!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NEMO system team, System and Interface for oceanic RElocable Nesting !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! MODULE: iom_cdf ! ! DESCRIPTION: !> @brief NETCDF Input/Output manager : Library to read Netcdf input files !> !> @details !> to open netcdf file:
!> @code !> CALL iom_cdf_open(td_file) !> @endcode !> - td_file is file structure (see @ref file) !> !> to write in netcdf file:
!> @code !> CALL iom_cdf_write_file(td_file) !> @endcode !> !> to close netcdf file:
!> @code !> CALL iom_cdf_close(tl_file) !> @endcode !> !> to read one dimension in netcdf file:
!> @code !> tl_dim = iom_cdf_read_dim(tl_file, id_dimid) !> @endcode !> or !> @code !> tl_dim = iom_cdf_read_dim(tl_file, cd_name) !> @endcode !> - id_dimid is dimension id
!> - cd_name is dimension name !> !> to read one attribute in netcdf file:
!> @code !> tl_att = iom_cdf_read_att(tl_file, id_varid, id_attid) !> @endcode !> or !> @code !> tl_att = iom_cdf_read_att(tl_file, id_varid, cd_name) !> @endcode !> - id_varid is variable id !> - id_attid is attribute id
!> - cd_name is attribute name !> !> to read one variable in netcdf file:
!> @code !> tl_var = iom_cdf_read_var(td_file, id_varid, [id_start, id_count]) !> @endcode !> or !> @code !> tl_var = iom_cdf_read_var(td_file, cd_name, [id_start, [id_count,]]) !> @endcode !> - id_varid is variabale id !> - cd_name is variabale name !> - id_start is a integer(4) 1D array of index from which the data !> values will be read [optional] !> - id_count is a integer(4) 1D array of the number of indices selected !> along each dimension [optional] !> !> @author !> J.Paul ! REVISION HISTORY: !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @note Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE iom_cdf USE netcdf ! nf90 library USE global ! global parameter USE kind ! F90 kind parameter USE fct ! basic useful function USE logger ! log file manager USE att ! attribute manage USE dim ! dimension manager USE var ! variable manager USE file ! file manager IMPLICIT NONE ! NOTE_avoid_public_variables_if_possible ! function and subroutine PUBLIC :: iom_cdf_open !< open or create netcdf file, return file structure PUBLIC :: iom_cdf_close !< close netcdf file PUBLIC :: iom_cdf_read_dim !< read one dimension in an opened netcdf file, return dimension structure PUBLIC :: iom_cdf_read_att !< read one attribute in an opened netcdf file, return attribute structure PUBLIC :: iom_cdf_read_var !< read one variable in an opened netcdf file, return variable structure PUBLIC :: iom_cdf_fill_var !< fill variable value in an opened netcdf file PUBLIC :: iom_cdf_write_file !< write file structure contents in an opened netcdf file PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__check ! provides a simple interface to netcdf error message PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__get_info ! get global information in an opened netcdf file PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__get_file_dim ! read dimension on an opened netcdf file, and reorder it PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__get_file_att ! read global attribute on an opened netcdf file PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__get_file_var ! read information about variable on an opened netcdf file PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__read_dim_id ! read one dimension in an opened netcdf file, given dimension id. PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__read_dim_name ! read one dimension in an opened netcdf file, given dimension name. PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__read_att_name ! read variable or global attribute in an opened netcdf file, given attribute name. PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__read_att_id ! read variable or global attribute in an opened netcdf file, given attribute id. PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__read_var_id ! read variable value in an opened netcdf file, given variable id. PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__read_var_name ! read variable value in an opened netcdf file, given variable name or standard name. PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__read_var_meta ! read metadata of a variable in an opened netcdf file. PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__read_var_dim ! read variable dimension in an opened netcdf file. PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__read_var_att ! read variable attributes in an opened netcdf file. PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__read_var_value ! read variable value in an opened netcdf file. PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__write_dim ! write one dimension in an opened netcdf file in write mode. PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__write_att ! write a variable attribute in an opened netcdf file. PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__write_var ! write a variable in an opened netcdf file. PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__write_var_def ! define variable in an opened netcdf file. PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__write_var_value ! put variable value in an opened netcdf file. PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__fill_var_id ! fill variable value in an opened netcdf file, given variable id PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__fill_var_name ! fill variable value in an opened netcdf file, given variable name PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__fill_var_all ! fill all variable value in an opened netcdf file PRIVATE :: iom_cdf__del_coord_var ! remove coordinate variable from an opened netcdf file INTERFACE iom_cdf_read_var MODULE PROCEDURE iom_cdf__read_var_id MODULE PROCEDURE iom_cdf__read_var_name END INTERFACE iom_cdf_read_var INTERFACE iom_cdf_fill_var MODULE PROCEDURE iom_cdf__fill_var_id MODULE PROCEDURE iom_cdf__fill_var_name MODULE PROCEDURE iom_cdf__fill_var_all END INTERFACE iom_cdf_fill_var INTERFACE iom_cdf_read_dim MODULE PROCEDURE iom_cdf__read_dim_id MODULE PROCEDURE iom_cdf__read_dim_name END INTERFACE iom_cdf_read_dim INTERFACE iom_cdf_read_att MODULE PROCEDURE iom_cdf__read_att_id MODULE PROCEDURE iom_cdf__read_att_name END INTERFACE iom_cdf_read_att CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine provides a simple interface to !> netcdf error message !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date May, 2015 - add optional message to netcdf error message !> !> @param[in] id_status error status !> @param[in] cd_msg message !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__check(id_status, cd_msg) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_status CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: cd_msg ! local variable CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_msg !---------------------------------------------------------------- cl_msg="" IF( PRESENT(cd_msg) ) cl_msg=cd_msg IF( id_status /= NF90_NOERR )THEN CALL logger_error(TRIM(cl_msg)//TRIM(NF90_STRERROR(id_status))) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__check !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine open a netcdf file in read or write mode. !> @details !> if try to open a file in write mode that did not exist, create it.
