# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pygments.lexers.fortran ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lexers for Fortran languages. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2019 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import re from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, bygroups, include, words, using, default from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \ Number, Punctuation, Generic __all__ = ['FortranLexer', 'FortranFixedLexer'] class FortranLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for FORTRAN 90 code. .. versionadded:: 0.10 """ name = 'Fortran' aliases = ['fortran'] filenames = ['*.f03', '*.f90', '*.F03', '*.F90'] mimetypes = ['text/x-fortran'] flags = re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE # Data Types: INTEGER, REAL, COMPLEX, LOGICAL, CHARACTER and DOUBLE PRECISION # Operators: **, *, +, -, /, <, >, <=, >=, ==, /= # Logical (?): NOT, AND, OR, EQV, NEQV # Builtins: # http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-3.4.6/g77/Table-of-Intrinsic-Functions.html tokens = { # 'root': [ include('cmt'), # Namelist (r'^&[a-z]\w*', Name.Namespace), (r'^\/$' , Name.Namespace), include('str' ), # Modules and routines (r'(MODULE)(\s+)?([a-z]\w*)' , bygroups( Keyword, Text, Name.Function )), (r'(USE)(\s+)?([a-z]\w*)(\s*)?(,)?(\s*)?(ONLY)?(\s*)?(:)?(\s*)?([a-z]\w*)?(\s*)?(!.*)?$', bygroups( Keyword, Text, Name.Function, Text, Punctuation, Text, Keyword, Text, Punctuation, Text, Name.Function, Text, Comment )), (r'(CALL)(\s+)?([a-z]\w*)' , bygroups( Keyword, Text, Name.Function )), (r'(SUBROUTINE)(\s+)?([a-z]\w*)', bygroups( Keyword, Text, Name.Function )), # Format (r'^\d+', Name.Constant), (r'(WRITE)(\()([a-z]\w*)(,)(\d+)?', bygroups( Keyword, Punctuation, Name, Punctuation, Name.Constant )), include('core'), include('opr' ), include('bool'), include('punc'), include('var'), include('num' ), # End (r'[a-z][\w$]*', Name), (r'[\s]+', Text), ], # Commment 'cmt' : [ (r'^(#)(\s*)(define|if|ifdef|undef)(\s+)?(!)?(\s+)?(defined)?', bygroups( Comment.Preproc, Text, Comment.Preproc, Text, Operator.Word, Text, Comment.Preproc )), (r'^(#)(\s*)(else|endif)', Comment.Preproc), (r'(key_\w+)' , Comment.Preproc), (r'!.*\n' , Comment) ], # Variable 'var': [ (r'([a-z]\w*)(\()?(\s+)?(\d+)?(\))?(%[a-z]\w*)?(\s*)(=)', bygroups( Name.Variable, Punctuation, Text, Number.Integer, Punctuation, Name.Variable, Text, Operator )), ], # String 'str' : [ (r'(?s)"(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^"\\])*"', String.Double), (r"(?s)'(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^'\\])*'", String.Single), ], # Number 'num' : [ (r'\d+(?![.e])(_[a-z]\w+)?' , Number.Integer), (r'[+-]?\d*\.\d+([ed][-+]?\d+)?(_[a-z]\w+)?', Number.Float ), (r'[+-]?\d+\.\d*([ed][-+]?\d+)?(_[a-z]\w+)?', Number.Float ), (r'[+-]?\d+(\.\d*)?[ed][-+]?\d+(_[a-z]\w+)?', Number.Float ), ], # Booleans 'bool': [ (r'\.(true|false)\.', Keyword.Constant) ], # Punctuation 'punc': [ (r'[()\[\],:&%;.]', Punctuation)], # Operators 'opr' : [ (r'(\*\*|\*|\+|-|\/|<|>|<=|>=|==|\/=|=)' , Operator ), (r'\.(eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge|not|and|or|eqv|neqv)\.', Operator.Word) ], 'core': [ # Statements (words(( 'ABSTRACT', 'ACCEPT', 'ALL', 'ALLSTOP', 'ALLOCATABLE', 'ALLOCATE', 'ARRAY', 'ASSIGN', 'ASSOCIATE', 'ASYNCHRONOUS', 'BACKSPACE', 'BIND', 'BLOCK', 'BLOCKDATA', 'BYTE', 'CALL', 'CASE', 'CLASS', 'CLOSE', 'CODIMENSION', 'COMMON', 'CONCURRRENT', 'CONTIGUOUS', 'CONTAINS', 'CONTINUE', 'CRITICAL', 'CYCLE', 'DATA', 'DEALLOCATE', 'DECODE', 'DEFERRED', 'DIMENSION', 'DO', 'ELEMENTAL', 'ELSE', 'ENCODE', 'END', 'ENTRY', 'ENUM', 'ENUMERATOR', 'EQUIVALENCE', 'EXIT', 'EXTENDS', 'EXTERNAL', 'EXTRINSIC', 'FILE', 'FINAL', 'FORALL', 'FORMAT', 'FUNCTION', 'GENERIC', 'GOTO', 'IF', 'IMAGES', 'IMPLICIT', 'IMPORT', 'IMPURE', 'INCLUDE', 'INQUIRE', 'INTENT', 'INTERFACE', 'INTRINSIC', 'IS', 'LOCK', 'MEMORY', 'MODULE', 'NAMELIST', 'NULLIFY', 'NONE', 'NON_INTRINSIC', 'NON_OVERRIDABLE', 'NOPASS', 'ONLY', 'OPEN', 'OPTIONAL', 'OPTIONS', 'PARAMETER', 'PASS', 'PAUSE', 'POINTER', 'PRINT', 'PRIVATE', 'PROGRAM', 'PROCEDURE', 'PROTECTED', 'PUBLIC', 'PURE', 'READ', 'RECURSIVE', 'RESULT', 'RETURN', 'REWIND', 'SAVE', 'SELECT', 'SEQUENCE', 'STOP', 'SUBMODULE', 'SUBROUTINE', 'SYNC', 'SYNCALL', 'SYNCIMAGES', 'SYNCMEMORY', 'TARGET', 'THEN', 'TYPE', 'UNLOCK', 'USE', 'VALUE', 'VOLATILE', 'WHERE', 'WRITE', 'WHILE' ), prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\s*\b'), Keyword), # Data Types (words(( 'CHARACTER', 'COMPLEX', 'DOUBLE PRECISION', 'DOUBLE COMPLEX', 'INTEGER', 'LOGICAL', 'REAL', 'C_INT', 'C_SHORT', 'C_LONG', 'C_LONG_LONG', 'C_SIGNED_CHAR', 'C_SIZE_T', 'C_INT8_T', 'C_INT16_T', 'C_INT32_T', 'C_INT64_T', 'C_INT_LEAST8_T', 'C_INT_LEAST16_T', 'C_INT_LEAST32_T', 'C_INT_LEAST64_T', 'C_INT_FAST8_T', 'C_INT_FAST16_T', 'C_INT_FAST32_T', 'C_INT_FAST64_T', 'C_INTMAX_T', 'C_INTPTR_T', 'C_FLOAT', 'C_DOUBLE', 'C_LONG_DOUBLE', 'C_FLOAT_COMPLEX', 'C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX', 'C_LONG_DOUBLE_COMPLEX', 'C_BOOL', 'C_CHAR', 'C_PTR', 'C_FUNPTR' ), prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\s*\b'), Keyword.Type), # (r'(::)', Keyword.Declaration), # Intrinsics (words(( 'Abort', 'Abs', 'Access', 'AChar', 'ACos', 'ACosH', 'AdjustL', 'AdjustR', 'AImag', 'AInt', 'Alarm', 'All', 'Allocated', 'ALog', 'AMax', 'AMin', 'AMod', 'ANInt', 'Any', 'ASin', 'ASinH', 'Associated', 'ATan', 'ATanH', 'Atomic_Define', 'Atomic_Ref', 'BesJ', 'BesJN', 'Bessel_J0', 'Bessel_J1', 'Bessel_JN', 'Bessel_Y0', 'Bessel_Y1', 'Bessel_YN', 'BesY', 'BesYN', 'BGE', 'BGT', 'BLE', 'BLT', 'Bit_Size', 'BTest', 'CAbs', 'CCos', 'Ceiling', 'CExp', 'Char', 'ChDir', 'ChMod', 'CLog', 'Cmplx', 'Command_Argument_Count', 'Complex', 'Conjg', 'Cos', 'CosH', 'Count', 'CPU_Time', 'CShift', 'CSin', 'CSqRt', 'CTime', 'C_Loc', 'C_Associated', 'C_Null_Ptr', 'C_Null_Funptr', 'C_F_Pointer', 'C_F_ProcPointer', 'C_Null_Char', 'C_Alert', 'C_Backspace', 'C_Form_Feed', 'C_FunLoc', 'C_Sizeof', 'C_New_Line', 'C_Carriage_Return', 'C_Horizontal_Tab', 'C_Vertical_Tab', 'DAbs', 'DACos', 'DASin', 'DATan', 'Date_and_Time', 'DbesJ', 'DbesJN', 'DbesY', 'DbesYN', 'Dble', 'DCos', 'DCosH', 'DDiM', 'DErF', 'DErFC', 'DExp', 'Digits', 'DiM', 