#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 import argparse import sys if len(sys.argv) == 1 : namfile='namelist_cfg' topofile='GEBCO_2020.nc' elif len(sys.argv) == 2 : namfile=sys.argv[1] topofile='GEBCO_2020.nc' elif len(sys.argv) == 3 : namfile=sys.argv[1] topofile=sys.argv[2] else: print ("Usage : make_namelist.py namelist_cfg topofile") sys.exit (1) Agrilefile="AGRIF_FixedGrids.in" grid=[] nbghostcells = 3 nbghostcells_x = nbghostcells nbghostcells_y = nbghostcells nbghostcells_y_n = nbghostcells_y nbghostcells_y_s = nbghostcells_y with open(Agrilefile) as fp: line = fp.readline() cnt = 1 while line: # print("Line {}: {}".format(cnt, line.strip())) # print (line.strip(' ')) if len(line.split()) >=4 : #print(line.split()) grid.append(line.split()[0:6]) #for word in line.split() : #print(word) line = fp.readline() cnt += 1 print("Found", len(grid), "grids", ":") f1="namelist_ref" cnt = 1 for g in range(len(grid)) : f2 = open(str(cnt)+'_'+f1,'w') with open(f1) as fp: line = fp.readline() cnt1 = 1 while line : line = fp.readline() if line.strip().startswith('jpiglo'): jpi_parent=line.strip().split()[2] f2.write(line) cnt1 += 1 f2.close() if int(grid[cnt-1][2]) == 1: nbghostcells_y_s = 0 if int(grid[cnt-1][1]) + int(grid[cnt-1][0]) == int(jpi_parent) : nbghostcells_x = 0 jpiglo = (int(grid[cnt-1][1])-int(grid[cnt-1][0]))*int(grid[cnt-1][4]) +2 +2*nbghostcells_x jpjglo = (int(grid[cnt-1][3])-int(grid[cnt-1][2]))*int(grid[cnt-1][5]) +2 + nbghostcells_y_n + nbghostcells_y_s #print( "Grid "+str(cnt)+" : jpiglo = "+cnt(jpiglo)+ " jpjglo = "+str(jpjglo) ) print('Grid {:1d} : jpiglo = {:3d} , jpjglo = {:3d}'.format(cnt, jpiglo, jpjglo)) f2 = open(str(cnt)+'_'+namfile,'w') with open(namfile) as fp: line = fp.readline() cnt1 = 1 while line : line = fp.readline() if line.strip().startswith('jperio'): if int(grid[cnt-1][1]) + int(grid[cnt-1][0]) == int(jpi_parent) : line = " jperio = 1\n" else: line = " jperio = 0\n" if line.strip().startswith('nn_bathy'): line = " nn_bathy = 2\n" if line.strip().startswith('nn_interp'): line = " nn_interp = 1\n" if line.strip().startswith('cn_topo'): line = " cn_topo = '"+topofile+"'\n" if line.strip().startswith('cn_bath'): line = " cn_bath = 'elevation'\n" if line.strip().startswith('cn_lon'): line = " cn_lon = 'lon'\n" if line.strip().startswith('cn_lat'): line = " cn_lat = 'lat'\n" if line.strip().startswith('rn_scale'): line = " rn_scale = -1\n" if line.strip().startswith('jpiglo'): line = " jpiglo = "+str(jpiglo)+"\n" if line.strip().startswith('jpjglo'): line = " jpjglo = "+str(jpjglo)+"\n" if line.strip().startswith('jpidta'): line = " jpidta = "+str(jpiglo)+"\n" if line.strip().startswith('jpjdta'): line = " jpjdta = "+str(jpjglo)+"\n" if line.strip().startswith('cp_cfg'): line = " cp_cfg = 'dumb'\n" f2.write(line) cnt1 += 1 f2.close() cnt +=1