !! nlcj : second dimension !! nbondi : mark for "east-west local boundary" !! nbondj : mark for "north-south local boundary" !! nproc : number for local processor !! noea : number for local neighboring processor !! nowe : number for local neighboring processor !! noso : number for local neighboring processor !! nono : number for local neighboring processor !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: ji, jj, jn, jproc, jarea ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: inum ! local logical unit INTEGER :: idir, ifreq, icont, isurf ! local integers INTEGER :: ii, il1, ili, imil ! - - INTEGER :: ij, il2, ilj, ijm1 ! - - INTEGER :: iino, ijno, iiso, ijso ! - - INTEGER :: iiea, ijea, iiwe, ijwe ! - - INTEGER :: iresti, irestj, iarea0 ! - - INTEGER :: ierr ! local logical unit REAL(wp):: zidom, zjdom ! local scalars INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: iin, ii_nono, ii_noea ! 1D workspace INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: ijn, ii_noso, ii_nowe ! - - INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: iimppt, ilci, ibondi, ipproc ! 2D workspace INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: ijmppt, ilcj, ibondj, ipolj ! - - INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: ilei, ildi, iono, ioea ! - - INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: ilej, ildj, ioso, iowe ! - - INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpiglo,jpjglo) :: imask ! 2D global domain workspace !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If dimensions of processor grid weren't specified in the namelist file ! then we calculate them here now that we have our communicator size IF( jpni < 1 .OR. jpnj < 1 ) CALL mpp_init_partition( mppsize ) ! #if defined key_agrif IF( jpnij /= jpni*jpnj ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'Cannot remove land proc with AGRIF' ) #endif ! ALLOCATE( nfiimpp(jpni,jpnj), nfipproc(jpni,jpnj), nfilcit(jpni,jpnj) , & & nimppt(jpnij) , ibonit(jpnij) , nlcit(jpnij) , nlcjt(jpnij) , & & njmppt(jpnij) , ibonjt(jpnij) , nldit(jpnij) , nldjt(jpnij) , & & nleit(jpnij) , nlejt(jpnij) , & & iin(jpnij), ii_nono(jpnij), ii_noea(jpnij), & & ijn(jpnij), ii_noso(jpnij), ii_nowe(jpnij), & & iimppt(jpni,jpnj), ilci(jpni,jpnj), ibondi(jpni,jpnj), ipproc(jpni,jpnj), & & ijmppt(jpni,jpnj), ilcj(jpni,jpnj), ibondj(jpni,jpnj), ipolj(jpni,jpnj), & & ilei(jpni,jpnj), ildi(jpni,jpnj), iono(jpni,jpnj), ioea(jpni,jpnj), & & ilej(jpni,jpnj), ildj(jpni,jpnj), ioso(jpni,jpnj), iowe(jpni,jpnj), & & STAT=ierr ) CALL mpp_sum( ierr ) IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'mpp_init: unable to allocate standard ocean arrays' ) ! #if defined key_agrif IF( .NOT. Agrif_Root() ) THEN ! AGRIF children: specific setting (cf. agrif_user.F90) IF( jpiglo /= nbcellsx + 2 + 2*nbghostcells ) & CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'mpp_init: Agrif children requires jpiglo == nbcellsx + 2 + 2*nbghostcells' ) IF( jpjglo /= nbcellsy + 2 + 2*nbghostcells ) & CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'mpp_init: Agrif children requires jpjglo == nbcellsy + 2 + 2*nbghostcells' ) IF( ln_use_jattr ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'mpp_init:Agrif children requires ln_use_jattr = .false. ' ) ENDIF #endif #if defined key_nemocice_decomp jpimax = ( nx_global+2-2*nn_hls + (jpni-1) ) / jpni + 2*nn_hls ! first dim. jpjmax = ( ny_global+2-2*nn_hls + (jpnj-1) ) / jpnj + 2*nn_hls ! second dim. #else jpimax = ( jpiglo - 2*nn_hls + (jpni-1) ) / jpni + 2*nn_hls ! first dim. jpjmax = ( jpjglo - 2*nn_hls + (jpnj-1) ) / jpnj + 2*nn_hls ! second dim. #endif ! IF ( jpni * jpnj == jpnij ) THEN ! regular domain lay out over processors imask(:,:) = 1 ELSEIF ( jpni*jpnj > jpnij ) THEN ! remove land-only processor (i.e. where imask(:,:)=0) CALL mpp_init_mask( imask ) ELSE ! error CALL ctl_stop( 'mpp_init: jpnij > jpni x jpnj. Check namelist setting!' ) ENDIF ! ! 1. Dimension arrays for subdomains ! ----------------------------------- ! Computation of local domain sizes ilci() ilcj() ! These dimensions depend on global sizes jpni,jpnj and jpiglo,jpjglo ! The subdomains are squares lesser than or equal to the global ! dimensions divided by the number of processors minus the overlap array. ! nreci = 2 * nn_hls nrecj = 2 * nn_hls iresti = 1 + MOD( jpiglo - nreci -1 , jpni ) irestj = 1 + MOD( jpjglo - nrecj -1 , jpnj ) ! ! Need to use jpimax and jpjmax here since jpi and jpj not yet defined #if defined key_nemocice_decomp ! Change padding to be consistent with CICE ilci(1:jpni-1 ,:) = jpimax ilci(jpni ,:) = jpiglo - (jpni - 1) * (jpimax - nreci) ! ilcj(:, 1:jpnj-1) = jpjmax ilcj(:, jpnj) = jpjglo - (jpnj - 1) * (jpjmax - nrecj) #else ilci(1:iresti ,:) = jpimax ilci(iresti+1:jpni ,:) = jpimax-1 ilcj(:, 1:irestj) = jpjmax ilcj(:, irestj+1:jpnj) = jpjmax-1 #endif ! zidom = nreci + sum(ilci(:,1) - nreci ) zjdom = nrecj + sum(ilcj(1,:) - nrecj ) ! IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'mpp_init : MPI Message Passing MPI - domain lay out over processors' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~ ' WRITE(numout,*) ' defines mpp subdomains' WRITE(numout,*) ' iresti = ', iresti, ' jpni = ', jpni WRITE(numout,*) ' irestj = ', irestj, ' jpnj = ', jpnj WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' sum ilci(i,1) = ', zidom, ' jpiglo = ', jpiglo WRITE(numout,*) ' sum ilcj(1,j) = ', zjdom, ' jpjglo = ', jpjglo ENDIF ! 2. Index arrays for subdomains ! ------------------------------- iimppt(:,:) = 1 ijmppt(:,:) = 1 ipproc(:,:) = -1 ! IF( jpni > 1 ) THEN DO jj = 1, jpnj DO ji = 2, jpni iimppt(ji,jj) = iimppt(ji-1,jj) + ilci(ji-1,jj) - nreci END DO END DO ENDIF nfiimpp(:,:) = iimppt(:,:) ! IF( jpnj > 1 )THEN DO jj = 2, jpnj DO ji = 1, jpni ijmppt(ji,jj) = ijmppt(ji,jj-1) + ilcj(ji,jj-1) - nrecj END DO END DO ENDIF ! 