!> if file already exist, get information about0:
!> - the number of variables !> - the number of dimensions !> - the number of global attributes !> - the ID of the unlimited dimension !> - the file format !> Finally it read dimensions, and 'longitude' variable to compute East-West !> overlap. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[inout] td_file file structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf_open(td_file) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_file ! local variable LOGICAL :: ll_exist LOGICAL :: ll_open INTEGER(i4) :: il_status !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! check file existence INQUIRE(FILE=TRIM(td_file%c_name), EXIST=ll_exist, OPENED=ll_open) ! ll_open do not work for netcdf file, always return FALSE IF( .NOT. ll_exist .OR. TRIM(td_file%c_type) /= 'cdf' )THEN IF( .NOT. td_file%l_wrt )THEN CALL logger_fatal( " IOM CDF OPEN: can not open file "//& & TRIM(td_file%c_name) ) ELSE CALL logger_info( " IOM CDF CREATE: file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name) ) il_status = NF90_CREATE(TRIM(td_file%c_name),& & cmode=NF90_64BIT_OFFSET,& & ncid=td_file%i_id) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status," IOM CDF CREATE: ") td_file%l_def=.TRUE. ENDIF ELSE IF( td_file%i_id /= 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( " IOM CDF OPEN: file "//& & TRIM(td_file%c_name)//" already opened") ELSE IF( .NOT. td_file%l_wrt )THEN CALL logger_info( " IOM CDF OPEN: file "//& & TRIM(td_file%c_name)//" in read only mode" ) il_status = NF90_OPEN( TRIM(td_file%c_name), & & NF90_NOWRITE, & & td_file%i_id) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status," IOM CDF OPEN: ") ELSE CALL logger_info( "IOM CDF OPEN: file "//& & TRIM(td_file%c_name)//" in write mode" ) il_status = NF90_OPEN( TRIM(td_file%c_name), & & NF90_WRITE, & & td_file%i_id) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF OPEN: ") ENDIF ! get general information about file CALL iom_cdf__get_info(td_file) ! read dimension in file CALL iom_cdf__get_file_dim(td_file) ! read global attribute in file CALL iom_cdf__get_file_att(td_file) ! get information about variables in file CALL iom_cdf__get_file_var(td_file) ! remove dimension variable from list of variable CALL iom_cdf__del_coord_var(td_file) ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf_open !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine close netcdf file. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[inout] td_file file structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf_close(td_file) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_file ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_status !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! check if file opened IF( td_file%i_id == 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF CLOSE: no id associated to file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ELSE CALL logger_info( & & " IOM CDF CLOSE: file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) il_status = NF90_CLOSE(td_file%i_id) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF CLOSE: ") td_file%i_id = 0 ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf_close !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine get global information in an opened netcdf !> file. !> @details !> It gets the number of variables, the number of dimensions, !> the number of global attributes, the ID of the unlimited dimension !> and finally the format version and filled file strucuture with it. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date October, 2016 !> - define cdf4 as cdf. ! !> @param[inout] td_file file structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__get_info(td_file) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_file ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_fmt ! format version INTEGER(i4) :: il_status !---------------------------------------------------------------- CALL logger_trace( & & " IOM CDF GET INFO: about netcdf file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) il_status=NF90_INQUIRE(td_file%i_id, td_file%i_ndim, & & td_file%i_nvar, td_file%i_natt, td_file%i_uldid, il_fmt) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF GET INFO: ") SELECT CASE(il_fmt) CASE(nf90_format_classic, nf90_format_64bit) td_file%c_type='cdf' CASE(nf90_format_netcdf4, nf90_format_netcdf4_classic) !td_file%c_type='cdf4' td_file%c_type='cdf' END SELECT ! record header infos td_file%i_rhd=1 END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__get_info !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine read dimension on an opened netcdf file, and !> reorder dimension to ('x', 'y', 'z', 't'). !> The dimension structure inside file structure is then completed. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date October, 2016 !> - check unknown dimension !> !> @param[inout] td_file file structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__get_file_dim(td_file) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_file ! local variable TYPE(TDIM) :: tl_dim ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji INTEGER(i4) :: ii !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! clean dimension DO ji=1,ip_maxdim CALL dim_clean(td_file%t_dim(ji)) ENDDO IF( td_file%i_ndim > 0 )THEN ii=1 DO ji = 1, td_file%i_ndim ! read dimension information tl_dim=iom_cdf_read_dim( td_file, ji) ! sname == 'u' if dimension is unknown (not to be used) IF( TRIM(tl_dim%c_sname) /= 'u' )THEN IF( ii > ip_maxdim )THEN CALL logger_fatal("IOM CDF OPEN: too much dimension "//& & "to be read. you could choose dimension to be used. see "//& & " configuration file") ENDIF td_file%t_dim(ii)=dim_copy(tl_dim) ii=ii+1 ENDIF ENDDO ! inform unlimited dimension IF( td_file%i_uldid == -1 )THEN CALL logger_warn( & & " IOM CDF GET FILE DIM: there is no unlimited dimension in file "//& & TRIM(td_file%c_name)) !ELSE ! td_file%t_dim( td_file%i_uldid )%l_uld=.TRUE. ENDIF ELSE CALL logger_warn( & & " IOM CDF GET FILE DIM: there is no dimension in file "//& & TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ENDIF ! reorder dimension to ('x','y','z','t') CALL dim_reorder(td_file%t_dim(:)) END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__get_file_dim !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine read global attribute on an opened netcdf !> file. !> The attribute structure inside file structure is then completed. ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date September, 2014 !> - use attribute periodicity read from the file if present. ! !> @param[inout] td_file file structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__get_file_att(td_file) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_file ! local variable TYPE(TATT) :: tl_att ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji INTEGER(i4) :: ii !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( td_file%i_natt > 0 )THEN IF(ASSOCIATED(td_file%t_att))THEN CALL att_clean(td_file%t_att(:)) DEALLOCATE(td_file%t_att) ENDIF ALLOCATE(td_file%t_att(td_file%i_natt)) ii=1 DO ji = 1, td_file%i_natt ! read global attribute tl_att=iom_cdf_read_att( td_file, NF90_GLOBAL, ji) IF( .NOT. att_is_dummy(tl_att) )THEN td_file%t_att(ii)=att_copy(tl_att) ii=ii+1 ENDIF ENDDO ELSE CALL logger_debug( & & " IOM CDF GET FILE ATT: there is no global attribute in file "//& & TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__get_file_att !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine read information about variable of an !> opened netcdf file. !> The variable structure inside file structure is then completed. !> @note variable value are not read ! !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date September, 2015 !> - manage useless (dummy) variable !> @date January, 2016 !> - increment n3d for 4D variable !> @date October, 2016 !> - check if variable to be used (variable's dimension allowed and variable !> not "dummy") !> !> @param[inout] td_file file structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__get_file_var(td_file) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_file ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_attid INTEGER(i4) :: il_nvar TYPE(TVAR), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tl_var ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji INTEGER(i4) :: ii !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( td_file%i_nvar > 0 )THEN IF(ASSOCIATED(td_file%t_var))THEN CALL var_clean(td_file%t_var(:)) DEALLOCATE(td_file%t_var) ENDIF il_nvar=td_file%i_nvar ALLOCATE(tl_var(il_nvar)) DO ji = 1, il_nvar ! read variable information tl_var(ji)=iom_cdf__read_var_meta( td_file, ji) ENDDO ! update number of variable used td_file%i_nvar=COUNT(tl_var(:)%l_use) ALLOCATE(td_file%t_var(td_file%i_nvar)) ii=0 DO ji = 1, il_nvar IF( tl_var(ji)%l_use )THEN ii=ii+1 td_file%t_var(ii)=var_copy(tl_var(ji)) SELECT CASE(td_file%t_var(ii)%i_ndim) CASE(0) td_file%i_n0d=td_file%i_n0d+1 CASE(1) td_file%i_n1d=td_file%i_n1d+1 td_file%i_rhd=td_file%i_rhd+1 CASE(2) td_file%i_n2d=td_file%i_n2d+1 td_file%i_rhd=td_file%i_rhd+1 CASE(3,4) td_file%i_n3d=td_file%i_n3d+1 td_file%i_rhd=td_file%i_rhd+td_file%t_dim(3)%i_len END SELECT ! look for depth id IF( INDEX(TRIM(fct_lower(td_file%t_var(ii)%c_name)),'depth')/=0 )THEN IF( td_file%i_depthid == 0 )THEN td_file%i_depthid=ji ELSE IF( td_file%i_depthid /= ji )THEN CALL logger_error("IOM CDF GET FILE VAR: find more"//& & " than one depth variable in file "//& & TRIM(td_file%c_name) ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! look for time id IF( INDEX(TRIM(fct_lower(td_file%t_var(ii)%c_name)),'time')/=0 )THEN IF( td_file%i_timeid == 0 )THEN td_file%i_timeid=ji ELSE IF( td_file%i_timeid /= ji )THEN CALL logger_warn("IOM CDF GET FILE VAR: find more "//& & "than one time variable in file "//& & TRIM(td_file%c_name)//". see "//& & "dummy.cfg configuration file to"//& & " not used dummy variables.") ENDIF il_attid=0 IF( ASSOCIATED(td_file%t_var(ii)%t_att) )THEN il_attid=att_get_id(td_file%t_var(ii)%t_att(:),'calendar') ENDIF IF( il_attid /= 0 )THEN td_file%i_timeid=ji ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO CALL var_clean(tl_var(:)) DEALLOCATE(tl_var) ELSE CALL logger_debug( & & " IOM CDF GET FILE VAR: there is no variable in file "//& & TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__get_file_var !