MODULE readsections !!===================================================================== !! *** MODULE readsections *** !! !! History: 2011: Clement Bricaud, Mercator-Ocean !! !!===================================================================== !! * Modules used USE declarations USE sections_tools IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE !! * Routine accessibility PUBLIC read_list_sections CONTAINS SUBROUTINE read_list_sections !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE read_list_sections *** !! !! ** Purpose: read ascii file 'list_sections.ascii' that contains !! section descriptions !! !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * arguments !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: jsec !loop on section number INTEGER :: iost,ji INTEGER :: iclass , jclass LOGICAL :: llok,llstrpond,llice,lldate REAL(wp) :: plon1,plat1,plon2,plat2 REAL(wp) :: zslope CHARACTER(len=5) :: clclass CHARACTER(len=5) :: cdice CHARACTER(len=9) :: cdstrpond CHARACTER(len=110) :: clname,cdsecname,cltmp REAL,DIMENSION(nb_type_class) :: zclass_value TYPE(COORD_SECTION) :: coord_point1,coord_point2,coordTemp TYPE(COORD_SECTION), DIMENSION(2) :: coord_sec !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINT*,' ' PRINT*,'READ list_sections' PRINT*,'------------------' PRINT*,' ' nb_sec=0 !initialize number of sections read in list_sections.ascii !open and read input file clname='list_sections.ascii' PRINT*,' ' CALL file_open(numdctin,clname,llok,cdform="FORMATTED",cdstatus="OLD",cdaction="READ") IF ( llok ) THEN PRINT*,'list_sections.ascii open ' PRINT*,'nb_sec_max = ',nb_sec_max PRINT*,' ' DO jsec=1,nb_sec_max !read a line corresponding to one section READ(numdctin,'(F7.2,1X,F7.2,1X,F7.2,1X,F7.2,1X,I2,1X,A9,1X,A5,1X,A40)',iostat=iost) & & plon1,plat1,plon2,plat2,iclass,cdstrpond,cdice,cdsecname IF (iost /= 0) EXIT ! end of file ! cdsecname: change space to underscore for cdsecname cdsecname=ADJUSTL(cdsecname) ji = SCAN(TRIM(cdsecname)," ") DO WHILE(ji .NE. 0) cdsecname(ji:ji) = "_" ji = SCAN(TRIM(cdsecname)," ") ENDDO !computation of heat and salt transport ? llstrpond=.FALSE. ; IF( cdstrpond .EQ. 'okstrpond' ) llstrpond=.TRUE. !computation of ice tranpsort ? llice=.FALSE. ; IF( cdice .EQ. 'okice' ) llice=.TRUE. !store coordinates of the extremities coord_point1=COORD_SECTION(plon1,plat1) coord_point2=COORD_SECTION(plon2,plat2) coord_sec=(/coord_point1,coord_point2/) !Extremities of the section are classed lldate=.FALSE. IF( coord_sec(2)%lon .LT. coord_sec(1)%lon .OR. & ((coord_sec(2)%lon .EQ. coord_sec(1)%lon) .AND. & (coord_sec(2)%lat .LT. coord_sec(1)%lat)) ) THEN coordTemp =coord_sec(1) coord_sec(1)=coord_sec(2) coord_sec(2)=coordTemp ENDIF IF((coord_sec(2)%lon - coord_sec(1)%lon) .GT. 180) THEN coordTemp =coord_sec(1) coord_sec(1)=coord_sec(2) coord_sec(2)=coordTemp lldate=.TRUE. ENDIF !slope of the section (equidistant cylindric projection) zslope=slope_coeff(coord_sec(1),coord_sec(2),lldate) !!initialise global array secs secs(jsec)%llstrpond=.FALSE. secs(jsec)%ll_date_line=.FALSE. ; secs(jsec)%nb_class=0 