3. Subdomain description in the Regular Case ! -------------------------------------------- nperio = 0 icont = -1 DO jarea = 1, jpni*jpnj iarea0 = jarea - 1 ii = 1 + MOD(iarea0,jpni) ij = 1 + iarea0/jpni ili = ilci(ii,ij) ilj = ilcj(ii,ij) ibondj(ii,ij) = -1 IF( jarea > jpni ) ibondj(ii,ij) = 0 IF( jarea > (jpnj-1)*jpni ) ibondj(ii,ij) = 1 IF( jpnj == 1 ) ibondj(ii,ij) = 2 ibondi(ii,ij) = 0 IF( MOD(jarea,jpni) == 1 ) ibondi(ii,ij) = -1 IF( MOD(jarea,jpni) == 0 ) ibondi(ii,ij) = 1 IF( jpni == 1 ) ibondi(ii,ij) = 2 ! Subdomain neighbors (get their zone number): default definition ioso(ii,ij) = iarea0 - jpni iowe(ii,ij) = iarea0 - 1 ioea(ii,ij) = iarea0 + 1 iono(ii,ij) = iarea0 + jpni ildi(ii,ij) = 1 + nn_hls ilei(ii,ij) = ili - nn_hls ildj(ii,ij) = 1 + nn_hls ilej(ii,ij) = ilj - nn_hls ! East-West periodicity: change ibondi, ioea, iowe IF( jperio == 1 .OR. jperio == 4 .OR. jperio == 6 .OR. jperio == 7 ) THEN IF( jpni == 1 )THEN ibondi(ii,ij) = 2 nperio = 1 ELSE ibondi(ii,ij) = 0 ENDIF IF( MOD(jarea,jpni) == 0 ) THEN ioea(ii,ij) = iarea0 - (jpni-1) ENDIF IF( MOD(jarea,jpni) == 1 ) THEN iowe(ii,ij) = iarea0 + jpni - 1 ENDIF ENDIF ! North fold: define ipolj, change iono. Warning: we do not change ibondj... ipolj(ii,ij) = 0 IF( jperio == 3 .OR. jperio == 4 ) THEN ijm1 = jpni*(jpnj-1) imil = ijm1+(jpni+1)/2 IF( jarea > ijm1 ) ipolj(ii,ij) = 3 IF( MOD(jpni,2) == 1 .AND. jarea == imil ) ipolj(ii,ij) = 4 IF( ipolj(ii,ij) == 3 ) iono(ii,ij) = jpni*jpnj-jarea+ijm1 ! MPI rank of northern neighbour ENDIF IF( jperio == 5 .OR. jperio == 6 ) THEN ijm1 = jpni*(jpnj-1) imil = ijm1+(jpni+1)/2 IF( jarea > ijm1) ipolj(ii,ij) = 5 IF( MOD(jpni,2) == 1 .AND. jarea == imil ) ipolj(ii,ij) = 6 IF( ipolj(ii,ij) == 5) iono(ii,ij) = jpni*jpnj-jarea+ijm1 ! MPI rank of northern neighbour ENDIF ! ! Check wet points over the entire domain to preserve the MPI communication stencil isurf = 0 DO jj = 1, ilj DO ji = 1, ili IF( imask(ji+iimppt(ii,ij)-1, jj+ijmppt(ii,ij)-1) == 1) isurf = isurf+1 END DO END DO ! IF( isurf /= 0 ) THEN icont = icont + 1 ipproc(ii,ij) = icont iin(icont+1) = ii ijn(icont+1) = ij ENDIF END DO ! nfipproc(:,:) = ipproc(:,:) ! Check potential error IF( icont+1 /= jpnij ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1,*) ' jpni =',jpni,' jpnj =',jpnj WRITE(ctmp2,*) ' jpnij =',jpnij, '< jpni x jpnj' WRITE(ctmp3,*) ' ***********, mpp_init2 finds jpnij=',icont+1 CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'mpp_init: Eliminate land processors algorithm', '', ctmp1, ctmp2, '', ctmp3 ) ENDIF ! 4. Subdomain print ! ------------------ IF(lwp) THEN ifreq = 4 il1 = 1 DO jn = 1, (jpni-1)/ifreq+1 il2 = MIN(jpni,il1+ifreq-1) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,9400) ('***',ji=il1,il2-1) DO jj = jpnj, 1, -1 WRITE(numout,9403) (' ',ji=il1,il2-1) WRITE(numout,9402) jj, (ilci(ji,jj),ilcj(ji,jj),ji=il1,il2) WRITE(numout,9404) (ipproc(ji,jj),ji=il1,il2) WRITE(numout,9403) (' ',ji=il1,il2-1) WRITE(numout,9400) ('***',ji=il1,il2-1) END DO WRITE(numout,9401) (ji,ji=il1,il2) il1 = il1+ifreq END DO 9400 FORMAT(' ***' ,20('*************',a3) ) 9403 FORMAT(' * ',20(' * ',a3) ) 9401 FORMAT(' ' ,20(' ',i3,' ') ) 9402 FORMAT(' ',i3,' * ',20(i3,' x',i3,' * ') ) 9404 FORMAT(' * ' ,20(' ',i3,' * ') ) ENDIF ! 