#!/bin/ksh ###################################################### # Original : C. Talandier for ESOPA # Contact : opatlod@locean-ipsl.upmc.fr # # INPUT ARGS: 2 + 1 optional # - CONF : configuration name (ORCA2_LIM, GYRE ..) # - MTIME : timing/no timing (timing or notiming) # - REFTAG (optional): reference tag name to which current # version will be compare to # # WORK: This script aims to (for each standard configuration) : # # I. Take into account target's specificities # Variables below must be filled for a new target # - W_XX = name of target # - LAUN = name of jobs launcher command # - LLJOBS = name of jobs listing command # - LSUB = name of running command # - LPERF = name of timing command for the whole run # - LJTIM = required time for a one year run (/proc) # - LJTIMJ = required time for a one year run (job) # - CMDGET = name of specific command to retrieve files # - SYMBOL = identifier associated to a platform which # is used to name all outputs files # Ex: For Brodie, this symbol could be "B_" so # file names looks like B_solver.stat ... # # II. Build jobs # - based on specific header depending on target, it must # be provided for a new target following samples # jhd_[target_name]_mon for mono-processors runs # jhd_[target_name]_mpi for multi-processors MPI runs # jhd_[target_name]_omp for multi-processors OPen-MP runs # # III. Launch jobs # to test both reproductibility and restartability # for each configuration NAME_CONF # & for each run type [mon, mpi, omp] # 3 runs will be launched: # - LONG # - 1_SHORT # - 2_SHORT # # IV. Launch cron job # Since no jobs (for a given configuration) are in # the batch queue, this cron will launch the assessment.ksh # script # ########################################################## #set -xv ########################################################## ##### Begin Users modifications ########################################################## # IODIR : directory where to get ORCA2_LIM_nemo_v2.tar # PRC : total number of processors which will be used ########################################################## IODIR=/Volumes/FENUA/ORCA2_LIM_nemo_v2_IO PRC=8 TARGET=osxxlf ########################################################## ##### End Users modifications ########################################################## CONF=$1 MTIME=$2 REFTAG=$3 RUN=$(basename `pwd`) # Specific case of Zahir: if [ ${RUN} = 'mon' -a ${TARGET} = 'aix' ] ; then TARGET=ax_mono ; fi # --------------------------------------------------------------- # I. Take into account target's specificities # Select appropriate target lines in Job_${CONF}.ksh # --------------------------------------------------------------- if [ ${TARGET} = 'sx8brodie' ]; then W_XX='#-T- sx8brodie' LAUN=qsub LLJOBS=qstat LSUB="mpirun -np ${PRC}" LPERF= LJTIM='01:20:00' LJTIMJ='01:40:00' CMDGET=mfget SYMBOL=B_ elif [ ${TARGET} = 'aix' ]; then W_XX='#-T- aix' LAUN=llsubmit LLJOBS=Qstat LSUB= LPERF="poe hpmcount -o perfs_mpi.txt" LJTIM=4000 LJTIMJ= CMDGET=mfget SYMBOL=Z_ elif [ ${TARGET} = 'ax_mono' ]; then W_XX='#-T- ax_mono' LAUN=llsubmit LLJOBS=Qstat LSUB= LPERF="hpmcount -o perfs_mon.txt" LJTIM=30000 LJTIMJ= CMDGET=mfget SYMBOL=Z_ elif [ ${TARGET} = 'osxxlf' ]; then W_XX='#-T- osxxlf' LAUN= LLJOBS= LSUB="mpirun -np ${PRC}" LPERF= LJTIM= LJTIMJ= CMDGET=cp SYMBOL=D_ else echo ' #######################################' echo ' You must give a target name :' echo ' sx8brodie, aix, ax_mono or add one' echo ' Have a look in lance_batch.ksh script' echo ' #######################################' stop fi sed -e "s/^$W_XX *//" job_${CONF}.ksh | grep -v '^#-T- ' > job_${CONF}.