#!/bin/bash #------------------------------------------------ #$Id$ #------------------------------------------------ # set -u # inxml=0 insrc=0 while [ $# -gt 0 ] # Until you run out of parameters . . . do case "$1" in --inxml) inxml=1 ;; --insrc) insrc=1 ;; esac shift # Check next set of parameters. done # xmlfile=${1:-"../CONFIG/ORCA2_LIM/EXP00/iodef.xml"} # srcdir=${2:-"../NEMO/OPA_SRC ../NEMO/LIM_SRC_2"} # #------------------------------------------------ # [ $inxml -eq 1 ] && grep "< *field * id *=" $xmlfile [ $insrc -eq 1 ] && find $srcdir -name "*.[Ffh]90" -exec grep -iH "^[^\!]*call *iom_put *(" {} \; [ $(( $insrc + $inxml )) -ge 1 ] && exit # #------------------------------------------------ # # list of file containing "CALL iom_put" in $srcdir # srclist=$( find $srcdir -name "*.[Ffh]90" -exec grep -il "^[^\!]*call *iom_put *(" {} \; ) # # list of variables used in "CALL iom_put" # varlistsrc=$( find $srcdir -name "*.[Ffh]90" -exec grep -i "^[^\!]*call *iom_put *(" {} \; | sed -e "s/.*iom_put *( *[\"\']\([^\"\']*\)[\"\'] *,.*/\1/" | sort -d ) # # list of variables defined in the xml file # varlistxml=$( grep "< *field * id *=" $xmlfile | sed -e "s/^.*< *field * id *= *[\"\']\([^\"\']*\)[\"\'].*/\1/" | sort -d ) # # list of variables to be outputed in the xml file # varlistout=$( grep "< *field * ref *=" $xmlfile | sed -e "s/^.*< *field * ref *= *[\"\']\([^\"\']*\)[\"\'].*/\1/" | sort -d ) # echo "--------------------------------------------------" echo check if all iom_put found in $srcdir echo have a corresponding variable definition in $xmlfile echo "--------------------------------------------------" for var in $varlistsrc do tst=$( echo " "$varlistxml" " | grep -c " $var " ) if [ $tst -ne 1 ] then echo "$tst problem with $var, defined in" for f in $srclist do grep -iH "^[^\!]*call *iom_put *( *[\"\']${var}[\"\'] *," $f done echo fi done # echo "--------------------------------------------------" echo check if all variables defined in $xmlfile echo have a corresponding \"call iom_put\" in sources found in $srcdir echo "--------------------------------------------------" # for var in $varlistxml do found=$( echo " "$varlistsrc" " | grep -c " $var " ) if [ $found -eq 0 ] then echo \"call iom_put\" not found for variable $var grep "< *field * id *= *[\"\']${var}[\"\']" $xmlfile echo fi done # echo "--------------------------------------------------" echo ${xmlfile}: check if all variables to be outputed in files are really defined... echo "--------------------------------------------------" # # list of variables defined in the xml file for var in $varlistout do found=$( echo " "$varlistxml" " | grep -c " $var " ) [ $found -eq 0 ] && echo variable to be outputed but not defined: $var done exit