5. neighbour treatment: change ibondi, ibondj if next to a land zone ! ---------------------- DO jarea = 1, jpni*jpnj ii = 1 + MOD( jarea-1 , jpni ) ij = 1 + (jarea-1) / jpni IF ( ipproc(ii,ij) == -1 .AND. 0 <= iono(ii,ij) .AND. iono(ii,ij) <= jpni*jpnj-1 ) THEN iino = 1 + MOD( iono(ii,ij) , jpni ) ijno = 1 + iono(ii,ij) / jpni ! Need to reverse the logical direction of communication ! for northern neighbours of northern row processors (north-fold) ! i.e. need to check that the northern neighbour only communicates ! to the SOUTH (or not at all) if this area is land-only (#1057) idir = 1 IF( ij == jpnj .AND. ijno == jpnj ) idir = -1 IF( ibondj(iino,ijno) == idir ) ibondj(iino,ijno) = 2 IF( ibondj(iino,ijno) == 0 ) ibondj(iino,ijno) = -idir ENDIF IF( ipproc(ii,ij) == -1 .AND. 0 <= ioso(ii,ij) .AND. ioso(ii,ij) <= jpni*jpnj-1 ) THEN iiso = 1 + MOD( ioso(ii,ij) , jpni ) ijso = 1 + ioso(ii,ij) / jpni IF( ibondj(iiso,ijso) == -1 ) ibondj(iiso,ijso) = 2 IF( ibondj(iiso,ijso) == 0 ) ibondj(iiso,ijso) = 1 ENDIF IF( ipproc(ii,ij) == -1 .AND. 0 <= ioea(ii,ij) .AND. ioea(ii,ij) <= jpni*jpnj-1 ) THEN iiea = 1 + MOD( ioea(ii,ij) , jpni ) ijea = 1 + ioea(ii,ij) / jpni IF( ibondi(iiea,ijea) == 1 ) ibondi(iiea,ijea) = 2 IF( ibondi(iiea,ijea) == 0 ) ibondi(iiea,ijea) = -1 ENDIF IF( ipproc(ii,ij) == -1 .AND. 0 <= iowe(ii,ij) .AND. iowe(ii,ij) <= jpni*jpnj-1) THEN iiwe = 1 + MOD( iowe(ii,ij) , jpni ) ijwe = 1 + iowe(ii,ij) / jpni IF( ibondi(iiwe,ijwe) == -1 ) ibondi(iiwe,ijwe) = 2 IF( ibondi(iiwe,ijwe) == 0 ) ibondi(iiwe,ijwe) = 1 ENDIF END DO ! Update il[de][ij] according to modified ibond[ij] ! ---------------------- DO jproc = 1, jpnij ii = iin(jproc) ij = ijn(jproc) IF( ibondi(ii,ij) == -1 .OR. ibondi(ii,ij) == 2 ) ildi(ii,ij) = 1 IF( ibondi(ii,ij) == 1 .OR. ibondi(ii,ij) == 2 ) ilei(ii,ij) = ilci(ii,ij) IF( ibondj(ii,ij) == -1 .OR. ibondj(ii,ij) == 2 ) ildj(ii,ij) = 1 IF( ibondj(ii,ij) == 1 .OR. ibondj(ii,ij) == 2 ) ilej(ii,ij) = ilcj(ii,ij) END DO ! just to save nono etc for all proc ! warning ii*ij (zone) /= nproc (processors)! ! ioso = zone number, ii_noso = proc number ii_noso(:) = -1 ii_nono(:) = -1 ii_noea(:) = -1 ii_nowe(:) = -1 DO jproc = 1, jpnij ii = iin(jproc) ij = ijn(jproc) IF( 0 <= ioso(ii,ij) .AND. ioso(ii,ij) <= (jpni*jpnj-1) ) THEN iiso = 1 + MOD( ioso(ii,ij) , jpni ) ijso = 1 + ioso(ii,ij) / jpni ii_noso(jproc) = ipproc(iiso,ijso) ENDIF IF( 0 <= iowe(ii,ij) .AND. iowe(ii,ij) <= (jpni*jpnj-1) ) THEN iiwe = 1 + MOD( iowe(ii,ij) , jpni ) ijwe = 1 + iowe(ii,ij) / jpni ii_nowe(jproc) = ipproc(iiwe,ijwe) ENDIF IF( 0 <= ioea(ii,ij) .AND. ioea(ii,ij) <= (jpni*jpnj-1) ) THEN iiea = 1 + MOD( ioea(ii,ij) , jpni ) ijea = 1 + ioea(ii,ij) / jpni ii_noea(jproc)= ipproc(iiea,ijea) ENDIF IF( 0 <= iono(ii,ij) .AND. iono(ii,ij) <= (jpni*jpnj-1) ) THEN iino = 1 + MOD( iono(ii,ij) , jpni ) ijno = 1 + iono(ii,ij) / jpni ii_nono(jproc)= ipproc(iino,ijno) ENDIF END DO ! 