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine delete coordinate variable from an !> opened netcdf file if present. ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[inout] td_file file structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__del_coord_var(td_file) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_file ! local variable CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_name CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_sname ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji INTEGER(i4) :: jj !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( td_file%i_nvar > 0 )THEN DO ji=td_file%i_nvar,1,-1 cl_name=TRIM(td_file%t_var(ji)%c_name) DO jj=1,ip_maxdim IF( td_file%t_dim(jj)%l_use )THEN cl_sname=fct_upper(td_file%t_dim(jj)%c_sname) IF( TRIM(cl_name) == TRIM(cl_sname) )THEN CALL file_del_var(td_file,TRIM(cl_name)) EXIT ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ELSE CALL logger_debug( & & " IOM CDF DEL VAR DIM: there is no variable in file "//& & TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__del_coord_var !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function read one dimension in an opened netcdf file, !> given dimension id. ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date February, 2015 - create unused dimension, when reading dimension !> of length less or equal to zero ! !> @param[in] td_file file structure !> @param[in] id_dimid dimension id !> @return dimension structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(TDIM) FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_dim_id(td_file, id_dimid) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(IN) :: td_file INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN) :: id_dimid ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_status INTEGER(i4) :: il_len CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_name LOGICAL :: ll_use !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! check if file opened IF( td_file%i_id == 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF READ DIM: no id associated to file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ELSE CALL logger_trace( & & " IOM CDF READ DIM: dimension "//TRIM(fct_str(id_dimid))//& & " in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) il_status=NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(td_file%i_id, id_dimid, & & cl_name, il_len ) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF READ DIM: ") ll_use=.TRUE. IF( il_len <= 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn( & & " IOM CDF READ DIM: dimension "//TRIM(fct_str(id_dimid))//& & " in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)//" is less or equel to zero") il_len=1 ll_use=.FALSE. ENDIF iom_cdf__read_dim_id=dim_init(cl_name, il_len, ld_use=ll_use) ENDIF iom_cdf__read_dim_id%i_id=id_dimid END FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_dim_id !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function read one dimension in an opened netcdf file, !> given dimension name. ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[in] td_file file structure !> @param[in] cd_name dimension name !> @return dimension structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(TDIM) FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_dim_name(td_file, cd_name) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(IN) :: td_file CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: cd_name ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_status INTEGER(i4) :: il_dimid !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! check if file opened IF( td_file%i_id == 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF READ DIM: no id associated to file "//& & TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ELSE il_status=NF90_INQ_DIMID( td_file%i_id, TRIM(ADJUSTL(cd_name)), & & il_dimid) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF READ DIM: ") iom_cdf__read_dim_name=iom_cdf_read_dim(td_file, il_dimid) ENDIF END FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_dim_name !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function read variable or global attribute in an opened !> netcdf file, given attribute name. ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[in] td_file file structure !> @param[in] id_varid variable id. use NF90_GLOBAL to read global !> attribute in a file !> @param[in] cd_name attribute name !> @return attribute structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(TATT) FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_att_name(td_file, id_varid, cd_name) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(IN) :: td_file INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN) :: id_varid CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: cd_name ! local variable CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_name INTEGER(i4) :: il_status INTEGER(i4) :: il_attid INTEGER(i4) :: il_type INTEGER(i4) :: il_len CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_value INTEGER(i1), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: bl_value INTEGER(i2), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: sl_value INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: il_value REAL(sp) , DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: fl_value REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_value !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! check if file opened IF( td_file%i_id == 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF READ ATT: no id associated to file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ELSE cl_name=TRIM(ADJUSTL(cd_name)) ! inquire attribute IF( id_varid == NF90_GLOBAL )THEN CALL logger_trace( & & " IOM CDF READ ATT: inquire global attribute "//& & " in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ELSE CALL logger_trace( & & " IOM CDF READ ATT: inquire attribute "//& & " of variable "//TRIM(fct_str(id_varid))//& & " in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ENDIF il_status=NF90_INQUIRE_ATTRIBUTE(td_file%i_id, id_varid, & & cl_name,& & il_type,& & il_len, & & il_attid ) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF READ ATT: ") !! get attribute value CALL logger_debug( " IOM CDF READ ATT: get attribute "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//" in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) SELECT CASE( il_type ) CASE(NF90_CHAR) ! check string lengths IF( LEN(cl_value) < il_len )THEN CALL logger_warn( & & " IOM CDF READ ATT: not enough space to put "//& & "attribute "//TRIM(cl_name) ) ELSE ! Read the attributes il_status=NF90_GET_ATT(td_file%i_id, id_varid, & & cl_name, & & cl_value ) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF READ ATT: ") iom_cdf__read_att_name=att_init(cl_name, cl_value) ENDIF CASE(NF90_BYTE) ALLOCATE( bl_value( il_len), & & stat=il_status) IF(il_status /= 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( "IOM CDF READ ATT: "//& & "not enough space to put attribute "//TRIM(cl_name) ) ELSE ! Read the attributes il_status=NF90_GET_ATT(td_file%i_id, id_varid, & & cl_name, & & bl_value(:)) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF READ ATT: ") iom_cdf__read_att_name=att_init(cl_name, bl_value(:)) ENDIF DEALLOCATE(bl_value) CASE(NF90_SHORT) ALLOCATE( sl_value( il_len), & & stat=il_status) IF(il_status /= 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF READ ATT: not enough space to put "//& & "attribute "//TRIM(cl_name) ) ELSE ! Read the attributes il_status=NF90_GET_ATT(td_file%i_id, id_varid, & & cl_name, & & sl_value(:)) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF READ ATT: ") iom_cdf__read_att_name=att_init(cl_name, sl_value(:)) ENDIF DEALLOCATE(sl_value) CASE(NF90_INT) ALLOCATE( il_value( il_len), & & stat=il_status) IF(il_status /= 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF READ ATT: not enough space to put "//& & "attribute "//TRIM(cl_name) ) ELSE ! Read the attributes il_status=NF90_GET_ATT(td_file%i_id, id_varid, & & cl_name, & & il_value(:)) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF READ ATT: ") iom_cdf__read_att_name=att_init(cl_name, il_value(:)) ENDIF DEALLOCATE(il_value) CASE(NF90_FLOAT) ALLOCATE( fl_value( il_len), & & stat=il_status) IF(il_status /= 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF READ ATT: not enough space to put "//& & "attribute "//TRIM(cl_name) ) ELSE ! Read the attributes il_status=NF90_GET_ATT(td_file%i_id, id_varid, & & cl_name, & & fl_value(:)) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF READ ATT: ") iom_cdf__read_att_name=att_init(cl_name, fl_value(:)) ENDIF DEALLOCATE(fl_value) CASE(NF90_DOUBLE) ALLOCATE( dl_value( il_len), & & stat=il_status) IF(il_status /= 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF READ ATT: not enough space to put "//& & "attribute "//TRIM(cl_name) ) ELSE ! Read the attributes il_status=NF90_GET_ATT(td_file%i_id, id_varid, & & cl_name, & & dl_value(:)) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF READ ATT: ") iom_cdf__read_att_name=att_init(cl_name, dl_value(:)) ENDIF DEALLOCATE(dl_value) END SELECT iom_cdf__read_att_name%i_id=il_attid ENDIF END FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_att_name !