MODULE restcom !$AGRIF_DO_NOT_TREAT !- !$Id: restcom.f90 2281 2010-10-15 14:21:13Z smasson $ !- ! This software is governed by the CeCILL license ! See IOIPSL/IOIPSL_License_CeCILL.txt !- USE netcdf !- USE errioipsl, ONLY : ipslerr,ipsldbg USE stringop USE calendar USE mathelp USE fliocom, ONLY : flio_dom_file,flio_dom_att !- IMPLICIT NONE !- PRIVATE !- PUBLIC :: & & restini, restget, restput, restclo, & & ioconf_setatt, ioget_vname, ioconf_expval, & & ioget_expval, ioget_vdim !- INTERFACE restput MODULE PROCEDURE & & restput_r3d, restput_r2d, restput_r1d, & & restput_opp_r2d, restput_opp_r1d END INTERFACE !- INTERFACE restget MODULE PROCEDURE & & restget_r3d,restget_r2d,restget_r1d, & & restget_opp_r2d,restget_opp_r1d END INTERFACE !- ! We do not use allocatable arrays because these sizes are safe ! and we do not know from start how many variables will be in ! the out file. !- INTEGER,PARAMETER :: & & max_var=500, max_file=50, max_dim=NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS !- CHARACTER(LEN=9),SAVE :: calend_str='unknown' !- ! The IDs of the netCDF files are going in pairs. ! The input one (netcdf_id(?,1)) and the output one (netcdf_id(?,2)) !- INTEGER,SAVE :: nb_fi = 0 INTEGER,DIMENSION(max_file,2),SAVE :: netcdf_id = -1 !- ! Description of the content of the 'in' files and the 'out' files. ! Number of variables : nbvar_* ! Number of dimensions : nbdim_* ! ID of the time axis : tdimid_* !- INTEGER,SAVE :: nbvar_in(max_file), nbvar_out(max_file) INTEGER,SAVE :: tdimid_in(max_file), tdimid_out(max_file) !- ! Variables for one or the other file !- ! Number of dimensions in the input file : nbdim_in ! Number of variables read so far from the input file : nbvar_read ! Type of variable read from the input file : vartyp_in ! (Could be used later to test if we have a restart file) !- INTEGER,SAVE :: nbdim_in(max_file), nbvar_read(max_file) INTEGER,SAVE :: vartyp_in(max_file, max_var) !- ! Time step and time origine in the input file. !- REAL,DIMENSION(max_file),SAVE :: deltat,timeorig !- ! Description of the axes in the output file !- ! tstp_out : Index on the tie axis currently beeing written ! itau_out : Time step which is written on this index of the file !- INTEGER,DIMENSION(max_file),SAVE :: tstp_out,itau_out !- ! Description of the axes in the output file !- ! For the ?ax_infs variable the following order is used : ! ?ax_infs (if,in,1) = size of axis ! ?ax_infs (if,in,2) = id of dimension ! Number of x,y and z axes in the output file : ! ?ax_nb(if) !- INTEGER,DIMENSION(max_file,max_dim,2),SAVE :: & & xax_infs,yax_infs,zax_infs INTEGER,DIMENSION(max_file),SAVE :: & & xax_nb=0,yax_nb=0,zax_nb=0 !- ! Description of the time axes in the input and output files !- ! ID of the variable which contains the itaus : ! tind_varid_* ! ID of the variables which contains the seconds since date : ! tax_varid_* ! Size of the time axis in the input file : ! tax_size_in !- INTEGER,SAVE :: tind_varid_in(max_file), tax_varid_in(max_file), & & tind_varid_out(max_file), tax_varid_out(max_file) INTEGER,SAVE :: tax_size_in(max_file)=1 !- ! The two time axes we have in the input file : ! t_index : dates in itaus ! (thus the variable has a tstep_sec attribute) ! t_julian : Julian days of the time axis !- INTEGER,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE :: t_index(:,:) REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE :: t_julian(:,:) !- ! Here we save a number of informations on the variables ! in the files we are handling !- ! Name of variables : varname_* ! ID of the variables : varid_* ! Number of dimensions of the variable : varnbdim_* ! Dimensions which are used for the variable : vardims_* ! Number of attributes for a variables : varatt_* ! A flag which markes the variables we have worked on : touched_* !- CHARACTER(LEN=20),DIMENSION(max_file,max_var),SAVE :: & & varname_in,varname_out INTEGER,DIMENSION(max_file,max_var),SAVE :: & & varid_in,varid_out,varnbdim_in,varatt_in INTEGER,DIMENSION(max_file,max_var,max_dim),SAVE :: & & vardims_in LOGICAL,DIMENSION(max_file,max_var),SAVE :: & & touched_in,touched_out !- CHARACTER(LEN=120),SAVE :: indchfun= 'scatter, fill, gather, coll' REAL,PARAMETER :: missing_val=1.e20 ! or HUGE(1.0) (maximum real number) !- ! The default value we will use for variables ! which are not present in the restart file !- REAL,SAVE :: val_exp = 999999. LOGICAL,SAVE :: lock_valexp = .FALSE. !- ! Temporary variables in which we store the attributed which are going ! to be given to a new variable which is going to be defined. !- CHARACTER(LEN=80),SAVE :: rest_units='XXXXX',rest_lname='XXXXX' !- ! For allocations !- REAL,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:),SAVE :: buff_tmp1,buff_tmp2 !- !=== CONTAINS !=== !- SUBROUTINE restini & & (fnamein,iim,jjm,lon,lat,llm,lev, & & fnameout,itau,date0,dt,fid,owrite_time_in,domain_id) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This subroutine sets up all the restart process. !- It will call the subroutine which opens the input !- and output files. !- The time step (itau), date of origine (date0) and time step are !- READ from the input file. !- A file ID, which is common to the input and output file is returned !- !- If fnamein = fnameout then the same file is used for the reading !- the restart conditions and writing the new restart. !- !- A special mode can be switched in with filename='NONE'. !- This means that no restart file is present. !- Usefull for creating the first restart file !- or to get elements in a file without creating an output file. !- !- A mode needs to be written in which itau, date0 and dt !- are given to the restart process and thus !- written into the output restart file. !- !- INPUT !- !- fnamein : name of the file for the restart !- iim : Dimension in x !- jjm : Dimension in y !- lon : Longitude in the x,y domain !- lat : Latitude in the x,y domain !- llm : Dimension in the vertical !- lev : Positions of the levels !- fnameout : !- !- OUTPUT !- !- itau : Time step of the restart file and at which the model !- should restart !- date0 : Time at which itau = 0 !- dt : time step in seconds between two succesiv itaus !- fid : File identification of the restart file !- !- Optional INPUT arguments !- !- owrite_time_in : logical argument which allows to !- overwrite the time in the restart file !- domain_id : Domain identifier !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN) :: fnamein,fnameout INTEGER :: iim,jjm,llm,fid,itau REAL :: lon(iim,jjm),lat(iim,jjm),lev(llm) REAL :: date0,dt LOGICAL,OPTIONAL :: owrite_time_in INTEGER,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: domain_id !- INTEGER :: ncfid REAL :: dt_tmp,date0_tmp LOGICAL :: l_fi,l_fo,l_rw LOGICAL :: overwrite_time CHARACTER(LEN=120) :: fname LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- ! 0.0 Prepare the configuration before opening any files !- IF (.NOT.PRESENT(owrite_time_in)) THEN overwrite_time = .FALSE. ELSE overwrite_time = owrite_time_in ENDIF !- IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'restini 0.0 : ',TRIM(fnamein),' , ',TRIM(fnameout) ENDIF !- nb_fi = nb_fi+1 !- IF (nb_fi > max_file) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restini',& & 'Too many restart files are used. The problem can be',& & 'solved by increasing max_file in restcom.f90 ',& & 'and recompiling ioipsl.') ENDIF !- ! 0.1 Define the open flags !- l_fi = (TRIM(fnamein) /= 'NONE') l_fo = (TRIM(fnameout) /= 'NONE') IF ((.NOT.l_fi).AND.(.NOT.l_fo)) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restini',& & 'Input and output file names are both to NONE.',& & 'It is probably an error.','Verify your logic.') ENDIF l_rw = l_fi.AND.l_fo.AND.(TRIM(fnamein) == TRIM(fnameout)) !- IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'restini 0.1 l_fi, l_fo, l_rw : ',l_fi,l_fo,l_rw ENDIF !- ! 1.0 Open the input file. !- IF (l_fi) THEN !--- IF (l_dbg) WRITE(*,*) 'restini 1.0 : Open input file' !-- Add DOMAIN number and ".nc" suffix in file names if needed fname = fnamein CALL flio_dom_file (fname,domain_id) !-- Open the file CALL restopenin (nb_fi,fname,l_rw,iim,jjm,lon,lat,llm,lev,ncfid) netcdf_id(nb_fi,1) = ncfid !--- !-- 1.3 Extract the time information !--- IF (overwrite_time) THEN date0_tmp = date0 ENDIF CALL restsett (dt_tmp,date0_tmp,itau,overwrite_time) IF (.NOT.overwrite_time) THEN dt = dt_tmp date0 = date0_tmp ENDIF !--- ELSE !--- !-- 2.0 The case of a missing restart file is dealt with !--- IF (l_dbg) WRITE(*,*) 'restini 2.0' !--- IF ( (ALL(MINLOC(lon(:iim,:jjm)) == MAXLOC(lon(:iim,:jjm)))) & .AND.(iim > 1) ) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restini',& & 'For creating a restart file the longitudes of the',& & 'grid need to be provided to restini. This ',& & 'information is needed for the restart files') ENDIF IF ( (ALL(MINLOC(lat(:iim,:jjm)) == MAXLOC(lat(:iim,:jjm)))) & .AND.