6. Change processor name ! ------------------------ ii = iin(narea) ij = ijn(narea) ! ! set default neighbours noso = ii_noso(narea) nowe = ii_nowe(narea) noea = ii_noea(narea) nono = ii_nono(narea) nlci = ilci(ii,ij) nldi = ildi(ii,ij) nlei = ilei(ii,ij) nlcj = ilcj(ii,ij) nldj = ildj(ii,ij) nlej = ilej(ii,ij) nbondi = ibondi(ii,ij) nbondj = ibondj(ii,ij) nimpp = iimppt(ii,ij) njmpp = ijmppt(ii,ij) jpi = nlci jpj = nlcj jpk = jpkglo ! third dim #if defined key_agrif ! simple trick to use same vertical grid as parent but different number of levels: ! Save maximum number of levels in jpkglo, then define all vertical grids with this number. ! Suppress once vertical online interpolation is ok !!$ IF(.NOT.Agrif_Root()) jpkglo = Agrif_Parent( jpkglo ) #endif jpim1 = jpi-1 ! inner domain indices jpjm1 = jpj-1 ! " " jpkm1 = MAX( 1, jpk-1 ) ! " " jpij = jpi*jpj ! jpi x j DO jproc = 1, jpnij ii = iin(jproc) ij = ijn(jproc) nlcit(jproc) = ilci(ii,ij) nldit(jproc) = ildi(ii,ij) nleit(jproc) = ilei(ii,ij) nlcjt(jproc) = ilcj(ii,ij) nldjt(jproc) = ildj(ii,ij) nlejt(jproc) = ilej(ii,ij) ibonit(jproc) = ibondi(ii,ij) ibonjt(jproc) = ibondj(ii,ij) nimppt(jproc) = iimppt(ii,ij) njmppt(jproc) = ijmppt(ii,ij) nfilcit(ii,ij) = ilci(ii,ij) END DO ! Save processor layout in ascii file IF (lwp) THEN CALL ctl_opn( inum, 'layout.dat', 'REPLACE', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout, .FALSE., narea ) WRITE(inum,'(a)') ' jpnij jpimax jpjmax jpk jpiglo jpjglo'//& & ' ( local: narea jpi jpj )' WRITE(inum,'(6i8,a,3i8,a)') jpnij,jpimax,jpjmax,jpk,jpiglo,jpjglo,& & ' ( local: ',narea,jpi,jpj,' )' WRITE(inum,'(a)') 'nproc nlci nlcj nldi nldj nlei nlej nimp njmp nono noso nowe noea nbondi nbondj ' DO jproc = 1, jpnij WRITE(inum,'(13i5,2i7)') jproc-1, nlcit (jproc), nlcjt (jproc), & & nldit (jproc), nldjt (jproc), & & nleit (jproc), nlejt (jproc), & & nimppt (jproc), njmppt (jproc), & & ii_nono(jproc), ii_noso(jproc), & & ii_nowe(jproc), ii_noea(jproc), & & ibonit (jproc), ibonjt (jproc) END DO CLOSE(inum) END IF ! ! north fold parameter ! Defined npolj, either 0, 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ! In this case the important thing is that npolj /= 0 ! Because if we go through these line it is because jpni >1 and thus ! we must use lbcnorthmpp, which tests only npolj =0 or npolj /= 0 npolj = 0 ij = ijn(narea) IF( jperio == 3 .OR. jperio == 4 ) THEN IF( ij == jpnj ) npolj = 3 ENDIF IF( jperio == 5 .OR. jperio == 6 ) THEN IF( ij == jpnj ) npolj = 5 ENDIF ! nproc = narea-1 IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' resulting internal parameters : ' WRITE(numout,*) ' nproc = ', nproc WRITE(numout,*) ' nowe = ', nowe , ' noea = ', noea WRITE(numout,*) ' nono = ', nono , ' noso = ', noso WRITE(numout,*) ' nbondi = ', nbondi WRITE(numout,*) ' nbondj = ', nbondj WRITE(numout,*) ' npolj = ', npolj WRITE(numout,*) ' nperio = ', nperio WRITE(numout,*) ' nlci = ', nlci WRITE(numout,*) ' nlcj = ', nlcj WRITE(numout,*) ' nimpp = ', nimpp WRITE(numout,*) ' njmpp = ', njmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' nreci = ', nreci WRITE(numout,*) ' nrecj = ', nrecj WRITE(numout,*) ' nn_hls = ', nn_hls ENDIF IF( nperio == 1 .AND. jpni /= 1 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'mpp_init: error on cyclicity' ) IF( jperio == 7 .AND. ( jpni /= 1 .OR. jpnj /= 