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function read variable or global attribute in an opened !> netcdf file, given attribute id. ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[in] td_file file structure !> @param[in] id_varid variable id. use NF90_GLOBAL to read global !> attribute in a file !> @param[in] id_attid attribute id !> @return attribute structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(TATT) FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_att_id(td_file, id_varid, id_attid) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(IN) :: td_file INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN) :: id_varid INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN) :: id_attid ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_status CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_name !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! check if file opened IF( td_file%i_id == 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & "IOM CDF READ ATT: no id associated to file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ELSE ! get attribute name il_status=NF90_INQ_ATTNAME(td_file%i_id, id_varid, id_attid, cl_name) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF READ ATT: ") ! read attribute iom_cdf__read_att_id=iom_cdf__read_att_name(td_file, id_varid, cl_name) ENDIF END FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_att_id !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function read variable value in an opened !> netcdf file, given variable id. !> @details !> Optionaly, start indices and number of indices selected along each dimension !> could be specify in a 4 dimension array (/'x','y','z','t'/) ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[in] td_file file structure !> @param[in] id_varid variable id !> @param[in] id_start index in the variable from which the data values !> will be read !> @param[in] id_count number of indices selected along each dimension !> @return variable structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(TVAR) FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_var_id(td_file, id_varid,& & id_start, id_count) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(IN) :: td_file INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN) :: id_varid INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_start INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_count ! local variable INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(1) :: il_ind !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! check if file opened IF( td_file%i_id == 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF READ VAR: no id associated to file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ELSE ! look for variable index il_ind(:)=MINLOC(td_file%t_var(:)%i_id,mask=(td_file%t_var(:)%i_id==id_varid)) IF( il_ind(1) /= 0 )THEN iom_cdf__read_var_id=var_copy(td_file%t_var(il_ind(1))) !!! read variable value CALL iom_cdf__read_var_value(td_file, iom_cdf__read_var_id, & & id_start, id_count) ELSE CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF READ VAR: there is no variable with id "//& & TRIM(fct_str(id_varid))//" in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_var_id !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function read variable value in an opened !> netcdf file, given variable name or standard name. !> @details !> Optionaly, start indices and number of indices selected along each dimension !> could be specify in a 4 dimension array (/'x','y','z','t'/) !> !> look first for variable name. If it doesn't !> exist in file, look for variable standard name.
! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[in] td_file file structure !> @param[in] cd_name variable name or standard name. !> @param[in] id_start index in the variable from which the data values will be read !> @param[in] id_count number of indices selected along each dimension !> @return variable structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(TVAR) FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_var_name(td_file, cd_name, & & id_start, id_count ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE) , INTENT(IN) :: td_file CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: cd_name INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_start INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_count ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_varid !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! check if file opened IF( td_file%i_id == 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF READ VAR: no id associated to file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ELSE IF( .NOT. PRESENT(cd_name) )THEN CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF READ VAR: you must specify a variable to read "//& & " in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ELSE il_varid=var_get_index(td_file%t_var(:), cd_name) IF( il_varid /= 0 )THEN iom_cdf__read_var_name=var_copy(td_file%t_var(il_varid)) !!! read variable value CALL iom_cdf__read_var_value( td_file, & & iom_cdf__read_var_name, & & id_start, id_count) ELSE CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF READ VAR: there is no variable with "//& & " name or standard name "//TRIM(cd_name)//& & " in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name) ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_var_name !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine fill all variable value from an opened !> netcdf file. !> @details !> Optionaly, start indices and number of indices selected along each dimension !> could be specify in a 4 dimension array (/'x','y','z','t'/) ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[inout] td_file file structure !> @param[in] id_start index in the variable from which the data values !> will be read !> @param[in] id_count number of indices selected along each dimension !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__fill_var_all(td_file, id_start, id_count) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_file INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN ), OPTIONAL :: id_start INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN ), OPTIONAL :: id_count ! local variable ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! check if file opened IF( td_file%i_id == 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF FILL VAR: no id associated to file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ELSE DO ji=1,td_file%i_nvar CALL iom_cdf_fill_var(td_file, td_file%t_var(ji)%i_id, & & id_start, id_count) ENDDO ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__fill_var_all !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine fill variable value in an opened !> netcdf file, given variable id. !> @details !> Optionaly, start indices and number of indices selected along each dimension !> could be specify in a 4 dimension array (/'x','y','z','t'/) ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[inout] td_file file structure !> @param[in] id_varid variable id !> @param[in] id_start index in the variable from which the data values !> will be read !> @param[in] id_count number of indices selected along each dimension !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__fill_var_id(td_file, id_varid, id_start, id_count) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_file INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN) :: id_varid INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_start INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_count ! local variable INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(1) :: il_varid ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! check if file opened IF( td_file%i_id == 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & "IOM CDF FILL VAR: no id associated to file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ELSE ! look for variable id il_varid(:)=MINLOC( td_file%t_var(:)%i_id, & & mask=(td_file%t_var(:)%i_id==id_varid)) IF( il_varid(1) /= 0 )THEN !!! read variable value CALL iom_cdf__read_var_value(td_file, td_file%t_var(il_varid(1)), & & id_start, id_count) DO ji=1,td_file%i_nvar CALL logger_debug(" IOM CDF FILL VAR: var id "//& & TRIM(td_file%t_var(ji)%c_name)//" "//& & TRIM(fct_str(td_file%t_var(ji)%i_id)) ) ENDDO ELSE CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF FILL VAR: there is no variable with id "//& & TRIM(fct_str(id_varid))//" in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__fill_var_id !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine fill variable value in an opened !> netcdf file, given variable name or standard name. !> @details !> Optionaly, start indices and number of indices selected along each dimension !> could be specify in a 4 dimension array (/'x','y','z','t'/) !> !> look first for variable name. If it doesn't !> exist in file, look for variable standard name.
! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[inout] td_file file structure !> @param[in] cd_name variable name or standard name !> @param[in] id_start index in the variable from which the data values will be read !> @param[in] id_count number of indices selected along each dimension !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__fill_var_name(td_file, cd_name, id_start, id_count ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_file CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: cd_name INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_start INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_count ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_varid !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! check if file opened IF( td_file%i_id == 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & "IOM CDF FILL VAR: no id associated to file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ELSE il_varid=var_get_index(td_file%t_var(:), cd_name) IF( il_varid /= 0 )THEN !!! read variable value CALL iom_cdf__read_var_value(td_file, td_file%t_var(il_varid), & & id_start, id_count) ELSE CALL logger_error( & & "IOM CDF FILL VAR: there is no variable with "//& & "name or standard name"//TRIM(cd_name)//& & " in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__fill_var_name !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function read metadata of a variable in an opened !> netcdf file. ! !> @note variable value are not read ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date September, 2014 !> - force to use FillValue=1.e20 if no FillValue for coordinate variable. !> @date September, 2015 !> - manage useless (dummy) attribute ! !> @param[in] td_file file structure !> @param[in] id_varid variable id !> @return variable structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(TVAR) FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_var_meta(td_file, id_varid) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(IN) :: td_file INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN) :: id_varid ! local variable CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_name INTEGER(i4) :: il_status INTEGER(i4) :: il_type INTEGER(i4) :: il_ndim INTEGER(i4) :: il_natt INTEGER(i4) :: il_attid INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS) :: il_dimid TYPE(TDIM) , DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: tl_dim TYPE(TATT) :: tl_fill TYPE(TATT) , DIMENSION(:) , ALLOCATABLE :: tl_att TYPE(TATT) , DIMENSION(:) , ALLOCATABLE :: tl_tmp ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! check if file opened IF( td_file%i_id == 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF READ VAR META: no id associated to file "//& & TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ELSE ! inquire variable CALL logger_debug( & & " IOM CDF READ VAR META: inquire variable "//& & TRIM(fct_str(id_varid))//& & " in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) il_dimid(:)=0 il_status=NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE( td_file%i_id, id_varid, & & cl_name, & & il_type, & & il_ndim, & & il_dimid(:),& & il_natt ) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF READ VAR META: ") !!! fill variable dimension structure tl_dim(:)=iom_cdf__read_var_dim( td_file, il_ndim, cl_name, il_dimid(:) ) IF( il_natt /= 0 )THEN ALLOCATE( tl_att(il_natt) ) !!! fill variable attribute structure tl_att(:)=iom_cdf__read_var_att(td_file, id_varid, il_natt) !! look for _FillValue. if none add one il_attid=att_get_id(tl_att(:),'_FillValue') IF( il_attid == 0 )THEN CALL logger_info("IOM CDF READ VAR META: no _FillValue for variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//" in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name) ) il_attid=att_get_id(tl_att(:),'missing_value') IF( il_attid /= 0 )THEN ! create attribute _FillValue CALL logger_info("IOM CDF READ VAR META: assume _FillValue is equal to "//& & "missing_value for variable "//TRIM(cl_name) ) tl_fill=att_init('_FillValue',tl_att(il_attid)%d_value(:), & & id_type=tl_att(il_attid)%i_type) ELSE ! create attribute _FillValue SELECT CASE(TRIM(fct_lower(cl_name))) CASE DEFAULT CALL logger_info("IOM CDF READ VAR META: assume _FillValue is equal to "//& & "zero for variable "//TRIM(cl_name) ) tl_fill=att_init('_FillValue',0.) CASE('nav_lon','nav_lat', 'nav_lev', & & 'glamt','glamu','glamv','glamf', & & 'gphit','gphiu','gphiv','gphif') CALL logger_info("IOM CDF READ VAR META: assume _FillValue is equal to "//& & "dummy fillValue (1.e20) for variable "//TRIM(cl_name) ) tl_fill=att_init('_FillValue',1.e20) END SELECT ENDIF ALLOCATE( tl_tmp(il_natt) ) ! save read attribut tl_tmp(:)=att_copy(tl_att(:)) ! change number of attribute in array CALL att_clean(tl_att(:)) DEALLOCATE( tl_att ) ALLOCATE( tl_att(il_natt+1) ) ! copy read attribut tl_att(1:il_natt)=att_copy(tl_tmp(:)) ! clean CALL att_clean(tl_tmp(:)) DEALLOCATE( tl_tmp ) ! create attribute _FillValue tl_att(il_natt+1)=att_copy(tl_fill) ENDIF ELSE ALLOCATE(tl_att(il_natt+1) ) ! create attribute _FillValue SELECT CASE(TRIM(fct_lower(cl_name))) CASE DEFAULT CALL logger_info("IOM CDF READ VAR META: assume _FillValue is equal to "//& & "zero for variable "//TRIM(cl_name) ) tl_fill=att_init('_FillValue',0.) CASE('nav_lon','nav_lat', & & 'glamt','glamu','glamv','glamf', & & 'gphit','gphiu','gphiv','gphif') CALL logger_info("IOM CDF READ VAR META: assume _FillValue is equal to "//& & "dummy fillValue (1.e20) for variable "//TRIM(cl_name) ) tl_fill=att_init('_FillValue',1.e20) END SELECT ! create attribute _FillValue tl_att(il_natt+1)=att_copy(tl_fill) ENDIF !! initialize variable iom_cdf__read_var_meta=var_init( cl_name, il_type, tl_dim(:), & & tl_att(:), id_id=id_varid ) !! look for dummy attribute DO ji=il_natt,1,-1 IF( att_is_dummy(tl_att(ji)) )THEN CALL var_del_att(iom_cdf__read_var_meta, tl_att(ji)) ENDIF ENDDO !! check if variable is dummy IF( var_is_dummy(iom_cdf__read_var_meta) )THEN iom_cdf__read_var_meta%l_use=.FALSE. ENDIF !! check if all dimensions are allowed DO ji=1,il_ndim IF( ALL(td_file%t_dim(:)%i_id /= il_dimid(ji)) )THEN iom_cdf__read_var_meta%l_use=.FALSE. ENDIF ENDDO ! clean CALL dim_clean(tl_dim(:)) CALL att_clean(tl_fill) CALL att_clean(tl_att(:)) DEALLOCATE( tl_att ) ENDIF END FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_var_meta !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine read variable dimension !> in an opened netcdf file. !> !> @details !> the number of dimension can't exceed 4, !> and should be 'x', 'y', 'z', 't' (whatever their order).
!> If the number of dimension read is less than 4, the array of dimension !> strucure is filled with unused dimension.
!> So the array of dimension structure of a variable is always compose of 4 !> dimension (use or not). !> !> @warn dummy dimension are not used. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date July, 2015 !> - Bug fix: use order to disorder table (see dim_init) !> @date September, 2015 !> - check dummy dimension !> !> @param[in] td_file file structure !> @param[in] id_ndim number of dimension !> @param[in] cd_name variable name !> @param[in] id_dimid array of dimension id !> @return array dimension structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_var_dim(td_file, id_ndim, cd_name, id_dimid) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(IN) :: td_file INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN) :: id_ndim CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(IN) :: cd_name INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: id_dimid ! function TYPE(TDIM), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: iom_cdf__read_var_dim ! local variable INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_xyzt2 TYPE(TDIM) , DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: tl_dim ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji INTEGER(i4) :: ii !