(jjm > 1) ) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restini',& & 'For creating a restart file the latitudes of the',& & 'grid need to be provided to restini. This ',& & 'information is needed for the restart files') ENDIF IF ( (ALL(MINLOC(lev(:llm)) == MAXLOC(lev(:llm)))) & .AND.(llm > 1) ) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restini',& & 'For creating a restart file the levels of the',& & 'grid need to be provided to restini. This',& & 'information is needed for the restart files') ENDIF !--- !-- 2.2 Allocate the time axes and write the inputed variables !--- tax_size_in(nb_fi) = 1 CALL rest_atim (l_dbg,'restini') t_index(nb_fi,1) = itau t_julian(nb_fi,1) = date0 ENDIF !- IF (l_fo.AND.(.NOT.l_rw)) THEN !-- Add DOMAIN number and ".nc" suffix in file names if needed fname = fnameout CALL flio_dom_file (fname,domain_id) !-- Open the file CALL restopenout & (nb_fi,fname,iim,jjm,lon,lat,llm,lev,dt,date0,ncfid,domain_id) netcdf_id(nb_fi,2) = ncfid ELSE IF (l_fi.AND.l_fo) THEN netcdf_id(nb_fi,2) = netcdf_id(nb_fi,1) varname_out(nb_fi,:) = varname_in(nb_fi,:) nbvar_out(nb_fi) = nbvar_in(nb_fi) tind_varid_out(nb_fi) = tind_varid_in(nb_fi) tax_varid_out(nb_fi) = tax_varid_in(nb_fi) varid_out(nb_fi,:) = varid_in(nb_fi,:) touched_out(nb_fi,:) = .TRUE. ENDIF !- ! 2.3 Set the calendar for the run. ! This should not produce any error message if ! This does not mean any change in calendar ! (to be modified in ioconf_calendar) !- IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'restini 2.3 : Configure calendar if needed : ', & calend_str ENDIF !- IF (INDEX(calend_str,'unknown') < 1) THEN CALL ioconf_calendar (calend_str) IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'restini 2.3b : new calendar : ',calend_str ENDIF ENDIF !- ! Save some data in the module !- deltat(nb_fi) = dt !- ! Prepare the variables which will be returned !- fid = nb_fi IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'SIZE of t_index :',SIZE(t_index), & SIZE(t_index,dim=1),SIZE(t_index,dim=2) WRITE(*,*) 't_index = ',t_index(fid,:) ENDIF itau = t_index(fid,1) !- IF (l_dbg) WRITE(*,*) 'restini END' !--------------------- END SUBROUTINE restini !=== SUBROUTINE restopenin & (fid,fname,l_rw,iim,jjm,lon,lat,llm,lev,ncfid) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- Opens the restart file and checks that it belongsd to the model. !- This means that the coordinates of the model are compared to the !- ones in the file. !- !- The number and name of variable in the file are exctracted. Also !- the time details. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: fid,iim,jjm,llm CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN) :: fname REAL :: lon(iim,jjm),lat(iim,jjm),lev(llm) LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: l_rw INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: ncfid !- INTEGER,DIMENSION(max_dim) :: var_dims,dimlen INTEGER :: nb_dim,nb_var,id_unl,id,iv INTEGER :: iread,jread,lread,iret INTEGER :: lon_vid,lat_vid REAL :: lon_read(iim,jjm),lat_read(iim,jjm) REAL :: lev_read(llm) REAL :: mdlon,mdlat CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: units CHARACTER(LEN=NF90_max_name),DIMENSION(max_dim) :: dimname LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- ! If we reuse the same file for input and output ! then we open it in write mode !- IF (l_rw) THEN; id = NF90_WRITE; ELSE; id = NF90_NOWRITE; ENDIF iret = NF90_OPEN(fname,id,ncfid) IF (iret /= NF90_NOERR) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restopenin','Could not open file :',fname,' ') ENDIF !- IF (l_dbg) WRITE (*,*) "restopenin 0.0 ",TRIM(fname) iret = NF90_INQUIRE(ncfid,nDimensions=nb_dim, & & nVariables=nb_var,unlimitedDimId=id_unl) tdimid_in(fid) = id_unl !- IF (nb_dim > max_dim) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restopenin',& & 'More dimensions present in file that can be store',& & 'Please increase max_dim in the global variables ',& & 'in restcom.F90') ENDIF IF (nb_var > max_var) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restopenin',& & 'More variables present in file that can be store',& & 'Please increase max_var in the global variables ',& & 'in restcom.F90') ENDIF !- nbvar_in(fid) = nb_var nbdim_in(fid) = nb_dim iread = -1; jread = -1; lread = -1; DO id=1,nb_dim iret = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(ncfid,id, & & len=dimlen(id),name=dimname(id)) IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE (*,*) "restopenin 0.0 dimname",id,TRIM(dimname(id)) ENDIF IF (TRIM(dimname(id)) == 'x') THEN iread = dimlen(id) IF (l_dbg) WRITE (*,*) "iread",iread ELSE IF (TRIM(dimname(id)) == 'y') THEN jread = dimlen(id) IF (l_dbg) WRITE (*,*) "jread",jread ELSE IF (TRIM(dimname(id)) == 'z') THEN lread = dimlen(id) IF (l_dbg) WRITE (*,*) "lread",lread ENDIF ENDDO !- IF (id_unl > 0) THEN !--- !-- 0.1 If we are going to add values to this file !-- we need to know where it ends !-- We also need to have all the dimensions in the file !--- IF (l_rw) THEN tstp_out(fid) = dimlen(id_unl) itau_out(fid) = -1 tdimid_out(fid) = tdimid_in(fid) IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE (*,*) & & "restopenin 0.0 unlimited axis dimname", & & dimname(id_unl),tstp_out(fid) ENDIF !----- xax_nb(fid) = 0 yax_nb(fid) = 0 zax_nb(fid) = 0 !----- DO id=1,nb_dim IF (dimname(id)(1:1) == 'x') THEN xax_nb(fid) = xax_nb(fid)+1 xax_infs(fid,xax_nb(fid),1) = dimlen(id) xax_infs(fid,xax_nb(fid),2) = id ELSE IF (dimname(id)(1:1) == 'y') THEN yax_nb(fid) = yax_nb(fid)+1 yax_infs(fid,yax_nb(fid),1) = dimlen(id) yax_infs(fid,yax_nb(fid),2) = id ELSE IF (dimname(id)(1:1) == 'z') THEN zax_nb(fid) = zax_nb(fid)+1 zax_infs(fid,zax_nb(fid),1) = dimlen(id) zax_infs(fid,zax_nb(fid),2) = id ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ELSE !--- !-- Still need to find a method for dealing with this !--- ! CALL ipslerr (3,'restopenin',& ! & ' We do not deal yet with files without time axis.',' ',' ') ENDIF !- ! 1.0 First let us check that we have the righ restart file !- IF ((iread /= iim).OR.(jread /= jjm).OR.(lread /= llm)) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restopenin',& & 'The grid of the restart file does not correspond',& & 'to that of the model',' ') ENDIF !- ! 2.0 Get the list of variables !- IF (l_dbg) WRITE(*,*) 'restopenin 1.2' !- lat_vid = -1 lon_vid = -1 tind_varid_in(fid) = -1 tax_varid_in(fid) = -1 !- DO iv=1,nb_var !--- varid_in(fid,iv) = iv var_dims(:) = 0 iret = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(ncfid,iv, & & name=varname_in(fid,iv),xtype=vartyp_in(fid,iv), & & ndims=varnbdim_in(fid,iv),dimids=var_dims, & & nAtts=varatt_in(fid,iv)) !--- DO id=1,varnbdim_in(fid,iv) iret = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION & & (ncfid,var_dims(id),len=vardims_in(fid,iv,id)) ENDDO !--- !-- 2.1 Read the units of the variable !--- units='' iret = NF90_GET_ATT(ncfid,iv,'units',units) CALL strlowercase (units) CALL cmpblank (units) !--- !-- 2.2 Catch the time variables !--- IF (varnbdim_in(fid,iv) == 1) THEN IF ( (INDEX(units,'timesteps since') > 0) & .AND.(tind_varid_in(fid) < 0) ) THEN tind_varid_in(fid) = iv tax_size_in(fid) = vardims_in(fid,iv,1) ENDIF IF ( (INDEX(units,'seconds since') > 0) & .AND.(tax_varid_in(fid) < 0) ) THEN tax_varid_in(fid) = iv tax_size_in(fid) = vardims_in(fid,iv,1) ENDIF ENDIF !--- !-- 2.3 Catch longitude and latitude variables !--- IF (INDEX(units,'degrees_nort') > 0) THEN lat_vid = iv ELSE IF (INDEX(units,'degrees_east') > 0) THEN lon_vid = iv ENDIF !--- ENDDO !- ! 2.4 None of the variables was yet read !- nbvar_read(fid) = 0 touched_in(fid,:) = .FALSE. !- ! 3.0 Reading the coordinates from the input restart file !- lon_read = missing_val lat_read = missing_val !- IF (lon_vid < 0 .OR. lat_vid < 0) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restopenin',& & ' No variables containing longitude or latitude were ',& & ' found in the restart file.',' ') ELSE iret = NF90_GET_VAR(ncfid,lon_vid,lon_read) iret = NF90_GET_VAR(ncfid,lat_vid,lat_read) !--- IF ( (ABS( MAXVAL(lon(:,:)) & & -MINVAL(lon(:,:))) < EPSILON(MAXVAL(lon(:,:)))) & & .AND.(ABS( MAXVAL(lat(:,:)) & & -MINVAL(lat(:,:))) < EPSILON(MAXVAL(lat(:,:)))) ) THEN !----- !---- 3.1 No longitude nor latitude are provided thus !---- they are taken from the restart file !----- lon(:,:) = lon_read(:,:) lat(:,:) = lat_read(:,:) ELSE !----- !---- 3.2 We check that the longitudes and latitudes !---- in the file and the model are the same !----- mdlon = MAXVAL(ABS(lon_read-lon)) mdlat = MAXVAL(ABS(lat_read-lat)) !----- !---- We can not test against epsilon here as the longitude !---- can be stored at another precision in the netCDF file. !---- The test here does not need to be very precise. !----- IF (mdlon > 1.e-4 .OR. mdlat > 1.e-4) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restopenin',& & ' The longitude or latitude found in the restart ',& & ' file are not the same as the ones used in the model.',& & ' ') ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF !------------------------ END SUBROUTINE restopenin !=== SUBROUTINE restsett (timestep,date0,itau,owrite_time_in) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- Here we get all the time information from the file. !- !- The time information can come in three forms : !- -global attributes which give the time origine and the !- time step is taken from the input to restinit !- -A physical time exists and thus the julian date from the !- input is used for positioning using the itau as input !- -A time-step axis exists and itau is positioned on it. !- !- What takes precedence : the model !- !- itau : Time step of the model !- !- Optional INPUT arguments !- !- owrite_time_in : logical argument which allows to !- overwrite the time in the restart file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- REAL :: date0,timestep INTEGER :: itau LOGICAL,OPTIONAL :: owrite_time_in !- INTEGER :: ncfid,iret,it,iax,iv CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: itau_orig,tax_orig,calendar CHARACTER(LEN=9) :: tmp_cal INTEGER :: year0,month0,day0,hours0,minutes0,seci REAL :: sec0,one_day,one_year,date0_ju,ttmp CHARACTER :: strc LOGICAL :: ow_time LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- IF (PRESENT(owrite_time_in)) THEN ow_time = owrite_time_in ELSE ow_time = .FALSE. ENDIF !- ncfid = netcdf_id(nb_fi,1) !- ! Allocate the space we need for the time axes !- CALL rest_atim (l_dbg,'restsett') !- ! Get the calendar if possible. Else it will be gregorian. !- IF (tax_size_in(nb_fi) > 0) THEN calendar = ' ' iret = NF90_GET_ATT(ncfid,tax_varid_in(nb_fi),'calendar',calendar) IF (iret == NF90_NOERR) THEN CALL ioconf_calendar (calendar) IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'restsett : calendar of the restart ',calendar ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF CALL ioget_calendar (one_year,one_day) IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'one_year,one_day = ',one_year,one_day ENDIF !- itau_orig = 'XXXXX' tax_orig = 'XXXXX' !- ! Get the time steps of the time axis if available on the restart file !- IF (tind_varid_in(nb_fi) > 0) THEN IF (ow_time) THEN t_index(nb_fi,:) = itau IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) "nb_fi,t_index",nb_fi,t_index(nb_fi,:) ENDIF CALL ju2ymds (date0,year0,month0,day0,sec0) hours0 = NINT(sec0/3600) sec0 = sec0 - 3600 * hours0 minutes0 = NINT(sec0 / 60) sec0 = sec0 - 60 * minutes0 seci = NINT(sec0) strc=':' IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) date0 WRITE (UNIT=itau_orig,FMT='(I4.4,5(A,I2.2))') & & year0,'-',month0,'-',day0,' ',hours0,':',minutes0,':',seci WRITE(*,*) "itau_orig : ",itau_orig ENDIF ELSE iret = NF90_GET_VAR(ncfid,tind_varid_in(nb_fi),t_index(nb_fi,:)) IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) "restsett, time axis : ",t_index(nb_fi,:) ENDIF iret = NF90_GET_ATT(ncfid,tind_varid_in(nb_fi),'units',itau_orig) itau_orig = & & itau_orig(INDEX(itau_orig,'since')+6:LEN_TRIM(itau_orig)) iret = & & NF90_GET_ATT(ncfid,tind_varid_in(nb_fi),'tstep_sec',timestep) !----- !---- This time origin will dominate as it is linked to the time steps. !----- READ (UNIT=itau_orig,FMT='(I4.4,5(A,I2.2))') & & year0,strc,month0,strc,day0,strc, & & hours0,strc,minutes0,strc,seci sec0 = REAL(seci) sec0 = hours0*3600.+minutes0*60.+sec0 CALL ymds2ju (year0,month0,day0,sec0,date0) ENDIF ENDIF !- ! If a julian day time axis is available then we get it !- IF (tax_varid_in(nb_fi) > 0) THEN iret = NF90_GET_VAR(ncfid,tax_varid_in(nb_fi),t_julian(nb_fi,:)) iret = NF90_GET_ATT(ncfid,tax_varid_in(nb_fi),'units',tax_orig) tax_orig = tax_orig(INDEX(tax_orig,'since')+6:LEN_TRIM(tax_orig)) tmp_cal = ' ' iret = NF90_GET_ATT(ncfid,tax_varid_in(nb_fi),'calendar',tmp_cal) IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'restsett : tmp_calendar of the restart ',tmp_cal ENDIF !--- CALL strlowercase (tmp_cal) IF (INDEX(calend_str,tmp_cal) < 1) THEN IF (INDEX(calend_str,'unknown') > 0) THEN calend_str = tmp_cal ELSE CALL ipslerr (2,'restsett', & & ' In the restart files two different calendars were found.', & & ' Please check the files you have used.',' ') ENDIF ENDIF !--- !-- We need to transform that into julian days !-- to get ride of the intial date. !--- IF (l_dbg) WRITE(*,*) 'tax_orig : ',TRIM(tax_orig) READ (UNIT=tax_orig,FMT='(I4.4,5(a,I2.2))') & year0,strc,month0,strc,day0,strc, & hours0,strc,minutes0,strc,seci sec0 = REAL(seci) sec0 = hours0*3600.+minutes0*60.+sec0 CALL ymds2ju (year0,month0,day0,sec0,date0_ju) t_julian(nb_fi,:) = t_julian(nb_fi,:)/one_day+date0_ju ENDIF !- IF ( (INDEX(itau_orig,'XXXXX') > 0) & .AND.(INDEX(tax_orig,'XXXXX') < 1) ) THEN !!- Compute the t_itau from the date read and the timestep in the input ENDIF !- IF ( (INDEX(tax_orig,'XXXXX') > 0) & .AND.(INDEX(itau_orig,'XXXXX') < 1) ) THEN DO it=1,tax_size_in(nb_fi) t_julian(nb_fi,it) = itau2date(t_index(nb_fi,it),date0,timestep) ENDDO ENDIF !- ! If neither the indices or time is present then get global attributes ! This is for compatibility reasons and should not be used. !- IF ((tax_varid_in(nb_fi) < 0).AND.(tind_varid_in(nb_fi) < 0)) THEN iax = -1 DO iv=1,nbvar_in(nb_fi) IF ( (INDEX(varname_in(nb_fi,iv),'tsteps') > 0) & & .OR.(INDEX(varname_in(nb_fi,iv),'time_steps') > 0)) THEN iax = iv ENDIF ENDDO !--- IF (iax < 0) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restsett',& & 'No time axis was found in the restart file. Please check',& & 'that it corresponds to the convention used in restsett',& & ' ') ELSE iret = NF90_GET_VAR(ncfid,tind_varid_in(nb_fi),t_index(nb_fi,:)) iret = NF90_GET_ATT(ncfid,NF90_GLOBAL,'delta_tstep_sec',timestep) iret = NF90_GET_ATT(ncfid,NF90_GLOBAL,'year0',ttmp) year0 = NINT(ttmp) iret = NF90_GET_ATT(ncfid,NF90_GLOBAL,'month0',ttmp) month0 = NINT(ttmp) iret = NF90_GET_ATT(ncfid,NF90_GLOBAL,'day0',ttmp) day0 = NINT(ttmp) iret = NF90_GET_ATT(ncfid,NF90_GLOBAL,'sec0',sec0) !--- CALL ymds2ju (year0,month0,day0,sec0,date0) t_julian(nb_fi,1) = itau2date(t_index(nb_fi,1),date0,timestep) ENDIF ENDIF !---------------------- END SUBROUTINE restsett !=== SUBROUTINE restopenout & (fid,fname,iim,jjm, & lon,lat,llm,lev,timestep,date,ncfid,domain_id) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- Opens the restart file for output. !- The longitude and time variables are written. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: fid,iim,jjm,llm CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: fname REAL :: date,timestep REAL :: lon(iim,jjm),lat(iim,jjm),lev(llm) INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: ncfid INTEGER,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: domain_id !- INTEGER :: iret CHARACTER(LEN=70) :: str_t INTEGER :: x_id,y_id,z_id,itauid INTEGER :: nlonid,nlatid,nlevid,timeid INTEGER :: year,month,day,hours,minutes REAL :: sec CHARACTER(LEN=3),DIMENSION(12) :: & cal = (/'JAN','FEB','MAR','APR','MAY','JUN', & 'JUL','AUG','SEP','OCT','NOV','DEC'/) CHARACTER(LEN=30) :: timenow LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- IF (l_dbg) WRITE(*,*) "restopenout 0.0 ",TRIM(fname) !- ! If we use the same file for input and output !- we will not even call restopenout !- iret = NF90_CREATE(fname,NF90_NOCLOBBER,ncfid) IF (iret == -35) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restopenout',& & ' The restart file aready exists on the disc. IOIPSL ',& & ' will not overwrite it. You should remove the old one or ',& & ' generate the new one with another name') ENDIF !- iret = NF90_DEF_DIM(ncfid,'x',iim,x_id) xax_nb(fid) = xax_nb(fid)+1 xax_infs(fid,xax_nb(fid),1) = iim xax_infs(fid,xax_nb(fid),2) = x_id !- iret = NF90_DEF_DIM(ncfid,'y',jjm,y_id) yax_nb(fid) = yax_nb(fid)+1 yax_infs(fid,yax_nb(fid),1) = jjm yax_infs(fid,yax_nb(fid),2) = y_id !- iret = NF90_DEF_DIM(ncfid,'z',llm,z_id) zax_nb(fid) = zax_nb(fid)+1 zax_infs(fid,zax_nb(fid),1) = llm zax_infs(fid,zax_nb(fid),2) = z_id !- iret = NF90_DEF_DIM(ncfid,'time',NF90_UNLIMITED,tdimid_out(fid)) !- ! 1.0 Longitude !- IF (l_dbg) WRITE(*,*) "restopenout 1.0" !- iret = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncfid,"nav_lon",NF90_FLOAT,(/x_id,y_id/),nlonid) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,nlonid,'units',"degrees_east") iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,nlonid,'valid_min',REAL(-180.,KIND=4)) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,nlonid,'valid_max',REAL( 180.,KIND=4)) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,nlonid,'long_name',"Longitude") !- ! 2.0 Latitude !- IF (l_dbg) WRITE(*,*) "restopenout 2.0" !- iret = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncfid,"nav_lat",NF90_FLOAT,(/x_id,y_id/),nlatid) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,nlatid,'units',"degrees_north") iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,nlatid,'valid_min',REAL(-90.,KIND=4)) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,nlatid,'valid_max',REAL( 90.,KIND=4)) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,nlatid,'long_name',"Latitude") !