secs(jsec)%zsigi=99. ; secs(jsec)%zsigp=99. secs(jsec)%zsal=99. ; secs(jsec)%ztem=99. secs(jsec)%zlay=99. secs(jsec)%nb_point=0 !store all information in global array secs secs(jsec)%name = cdsecname secs(jsec)%llstrpond = llstrpond secs(jsec)%ll_ice_section = llice secs(jsec)%coordSec = (/ coord_sec(1) , coord_sec(2) /) secs(jsec)%slopeSection = zslope secs(jsec)%ll_date_line = lldate !debug information CALL write_debug(jsec,'Informations read in ascii file:') CALL write_debug(jsec,'--------------------------------') CALL write_debug(jsec,'section name: '//secs(jsec)%name ) IF( secs(jsec)%llstrpond )THEN ; CALL write_debug(jsec,'salt/heat transport computing' ) ELSE ; CALL write_debug(jsec,'no salt/heat transport computing' ) ENDIF IF( secs(jsec)%ll_ice_section )THEN ; CALL write_debug(jsec,'Ice transport computing' ) ELSE ; CALL write_debug(jsec,'no Ice transport computing' ) ENDIF WRITE(cltmp,'(A20,2f8.3)')'Extremity 1 :',secs(jsec)%coordSec(1) CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) WRITE(cltmp,'(A20,2f8.3)')'Extremity 2 :',secs(jsec)%coordSec(2) CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) WRITE(cltmp,'(A20,f8.3)')'Slope coefficient :',secs(jsec)%slopeSection CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) WRITE(cltmp,'(A20,i3.3)')'number of classes : ',iclass CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) IF( secs(jsec)%ll_date_line ) THEN ; CALL write_debug(jsec,'section crosses date line') ELSE ; CALL write_debug(jsec,'section don t crosse date line') ENDIF CALL write_debug(jsec,' ') !verify number of sections and store it IF ( iclass .GT. nb_class_max) THEN PRINT*,"WARNING: nb_class_max needs to be greater than ", iclass ; STOP ENDIF secs(jsec)%nb_class=iclass !read classes IF ( iclass .NE. 0 )THEN !classname=zsigi/zsigp/zsal/ztem/zlay READ(numdctin,'(A5)')clclass DO jclass = 1,iclass READ(numdctin,'(F9.3)',iostat=iost) zclass_value(jclass) ENDDO IF ( TRIM(clclass) .EQ. 'zsigi' )THEN secs(jsec)%zsigi(1:iclass)=zclass_value(1:iclass) ELSE IF ( TRIM(clclass) .EQ. 'zsigp' )THEN secs(jsec)%zsigp(1:iclass)=zclass_value(1:iclass) ELSE IF ( TRIM(clclass) .EQ. 'zsal' )THEN secs(jsec)%zsal(1:iclass)=zclass_value(1:iclass) ELSE IF ( TRIM(clclass) .EQ. 'ztem' )THEN secs(jsec)%ztem(1:iclass)=zclass_value(1:iclass) ELSE IF ( TRIM(clclass) .EQ. 'zlay' )THEN secs(jsec)%zlay(1:iclass)=zclass_value(1:iclass) ELSE PRINT*,'Wrong name of class for section/clclass: ', cdsecname,TRIM(clclass) ENDIF IF ( jsec==nsecdebug .OR. nsecdebug==-1)THEN PRINT*,'class type = ',clclass PRINT*,'class values = ',zclass_value(1:iclass) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO !end of loop on sections CLOSE(numdctin) !Close file IF( jsec .EQ. nb_sec_max)THEN PRINT*,' ' PRINT*,' nb_sec_max is less than the number of sections written in list_sections.ascii' STOP ELSE nb_sec=jsec-1 !number of read sections PRINT*,' ' PRINT*,'Number of sections read in list_sections.ascii: ',nb_sec PRINT*,'Reading of list_sections.ascii ok' PRINT*,' ' ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE read_list_sections END MODULE readsections