!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! This module creates grid description files for input to the SCRIP code ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE scripgrid_mod USE kinds_mod USE constants USE iounits USE netcdf USE netcdf_mod IMPLICIT NONE !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! module variables that describe the grid INTEGER (kind=int_kind), parameter :: & grid_rank = 2, & grid_corners = 4 INTEGER (kind=int_kind) :: nx, ny, grid_size INTEGER (kind=int_kind), dimension(2) :: & grid_dims, & ! size of x, y dimensions grid_dim_ids ! ids of the x, y dimensions INTEGER (kind=int_kind), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: & grid_imask ! land-sea mask REAL (kind=int_kind), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: & grid_center_lat, & ! lat/lon coordinates for grid_center_lon ! each grid center in degrees REAL (kind=dbl_kind), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: & grid_corner_lat, & ! lat/lon coordinates for grid_corner_lon ! each grid corner in degrees REAL (kind=dbl_kind), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: & corner_lon, & corner_lat REAL (kind=dbl_kind), PARAMETER :: circle = 360.0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! module variables that describe the netcdf file INTEGER (kind=int_kind) :: & ncstat, & ! general netCDF status variable ncid_in CONTAINS ! ============================================================================== SUBROUTINE convert(nm_in) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - input variables CHARACTER(char_len), INTENT(in) :: & nm_in ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - local variables CHARACTER(char_len) :: & nemo_file, input_file, method, input_lon, input_lat, datagrid_file, & nemogrid_file, nemo_lon, nemo_lat, corn_lon, corn_lat, nemo_mask, input_mask INTEGER (kind=int_kind), dimension(2) :: & offset INTEGER (kind=int_kind) :: & iunit, nemo_mask_value, input_mask_value namelist /grid_inputs/ nemo_file, input_file, datagrid_file, nemogrid_file, & method, input_lon, input_lat, nemo_lon, nemo_lat, & nemo_mask, nemo_mask_value, input_mask, input_mask_value !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - namelist describing the processing ! note that mask_value is the minimum good value, ! so that where the mask is less than the value is masked nemo_file = "coordinates.nc" nemo_lon = "glamt" nemo_lat = "gphit" input_lon = "lon" input_lat = "lat" input_mask = "none" input_mask_value = 0 datagrid_file = 'remap_data_grid.nc' nemogrid_file = 'remap_nemo_grid.nc' call get_unit(iunit) open(iunit, file=nm_in, status='old', form='formatted') read(iunit, nml=grid_inputs) call release_unit(iunit) if (trim(nemo_file) .eq. 'coordinates.nc') then ! set up the names of the corner variables for a given input ! the offset represents what needs to be added to (i,j) to get to the correct ! element in the corner arrays to correspond to the point northeast of the center if (nemo_lon(5:5) == "t") then corn_lon = "glamf" corn_lat = "gphif" offset = (/ 0,0 /) else if (nemo_lon(5:5) == "u") then corn_lon = "glamv" corn_lat = "gphiv" offset = (/ 1,0 /) else if (nemo_lon(5:5) == "v") then corn_lon = "glamu" corn_lat = "gphiu" offset = (/ 0,1 /) else write(6,*) 'unknown nemo_lon name' stop endif write(6,*) "processing " // trim(nemo_file) call convertNEMO(nemo_file, nemo_lon, nemo_lat, corn_lon, corn_lat, & offset, nemogrid_file) else write(6,*) "processing regular grid " // trim(nemo_file) call convertFLUX(nemo_file, nemo_lon, nemo_lat, & nemo_mask, nemo_mask_value, nemogrid_file) endif write(6,*) "processing regular grid" call convertFLUX(input_file, input_lon, input_lat, & input_mask, input_mask_value, datagrid_file) END SUBROUTINE convert ! ============================================================================== SUBROUTINE convertNEMO(grid_file_in, cent_lon, cent_lat, corn_lon, corn_lat, & off, grid_file_out) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This routine converts a NEMO coordinates.nc file to a remapping grid file. ! CHARACTER(char_len), INTENT(in) :: cent_lon, cent_lat, corn_lon, corn_lat INTEGER (kind=int_kind), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(2) :: off CHARACTER(char_len), INTENT(in) :: grid_file_out CHARACTER(char_len), INTENT(in) :: grid_file_in !