- ! 3.0 Levels !- IF (l_dbg) WRITE(*,*) "restopenout 3.0" !- iret = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncfid,"nav_lev",NF90_FLOAT,z_id,nlevid) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,nlevid,'units',"model_levels") iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,nlevid,'valid_min', & & REAL(MINVAL(lev),KIND=4)) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,nlevid,'valid_max', & & REAL(MAXVAL(lev),KIND=4)) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,nlevid,'long_name',"Model levels") !- ! 4.0 Time axis, this is the seconds since axis !- IF (l_dbg) WRITE(*,*) "restopenout 4.0" !- iret = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncfid,"time",NF90_FLOAT, & tdimid_out(fid),timeid) tax_varid_out(fid) = timeid !- timeorig(fid) = date CALL ju2ymds (date,year,month,day,sec) hours = INT(sec/(60.*60.)) minutes = INT((sec-hours*60.*60.)/60.) sec = sec-(hours*60.*60.+minutes*60.) WRITE (UNIT=str_t, & FMT='("seconds since ",I4.4,2("-",I2.2)," ",I2.2,2(":",I2.2))') & & year,month,day,hours,minutes,INT(sec) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,timeid,'units',TRIM(str_t)) !- CALL ioget_calendar (str_t) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,timeid,'calendar',TRIM(str_t)) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,timeid,'title','Time') iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,timeid,'long_name','Time axis') !- WRITE(UNIT=str_t, & FMT='(" ",I4.4,"-",A3,"-",I2.2," ",I2.2,2(":",I2.2))') & & year,cal(month),day,hours,minutes,INT(sec) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,timeid,'time_origin',TRIM(str_t)) !- ! 5.0 Time axis, this is the time steps since axis !- IF (l_dbg) WRITE(*,*) "restopenout 5.0" !- iret = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncfid,"time_steps",NF90_INT, & & tdimid_out(fid),itauid) tind_varid_out(fid) = itauid !- CALL ju2ymds (date,year,month,day,sec) !- hours = INT(sec/(60.*60.)) minutes = INT((sec-hours*60.*60.)/60.) sec = sec-(hours*60.*60.+minutes*60.) !- WRITE (UNIT=str_t, & FMT='("timesteps since ",I4.4,2("-",I2.2)," ",I2.2,2(":",I2.2))') & & year,month,day,hours,minutes,INT(sec) !- iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,itauid,'units',TRIM(str_t)) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,itauid,'title','Time steps') iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,itauid,'tstep_sec',REAL(timestep,KIND=4)) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,itauid,'long_name','Time step axis') !- WRITE(UNIT=str_t, & FMT='(" ",I4.4,"-",A3,"-",I2.2," ",I2.2,2(":",I2.2))') & & year,cal(month),day,hours,minutes,INT(sec) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,itauid,'time_origin',TRIM(str_t)) !- ! 5.2 Write global attributes !- iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,NF90_GLOBAL,'Conventions',"CF-1.1") iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,NF90_GLOBAL,'file_name',TRIM(fname)) !! TO BE DONE LATER !! iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,NF90_GLOBAL, & !! 'production',TRIM(model_name)) !! lock_modname = .TRUE. CALL ioget_timestamp (timenow) iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,NF90_GLOBAL,'TimeStamp',TRIM(timenow)) !- ! Add DOMAIN attributes if needed !- CALL flio_dom_att (ncfid,domain_id) !- ! 6.0 The coordinates are written to the file !- iret = NF90_ENDDEF(ncfid) !- iret = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncfid,nlonid,lon) iret = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncfid,nlatid,lat) iret = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncfid,nlevid,lev) !- ! 7.0 Set a few variables related to the out file !- nbvar_out(fid) = 0 itau_out(fid) = -1 tstp_out(fid) = 0 touched_out(fid,:) = .FALSE. !- ! 7.1 The file is put back in define mode. ! This will last until itau_out >= 0 !- iret = NF90_REDEF(ncfid) !- IF (l_dbg) WRITE(*,*) "restopenout END" !------------------------- END SUBROUTINE restopenout !=== SUBROUTINE restget_opp_r1d & & (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,def_beha, & & var,MY_OPERATOR,nbindex,ijndex) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This subroutine serves as an interface to restget_real !- !- Should work as restput_opp_r1d but the other way around ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER :: fid CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: vname_q INTEGER :: iim,jjm,llm,itau LOGICAL def_beha REAL :: var(:) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: MY_OPERATOR INTEGER :: nbindex,ijndex(nbindex) !- INTEGER :: req_sz,siz1 REAL :: scal CHARACTER(LEN=7) :: topp LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- ! 0.0 What size should be the data in the file !- req_sz = 1 IF (nbindex == iim .AND. jjm <= 1 .AND. llm <= 1) THEN IF (xax_infs(fid,1,1) > 0) req_sz = req_sz*xax_infs(fid,1,1) IF (yax_infs(fid,1,1) > 0) req_sz = req_sz*yax_infs(fid,1,1) IF (zax_infs(fid,1,1) > 0) req_sz = req_sz*zax_infs(fid,1,1) ELSE CALL ipslerr (3,'resget_opp_r1d', & 'Unable to performe an operation on this variable as it has',& 'a second and third dimension',vname_q) ENDIF !- ! 1.0 Allocate the temporary buffer we need ! to put the variable in right dimension !- siz1 = SIZE(var) CALL rest_alloc (1,siz1,l_dbg,'restget_opp_r1d') CALL rest_alloc (2,req_sz,l_dbg,'restget_opp_r1d') !- ! 2.0 Here we get the variable from the restart file !- CALL restget_real & (fid,vname_q,xax_infs(fid,1,1),yax_infs(fid,1,1), & zax_infs(fid,1,1),itau,def_beha,buff_tmp2) !- ! 4.0 Transfer the buffer obtained from the restart file ! into the variable the model expects !- topp = MY_OPERATOR(1:MIN(LEN_TRIM(MY_OPERATOR),7)) !- IF (INDEX(indchfun,topp(:LEN_TRIM(topp))) > 0) THEN scal = missing_val CALL mathop (topp,req_sz,buff_tmp2,missing_val, & & nbindex,ijndex,scal,siz1,buff_tmp1) var(:) = buff_tmp1(1:siz1) ELSE CALL ipslerr (3,'resget_opp_r1d', & 'The operation you wish to do on the variable for the ',& 'restart file is not allowed.',topp) ENDIF !----------------------------- END SUBROUTINE restget_opp_r1d !=== SUBROUTINE restget_opp_r2d & & (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,def_beha, & & var,MY_OPERATOR,nbindex,ijndex) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This subroutine serves as an interface to restget_real !- !- Should work as restput_opp_r2d but the other way around ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER :: fid CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: vname_q INTEGER :: iim,jjm,llm,itau LOGICAL def_beha REAL :: var(:,:) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: MY_OPERATOR INTEGER :: nbindex,ijndex(nbindex) !- INTEGER :: jj,req_sz,ist,var_sz,siz1 REAL :: scal CHARACTER(LEN=7) :: topp LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- ! 0.0 What size should be the data in the file !- req_sz = 1 IF (nbindex == iim .AND. llm <= 1) THEN IF (xax_infs(fid,1,1) > 0) req_sz = req_sz*xax_infs(fid,1,1) IF (yax_infs(fid,1,1) > 0) req_sz = req_sz*yax_infs(fid,1,1) ELSE CALL ipslerr (3,'resget_opp_r2d', & 'Unable to performe an operation on this variable as it has', & 'a second and third dimension',vname_q) ENDIF !- IF (jjm < 1) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'resget_opp_r2d', & 'Please specify a second dimension which is the', & 'layer on which the operations are performed',vname_q) ENDIF !- ! 1.0 Allocate the temporary buffer we need ! to put the variable in right dimension !- siz1 = SIZE(var,1) CALL rest_alloc (1,siz1,l_dbg,'restget_opp_r2d') CALL rest_alloc (2,req_sz*jjm,l_dbg,'restget_opp_r2d') !- ! 2.0 Here we get the full variable from the restart file !- CALL restget_real & & (fid,vname_q,xax_infs(fid,1,1),yax_infs(fid,1,1), & & jjm,itau,def_beha,buff_tmp2) !- ! 4.0 Transfer the buffer obtained from the restart file ! into the variable the model expects !- topp = MY_OPERATOR(1:MIN(LEN_TRIM(MY_OPERATOR),7)) !- IF (INDEX(indchfun,topp(:LEN_TRIM(topp))) > 0) THEN scal = missing_val var_sz = siz1 DO jj = 1,jjm ist = (jj-1)*req_sz+1 CALL mathop (topp,req_sz,buff_tmp2(ist:ist+req_sz-1), & & missing_val,nbindex,ijndex,scal,var_sz,buff_tmp1) var(:,jj) = buff_tmp1(1:siz1) ENDDO ELSE CALL ipslerr (3,'resget_opp_r2d', & 'The operation you wish to do on the variable for the ',& 'restart file is not allowed.',topp) ENDIF !----------------------------- END SUBROUTINE restget_opp_r2d !=== SUBROUTINE restget_r1d & & (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,def_beha,var) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This subroutine serves as an interface to restget_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER :: fid CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: vname_q INTEGER :: iim,jjm,llm,itau LOGICAL :: def_beha REAL :: var(:) !