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( id_ndim == 0 )THEN tl_dim(:)%l_use=.FALSE. ! reorder dimension to ('x','y','z','t') CALL dim_reorder(tl_dim(:)) iom_cdf__read_var_dim(:)=dim_copy(tl_dim(:)) ! clean CALL dim_clean(tl_dim(:)) ELSE IF( id_ndim > 0 )THEN ii=1 DO ji = 1, id_ndim ! check if dimension to be used, is allowed IF( ANY(td_file%t_dim(:)%i_id == id_dimid(ji)) )THEN IF( ii > ip_maxdim )THEN CALL logger_error(" IOM CDF READ VAR DIM: "//& & "too much dimensions for variable "//& & TRIM(cd_name)//". check dummy configuration file.") ENDIF CALL logger_debug( " IOM CDF READ VAR DIM: get variable "//& & "dimension "//TRIM(fct_str(ji)) ) il_xyzt2(ii)=td_file%t_dim(id_dimid(ji))%i_xyzt2 ! read dimension information tl_dim(ii) = dim_init( td_file%t_dim(il_xyzt2(ii))%c_name, & & td_file%t_dim(il_xyzt2(ii))%i_len ) ii=ii+1 ELSE CALL logger_debug( " IOM CDF READ VAR DIM: dummy variable "//& & "dimension "//TRIM(fct_str(ji))//" not used." ) ENDIF ENDDO ! reorder dimension to ('x','y','z','t') CALL dim_reorder(tl_dim(:)) iom_cdf__read_var_dim(:)=dim_copy(tl_dim(:)) ! clean CALL dim_clean(tl_dim(:)) ENDIF END FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_var_dim !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine read variable attributes !> in an opened netcdf file. ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[in] td_file file structure !> @param[in] id_varid variable id !> @param[in] id_natt number of attributes !> @return array of attribute structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_var_att(td_file, id_varid, id_natt) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(IN) :: td_file INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN) :: id_varid INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN) :: id_natt ! function TYPE(TATT), DIMENSION(id_natt) :: iom_cdf__read_var_att ! local variable ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( id_natt > 0 )THEN ! read attributes DO ji = 1, id_natt CALL logger_trace( " IOM CDF READ VAR ATT: get attribute "//& & TRIM(fct_str(ji)) ) iom_cdf__read_var_att(ji)=iom_cdf_read_att(td_file, id_varid, ji) ENDDO ELSE CALL logger_debug( " IOM CDF READ VAR ATT: no attribute for variable " ) ENDIF END FUNCTION iom_cdf__read_var_att !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine read variable value !> in an opened netcdf file. !> @details !> Optionaly, start indices and number of indices selected along each dimension !> could be specify in a 4 dimension array (/'x','y','z','t'/) ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date June, 2015 !> - use scale factor and offset, as soon as read variable value ! !> @param[in] td_file file structure !> @param[inout] td_var variable structure !> @param[in] id_start index in the variable from which the data values will be read !> @param[in] id_count number of indices selected along each dimension !> @return variable structure completed !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__read_var_value(td_file, td_var, & & id_start, id_count ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(IN) :: td_file TYPE(TVAR) , INTENT(INOUT) :: td_var INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_start INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_count ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_status INTEGER(i4) :: il_tmp1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_tmp2 INTEGER(i4) :: il_varid INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_start INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_count INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_start_ord INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_count_ord REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: dl_value REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: dl_tmp ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! check if variable in file structure il_varid=var_get_id(td_file%t_var(:),TRIM(td_var%c_name)) IF( il_varid /= 0 )THEN ! check id_count and id_start optionals parameters... IF( ( PRESENT(id_start) .AND. (.NOT. PRESENT(id_count))) .OR. & ((.NOT. PRESENT(id_start)) .AND. PRESENT(id_count) ) )THEN CALL logger_warn( "IOM CDF READ VAR VALUE: id_start and id_count"//& & " should be both specify") ENDIF IF( PRESENT(id_start).AND.PRESENT(id_count) )THEN IF( SIZE(id_start(:)) /= ip_maxdim .OR. & & SIZE(id_count(:)) /= ip_maxdim )THEN CALL logger_error("IOM CDF READ VAR: dimension of array start"//& & " or count are invalid to read variable "//& & TRIM(td_var%c_name)//" in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name) ) ENDIF ! change dimension order from ('x','y','z','t') il_start(:)=dim_reorder_xyzt2(td_var%t_dim, id_start(:)) il_count(:)=dim_reorder_xyzt2(td_var%t_dim, id_count(:)) ! keep ordered array ('x','y','z','t') il_start_ord(:)=id_start(:) il_count_ord(:)=id_count(:) ELSE ! change dimension order from ('x','y','z','t') il_start(:)=(/1,1,1,1/) il_count(:)=dim_reorder_xyzt2(td_var%t_dim(:),td_var%t_dim(:)%i_len) ! keep ordered array ('x','y','z','t') il_start_ord(:)=(/1,1,1,1/) il_count_ord(:)=td_var%t_dim(:)%i_len ENDIF ! check dimension IF( .NOT. ALL(il_start_ord(:)>=(/1,1,1,1/)) )THEN CALL logger_error( "IOM CDF READ VAR VALUE: start indices should"//& & " be greater than or equal to 1") ENDIF IF(.NOT.ALL(il_start_ord(:)+il_count_ord(:)-1 <= & & (/td_var%t_dim( 1 )%i_len,& & td_var%t_dim( 2 )%i_len,& & td_var%t_dim( 3 )%i_len,& & td_var%t_dim( 4 )%i_len & & /)) )THEN DO ji = 1, ip_maxdim il_tmp1=il_start_ord(ji)+il_count_ord(ji)-1 il_tmp2=td_var%t_dim(ji)%i_len CALL logger_debug( "IOM CDF READ VAR VALUE: start + count -1:"//& & TRIM(fct_str(il_tmp1))//" variable dimension"//& & TRIM(fct_str(il_tmp2))) ENDDO CALL logger_error( "IOM CDF READ VAR VALUE: start + count exceed "//& & "variable dimension for "//TRIM(td_var%c_name) ) ELSE ! Allocate space to hold variable value (disorder) ALLOCATE(dl_value( il_count(1), & & il_count(2), & & il_count(3), & & il_count(4)),& & stat=il_status) IF( il_status /= 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & "IOM CDF READ VAR VALUE: not enough space to put variable "//& & TRIM(td_var%c_name)) ENDIF ! read values CALL logger_debug( & & "IOM CDF READ VAR VALUE: get variable "//TRIM(td_var%c_name)//& & " in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) il_status = NF90_GET_VAR( td_file%i_id, il_varid, & & dl_value(:,:,:,:), & & start = il_start(:),& & count = il_count(:) ) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF READ VAR VALUE: ") ! Allocate space to hold variable value in structure IF( ASSOCIATED(td_var%d_value) )THEN DEALLOCATE(td_var%d_value) ENDIF ! new dimension length td_var%t_dim(:)%i_len=il_count_ord(:) !> dummy patch for pgf95 ALLOCATE( dl_tmp( td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(3)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(4)%i_len),& & stat=il_status) IF(il_status /= 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & "IOM CDF READ VAR VALUE: not enough space to put variable "//& & TRIM(td_var%c_name)//& & " in variable structure") ENDIF dl_tmp(:,:,:,:)=td_var%d_fill ! reshape values to be ordered as ('x','y','z','t') dl_tmp(:,:,:,:)=dim_reshape_2xyzt(td_var%t_dim(:), & & dl_value(:,:,:,:)) DEALLOCATE(dl_value) ALLOCATE(td_var%d_value( td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(3)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(4)%i_len),& & stat=il_status) IF(il_status /= 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & "IOM CDF READ VAR VALUE: not enough space to put variable "//& & TRIM(td_var%c_name)//& & " in variable structure") ENDIF ! ! FillValue by default ! td_var%d_value(:,:,:,:)=td_var%d_fill ! ! ! reshape values to be ordered as ('x','y','z','t') ! td_var%d_value(:,:,:,:)=dim_reshape_2xyzt(td_var%t_dim(:), & ! & dl_value(:,:,:,:)) ! ! DEALLOCATE(dl_value) td_var%d_value(:,:,:,:)=dl_tmp(:,:,:,:) DEALLOCATE(dl_tmp) !