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! module variables that describe the grid CHARACTER(char_len), parameter :: & grid_name = 'Remapped NEMO grid for SCRIP' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! grid coordinates and masks REAL (kind=dbl_kind), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: & clon, clat, & ! expanded corner arrays glam, & ! center longitude gphi, & ! center latitude glamc, & ! corner longitude gphic ! corner latitude !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! other local variables INTEGER (kind=int_kind) :: i, j, n, iunit, im1, jm1, imid, isame, ic, jc INTEGER (kind=int_kind) :: varid_lam, varid_phi, varid_lamc, varid_phic INTEGER (kind=int_kind) :: jdim INTEGER (kind=int_kind), dimension(4) :: grid_dimids ! input fields have 4 dims REAL (kind=dbl_kind) :: tmplon, dxt, dyt !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read in grid info ! ! For NEMO input grids, assume that variable names are glam, glamc etc. ! Assume that 1st 2 dimensions of these variables are x and y directions. ! These assumptions are made by NEMO, so should be valid for coordinates.nc. ! ! write in nf90 calls (without error handling) and then think about ! making more readable by taking chunks into ncutil ! ncstat = nf90_open( grid_file_in, NF90_NOWRITE, ncid_in ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ! find dimids for 'glam' ! use dimids to get dimlengths ! allocate glam array ! get glam from file ncstat = nf90_inq_varid( ncid_in, cent_lon, varid_lam ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_inq_varid( ncid_in, corn_lon, varid_lamc ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_inq_varid( ncid_in, cent_lat, varid_phi ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_inq_varid( ncid_in, corn_lat, varid_phic ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_inquire_variable( ncid_in, varid_lam, dimids=grid_dimids(:) ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) DO jdim = 1, SIZE(grid_dims) ncstat = nf90_inquire_dimension( ncid_in, grid_dimids(jdim), & len=grid_dims(jdim) ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) END DO nx = grid_dims(1) ny = grid_dims(2) grid_size = nx * ny WRITE(*,FMT='("Input grid dimensions are:",2i6)') nx, ny ! assume that dimensions are all the same as glam ALLOCATE( glam(nx,ny), glamc(nx,ny), gphi(nx,ny), gphic(nx,ny) ) ncstat = nf90_get_var( ncid_in, varid_lam, glam(:,:) ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_get_var( ncid_in, varid_lamc, glamc(:,:) ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_get_var( ncid_in, varid_phi, gphi(:,:) ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_get_var( ncid_in, varid_phic, gphic(:,:) ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - Mask is all ocean for now ALLOCATE( grid_imask(grid_size) ) grid_imask(:) = 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! corners are arranged as follows: 4 3 ! 1 2 ! ! Assume that cyclic grids have 2 wrap columns in coordinates.nc ! (this is the case for ORCA grids) ! ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! create a single pair of arrays for the corners where clon(1,1) corresponds ! to the south west corner of a box containing glam(1,1) ! various special cases then apply ! bottom row: assume clon(:,j) = clon(:,j+1) ALLOCATE ( clon(nx+1,ny+1), clat(nx+1,ny+1) ) ! first the easy internal points DO j = 2,ny DO i = 2,nx ic = i + off(1) - 1 jc = j + off(2) - 1 clon(i,j) = glamc(ic,jc) clat(i,j) = gphic(ic,jc) ENDDO ENDDO ! then the tricky boundary points imid = (nx-1)/2 + 1 DO j = 1,ny+1,ny DO i = 1,nx+1,nx ic = i + off(1) - 1 jc = j + off(2) - 1 if (ic == 0 .and. jc == 0) then clon(i,j) = glamc(nx,1) clat(i,j) = gphic(nx,1) - (gphic(nx,2)-gphic(nx,1)) else if (ic == nx+1 .and. jc == 0) then clon(i,j) = glamc(1,1) clat(i,j) = gphic(1,1) - (gphic(1,2)-gphic(1,1)) else if (ic == 0 .and. jc == ny+1) then isame = 2*imid - nx + 1 clon(i,j) = glamc(isame,jc-1) clat(i,j) = gphic(isame,jc-1) else if (ic == nx+1 .and. jc == ny+1) then isame = 2*imid clon(i,j) = glamc(isame,jc-1) clat(i,j) = gphic(isame,jc-1) else if (ic == 0) then clon(i,j) = glamc(nx,jc) clat(i,j) = gphic(nx,jc) else if (jc == 0) then clon(i,j) = glamc(ic,1) clat(i,j) = gphic(ic,1) - (gphic(ic,2)-gphic(ic,1)) else if (ic == nx+1) then clon(i,j) = glamc(1,jc) clat(i,j) = gphic(1,jc) else if (jc == ny+1) then isame = 2*imid - ic + 1 clon(i,j) = glamc(isame,jc-1) clat(i,j) = gphic(isame,jc-1) endif ENDDO ENDDO ALLOCATE ( corner_lon(4,nx,ny), corner_lat(4,nx,ny) ) ! top-right corner corner_lon(3,:,:) = clon(2:nx+1,2:ny+1) corner_lat(3,:,:) = clat(2:nx+1,2:ny+1) ! top-left corner corner_lon(4,:,:) = clon(1:nx,2:ny+1) corner_lat(4,:,:) = clat(1:nx,2:ny+1) ! bottom-right corner corner_lon(2,:,:) = clon(2:nx+1,1:ny) corner_lat(2,:,:) = clat(2:nx+1,1:ny) ! bottom-left corner corner_lon(1,:,:) = clon(1:nx,1:ny) corner_lat(1,:,:) = clat(1:nx,1:ny) ! For [N, E, W]-ward extrapolation near the poles, should we use stereographic (or ! similar) projection? This issue will come for V,F interpolation, and for all ! grids with non-cyclic grids. ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! correct for 0,2pi longitude crossings ! (In practice this means putting all corners into 0,2pi range ! and ensuring that no box corners are miles from each other. ! 3pi/2 is used as threshold - I think this is quite arbitrary.) corner_lon(:,:,:) = MODULO( corner_lon(:,:,:), circle ) DO n = 2, grid_corners WHERE ( corner_lon(n,:,:) - corner_lon(n-1,:,:) < -three*circle*0.25 ) corner_lon(n,:,:) = corner_lon(n,:,:) + circle ELSEWHERE( corner_lon(n,:,:) - corner_lon(n-1,:,:) > three*circle*0.25 ) corner_lon(n,:,:) = corner_lon(n,:,:) - circle END WHERE END DO ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - put longitudes on smooth grid ! call mouldlon(glam,nx,ny) ! call mouldlon(corner_lon(1,:,:),nx,ny) ! call mouldlon(corner_lon(2,:,:),nx,ny) ! call mouldlon(corner_lon(3,:,:),nx,ny) ! call mouldlon(corner_lon(4,:,:),nx,ny) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - reshape for SCRIP input format ALLOCATE( grid_center_lon(grid_size), grid_center_lat(grid_size) ) grid_center_lon(:) = RESHAPE( glam(:,:), (/ grid_size /) ) grid_center_lat(:) = RESHAPE( gphi(:,:), (/ grid_size /) ) DEALLOCATE( glam, gphi, glamc, gphic ) ALLOCATE( grid_corner_lon(4, grid_size), grid_corner_lat(4, grid_size) ) grid_corner_lon(:,:) = RESHAPE( corner_lon(:,:,:), (/ 4, grid_size /) ) grid_corner_lat(:,:) = RESHAPE( corner_lat(:,:,:), (/ 4, grid_size /) ) DEALLOCATE( corner_lon, corner_lat ) CALL createSCRIPgrid(grid_file_out, grid_name) END SUBROUTINE convertNEMO ! ============================================================================== SUBROUTINE convertFLUX(grid_file_in, name_lon, name_lat, & name_mask, value_mask, grid_file_out) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This routine creates a remapping grid file from an input grid. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(char_len), INTENT(in) :: & grid_file_in, name_lon, name_lat, name_mask, grid_file_out INTEGER (kind=int_kind) :: value_mask !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! variables that describe the grid CHARACTER(char_len), parameter :: & grid_name = 'Remapped regular grid for SCRIP' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! grid coordinates (note that a flux file just has lon and lat) REAL (kind=dbl_kind), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: & lam, phi REAL (kind=dbl_kind), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: & glam, & ! longitude gphi, & ! latitude glamc, & gphic REAL (kind=dbl_kind), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! other local variables INTEGER (kind=int_kind) :: i, j, n, iunit, im1, jm1 INTEGER (kind=int_kind) :: varid_lam, varid_phi, varid_mask INTEGER (kind=int_kind) :: jdim, nspace INTEGER (kind=int_kind), dimension(4) :: grid_dimids ! input fields have 4 dims REAL (kind=dbl_kind) :: tmplon, dxt, dyt !