- INTEGER :: ji,jl,req_sz,var_sz,siz1 CHARACTER(LEN=70) :: str,str2 LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- ! 1.0 Allocate the temporary buffer we need ! to put the variable in right dimension !- siz1 = SIZE(var) var_sz = siz1 CALL rest_alloc (1,var_sz,l_dbg,'restget_r1d') !- ! 2.0 Here we could check if the sizes specified agree ! with the size of the variable provided !- req_sz = 1 IF (iim > 0) req_sz = req_sz*iim IF (jjm > 0) req_sz = req_sz*jjm IF (llm > 0) req_sz = req_sz*llm IF (req_sz > var_sz) THEN WRITE(str, & & '("Size of variable requested from file should be ",I6)') req_sz WRITE(str2, & & '("but the provided variable can only hold ",I6)') var_sz CALL ipslerr (3,'restget_r1d',str,str2,' ') ENDIF IF (req_sz < var_sz) THEN WRITE(str, & & '("the size of variable requested from file is ",I6)') req_sz WRITE(str2, & & '("but the provided variable can hold ",I6)') var_sz CALL ipslerr (2,'restget_r1d', & 'There could be a problem here :',str,str2) ENDIF !- CALL restget_real & & (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,def_beha,buff_tmp1) !- ! 4.0 Transfer the buffer obtained from the restart file ! into the variable the model expects !- jl=0 DO ji=1,siz1 jl=jl+1 var(ji) = buff_tmp1(jl) ENDDO !------------------------- END SUBROUTINE restget_r1d !=== SUBROUTINE restget_r2d & & (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,def_beha,var) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This subroutine serves as an interface to restget_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER :: fid CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: vname_q INTEGER :: iim,jjm,llm,itau LOGICAL :: def_beha REAL :: var(:,:) !- INTEGER :: ji,jj,jl,req_sz,var_sz,siz1,siz2 CHARACTER(LEN=70) :: str,str2 LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- ! 1.0 Allocate the temporary buffer we need ! to put the variable in right dimension !- siz1 = SIZE(var,1) siz2 = SIZE(var,2) var_sz = siz1*siz2 CALL rest_alloc (1,var_sz,l_dbg,'restget_r2d') !- ! 2.0 Here we check if the sizes specified agree ! with the size of the variable provided !- req_sz = 1 IF (iim > 0) req_sz = req_sz*iim IF (jjm > 0) req_sz = req_sz*jjm IF (llm > 0) req_sz = req_sz*llm IF (req_sz > var_sz) THEN WRITE(str, & & '("Size of variable ",A, & & //" requested from file should be ",I6)') TRIM(vname_q),req_sz WRITE(str2, & & '("but the provided variable can only hold ",I6)') var_sz CALL ipslerr (3,'restget_r2d',str,str2,' ') ENDIF IF (req_sz < var_sz) THEN WRITE(str, & & '("Size of variable ",A, & & //" requested from file is ",I6)') TRIM(vname_q),req_sz WRITE(str2,'("but the provided variable can hold ",I6)') var_sz CALL ipslerr (2,'restget_r2d', & 'There could be a problem here :',str,str2) ENDIF !- CALL restget_real & & (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,def_beha,buff_tmp1) !- ! 4.0 Transfer the buffer obtained from the restart file ! into the variable the model expects !- jl=0 DO jj=1,siz2 DO ji=1,siz1 jl=jl+1 var(ji,jj) = buff_tmp1(jl) ENDDO ENDDO !------------------------- END SUBROUTINE restget_r2d !=== SUBROUTINE restget_r3d & (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,def_beha,var) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This subroutine serves as an interface to restget_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER :: fid CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: vname_q INTEGER :: iim,jjm,llm,itau LOGICAL def_beha REAL :: var(:,:,:) !- INTEGER :: ji,jj,jk,jl,req_sz,var_sz,siz1,siz2,siz3 CHARACTER(LEN=70) :: str,str2 LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- ! 1.0 Allocate the temporary buffer we need ! to put the variable in right dimension !- siz1 = SIZE(var,1) siz2 = SIZE(var,2) siz3 = SIZE(var,3) var_sz = siz1*siz2*siz3 CALL rest_alloc (1,var_sz,l_dbg,'restget_r3d') !- ! 2.0 Here we check if the sizes specified agree ! with the size of the variable provided !- req_sz = 1 IF (iim > 0) req_sz = req_sz*iim IF (jjm > 0) req_sz = req_sz*jjm IF (llm > 0) req_sz = req_sz*llm IF (req_sz > var_sz) THEN WRITE(str, & & '("Size of variable ",A, & & //" requested from file should be ",I6)') TRIM(vname_q),req_sz WRITE(str2, & & '("but the provided variable can only hold ",I6)') var_sz CALL ipslerr (3,'restget_r3d',str,str2,' ') ENDIF IF (req_sz < var_sz) THEN WRITE(str, & & '("Size of variable ",A, & & //" requested from file is ",I6)') TRIM(vname_q),req_sz WRITE(str2,'("but the provided variable can hold ",I6)') var_sz CALL ipslerr (2,'restget_r3d', & 'There could be a problem here :',str,str2) ENDIF !- CALL restget_real & (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,def_beha,buff_tmp1) !- ! 4.0 Transfer the buffer obtained from the restart file ! into the variable the model expects !- jl=0 DO jk=1,siz3 DO jj=1,siz2 DO ji=1,siz1 jl=jl+1 var(ji,jj,jk) = buff_tmp1(jl) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !------------------------- END SUBROUTINE restget_r3d !=== SUBROUTINE restget_real & (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,def_beha,var) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This subroutine is for getting a variable from the restart file. !- A number of verifications will be made : !- - Is this the first time we read this variable ? !- - Are the dimensions correct ? !- - Is the correct time step present in the file !- - is a default behaviour possible. If not the model is stoped. !- Default procedure is to write the content of val_exp on all values. !- !- INPUT !- !- fid : Identification of the file !- vname_q : Name of the variable to be read !- iim, jjm ,llm : Dimensions of the variable that should be read !- itau : Time step at whcih we are when we want !- to read the variable !- def_beha : If the model can restart without this variable !- then some strange value is given. !- !- OUTPUT !- !- var : Variable in which the data is put !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER :: fid CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: vname_q INTEGER :: iim,jjm,llm,itau LOGICAL :: def_beha REAL :: var(:) !- INTEGER :: vid,vnb,ncfid,iret,index,it,ndim,ia CHARACTER(LEN=70) str,str2 CHARACTER(LEN=80) attname INTEGER,DIMENSION(4) :: corner,edge !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ncfid = netcdf_id(fid,1) !- CALL find_str (varname_in(fid,1:nbvar_in(fid)),vname_q,vnb) !- ! 1.0 If the variable is not present then ERROR or filled up ! by default values if allowed !- IF (vnb < 0) THEN IF (def_beha) THEN !----- lock_valexp = .TRUE. var(:) = val_exp !---- str = 'Variable '//TRIM(vname_q) & //' is not present in the restart file' CALL ipslerr (1,'restget', & & str,'but default values are used to fill in',' ') !---- IF (nbvar_in(fid) >= max_var) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restget', & 'Too many variables for the restcom module', & 'Please increase the value of max_var',' ') ENDIF nbvar_in(fid) = nbvar_in(fid)+1 vnb = nbvar_in(fid) varname_in(fid,vnb) = vname_q touched_in(fid,vnb) = .TRUE. !----- CALL restdefv (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,.TRUE.) !----- ELSE str = 'Variable '//TRIM(vname_q) & //' is not present in the restart file' CALL ipslerr (3,'restget', & & str,'but it is need to restart the model',' ') ENDIF !--- ELSE !--- !-- 2.0 Check if the variable has not yet been read !-- and that the time is OK !--- vid = varid_in(fid,vnb) !--- nbvar_read(fid) = nbvar_read(fid)+1 !--- IF (touched_in(fid,vnb)) THEN str = 'Variable '//TRIM(vname_q) & //' has already been read from file' CALL ipslerr (3,'restget',str,' ',' ') ENDIF !--- !-- 3.0 get the time step of the restart file !-- and check if it is correct !--- index = -1 DO it=1,tax_size_in(fid) IF (t_index(fid,it) == itau) index = it ENDDO IF (index < 0) THEN str = 'The time step requested for variable '//TRIM(vname_q) CALL ipslerr (3,'restget', & & str,'is not available in the current file',' ') ENDIF !--- !-- 4.0 Read the data. Note that the variables in the restart files !-- have no time axis is and thus we write -1 !--- str='Incorrect dimension for '//TRIM(vname_q) ndim = 0 IF (iim > 0) THEN ndim = ndim+1 IF (vardims_in(fid,vnb,ndim) == iim) THEN corner(ndim) = 1 edge(ndim) = iim ELSE WRITE (str2,'("Incompatibility for iim : ",I6,I6)') & iim,vardims_in(fid,vnb,ndim) CALL ipslerr (3,'restget',str,str2,' ') ENDIF ENDIF !--- IF (jjm > 0) THEN ndim = ndim+1 IF (vardims_in(fid,vnb,ndim) == jjm) THEN corner(ndim) = 1 edge(ndim) = jjm ELSE WRITE (str2,'("Incompatibility for jjm : ",I6,I6)') & jjm,vardims_in(fid,vnb,ndim) CALL ipslerr (3,'restget',str,str2,' ') ENDIF ENDIF !--- IF (llm > 0) THEN ndim = ndim+1 IF (vardims_in(fid,vnb,ndim) == llm) THEN corner(ndim) = 1 edge(ndim) = llm ELSE WRITE (str2,'("Incompatibility for llm : ",I6,I6)') & llm,vardims_in(fid,vnb,ndim) CALL ipslerr (3,'restget',str,str2,' ') ENDIF ENDIF !--- !-- Time !--- ndim = ndim+1 corner(ndim) = index !!????? edge(ndim) = index edge(ndim) = 1 !