1 ) ) & & CALL ctl_stop( ' mpp_init: error jperio = 7 works only with jpni = jpnj = 1' ) ! ! Prepare mpp north fold IF( jperio >= 3 .AND. jperio <= 6 .AND. jpni > 1 ) THEN CALL mpp_ini_north IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> North fold boundary prepared for jpni >1' ENDIF ! CALL mpp_init_ioipsl ! Prepare NetCDF output file (if necessary) ! IF( ln_nnogather ) CALL mpp_init_nfdcom ! northfold neighbour lists ! DEALLOCATE(iin, ijn, ii_nono, ii_noea, ii_noso, ii_nowe, & & iimppt, ijmppt, ibondi, ibondj, ipproc, ipolj, & & ilci, ilcj, ilei, ilej, ildi, ildj, & & iono, ioea, ioso, iowe) ! END SUBROUTINE mpp_init SUBROUTINE mpp_init_mask( kmask ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE mpp_init_mask *** !! !! ** Purpose : Read relevant bathymetric information in a global array !! in order to provide a land/sea mask used for the elimination !! of land domains, in an mpp computation. !! !! ** Method : Read the namelist ln_zco and ln_isfcav in namelist namzgr !! in order to choose the correct bathymetric information !! (file and variables) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpiglo,jpjglo), INTENT(out) :: kmask ! global domain INTEGER :: inum !: logical unit for configuration file INTEGER :: ios !: iostat error flag INTEGER :: ijstartrow ! temporary integers REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpiglo,jpjglo) :: zbot, zbdy ! global workspace REAL(wp) :: zidom , zjdom ! local scalars NAMELIST/nambdy/ ln_bdy, nb_bdy, ln_coords_file, cn_coords_file, & & ln_mask_file, cn_mask_file, cn_dyn2d, nn_dyn2d_dta, & & cn_dyn3d, nn_dyn3d_dta, cn_tra, nn_tra_dta, & & ln_tra_dmp, ln_dyn3d_dmp, rn_time_dmp, rn_time_dmp_out, & & cn_ice_lim, nn_ice_lim_dta, & & rn_ice_tem, rn_ice_sal, rn_ice_age, & & ln_vol, nn_volctl, nn_rimwidth, nb_jpk_bdy !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 0. initialisation ! ----------------- CALL iom_open( cn_domcfg, inum ) ! ! ocean bottom level CALL iom_get( inum, jpdom_unknown, 'bottom_level' , zbot , lrowattr=ln_use_jattr ) ! nb of ocean T-points ! CALL iom_close( inum ) ! ! 2D ocean mask (=1 if at least one level of the water column is ocean, =0 otherwise) WHERE( zbot(:,:) > 0 ) ; kmask(:,:) = 1 ELSEWHERE ; kmask(:,:) = 0 END WHERE ! Adjust kmask with bdy_msk if it exists REWIND( numnam_ref ) ! Namelist nambdy in reference namelist : BDY READ ( numnam_ref, nambdy, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 903) 903 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'nambdy in reference namelist (mppini)', lwp ) ! REWIND( numnam_cfg ) ! Namelist nambdy in configuration namelist : BDY READ ( numnam_cfg, nambdy, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 904 ) 904 IF( ios > 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'nambdy in configuration namelist (mppini)', lwp ) IF( ln_bdy .AND. ln_mask_file ) THEN CALL iom_open( cn_mask_file, inum ) CALL iom_get ( inum, jpdom_unknown, 'bdy_msk', zbdy ) CALL iom_close( inum ) WHERE ( zbdy(:,:) <= 0. ) kmask = 0 ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE mpp_init_mask SUBROUTINE mpp_init_ioipsl !