< dummy patch for pgf95 ! force to change _FillValue to avoid mistake ! with dummy zero _FillValue IF( td_var%d_fill == 0._dp )THEN CALL var_chg_FillValue(td_var) ENDIF ! use scale factor and offset WHERE( td_var%d_value(:,:,:,:) /= td_var%d_fill ) td_var%d_value(:,:,:,:) = & & td_var%d_value(:,:,:,:)*td_var%d_scf + td_var%d_ofs END WHERE ENDIF ELSE CALL logger_error( & & "IOM CDF READ VAR VALUE: no variable "//TRIM(td_var%c_name)//& & " in file structure "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__read_var_value !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine write file structure in an opened netcdf file. !> !> @details !> optionally, you could specify dimension order (default 'xyzt') !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date July, 2015 !> - add dimension order option ! !> @param[inout] td_file file structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf_write_file(td_file, cd_dimorder) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE) , INTENT(INOUT) :: td_file CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN ), OPTIONAL :: cd_dimorder ! local variable INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: il_value CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_dimorder TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_var TYPE(TDIM), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: tl_dim ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji INTEGER(i4) :: jj INTEGER(i4) :: jvar !---------------------------------------------------------------- cl_dimorder='xyzt' IF( PRESENT(cd_dimorder) ) cl_dimorder=TRIM(cd_dimorder) ! check if file opened IF( td_file%i_id == 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & " IOM CDF WRITE FILE: no id associated to file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ELSE IF( td_file%l_wrt )THEN ! remove dummy variable CALL file_del_var(td_file,'no0d') CALL file_del_var(td_file,'no1d') CALL file_del_var(td_file,'no2d') CALL file_del_var(td_file,'no3d') DO ji = 1, td_file%i_nvar CALL var_check_dim( td_file%t_var(ji) ) ENDDO ! save usefull dimension IF( ASSOCIATED(td_file%t_var) )THEN tl_dim(:)=var_max_dim(td_file%t_var(:)) DO ji=1,ip_maxdim IF( tl_dim(ji)%l_use ) CALL file_move_dim(td_file, tl_dim(ji)) ENDDO ! clean CALL dim_clean(tl_dim(:)) ENDIF ! change dimension order IF( TRIM(cl_dimorder) /= 'xyzt' )THEN CALL dim_reorder(td_file%t_dim(:),TRIM(cl_dimorder)) DO jvar=1,td_file%i_nvar CALL logger_debug("VAR REORDER: "//TRIM(td_file%t_var(jvar)%c_name)) CALL var_reorder(td_file%t_var(jvar),TRIM(cl_dimorder)) ENDDO ENDIF ! write dimension in file DO ji = 1, ip_maxdim IF( td_file%t_dim(ji)%l_use )THEN CALL iom_cdf__write_dim(td_file, td_file%t_dim(ji)) ! write dimension variable ALLOCATE(il_value(td_file%t_dim(ji)%i_len)) il_value(:)=(/(jj,jj=1,td_file%t_dim(ji)%i_len)/) tl_var=var_init( fct_upper(td_file%t_dim(ji)%c_sname), & & il_value(:), & & td_dim=td_file%t_dim(ji) ) DEALLOCATE(il_value) ! do not use FillValue for dimension variable CALL var_del_att(tl_var, "_FillValue") CALL iom_cdf__write_var(td_file,tl_var) ! clean CALL var_clean(tl_var) ENDIF ENDDO ! write global attibute in file DO ji = 1, td_file%i_natt CALL iom_cdf__write_att(td_file, NF90_GLOBAL, td_file%t_att(ji)) ENDDO ! write variable in file DO ji = 1, td_file%i_nvar CALL iom_cdf__write_var(td_file, td_file%t_var(ji)) ENDDO ELSE CALL logger_error( & & "IOM CDF WRITE FILE: try to write in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)//& & ", not opened in write mode") ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf_write_file !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine write one dimension in an opened netcdf !> file in write mode. ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[inout] td_file file structure !> @param[inout] td_dim dimension structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__write_dim(td_file, td_dim) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_file TYPE(TDIM), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dim ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_status !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( .NOT. td_file%l_def )THEN CALL logger_trace( & & " IOM CDF WRITE FILE DIM: Enter define mode, file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ! Enter define mode il_status=NF90_REDEF(td_file%i_id) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF WRITE FILE DIM: ") td_file%l_def=.TRUE. ENDIF IF( td_dim%l_use )THEN IF( td_dim%l_uld )THEN ! write unlimited dimension CALL logger_trace( & & "IOM CDF WRITE FILE DIM: write unlimited dimension "//& & TRIM(td_dim%c_name)//" in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) il_status=NF90_DEF_DIM(td_file%i_id, fct_upper(td_dim%c_sname), & & NF90_UNLIMITED, td_dim%i_id) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF WRITE FILE DIM: ") ELSE ! write not unlimited dimension CALL logger_debug( & & "IOM CDF WRITE FILE DIM: write dimension "//TRIM(td_dim%c_name)//& & " in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) il_status=NF90_DEF_DIM(td_file%i_id, fct_upper(td_dim%c_sname), & & td_dim%i_len, td_dim%i_id) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF WRITE FILE DIM: ") ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__write_dim !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine write a variable attribute in !> an opened netcdf file. ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[inout] td_file file structure !> @param[in] id_varid variable id. use NF90_GLOBAL to write !> global attribute in a file !> @param[in] td_att attribute structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__write_att(td_file, id_varid, td_att) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_file INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN) :: id_varid TYPE(TATT), INTENT(IN) :: td_att ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_status !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( .NOT. td_file%l_def )THEN CALL logger_trace( & & "IOM CDF WRITE FILE ATT: Enter define mode, file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ! Enter define mode il_status=NF90_REDEF(td_file%i_id) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF WRITE FILE ATT: ") td_file%l_def=.TRUE. ENDIF !! put attribute value CALL logger_trace( & & "IOM CDF WRITE FILE ATT: write attribute "//TRIM(td_att%c_name)//& & " of variable "//TRIM(fct_str(id_varid))//& & " in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) SELECT CASE( td_att%i_type ) CASE(NF90_CHAR) ! put the attribute il_status = NF90_PUT_ATT(td_file%i_id, id_varid, & & td_att%c_name, td_att%c_value ) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF WRITE FILE ATT: ") CASE(NF90_BYTE, NF90_SHORT, NF90_INT, NF90_FLOAT, NF90_DOUBLE) ! put the attribute il_status = NF90_PUT_ATT(td_file%i_id, id_varid, & & td_att%c_name, td_att%d_value ) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF WRITE FILE ATT: ") END SELECT END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__write_att !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine write a variable in an opened netcdf file. ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date September, 2015 !> - do not force to use zero as FillValue for any meshmask variable ! !> @param[inout] td_file file structure !