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read in grid info ! ! For NEMO input grids, assume that variable names are glam, glamc etc. ! Assume that 1st 2 dimensions of these variables are x and y directions. ! These assumptions are made by NEMO, so should be valid for coordinates.nc. ! ! write in nf90 calls (without error handling) and then think about ! making more readable by taking chunks into ncutil ncstat = nf90_open( grid_file_in, NF90_NOWRITE, ncid_in ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ! find dimids for 'glamt' ! use dimids to get dimlengths ! allocate glam array ! get glam from file ncstat = nf90_inq_varid( ncid_in, name_lat, varid_phi ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_inq_varid( ncid_in, name_lon, varid_lam ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_inquire_variable( ncid_in, varid_lam, ndims=nspace ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) if (nspace == 1) then ncstat = nf90_inquire_variable( ncid_in, varid_lam, dimids=grid_dimids(:1) ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_inquire_variable( ncid_in, varid_phi, dimids=grid_dimids(2:) ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_inquire_dimension( ncid_in, grid_dimids(1), len=grid_dims(1) ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_inquire_dimension( ncid_in, grid_dimids(2), len=grid_dims(2) ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) nx = grid_dims(1) ny = grid_dims(2) grid_size = nx * ny WRITE(*,FMT='("Input grid dimensions are:",2i6)') nx, ny ALLOCATE( lam(nx), phi(ny) ) write(6,*) 'double' ncstat = nf90_get_var( ncid_in, varid_lam, lam ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_get_var( ncid_in, varid_phi, phi ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ALLOCATE( glam(nx,ny), gphi(nx,ny)) write(6,*) shape(lam),shape(phi) glam(:,:) = SPREAD(lam,2,ny) gphi(:,:) = SPREAD(phi,1,nx) else ncstat = nf90_inquire_variable( ncid_in, varid_lam, dimids=grid_dimids(:2) ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_inquire_dimension( ncid_in, grid_dimids(1), len=grid_dims(1) ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_inquire_dimension( ncid_in, grid_dimids(2), len=grid_dims(2) ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) nx = grid_dims(1) ny = grid_dims(2) grid_size = nx * ny WRITE(*,FMT='("Input grid dimensions are:",2i6)') nx, ny ALLOCATE( glam(nx,ny), gphi(nx,ny)) ncstat = nf90_get_var( ncid_in, varid_lam, glam ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_get_var( ncid_in, varid_phi, gphi ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) endif write(6,*) grid_size,nx,ny ALLOCATE(glamc(0:nx,0:ny), gphic(0:nx,0:ny) ) ! - for now a simple average to get top right box corners ! - glamc(i,j), gphic(i,j) are top right coordinates of box containing ! - glam(i,j),gphi(i,j) write(6,*) 'averaging' write(6,*) size(gphic),size(gphi) gphic(1:nx,1:ny-1) = 0.5*(gphi(:,1:ny-1)+gphi(:,2:ny)) write(6,*) size(glamc),size(glam) glamc(1:nx-1,1:ny) = 0.5*(glam(1:nx-1,:)+glam(2:nx,:)) ! - left and right column of longitudes write(6,*) 'columns' glamc(nx,1:ny) = 1.5*glam(nx,:)-0.5*glam(nx-1,:) glamc( 0,1:ny) = 1.5*glam(1,:)-0.5*glam(2,:) glamc(nx, 0) = glamc(nx,1) glamc( 0, 0) = glamc( 0,1) ! - top and bottom row of latitudes by extrapolation write(6,*) 'rows' gphic(1:nx,ny) = 1.5*gphi(:,ny)-0.5*gphi(:,ny-1) gphic(1:nx, 0) = 1.5*gphi(:,1)-0.5*gphi(:,2) gphic( 0,ny) = gphic(1,ny) gphic( 0, 0) = gphic(1, 0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- write(6,*) 