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE mpp_init_ioipsl *** !! !! ** Purpose : !! !! ** Method : !! !! History : !! 9.0 ! 04-03 (G. Madec ) MPP-IOIPSL !! " " ! 08-12 (A. Coward) addition in case of jpni*jpnj < jpnij !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: iglo, iloc, iabsf, iabsl, ihals, ihale, idid !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The domain is split only horizontally along i- or/and j- direction ! So we need at the most only 1D arrays with 2 elements. ! Set idompar values equivalent to the jpdom_local_noextra definition ! used in IOM. This works even if jpnij .ne. jpni*jpnj. iglo(1) = jpiglo iglo(2) = jpjglo iloc(1) = nlci iloc(2) = nlcj iabsf(1) = nimppt(narea) iabsf(2) = njmppt(narea) iabsl(:) = iabsf(:) + iloc(:) - 1 ihals(1) = nldi - 1 ihals(2) = nldj - 1 ihale(1) = nlci - nlei ihale(2) = nlcj - nlej idid(1) = 1 idid(2) = 2 IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'mpp_init_ioipsl : iloc = ', iloc (1), iloc (2) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ iabsf = ', iabsf(1), iabsf(2) WRITE(numout,*) ' ihals = ', ihals(1), ihals(2) WRITE(numout,*) ' ihale = ', ihale(1), ihale(2) ENDIF ! CALL flio_dom_set ( jpnij, nproc, idid, iglo, iloc, iabsf, iabsl, ihals, ihale, 'BOX', nidom) ! END SUBROUTINE mpp_init_ioipsl SUBROUTINE mpp_init_partition( num_pes ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE mpp_init_partition *** !! !! ** Purpose : !! !! ** Method : !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: num_pes ! The number of MPI processes we have ! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nfactmax = 20 INTEGER :: nfact ! The no. of factors returned INTEGER :: ierr ! Error flag INTEGER :: ji INTEGER :: idiff, mindiff, imin ! For choosing pair of factors that are closest in value INTEGER, DIMENSION(nfactmax) :: ifact ! Array of factors !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ierr = 0 ! CALL factorise( ifact, nfactmax, nfact, num_pes, ierr ) ! IF( nfact <= 1 ) THEN WRITE (numout, *) 'WARNING: factorisation of number of PEs failed' WRITE (numout, *) ' : using grid of ',num_pes,' x 1' jpnj = 1 jpni = num_pes ELSE ! Search through factors for the pair that are closest in value mindiff = 1000000 imin = 1 DO ji = 1, nfact-1, 2 idiff = ABS( ifact(ji) - ifact(ji+1) ) IF( idiff < mindiff ) THEN mindiff = idiff imin = ji ENDIF END DO jpnj = ifact(imin) jpni = ifact(imin + 1) ENDIF ! jpnij = jpni*jpnj ! END SUBROUTINE mpp_init_partition SUBROUTINE factorise( kfax, kmaxfax, knfax, kn, kerr ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE factorise *** !! !! ** Purpose : return the prime factors of n. !! knfax factors are returned in array kfax which is of !! maximum dimension kmaxfax. !! ** Method : !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kn, kmaxfax INTEGER , INTENT( out) :: kerr, knfax INTEGER, DIMENSION(kmaxfax), INTENT( out) :: kfax ! INTEGER :: ifac, jl, inu INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ntest = 14 INTEGER, DIMENSION(ntest) :: ilfax !