> @param[inout] td_var variable structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__write_var(td_file, td_var) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_file TYPE(TVAR), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_var ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_status LOGICAL :: ll_chg ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( .NOT. td_file%l_def )THEN CALL logger_trace( & & " IOM CDF WRITE VAR: Enter define mode, file "//& & TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ! Enter define mode il_status=NF90_REDEF(td_file%i_id) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF WRITE VAR: ") td_file%l_def=.TRUE. ENDIF ! check if file and variable dimension conform IF( file_check_var_dim(td_file, td_var) )THEN ll_chg=.TRUE. DO ji=1,ip_maxdim IF( TRIM(fct_lower(cp_dimorder(ji:ji))) == & & TRIM(fct_lower(td_var%c_name)) )THEN ll_chg=.FALSE. CALL logger_trace(TRIM(fct_lower(td_var%c_name))//' is var dimension') EXIT ENDIF ENDDO ! ugly patch until NEMO do not force to use 0. as FillValue IF( ll_chg )THEN ! not a dimension variable ! change FillValue SELECT CASE( TRIM(fct_lower(td_var%c_name)) ) CASE DEFAULT CALL var_chg_FillValue(td_var,0._dp) CASE('nav_lon','nav_lat', & & 'glamt','glamu','glamv','glamf', & & 'gphit','gphiu','gphiv','gphif', & & 'e1t','e1u','e1v','e1f', & & 'e2t','e2u','e2v','e2f','ff', & & 'gcost','gcosu','gcosv','gcosf', & & 'gsint','gsinu','gsinv','gsinf', & & 'mbathy','misf','isf_draft','isfdraft', & & 'hbatt','hbatu','hbatv','hbatf', & & 'gsigt','gsigu','gsigv','gsigf', & & 'e3t_0','e3u_0','e3v_0','e3w_0', & & 'e3f_0','gdepw_1d','gdept_1d', & & 'e3tp','e3wp','gdepw_0','rx1', & & 'gdept_0','gdepu','gdepv', & & 'hdept','hdepw','e3w_1d','e3t_1d',& & 'tmask','umask','vmask','fmask' ) ! do not change for coordinates and meshmask variables END SELECT ENDIF ! define variable in file td_var%i_id=iom_cdf__write_var_def(td_file, td_var) IF( td_file%l_def )THEN CALL logger_trace( & & " IOM CDF WRITE VAR: Leave define mode, file "//& & TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ! Leave define mode il_status=NF90_ENDDEF(td_file%i_id) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF WRITE VAR: ") td_file%l_def=.FALSE. ENDIF IF( ASSOCIATED(td_var%d_value) )THEN ! write variable value in file CALL iom_cdf__write_var_value(td_file, td_var) ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__write_var !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function define variable in an opened netcdf file. ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[in] td_file file structure !> @param[in] td_var variable structure !> @return variable id !------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER(i4) FUNCTION iom_cdf__write_var_def(td_file, td_var) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(IN) :: td_file TYPE(TVAR), INTENT(IN) :: td_var ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_status INTEGER(i4) :: il_ind INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_dimid TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_var ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji INTEGER(i4) :: jj !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! copy structure tl_var=var_copy(td_var) ! forced to use float type IF( tl_var%d_unf /= 1. .AND. tl_var%i_type==NF90_SHORT )THEN tl_var%i_type=NF90_FLOAT ENDIF IF( ALL( .NOT. tl_var%t_dim(:)%l_use ) )THEN CALL logger_debug( & & "IOM CDF WRITE VAR DEF scalar: define variable "//& & TRIM(tl_var%c_name)//" in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ! scalar value il_status = NF90_DEF_VAR(td_file%i_id, TRIM(tl_var%c_name), & & tl_var%i_type, varid=iom_cdf__write_var_def) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF WRITE VAR DEF: ") ELSE ! check which dimension use jj=0 il_dimid(:)=0 ! reorder dimension, so unused dimension won't be written DO ji = 1, ip_maxdim IF( tl_var%t_dim(ji)%l_use )THEN jj=jj+1 il_dimid(jj)=dim_get_id(td_file%t_dim(:),tl_var%t_dim(ji)%c_name) ENDIF ENDDO CALL logger_debug( & & "IOM CDF WRITE VAR DEF: define dimension to be used for variable "//& & TRIM(tl_var%c_name)//" in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) DO ji=1,jj CALL logger_debug("IOM CDF WRITE VAR DEF: dimid "//TRIM(fct_str(il_dimid(ji))) ) ENDDO il_status = NF90_DEF_VAR(td_file%i_id, TRIM(tl_var%c_name), & & tl_var%i_type, & & il_dimid(1:jj), & & varid=iom_cdf__write_var_def ) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF WRITE VAR DEF: ") ENDIF CALL logger_debug("IOM CDF WRITE VAR DEF: type = "//TRIM(fct_str(tl_var%i_type))) ! remove unuseful attribute il_ind=att_get_index( tl_var%t_att(:), "ew_overlap" ) IF( il_ind /= 0 )THEN IF( tl_var%t_att(il_ind)%d_value(1) == -1 )THEN CALL var_del_att(tl_var, tl_var%t_att(il_ind)) ENDIF ENDIF DO ji = 1, tl_var%i_natt CALL logger_debug( & & " IOM CDF WRITE VAR DEF: put attribute "//TRIM(tl_var%t_att(ji)%c_name)//& & " for variable "//TRIM(tl_var%c_name)//& & " in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name) ) ! forced FillValue to have same type than variable IF( TRIM(tl_var%t_att(ji)%c_name) == '_FillValue' )THEN tl_var%t_att(ji)%i_type=tl_var%i_type ENDIF SELECT CASE(tl_var%t_att(ji)%i_type) CASE(NF90_CHAR) IF( TRIM(tl_var%t_att(ji)%c_value) /= '' )THEN il_status = NF90_PUT_ATT(td_file%i_id, iom_cdf__write_var_def, & & TRIM(tl_var%t_att(ji)%c_name), & & TRIM(tl_var%t_att(ji)%c_value) ) ENDIF CASE(NF90_BYTE) il_status = NF90_PUT_ATT(td_file%i_id, & & iom_cdf__write_var_def, & & TRIM(tl_var%t_att(ji)%c_name), & & INT(tl_var%t_att(ji)%d_value(:),i1)) CASE(NF90_SHORT) il_status = NF90_PUT_ATT(td_file%i_id, & & iom_cdf__write_var_def, & & TRIM(tl_var%t_att(ji)%c_name), & & INT(tl_var%t_att(ji)%d_value(:),i2)) CASE(NF90_INT) il_status = NF90_PUT_ATT(td_file%i_id, & & iom_cdf__write_var_def, & & TRIM(tl_var%t_att(ji)%c_name), & & INT(tl_var%t_att(ji)%d_value(:),i4)) CASE(NF90_FLOAT) il_status = NF90_PUT_ATT(td_file%i_id, & & iom_cdf__write_var_def, & & TRIM(tl_var%t_att(ji)%c_name), & & REAL(tl_var%t_att(ji)%d_value(:),sp)) CASE(NF90_DOUBLE) il_status = NF90_PUT_ATT(td_file%i_id, & & iom_cdf__write_var_def, & & TRIM(tl_var%t_att(ji)%c_name), & & REAL(tl_var%t_att(ji)%d_value(:),dp)) END SELECT CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF WRITE VAR DEF: ") ENDDO END FUNCTION iom_cdf__write_var_def !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine put variable value in an opened netcdf file. ! !> @details !> The variable is written in the type define in variable structure. !> Only dimension used are printed, and fillValue in array are !> replaced by default fill values defined in module netcdf for each type. ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date June, 2015 !> - reuse scale factor and offset, before writing variable ! !> @param[in] td_file file structure !> @param[in] td_var variable structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__write_var_value(td_file, td_var) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(IN) :: td_file TYPE(TVAR), INTENT(IN) :: td_var ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_status INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_order INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_shape REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_value ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji, jj !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! check which dimension use CALL logger_trace( & & "IOM CDF WRITE VAR VALUE: get dimension to be used for variable "//& & TRIM(td_var%c_name)//" in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ! use scale factor and offset WHERE( td_var%d_value(:,:,:,:) /= td_var%d_fill ) td_var%d_value(:,:,:,:) = & & (td_var%d_value(:,:,:,:)-td_var%d_ofs)/td_var%d_scf END WHERE jj=0 DO ji = 1, ip_maxdim IF( td_var%t_dim(ji)%l_use )THEN jj=jj+1 il_order(jj)=ji il_shape(jj)=td_var%t_dim(ji)%i_len ENDIF ENDDO ! dimension not use DO ji = 1, ip_maxdim IF( .NOT. td_var%t_dim(ji)%l_use )THEN jj=jj+1 il_order(jj)=ji il_shape(jj)=td_var%t_dim(ji)%i_len ENDIF ENDDO ALLOCATE( dl_value( il_shape(1),il_shape(2),il_shape(3),il_shape(4) ) ) ! reshape array, so unused dimension won't be written dl_value(:,:,:,:)=RESHAPE(source=td_var%d_value(:,:,:,:),& & SHAPE = il_shape(:), & & ORDER = il_order(:)) ! put value CALL logger_debug( & & "IOM CDF WRITE VAR VALUE: put "//TRIM(td_var%c_name)//" value "//& & "in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) il_status = NF90_PUT_VAR( td_file%i_id, td_var%i_id, dl_value(:,:,:,:)) CALL iom_cdf__check(il_status,"IOM CDF WRITE VAR VALUE ("//& & TRIM(td_var%c_name)//") :" ) DEALLOCATE( dl_value ) END SUBROUTINE iom_cdf__write_var_value END MODULE iom_cdf