--- iret = NF90_GET_VAR(ncfid,vid,var, & & start=corner(1:ndim),count=edge(1:ndim)) !--- !-- 5.0 The variable we have just read is created !-- in the next restart file !--- IF ( (netcdf_id(fid,1) /= netcdf_id(fid,2)) & & .AND.(netcdf_id(fid,2) > 0) ) THEN !----- CALL restdefv (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,.FALSE.) !----- DO ia = 1,varatt_in(fid,vnb) iret = NF90_INQ_ATTNAME(ncfid,vid,ia,attname) iret = NF90_COPY_ATT(ncfid,vid,attname, & & netcdf_id(fid,2),varid_out(fid,nbvar_out(fid))) ENDDO !----- IF (itau_out(fid) >= 0) THEN iret = NF90_ENDDEF(netcdf_id(fid,2)) ENDIF ENDIF !--- ENDIF !-------------------------- END SUBROUTINE restget_real !=== SUBROUTINE restput_opp_r1d & & (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,var,MY_OPERATOR,nbindex,ijndex) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This subroutine is the interface to restput_real which allows !- to re-index data onto the original grid of the restart file. !- The logic we use is still fuzzy in my mind but that is probably !- only because I have not yet though through everything. !- !- In the case iim = nbindex it means that the user attempts !- to project a vector back onto the original 2D or 3D field. !- This requires that jjm and llm be equal to 1 or 0, !- else I would not know what it means. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER :: fid CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: vname_q INTEGER :: iim,jjm,llm,itau REAL :: var(:) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: MY_OPERATOR INTEGER :: nbindex,ijndex(nbindex) !- INTEGER :: req_sz,siz1 REAL :: scal CHARACTER(LEN=7) :: topp LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- ! 0.0 What size should be the data in the file !- req_sz = 1 IF ( nbindex == iim .AND. jjm <= 1 .AND. llm <= 1) THEN IF (xax_infs(fid,1,1) > 0) req_sz = req_sz*xax_infs(fid,1,1) IF (yax_infs(fid,1,1) > 0) req_sz = req_sz*yax_infs(fid,1,1) IF (zax_infs(fid,1,1) > 0) req_sz = req_sz*zax_infs(fid,1,1) ELSE CALL ipslerr (3,'restput_opp_r1d', & 'Unable to performe an operation on this variable as it has', & 'a second and third dimension',vname_q) ENDIF !- ! 1.0 Allocate the temporary buffer we need ! to put the variable in right dimension !- siz1 = SIZE(var) CALL rest_alloc (1,siz1,l_dbg,'restput_opp_r1d') CALL rest_alloc (2,req_sz,l_dbg,'restput_opp_r1d') !- ! 2.0 We do the operation needed. ! It can only be a re-indexing operation. ! You would not want to change the values in a restart file or ? !- topp = MY_OPERATOR(1:MIN(LEN_TRIM(MY_OPERATOR),7)) !- IF (INDEX(indchfun,topp(:LEN_TRIM(topp))) > 0) THEN scal = missing_val buff_tmp1(1:siz1) = var(:) CALL mathop & & (topp,siz1,buff_tmp1,missing_val,nbindex,ijndex, & & scal,req_sz,buff_tmp2) ELSE CALL ipslerr (3,'restput_opp_r1d', & & 'The operation you wish to do on the variable for the ', & & 'restart file is not allowed.',topp) ENDIF !- CALL restput_real & & (fid,vname_q,xax_infs(fid,1,1),yax_infs(fid,1,1), & & zax_infs(fid,1,1),itau,buff_tmp2) !----------------------------- END SUBROUTINE restput_opp_r1d !=== SUBROUTINE restput_opp_r2d & & (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,var,MY_OPERATOR,nbindex,ijndex) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This subroutine is the interface to restput_real which allows !- to re-index data onto the original grid of the restart file. !- The logic we use is still fuzzy in my mind but that is probably !- only because I have not yet though through everything. !- !- In the case iim = nbindex it means that the user attempts !- to project the first dimension of the matrix back onto a 3D field !- where jjm will be the third dimension. !- Here we do not allow for 4D data, thus we will take the first !- two dimensions in the file and require that llm = 1. !- These are pretty heavy constraints but I do not know how !- to make it more general. I need to think about it some more. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER :: fid CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: vname_q INTEGER :: iim,jjm,llm,itau REAL :: var(:,:) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: MY_OPERATOR INTEGER :: nbindex,ijndex(nbindex) !- INTEGER :: jj,req_sz,ist,siz1 REAL :: scal CHARACTER(LEN=7) :: topp LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- ! 0.0 What size should be the data in the file !- req_sz = 1 IF ( nbindex == iim .AND. llm <= 1) THEN IF (xax_infs(fid,1,1) > 0) req_sz = req_sz*xax_infs(fid,1,1) IF (yax_infs(fid,1,1) > 0) req_sz = req_sz*yax_infs(fid,1,1) ELSE CALL ipslerr (3,'restput_opp_r2d', & 'Unable to performe an operation on this variable as it has', & 'a second and third dimension',vname_q) ENDIF !- IF (jjm < 1) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restput_opp_r2d', & 'Please specify a second dimension which is the', & 'layer on which the operations are performed',vname_q) ENDIF !- ! 1.0 Allocate the temporary buffer we need ! to put the variable in right dimension !- siz1 = SIZE(var,1) CALL rest_alloc (1,siz1,l_dbg,'restput_opp_r2d') CALL rest_alloc (2,req_sz*jjm,l_dbg,'restput_opp_r2d') !- ! 2.0 We do the operation needed. ! It can only be a re-indexing operation. ! You would not want to change the values in a restart file or ? !- topp = MY_OPERATOR(1:MIN(LEN_TRIM(MY_OPERATOR),7)) !- IF (INDEX(indchfun,topp(:LEN_TRIM(topp))) > 0) THEN scal = missing_val DO jj = 1,jjm buff_tmp1(1:siz1) = var(:,jj) ist = (jj-1)*req_sz+1 CALL mathop & & (topp,siz1,buff_tmp1,missing_val,nbindex,ijndex, & & scal,req_sz,buff_tmp2(ist:ist+req_sz-1)) ENDDO ELSE CALL ipslerr (3,'restput_opp_r2d', & & 'The operation you wish to do on the variable for the ', & & 'restart file is not allowed.',topp) ENDIF !- CALL restput_real & & (fid,vname_q,xax_infs(fid,1,1),yax_infs(fid,1,1), & & jjm,itau,buff_tmp2) !----------------------------- END SUBROUTINE restput_opp_r2d !=== SUBROUTINE restput_r1d (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,var) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This subroutine serves as an interface to restput_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER :: fid CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: vname_q INTEGER :: iim,jjm,llm,itau REAL :: var(:) !- INTEGER :: ji,jl,req_sz,var_sz,siz1 CHARACTER(LEN=70) :: str,str2 LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- ! 1.0 Allocate the temporary buffer we need ! to put the variable in right dimension !- siz1 = SIZE(var) var_sz = siz1 CALL rest_alloc (1,var_sz,l_dbg,'restput_r1d') !- ! 2.0 Here we could check if the sizes specified agree ! with the size of the variable provided !- req_sz = 1 IF (iim > 0) req_sz = req_sz*iim IF (jjm > 0) req_sz = req_sz*jjm IF (llm > 0) req_sz = req_sz*llm IF (req_sz > var_sz) THEN WRITE(str, & & '("Size of variable put to the file should be ",I6)') req_sz WRITE(str2, & & '("but the provided variable is of size ",I6)') var_sz CALL ipslerr (3,'restput_r1d',str,str2,' ') ENDIF IF (req_sz < var_sz) THEN WRITE(str,'("the size of variable put to the file is ",I6)') req_sz WRITE(str2,'("but the provided variable is larger ",I6)') var_sz CALL ipslerr (2,'restput_r1d', & 'There could be a problem here :',str,str2) ENDIF !- ! 4.0 Transfer the buffer obtained from the restart file ! into the variable the model expects !- jl=0 DO ji=1,siz1 jl=jl+1 buff_tmp1(jl) = var(ji) ENDDO !- CALL restput_real (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,buff_tmp1) !------------------------- END SUBROUTINE restput_r1d !=== SUBROUTINE restput_r2d (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,var) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This subroutine serves as an interface to restput_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER :: fid CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: vname_q INTEGER :: iim,jjm,llm,itau REAL :: var(:,:) !- INTEGER :: ji,jj,jl,req_sz,var_sz,siz1,siz2 CHARACTER(LEN=70) :: str,str2 LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- ! 1.0 Allocate the temporary buffer we need ! to put the variable in right dimension !- siz1 = SIZE(var,1) siz2 = SIZE(var,2) var_sz = siz1*siz2 CALL rest_alloc (1,var_sz,l_dbg,'restput_r2d') !- ! 2.0 Here we could check if the sizes specified agree ! with the size of the variable provided !- req_sz = 1 IF (iim > 0) req_sz = req_sz*iim IF (jjm > 0) req_sz = req_sz*jjm IF (llm > 0) req_sz = req_sz*llm IF (req_sz > var_sz) THEN WRITE(str, & & '("Size of variable put to the file should be ",I6)') req_sz WRITE(str2,'("but the provided variable is of size ",I6)') var_sz CALL ipslerr (3,'restput_r2d',str,str2,' ') ENDIF IF (req_sz < var_sz) THEN WRITE(str,'("the size of variable put to the file is ",I6)') req_sz WRITE(str2,'("but the provided variable is larger ",I6)') var_sz CALL ipslerr (2,'restput_r2d', & 'There could be a problem here :',str,str2) ENDIF !- ! 