usage of SETTE package: principal script is (usage: ./ VERY IMPORTANT : for a verbose debug do: ./ 2>&1 | tee out.sette this create out.sette file in ${SETTE_DIR} USER MODIFICATIONS in script : COMPILER : compiler among those available in NEMOGCM/ARCH, needed for makenemo (see below) can also be pass as an argument, e.g. ./ ifort_osx BATCH_COMMAND : command for job submission in batch mode MPI_INTERACT : "yes" if you want to run in interactive mode for MPI run "no" if you want to run in batch mode for MPI run NOTE : every job using only 1 proc is run in interactive mode makenemo -m : machine (compilator); see ./makenemo -m help (in NEMOGCM/CONFIG directory) -n : config name (in examples config_name_nproci_nprocj), see ./makenemo -n help -r : reference configuration (if you don't give it you have to choise directories to install) add_key : to add list of keys (for example to test reproductibility: add_key mpp_rep) del_key : to del list of keys and for more details and options of makenemo see ./makenemo -h set_namelist : to set namelist values (example : to set 75 time steps for one test : namelist nn_itend 75) ( : to change cn_icerst_in name : namelist_ice cn_icerst_in \"test_00101231_restart_icemod\") ( : to activate control print : namelist ln_ctl false ) creates execution directory for each test : NOTE for EACH JOB EXECUTION it is needed to set TEST_NAME variable TEST_NAME variable gives name to execution directory (created in IT is mandatory to have different TEST_NAME for each job run if not existing files are re-written (for example namelist) generates the script to be executed input: INPUT_FILE_CONFIG_NAME NB_PROCS TEST_NAME MPI_FLAG JOB_FILE_NAME needs input: TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_PROCS_used JOB_FILE_NAME INTERACT_FLAG MPI_FLAG (for example if you compile ORCA2_LIM with key_mpp_mpi and only run short test ===> ./fcm_job input_ORCA2_LIM.cfg 4 SHORT) in param.cfg : FORCING_DIR : directory in which will be found input.tar file (same name in input_CONFIG_NAME.cfg) INPUT_DIR : directory in which store input files (tar file) TMPDIR : temporary directory NEEDED ONLY FOR IBM machines (put EXP00 directory) NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR : directory in which create NEMO_VALIDATION tree, and store restart, solver.stat, tracer.stat and ocean.output files in tree NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR/WCONFIG_NAME/WCOMPILER_NAME/TEST_NAME/REVISION_NUMBER(or DATE) in : IMPORTANT : control that name of tar file in FORCING directory is the same of that in input_REF_CONFIG.cfg, if not change one. change in "RUN OPA" if [ ${MPI_INTERACT} == "yes" ] mpirun command line (some examples are already written) NOTE: if MPI_INTERACT="no" it is neede a batch_file (see below to create a new one) NOTE: in case of error you can remove you NEW_CONF directory and all files doing : ./makenemo -n MY_CONFIG clean_config if you want recompile nemo but before you want to clean compiled code do : ./makenemo clean and if you have already compiled you can re-run all and compilation part will be by-passed. NOTE 2: if you want a completly verbose makenemo you can uncomment "set -x" in makenemo script and then launch ./ 2>&1 | tee out.sette TO ADD NEW CONFIGURATION: 1. makenemo -n NEW_CONFIG (see makenemo -h for help) OR 2. makenemo -n NEW_CONFIG -r REF_CONFIG (if it is based on another reference configuration) 3. for creates a new input_NEW_CONFIG.cfg if you need tar file (if you use same tar file of GYRE, ORCA2_LIM or ORCA2_LIM_PISCES you can use it) TO ADD NEW MACHINE: 1. add arch-compiler.fcm in NEMOGCM/ARCH directory 2. makenemo -m new_compiler (see makenemo -h for help) TO ADD NEW BATCH-FILE: 1. see in SETTE/BATCH_TEMPLATE directory existing examples 2. create you own batch file like: batch-${COMPILER} (note: will copy it in job_batch_template if you run tests in MPI_INTERACT="no")