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! lfax contains the set of allowed factors. ilfax(:) = (/(2**jl,jl=ntest,1,-1)/) ! ! Clear the error flag and initialise output vars kerr = 0 kfax = 1 knfax = 0 ! IF( kn /= 1 ) THEN ! Find the factors of n ! ! nu holds the unfactorised part of the number. ! knfax holds the number of factors found. ! l points to the allowed factor list. ! ifac holds the current factor. ! inu = kn knfax = 0 ! DO jl = ntest, 1, -1 ! ifac = ilfax(jl) IF( ifac > inu ) CYCLE ! ! Test whether the factor will divide. ! IF( MOD(inu,ifac) == 0 ) THEN ! knfax = knfax + 1 ! Add the factor to the list IF( knfax > kmaxfax ) THEN kerr = 6 write (*,*) 'FACTOR: insufficient space in factor array ', knfax return ENDIF kfax(knfax) = ifac ! Store the other factor that goes with this one knfax = knfax + 1 kfax(knfax) = inu / ifac !WRITE (*,*) 'ARPDBG, factors ',knfax-1,' & ',knfax,' are ', kfax(knfax-1),' and ',kfax(knfax) ENDIF ! END DO ! ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE factorise SUBROUTINE mpp_init_nfdcom !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE mpp_init_nfdcom *** !! ** Purpose : Setup for north fold exchanges with explicit !! point-to-point messaging !! !! ** Method : Initialization of the northern neighbours lists. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 1.0 ! 2011-10 (A. C. Coward, NOCS & J. Donners, PRACE) !! 2.0 ! 2013-06 Setup avoiding MPI communication (I. Epicoco, S. Mocavero, CMCC) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: sxM, dxM, sxT, dxT, jn INTEGER :: njmppmax !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! njmppmax = MAXVAL( njmppt ) ! !initializes the north-fold communication variables isendto(:) = 0 nsndto = 0 ! IF ( njmpp == njmppmax ) THEN ! if I am a process in the north ! !sxM is the first point (in the global domain) needed to compute the north-fold for the current process sxM = jpiglo - nimppt(narea) - nlcit(narea) + 1 !dxM is the last point (in the global domain) needed to compute the north-fold for the current process dxM = jpiglo - nimppt(narea) + 2 ! ! loop over the other north-fold processes to find the processes ! managing the points belonging to the sxT-dxT range ! DO jn = 1, jpni ! sxT = nfiimpp(jn, jpnj) ! sxT = 1st point (in the global domain) of the jn process dxT = nfiimpp(jn, jpnj) + nfilcit(jn, jpnj) - 1 ! dxT = last point (in the global domain) of the jn process ! IF ( sxT < sxM .AND. sxM < dxT ) THEN nsndto = nsndto + 1 isendto(nsndto) = jn ELSEIF( sxM <= sxT .AND. dxM >= dxT ) THEN nsndto = nsndto + 1 isendto(nsndto) = jn ELSEIF( dxM < dxT .AND. sxT < dxM ) THEN nsndto = nsndto + 1 isendto(nsndto) = jn ENDIF ! END DO nfsloop = 1 nfeloop = nlci DO jn = 2,jpni-1 IF( nfipproc(jn,jpnj) == (narea - 1) ) THEN IF( nfipproc(jn-1,jpnj) == -1 ) nfsloop = nldi IF( nfipproc(jn+1,jpnj) == -1 ) nfeloop = nlei ENDIF END DO ! ENDIF l_north_nogather = .TRUE. ! END SUBROUTINE mpp_init_nfdcom #endif !!====================================================================== END MODULE mppini