4.0 Transfer the buffer obtained from the restart file ! into the variable the model expects !- jl=0 DO jj=1,siz2 DO ji=1,siz1 jl=jl+1 buff_tmp1(jl) = var(ji,jj) ENDDO ENDDO !- CALL restput_real(fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,buff_tmp1) !------------------------- END SUBROUTINE restput_r2d !=== SUBROUTINE restput_r3d (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,var) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This subroutine serves as an interface to restput_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER :: fid CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: vname_q INTEGER :: iim,jjm,llm,itau REAL :: var(:,:,:) !- INTEGER :: ji,jj,jk,jl,req_sz,var_sz,siz1,siz2,siz3 CHARACTER(LEN=70) :: str,str2 LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- ! 1.0 Allocate the temporary buffer we need ! to put the variable in right dimension !- siz1 = SIZE(var,1) siz2 = SIZE(var,2) siz3 = SIZE(var,3) var_sz = siz1*siz2*siz3 CALL rest_alloc (1,var_sz,l_dbg,'restput_r3d') !- ! 2.0 Here we could check if the sizes specified agree ! with the size of the variable provided !- req_sz = 1 IF (iim > 0) req_sz = req_sz*iim IF (jjm > 0) req_sz = req_sz*jjm IF (llm > 0) req_sz = req_sz*llm IF (req_sz > var_sz) THEN WRITE(str, & & '("Size of variable put to the file should be ",I6)') req_sz WRITE(str2, & & '("but the provided variable is of size ",I6)') var_sz CALL ipslerr (3,'restput_r3d',str,str2,' ') ENDIF IF (req_sz < var_sz) THEN WRITE(str,'("the size of variable put to the file is ",I6)') req_sz WRITE(str2,'("but the provided variable is larger ",I6)') var_sz CALL ipslerr (2,'restput_r3d', & 'There could be a problem here :',str,str2) ENDIF !- ! 4.0 Transfer the buffer obtained from the restart file ! into the variable the model expects !- jl=0 DO jk=1,siz3 DO jj=1,siz2 DO ji=1,siz1 jl=jl+1 buff_tmp1(jl) = var(ji,jj,jk) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !- CALL restput_real(fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,buff_tmp1) !------------------------- END SUBROUTINE restput_r3d !=== SUBROUTINE restput_real (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,itau,var) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This subroutine will put a variable into the restart file. !- But it will do a lot of other things if needed : !- - Open a file if non is opened for this time-step !- and all variables were written. !- - Add an axis if needed !- - verify that the variable has the right time step for this file !- - If it is time for a new file then it is opened !- and the old one closed !- This requires that variables read from the last restart file were all !- written !- !- INPUT !- !- fid : Id of the file in which we will write the variable !- vname_q : Name of the variable to be written !- iim,jjm,llm : Size in 3D of the variable !- itau : Time step at which the variable is written !- var : Variable !- !- OUTPUT !- !- NONE !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: vname_q INTEGER :: fid,iim,jjm,llm,itau REAL :: var(:) !- INTEGER :: iret,vid,ncid,iv,vnb INTEGER :: ierr REAL :: secsince,one_day,one_year INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER,DIMENSION(4) :: corner,edge LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- ! 0.0 Get some variables !- ncid = netcdf_id(fid,2) IF (netcdf_id(fid,2) < 0) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restput', & & 'The output restart file is undefined.',' ',' ') ENDIF CALL ioget_calendar (one_year,one_day) !- ! 1.0 Check if the variable is already present !- IF (l_dbg) WRITE(*,*) 'RESTPUT 1.0 : ',TRIM(vname_q) !- CALL find_str (varname_out(fid,1:nbvar_out(fid)),vname_q,vnb) !- IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'RESTPUT 1.1 : ',varname_out(fid,1:nbvar_out(fid)),vnb ENDIF !- ! 2.0 If variable is not present then declare it ! and add extra dimensions if needed. !- IF (vnb <= 0) THEN CALL restdefv (fid,vname_q,iim,jjm,llm,.TRUE.) vnb = nbvar_out(fid) ENDIF vid = varid_out(fid,vnb) !- IF (l_dbg) WRITE(*,*) 'RESTPUT 2.0 : ',vnb,vid !- ! 2.1 Is this file already in write mode ? ! If itau_out is still negative then we have ! never written to it and we need to go into write mode. !- IF (itau_out(fid) < 0) THEN iret = NF90_ENDDEF(ncid) ENDIF !- ! 3.0 Is this itau already on the axis ? ! If not then check that all variables of previous time is OK. !- IF (l_dbg) WRITE(*,*) 'RESTPUT 3.0 : ',itau,itau_out(fid) !- IF (itau /= itau_out(fid)) THEN !--- !-- If it is the first time step written on the restart !-- then we only check the number !-- Else we see if every variable was written !--- IF (tstp_out(fid) == 0) THEN IF (nbvar_out(fid) < nbvar_read(fid)) THEN WRITE(*,*) "ERROR :",tstp_out(fid), & nbvar_out(fid),nbvar_read(fid) CALL ipslerr (1,'restput', & & 'There are fewer variables read from the output file', & & 'than written onto the input file.', & & 'We trust you know what you are doing') ENDIF ELSE ierr = 0 DO iv=1,nbvar_out(fid) IF (.NOT.touched_out(fid,iv)) ierr = ierr+1 ENDDO IF (ierr > 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) "ERROR :",nbvar_out(fid) CALL ipslerr (1,'restput', & & 'There are fewer variables in the output file for this', & & 'time step than for the previous one',' ') ELSE touched_out(fid,:) = .FALSE. ENDIF ENDIF !--- secsince = itau*deltat(fid) corner(1) = tstp_out(fid)+1 edge(1) = 1 !--- !-- 3.1 Here we add the values to the time axes !--- IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'RESTPUT 3.1 : ',itau,secsince,corner(1),edge(1) ENDIF !--- iret = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,tind_varid_out(fid),itau, & & start=corner(1:1)) iret = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,tax_varid_out(fid),secsince, & & start=corner(1:1)) !--- tstp_out(fid) = tstp_out(fid)+1 itau_out(fid) = itau ENDIF !- ! 4.0 Variable and time step should be present ! now so we can dump variable !- ndims = 0 IF (iim > 0) THEN ndims = ndims+1 corner(ndims) = 1 edge(ndims) = iim ENDIF IF (jjm > 0) THEN ndims = ndims+1 corner(ndims) = 1 edge(ndims) = jjm ENDIF IF (llm > 0) THEN ndims = ndims+1 corner(ndims) = 1 edge(ndims) = llm ENDIF ndims = ndims+1 corner(ndims) = tstp_out(fid) edge(ndims) = 1 !- iret = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,vid,var, & & start=corner(1:ndims),count=edge(1:ndims)) !- IF (iret /= NF90_NOERR) THEN CALL ipslerr (2,'restput_real',NF90_STRERROR(iret), & & 'Bug in restput.',& & 'Please, verify compatibility between get and put commands.') ENDIF !- ! 5.0 Note that the variables was treated !- touched_out(fid,vnb) = .TRUE. !--------------------------- END SUBROUTINE restput_real !=== SUBROUTINE restdefv (fid,varname,iim,jjm,llm,write_att) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This subroutine adds a variable to the output file. ! The attributes are either taken from. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER ::fid CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: varname INTEGER :: iim,jjm,llm LOGICAL :: write_att !- INTEGER :: dims(4),ic,xloc,ndim,ncfid INTEGER :: iret,ax_id CHARACTER(LEN=3) :: str LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- ncfid = netcdf_id(fid,2) IF (nbvar_out(fid) >= max_var) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restdefv', & 'Too many variables for the restcom module', & 'Please increase the value of max_var',' ') ENDIF nbvar_out(fid) = nbvar_out(fid)+1 varname_out(fid,nbvar_out(fid)) = varname !- ! 0.0 Put the file in define mode if needed !- IF (itau_out(fid) >= 0) THEN iret = NF90_REDEF(ncfid) ENDIF !- ! 1.0 Do we have all dimensions and can we go ahead !- IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'restdefv 1.0 :',TRIM(varname),nbvar_out(fid) ENDIF !- ndim = 0 !- ! 1.1 Work on x !- IF (iim > 0) THEN ndim = ndim+1 xloc = 0 DO ic=1,xax_nb(fid) IF (xax_infs(fid,ic,1) == iim) xloc = ic ENDDO !--- IF (xloc > 0) THEN dims(ndim) = xax_infs(fid,xloc,2) ELSE str='x_'//CHAR(96+xax_nb(fid)) iret = NF90_DEF_DIM(ncfid,str,iim,ax_id) xax_nb(fid) = xax_nb(fid)+1 xax_infs(fid,xax_nb(fid),1) = iim xax_infs(fid,xax_nb(fid),2) = ax_id dims(ndim) = ax_id ENDIF ENDIF !- ! 1.2 Work on y !- IF (jjm > 0) THEN ndim = ndim+1 xloc = 0 DO ic=1,yax_nb(fid) IF (yax_infs(fid,ic,1) == jjm) xloc = ic ENDDO !--- IF (xloc > 0) THEN dims(ndim) = yax_infs(fid,xloc,2) ELSE str='y_'//CHAR(96+yax_nb(fid)) iret = NF90_DEF_DIM(ncfid,str,jjm,ax_id) yax_nb(fid) = yax_nb(fid)+1 yax_infs(fid,yax_nb(fid),1) = jjm yax_infs(fid,yax_nb(fid),2) = ax_id dims(ndim) = ax_id ENDIF ENDIF !- ! 1.3 Work on z !- IF (llm > 0) THEN ndim = ndim+1 xloc = 0 DO ic=1,zax_nb(fid) IF (zax_infs(fid,ic,1) == llm) xloc = ic ENDDO !--- IF (xloc > 0) THEN dims(ndim) = zax_infs(fid,xloc,2) ELSE str='z_'//CHAR(96+zax_nb(fid)) iret = NF90_DEF_DIM(ncfid,str,llm,ax_id) zax_nb(fid) = zax_nb(fid)+1 zax_infs(fid,zax_nb(fid),1) = llm zax_infs(fid,zax_nb(fid),2) = ax_id dims(ndim) = ax_id ENDIF ENDIF !