'allocating' ALLOCATE( grid_imask(grid_size) ) grid_imask(:) = 1 write(6,*) name_mask if (trim(name_mask) /= "none") then write(6,*) 'masking' ncstat = nf90_inq_varid( ncid_in, name_mask, varid_mask ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ALLOCATE( mask(nx,ny) ) write(6,*) 'reading mask' ncstat = nf90_get_var( ncid_in, varid_mask, mask ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) write(6,*) 'setting mask' WHERE ( RESHAPE(mask(:,:),(/ grid_size /)) < value_mask) grid_imask = 0 END WHERE write(6,*) 'masked' END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! corners are arranged as follows: 4 3 ! 1 2 ALLOCATE ( corner_lon(4,nx,ny), corner_lat(4,nx,ny) ) ! - bottom-left corner corner_lon(1,:,:) = glamc(0:nx-1, 0:ny-1 ) corner_lat(1,:,:) = gphic(0:nx-1, 0:ny-1 ) ! - bottom-right corner corner_lon(2,:,:) = glamc(1:nx, 0:ny-1 ) corner_lat(2,:,:) = gphic(1:nx, 0:ny-1 ) ! - top-right corner corner_lon(3,:,:) = glamc(1:nx,1:ny) corner_lat(3,:,:) = gphic(1:nx,1:ny) write(6,*) corner_lat(3,nx-2:nx,ny) ! - top-left corner corner_lon(4,:,:) = glamc(0:nx-1, 1:ny ) corner_lat(4,:,:) = gphic(0:nx-1, 1:ny ) ! For [N, E, W]-ward extrapolation near the poles, should we use stereographic (or ! similar) projection? This issue will come for V,F interpolation, and for all ! grids with non-cyclic grids. ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! correct for 0,2pi longitude crossings ! (In practice this means putting all corners into 0,2pi range ! and ensuring that no box corners are miles from each other. ! 3pi/2 is used as threshold - I think this is quite arbitrary.) ! corner_lon(:,:,:) = MODULO( corner_lon(:,:,:), circle ) ! DO n = 2, grid_corners ! WHERE ( corner_lon(n,:,:) - corner_lon(n-1,:,:) < -three*circle*0.25 ) ! corner_lon(n,:,:) = corner_lon(n,:,:) + circle ! ELSEWHERE( corner_lon(n,:,:) - corner_lon(n-1,:,:) > three*circle*0.25 ) ! corner_lon(n,:,:) = corner_lon(n,:,:) - circle ! END WHERE ! END DO ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - reshape for SCRIP input format ALLOCATE( grid_center_lon(grid_size), grid_center_lat(grid_size) ) grid_center_lon(:) = RESHAPE( glam(:,:), (/ grid_size /) ) grid_center_lat(:) = RESHAPE( gphi(:,:), (/ grid_size /) ) DEALLOCATE( glam, gphi, glamc, gphic ) ALLOCATE( grid_corner_lon(4, grid_size), grid_corner_lat(4, grid_size) ) grid_corner_lon(:,:) = RESHAPE( corner_lon(:,:,:), (/ 4, grid_size /) ) grid_corner_lat(:,:) = RESHAPE( corner_lat(:,:,:), (/ 4, grid_size /) ) DEALLOCATE( corner_lon, corner_lat ) CALL createSCRIPgrid(grid_file_out, grid_name) END SUBROUTINE convertFLUX ! ============================================================================== SUBROUTINE mouldlon(lon_grid, nx, ny) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - input variables INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nx, ny REAL (kind=dbl_kind), INTENT(inout), DIMENSION(nx,ny) :: & lon_grid ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - local variables INTEGER :: ix, iy REAL (kind=dbl_kind), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & dlon REAL :: step ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - try to eliminate any 360 degree steps in a grid of longitudes ALLOCATE(dlon(nx,ny)) step = 0.75*circle dlon(:,:) = 0 dlon(2:,:) = lon_grid(2:,:) - lon_grid(:nx-1,:) WHERE (dlon > -step .AND. dlon < step) dlon = 0.0 ELSEWHERE dlon = -SIGN(circle,dlon) END WHERE ! - close your eyes this is nasty DO ix = 2,nx dlon(ix,:) = dlon(ix,:) + dlon(ix-1,:) END DO lon_grid = lon_grid + dlon END SUBROUTINE mouldlon ! ============================================================================== SUBROUTINE createSCRIPgrid(grid_file_out, grid_name) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - input variables CHARACTER(char_len), INTENT(in) :: & grid_name, grid_file_out ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - local variables that describe the netcdf file INTEGER (kind=int_kind) :: & nc_grid_id, & ! netCDF grid dataset id