$$ # -------------------------------------------------------------- # II. Build jobs # Adapt header (batch jobs) and concatanate it with core job # -------------------------------------------------------------- case ${TARGET} in 'osxxlf' ) cp jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN} jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN}_tmp ;; 'ax_mono' ) CAR_JNAM=$( grep '\# @ job_name' jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN} ) sed -e "s/$CAR_JNAM/\# @ job_name = ${RUN}${CONF}/" \ jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN} > jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN}_tmp ;; 'aix' ) CAR_JNAM=$( grep '\# @ job_name' jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN} ) CAR_JMPI=$( grep '\# @ total_tasks' jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN} ) sed -e "s/$CAR_JNAM/\# @ job_name = ${RUN}${CONF}/" \ -e "s/$CAR_JMPI/\# @ total_tasks = ${PRC}/" \ jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN} > jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN}_tmp ;; 'sx8brodie' ) CAR_JNAM=$( grep '\#PBS -N ' jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN} ) CAR_JNAMO=$( grep '\#PBS -o ' jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN} ) CAR_JNAME=$( grep '\#PBS -e ' jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN} ) if [ ${RUN} = 'mpi' -o ${RUN} = 'omp' ] ; then CAR_JMPI=$( grep '\#PBS -l cpunum_job' jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN} ) sed -e "s/$CAR_JNAM/\#PBS -N ${RUN}${CONF}/" \ -e "s/$CAR_JNAMO/\#PBS -o ${RUN}${CONF}_std/" \ -e "s/$CAR_JNAME/\#PBS -e ${RUN}${CONF}_err/" \ -e "s/$CAR_JMPI/\#PBS -l cpunum_job=${PRC}/" \ jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN} > jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN}_tmp else sed -e "s/$CAR_JNAM/\#PBS -N ${RUN}${CONF}/" \ -e "s/$CAR_JNAMO/\#PBS -o ${RUN}${CONF}_std/" \ -e "s/$CAR_JNAME/\#PBS -e ${RUN}${CONF}_err/" \ jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN} > jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN}_tmp fi ;; esac cat jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN}_tmp job_${CONF}.$$ > job_tmp_${RUN}.ksh rm -f job_${CONF}.$$ jhd_${TARGET}_${RUN}_tmp # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # III. Launch jobs # The 3 following jobs are created for the run [type]=mon,mpi,omp : # - "job_[type]_long.ksh" ---> long run # - "job_[type]_1_short.ksh" ---> stream 1 run # - "job_[type]_2_short.ksh" ---> stream 2 run # - "job_[type]_gtime.ksh" ---> one year run # The first 2 as the last one are immediatly launched whereas "job_[type]_2_short.ksh" # is launched only when the "job_[type]_1_short.ksh" short run is finished # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- jobnam[0]=long ; jobnam[1]=1_short ; jobnam[2]=2_short ; jobnam[3]=gtime dirjob[0]=LONG ; dirjob[1]=1_SHORT ; dirjob[2]=2_SHORT ; dirjob[3]=GTIME iloop=3 if [ ${MTIME} = 'timing' ] ; then iloop=4 ; fi ind=0 while [ $ind -lt ${iloop} ] do CAR_TYPE_tmp=$( grep 'type=' job_tmp_${RUN}.ksh ) CAR_TYPE=`echo $CAR_TYPE_tmp | cut -f 1 -d " " ` CAR_RUN_tmp=$( grep 'RUN=xxx' job_tmp_${RUN}.ksh ) CAR_RUN=`echo $CAR_RUN_tmp | cut -f 1 -d " " ` CAR_MPP_tmp=$( grep 'NB_PROCS=xxx' job_tmp_${RUN}.ksh ) CAR_MPP=`echo $CAR_MPP_tmp | cut -f 1 -d " " ` CAR_SUB_tmp=$( grep 'LAUNCH=xxx' job_tmp_${RUN}.ksh ) CAR_SUB=`echo $CAR_SUB_tmp | cut -f 1 -d " " ` CAR_EXE_tmp=$( grep 'LEXE=xxx' job_tmp_${RUN}.ksh ) CAR_EXE=`echo $CAR_EXE_tmp | cut -f 1 -d " " ` CAR_PER_tmp=$( grep 'CPERF=xxx' job_tmp_${RUN}.ksh ) CAR_PER=`echo $CAR_PER_tmp | cut -f 1 -d " " ` CAR_MAN_tmp=$( grep 'MAINDIR=xxx' job_tmp_${RUN}.ksh ) CAR_MAN=`echo $CAR_MAN_tmp | cut -f 1 -d " " ` CAR_INP_tmp=$( grep 'D_INPUT=xxx' job_tmp_${RUN}.ksh ) CAR_INP=`echo $CAR_INP_tmp | cut -f 1 -d " " ` CAR_GET_tmp=$( grep 'D_GET=xxx' job_tmp_${RUN}.ksh ) CAR_GET=`echo $CAR_GET_tmp | cut -f 1 -d " " ` CAR_RTG_tmp=$( grep 'REF_TAG=xxx' job_tmp_${RUN}.ksh ) CAR_RTG=`echo $CAR_RTG_tmp | cut -f 1 -d " " ` CAR_TSY_tmp=$( grep 'TSYMB=xxx' job_tmp_${RUN}.ksh ) CAR_TSY=`echo $CAR_TSY_tmp | cut -f 1 -d " " ` sed -e "s/$CAR_TYPE/type=${jobnam[$ind]}/" \ -e "s/$CAR_RUN/RUN=$RUN/" \ -e "s/$CAR_MPP/NB_PROCS=$PRC/" \ -e "s/$CAR_SUB/LAUNCH=$LAUN/" \ -e "s/$CAR_EXE/LEXE='$LSUB'/" \ -e "s/$CAR_PER/CPERF='$LPERF'/" \ -e "s?$CAR_INP?D_INPUT=$IODIR?" \ -e "s/$CAR_GET/D_GET=$CMDGET/" \ -e "s/$CAR_RTG/REF_TAG=$REFTAG/" \ -e "s/$CAR_TSY/TSYMB=$SYMBOL/" \ job_tmp_${RUN}.ksh > job_${RUN}_${jobnam[$ind]}.ksh if [ ${jobnam[$ind]} = 'gtime' ] ; then case ${TARGET} in 'ax_mono' | 'aix' ) CAR_JTIM=$( grep '\# @ cpu_limit' job_${RUN}_${jobnam[$ind]}.ksh ) sed -e "s/$CAR_JTIM/\# @ cpu_limit = ${LJTIM}/" \ job_${RUN}_${jobnam[$ind]}.ksh > job_${RUN}_${jobnam[$ind]}.ksh_tmp ;; 'sx8brodie' ) CAR_JTIMP=$( grep '\#PBS -l cputim_prc' job_${RUN}_${jobnam[$ind]}.ksh ) CAR_JTIMJ=$( grep '\#PBS -l cputim_job' job_${RUN}_${jobnam[$ind]}.ksh ) sed -e "s/$CAR_JTIMP/\#PBS -l cputim_prc=${LJTIM}/" \ -e "s/$CAR_JTIMJ/\#PBS -l cputim_job=${LJTIMJ}/" \ job_${RUN}_${jobnam[$ind]}.ksh > job_${RUN}_${jobnam[$ind]}.ksh_tmp ;; esac mv job_${RUN}_${jobnam[$ind]}.ksh_tmp job_${RUN}_${jobnam[$ind]}.ksh fi chmod 750 job_${RUN}_${jobnam[$ind]}.ksh if [ ${jobnam[$ind]} != '2_short' ] ; then mv job_${RUN}_${jobnam[$ind]}.ksh ${dirjob[$ind]}/. cd ${dirjob[$ind]} ${LAUN} job_${RUN}_${jobnam[$ind]}.ksh & cd ../ else mv job_${RUN}_${jobnam[$ind]}.ksh ${dirjob[$ind]}/. fi let ind=$ind+1 done rm -f job_tmp_${RUN}.ksh # List all jobs submitted ${LLJOBS} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IV. Launch cron to be able to launch the assessment step # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ ${RUN} == 'mon' ] ; then cd .. CAR_LJOB_tmp=$( grep 'LJOBS=' cron_jobs.ksh ) CAR_LJOB=`echo $CAR_LJOB_tmp | cut -f 1 -d " " ` sed -e "s/$CAR_LJOB/LJOBS=${LLJOBS}/" cron_jobs.ksh > cron_jobs.$$ mv cron_jobs.$$ cron_jobs.ksh && rm -rf cron_jobs.$$ chmod 744 cron_jobs.ksh if [ ${TARGET} != 'osxxlf' ]; then ./cron_jobs.ksh ${CONF} & fi fi