'DInt', 'DLog', 'DMax', 'DMin', 'DMod', 'DNInt', 'Dot_Product', 'DProd', 'DSign', 'DSinH', 'DShiftL', 'DShiftR', 'DSin', 'DSqRt', 'DTanH', 'DTan', 'DTime', 'EOShift', 'Epsilon', 'ErF', 'ErFC', 'ErFC_Scaled', 'ETime', 'Execute_Command_Line', 'Exit', 'Exp', 'Exponent', 'Extends_Type_Of', 'FDate', 'FGet', 'FGetC', 'FindLoc', 'Float', 'Floor', 'Flush', 'FNum', 'FPutC', 'FPut', 'Fraction', 'FSeek', 'FStat', 'FTell', 'Gamma', 'GError', 'GetArg', 'Get_Command', 'Get_Command_Argument', 'Get_Environment_Variable', 'GetCWD', 'GetEnv', 'GetGId', 'GetLog', 'GetPId', 'GetUId', 'GMTime', 'HostNm', 'Huge', 'Hypot', 'IAbs', 'IAChar', 'IAll', 'IAnd', 'IAny', 'IArgC', 'IBClr', 'IBits', 'IBSet', 'IChar', 'IDate', 'IDiM', 'IDInt', 'IDNInt', 'IEOr', 'IErrNo', 'IFix', 'Imag', 'ImagPart', 'Image_Index', 'Index', 'Int', 'IOr', 'IParity', 'IRand', 'IsaTty', 'IShft', 'IShftC', 'ISign', 'Iso_C_Binding', 'Is_Contiguous', 'Is_Iostat_End', 'Is_Iostat_Eor', 'ITime', 'Kill', 'Kind', 'LBound', 'LCoBound', 'Len', 'Len_Trim', 'LGe', 'LGt', 'Link', 'LLe', 'LLt', 'LnBlnk', 'Loc', 'Log', 'Log_Gamma', 'Logical', 'Long', 'LShift', 'LStat', 'LTime', 'MaskL', 'MaskR', 'MatMul', 'Max', 'MaxExponent', 'MaxLoc', 'MaxVal', 'MClock', 'Merge', 'Merge_Bits', 'Move_Alloc', 'Min', 'MinExponent', 'MinLoc', 'MinVal', 'Mod', 'Modulo', 'MvBits', 'Nearest', 'New_Line', 'NInt', 'Norm2', 'Null', 'Num_Images', 'Pack', 'Parity', 'PError', 'Precision', 'Present', 'Product', 'Radix', 'Rand', 'Random_Number', 'Random_Seed', 'Range', 'Real', 'RealPart', 'Rename', 'Repeat', 'Reshape', 'RRSpacing', 'RShift', 'Same_Type_As', 'Scale', 'Scan', 'Second', 'Selected_Char_Kind', 'Selected_Int_Kind', 'Selected_Real_Kind', 'Set_Exponent', 'Shape', 'ShiftA', 'ShiftL', 'ShiftR', 'Short', 'Sign', 'Signal', 'SinH', 'Sin', 'Sleep', 'Sngl', 'Spacing', 'Spread', 'SqRt', 'SRand', 'Stat', 'Storage_Size', 'Sum', 'SymLnk', 'System', 'System_Clock', 'Tan', 'TanH', 'Time', 'This_Image', 'Tiny', 'TrailZ', 'Transfer', 'Transpose', 'Trim', 'TtyNam', 'UBound', 'UCoBound', 'UMask', 'Unlink', 'Unpack', 'Verify', 'XOr', 'ZAbs', 'ZCos', 'ZExp', 'ZLog', 'ZSin', 'ZSqRt' ), prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\s*\b'), Name.Builtin), ], } class FortranFixedLexer(RegexLexer): """ Lexer for fixed format Fortran. .. versionadded:: 2.1 """ name = 'FortranFixed' aliases = ['fortranfixed'] filenames = ['*.f', '*.F'] flags = re.IGNORECASE def _lex_fortran(self, match, ctx=None): """Lex a line just as free form fortran without line break.""" lexer = FortranLexer() text = match.group(0) + "\n" for index, token, value in lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(text): value = value.replace('\n', '') if value != '': yield index, token, value tokens = { 'root': [ (r'[C*].*\n', Comment), (r'#.*\n', Comment.Preproc), (r' {0,4}!.*\n', Comment), (r'(.{5})', Name.Label, 'cont-char'), (r'.*\n', using(FortranLexer)), ], 'cont-char': [ (' ', Text, 'code'), ('0', Comment, 'code'), ('.', Generic.Strong, 'code'), ], 'code': [ (r'(.{66})(.*)(\n)', bygroups(_lex_fortran, Comment, Text), 'root'), (r'(.*)(\n)', bygroups(_lex_fortran, Text), 'root'), default('root'), ] }