nc_gridsize_id, & ! netCDF grid size dim id nc_gridcorn_id, & ! netCDF grid corner dim id nc_gridrank_id, & ! netCDF grid rank dim id nc_griddims_id, & ! netCDF grid dimensions id nc_grdcntrlat_id, & ! netCDF grid center lat id nc_grdcntrlon_id, & ! netCDF grid center lon id nc_grdimask_id, & ! netCDF grid mask id nc_gridarea_id, & ! netCDF grid area id nc_grdcrnrlat_id, & ! netCDF grid corner lat id nc_grdcrnrlon_id ! netCDF grid corner lon id ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - create netCDF dataset for this grid ! - rewrite in nf90 ! - (bring out functional blocks into ncclear for readability) ncstat = nf90_create (grid_file_out, NF90_CLOBBER, nc_grid_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_put_att (nc_grid_id, NF90_GLOBAL, 'title', grid_name) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - define grid size dimension ncstat = nf90_def_dim (nc_grid_id, 'grid_size', grid_size, nc_gridsize_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - define grid rank dimension ncstat = nf90_def_dim (nc_grid_id, 'grid_rank', grid_rank, nc_gridrank_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - define grid corner dimension ncstat = nf90_def_dim (nc_grid_id, 'grid_corners', grid_corners, nc_gridcorn_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - define grid dim size array ncstat = nf90_def_var(nc_grid_id, 'grid_dims', NF90_INT, nc_gridrank_id, nc_griddims_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - define grid mask ncstat = nf90_def_var(nc_grid_id, 'grid_imask', NF90_INT, & nc_gridsize_id, nc_grdimask_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_put_att(nc_grid_id, nc_grdimask_id, 'units', 'unitless') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - define grid center latitude array ncstat = nf90_def_var(nc_grid_id, 'grid_center_lat', NF90_DOUBLE, & nc_gridsize_id, nc_grdcntrlat_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_put_att(nc_grid_id, nc_grdcntrlat_id, 'units', 'degrees') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - define grid center longitude array ncstat = nf90_def_var(nc_grid_id, 'grid_center_lon', NF90_DOUBLE, & nc_gridsize_id, nc_grdcntrlon_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_put_att(nc_grid_id, nc_grdcntrlon_id, 'units', 'degrees') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - define grid corner latitude array grid_dim_ids = (/ nc_gridcorn_id, nc_gridsize_id /) ncstat = nf90_def_var(nc_grid_id, 'grid_corner_lat', NF90_DOUBLE, & grid_dim_ids, nc_grdcrnrlat_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_put_att(nc_grid_id, nc_grdcrnrlat_id, 'units', 'degrees') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - define grid corner longitude array ncstat = nf90_def_var(nc_grid_id, 'grid_corner_lon', NF90_DOUBLE, & grid_dim_ids, nc_grdcrnrlon_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_put_att(nc_grid_id, nc_grdcrnrlon_id, 'units', 'degrees') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! end definition stage ncstat = nf90_enddef(nc_grid_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write grid data ncstat = nf90_put_var(nc_grid_id, nc_griddims_id, grid_dims) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_put_var(nc_grid_id, nc_grdimask_id, grid_imask) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_put_var(nc_grid_id, nc_grdcntrlat_id, grid_center_lat) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_put_var(nc_grid_id, nc_grdcntrlon_id, grid_center_lon) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_put_var(nc_grid_id, nc_grdcrnrlat_id, grid_corner_lat) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_put_var(nc_grid_id, nc_grdcrnrlon_id, grid_corner_lon) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf90_close(nc_grid_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) DEALLOCATE( grid_imask, grid_center_lon, grid_center_lat, & grid_corner_lon, grid_corner_lat ) END SUBROUTINE createSCRIPgrid END MODULE scripgrid_mod