#!/usr/bin/env bash #SBATCH -J sette #SBATCH -o sette.%j.out #SBATCH -e sette.%j.err #SBATCH --export=ALL #SBATCH --parsable #SBATCH --exclusive #SBATCH --nodes=NODES #SBATCH --time=00:15:00 ##SBATCH -p debug64 ##SBATCH -A smer ##SBATCH --qos=debug #SBATCH -p normal64 ##SBATCH -A cmems ##SBATCH --qos=coper # Test specific settings. Do not hand edit these lines; the fcm_job.sh script will set these # (via sed operating on this template job file). # export XIO_HOME="/home/ext/mr/smer/samsong/SRC/XIOS/xios-2.5/MET_INTEL16_r1859" export SETTE_DIR="DEF_SETTE_DIR" # DEFAULT NEMO/XIOS PROC NUMBER PER NODE O_PER_NODE=38 X_PER_NODE=2 # REQUESTED TOTAL NEMO/XIOS PROC NUMBER OCORES=NPROCS XCORES=NXIOPROCS # AVAILABLE PER NODE & TOTAL PROC NUMBER A_PER_NODE=$((SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE/2)) ACORES=$((SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE/2*SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES)) # ADJUST PROC PER NODE if [ $OCORES -le $O_PER_NODE ]; then O_PER_NODE=$OCORES; fi if [ $XCORES -gt $X_PER_NODE ]; then X_PER_NODE=$((A_PER_NODE-O_PER_NODE)); fi # TOTAL NEMO/XIOS PROC NUMBER OCORES=$(( O_PER_NODE * SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES )) XCORES=$(( X_PER_NODE * SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES )) TCORES=$(( OCORES + XCORES )) # CHECK PROC PER NODE + CHECK TOTAL PROC if [[ $((O_PER_NODE+X_PER_NODE)) -gt $((SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE/2)) ]] || [[ ${TCORES} -gt ${ACORES} ]]; then exit 1 else echo "OCORES: $OCORES" echo "XCORES: $XCORES" fi ############################################################### # # # load sette functions (only post_test_tidyup needed) # . ${SETTE_DIR}/all_functions.sh ############################################################### # # modules to load #module purge #module load intel/16.1.150 #module load intelmpi/ #module load netcdf/4.4.0 #module load hdf5/1.8.16 #module load zlib/1.2.8 szip/2.1 # Don't remove neither change the following line # BODY # # Test specific settings. Do not hand edit these lines; the fcm_job.sh script will set these # (via sed operating on this template job file). Note that the number of compute nodes required # is also set by the fcm_job.sh on the PBS select header line above. # # These variables are needed by post_test_tidyup function in all_functions.sh # export INPUT_DIR=DEF_INPUT_DIR export CONFIG_DIR=DEF_CONFIG_DIR export TOOLS_DIR=DEF_TOOLS_DIR export NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR=DEF_NEMO_VALIDATION export NEW_CONF=DEF_NEW_CONF export CMP_NAM=DEF_CMP_NAM export TEST_NAME=DEF_TEST_NAME export EXE_DIR=DEF_EXE_DIR ulimit -a ulimit -s unlimited # # end of set up ############################################################### # # change to the working directory # cd $EXE_DIR echo Running on host `hostname` echo Time is `date` echo Directory is `pwd` # # Run the parallel MPI executable # if [ $XCORES -gt 0 ]; then # # Run MPMD case # #XIOS will run on a separate node so will run in parallel queue if [ ! -f ./xios_server.exe ] && [ -f ${XIO_HOME}/bin/xios_server.exe ]; then cp ${XIO_HOME}/bin/xios_server.exe . fi if [ ! -f ./xios_server.exe ]; then echo "./xios_server.exe not found" echo "run aborted" exit fi cat > mpmd.conf <