- ! 1.4 Time needs to be added !- ndim = ndim+1 dims(ndim) = tdimid_out(fid) !- ! 2.0 Declare the variable !- IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'restdefv 2.0 :',ndim,' :: ',dims(1:ndim),tdimid_out(fid) ENDIF !- iret = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncfid,varname,NF90_DOUBLE,dims(1:ndim), & & varid_out(fid,nbvar_out(fid))) IF (iret /= NF90_NOERR) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'restdefv', & 'Could not define new variable in file', & NF90_STRERROR(iret),varname) ENDIF !- ! 3.0 Add the attributes if requested !- IF (write_att) THEN IF (rest_units /= 'XXXXX') THEN iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,varid_out(fid,nbvar_out(fid)), & & 'units',TRIM(rest_units)) rest_units = 'XXXXX' ENDIF !--- IF (rest_lname /= 'XXXXX') THEN iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,varid_out(fid,nbvar_out(fid)), & & 'long_name',TRIM(rest_lname)) rest_lname = 'XXXXX' ENDIF !--- iret = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncfid,varid_out(fid,nbvar_out(fid)), & & 'missing_value',REAL(missing_val,KIND=4)) !--- IF (itau_out(fid) >= 0) THEN iret = NF90_ENDDEF(ncfid) ENDIF ENDIF !- IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) & & 'restdefv 3.0 : LIST OF VARS ',varname_out(fid,1:nbvar_out(fid)) ENDIF !---------------------- END SUBROUTINE restdefv !=== SUBROUTINE rest_atim (l_msg,c_p) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Called by "c_p", [re]allocate the time axes !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: l_msg CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN) :: c_p !- INTEGER :: i_err,tszij INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE :: tmp_index(:,:) REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: tmp_julian(:,:) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- ! Allocate the space we need for the time axes !- IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(t_index) .AND. .NOT.ALLOCATED(t_julian)) THEN IF (l_msg) THEN WRITE(*,*) TRIM(c_p)//' : Allocate times axes at :', & & max_file,tax_size_in(nb_fi) ENDIF !--- ALLOCATE(t_index(max_file,tax_size_in(nb_fi)),STAT=i_err) IF (i_err/=0) THEN WRITE(*,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of t_index : ",i_err CALL ipslerr (3,TRIM(c_p), & & 'Problem in allocation of t_index','', & & '(you must increase memory)') ENDIF t_index (:,:) = 0 !--- ALLOCATE(t_julian(max_file,tax_size_in(nb_fi)),STAT=i_err) IF (i_err/=0) THEN WRITE(*,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of t_julian : ",i_err CALL ipslerr (3,TRIM(c_p), & & 'Problem in allocation of max_file,tax_size_in','', & & '(you must increase memory)') ENDIF t_julian (:,:) = 0.0 ELSE IF ( (SIZE(t_index,DIM=2) < tax_size_in(nb_fi)) & & .OR.(SIZE(t_julian,DIM=2) < tax_size_in(nb_fi)) ) THEN IF (l_msg) THEN WRITE(*,*) TRIM(c_p)//' : Reallocate times axes at :', & & max_file,tax_size_in(nb_fi) ENDIF !--- ALLOCATE (tmp_index(max_file,tax_size_in(nb_fi)),STAT=i_err) IF (i_err/=0) THEN WRITE(*,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of tmp_index : ",i_err CALL ipslerr (3,TRIM(c_p), & & 'Problem in allocation of tmp_index','', & & '(you must increase memory)') ENDIF tszij = SIZE(t_index,DIM=2) tmp_index(:,1:tszij) = t_index(:,1:tszij) DEALLOCATE(t_index) ALLOCATE (t_index(max_file,tax_size_in(nb_fi)),STAT=i_err) IF (i_err/=0) THEN WRITE(*,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of t_index : ",i_err CALL ipslerr (3,TRIM(c_p), & & 'Problem in reallocation of t_index','', & & '(you must increase memory)') ENDIF t_index(:,1:tszij) = tmp_index(:,1:tszij) !--- ALLOCATE (tmp_julian(max_file,tax_size_in(nb_fi)),STAT=i_err) IF (i_err/=0) THEN WRITE(*,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of tmp_julian : ",i_err CALL ipslerr (3,TRIM(c_p), & & 'Problem in allocation of tmp_julian','', & & '(you must increase memory)') ENDIF tszij = SIZE(t_julian,DIM=2) tmp_julian(:,1:tszij) = t_julian(:,1:tszij) DEALLOCATE(t_julian) ALLOCATE (t_julian(max_file,tax_size_in(nb_fi)),STAT=i_err) IF (i_err/=0) THEN WRITE(*,*) "ERROR IN ALLOCATION of t_julian : ",i_err CALL ipslerr (3,TRIM(c_p), & & 'Problem in reallocation of t_julian','', & & '(you must increase memory)') ENDIF t_julian(:,1:tszij) = tmp_julian(:,1:tszij) ENDIF !----------------------- END SUBROUTINE rest_atim !=== SUBROUTINE rest_alloc (i_buff,i_qsz,l_msg,c_p) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Called by "c_p", allocate a temporary buffer ! (buff_tmp[1/2] depending on "i_buff" value) to the size "i_qsz". !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: i_buff,i_qsz LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: l_msg CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN) :: c_p !- INTEGER :: i_bsz,i_err LOGICAL :: l_alloc1,l_alloc2 CHARACTER(LEN=9) :: cbn CHARACTER(LEN=5) :: c_err !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (i_buff == 1) THEN IF (ALLOCATED(buff_tmp1)) THEN i_bsz = SIZE(buff_tmp1) ELSE i_bsz = 0 ENDIF l_alloc1 = (.NOT.ALLOCATED(buff_tmp1)) & & .OR.((ALLOCATED(buff_tmp1)).AND.(i_qsz > i_bsz)) l_alloc2 = .FALSE. cbn = 'buff_tmp1' ELSE IF (i_buff == 2) THEN IF (ALLOCATED(buff_tmp2)) THEN i_bsz = SIZE(buff_tmp2) ELSE i_bsz = 0 ENDIF l_alloc1 = .FALSE. l_alloc2 = (.NOT.ALLOCATED(buff_tmp2)) & & .OR.((ALLOCATED(buff_tmp2)).AND.(i_qsz > i_bsz)) cbn = 'buff_tmp2' ELSE CALL ipslerr (3,'rest_alloc', & & 'Called by '//TRIM(c_p),'with a wrong value of i_buff','') ENDIF !- !- IF (l_alloc1.OR.l_alloc2) THEN IF (l_msg) THEN IF ( (l_alloc1.AND.ALLOCATED(buff_tmp1)) & & .OR.(l_alloc2.AND.ALLOCATED(buff_tmp2)) ) THEN WRITE(*,*) TRIM(c_p)//" : re_allocate "//TRIM(cbn)//"=",i_qsz ELSE WRITE(*,*) TRIM(c_p)//" : allocate "//TRIM(cbn)//"=",i_qsz ENDIF ENDIF IF (l_alloc1) THEN IF (ALLOCATED(buff_tmp1)) THEN DEALLOCATE(buff_tmp1) ENDIF ALLOCATE (buff_tmp1(i_qsz),STAT=i_err) ELSE IF (ALLOCATED(buff_tmp2)) THEN DEALLOCATE(buff_tmp2) ENDIF ALLOCATE (buff_tmp2(i_qsz),STAT=i_err) ENDIF IF (i_err /= 0) THEN WRITE (UNIT=c_err,FMT='(I5)') i_err CALL ipslerr (3,TRIM(c_p), & & 'Problem in allocation of',TRIM(cbn), & & 'Error : '//TRIM(c_err)//' (you must increase memory)') ENDIF ENDIF !------------------------ END SUBROUTINE rest_alloc !=== SUBROUTINE ioconf_setatt (attname,value) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: attname,value !- CHARACTER(LEN=LEN_TRIM(attname)) :: tmp_str !--------------------------------------------------------------------- tmp_str = attname CALL strlowercase (tmp_str) !- SELECT CASE(tmp_str) CASE('units') rest_units = value CASE('long_name') rest_lname = value CASE DEFAULT CALL ipslerr (2,'ioconf_restatt', & 'The attribute name provided is unknown',attname,' ') END SELECT !--------------------------- END SUBROUTINE ioconf_setatt !=== SUBROUTINE ioget_vdim (fid,vname_q,varnbdim_max,varnbdim,vardims) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This routine allows the user to get the dimensions !- of a field in the restart file. !- This is the file which is read. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: fid CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: vname_q INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: varnbdim_max INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: varnbdim INTEGER,DIMENSION(varnbdim_max),INTENT(OUT) :: vardims !- INTEGER :: vnb !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Find the index of the variable CALL find_str (varname_in(fid,1:nbvar_in(fid)),vname_q,vnb) !- IF (vnb > 0) THEN varnbdim = varnbdim_in(fid,vnb) IF (varnbdim_max < varnbdim) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'ioget_vdim', & 'The provided array for the variable dimensions is too small', & '','') ELSE vardims(1:varnbdim) = vardims_in(fid,vnb,1:varnbdim) ENDIF ELSE varnbdim = 0 CALL ipslerr (2,'ioget_vdim', & 'Variable '//TRIM(vname_q)//' not found','','') ENDIF !------------------------ END SUBROUTINE ioget_vdim !=== SUBROUTINE ioget_vname (fid,nbvar,varnames) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This routine allows the user to extract the list !- of variables in an opened restart file. !- This is the file which is read !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: fid INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: nbvar CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(OUT) :: varnames(:) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- nbvar = nbvar_in(fid) !- IF (SIZE(varnames) < nbvar) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'ioget_vname', & 'The provided array for the variable names is too small','','') ELSE varnames(1:nbvar) = varname_in(fid,1:nbvar) ENDIF !------------------------- END SUBROUTINE ioget_vname !=== SUBROUTINE ioconf_expval (new_exp_val) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- The default value written into the variables which are not !- in the restart file can only be changed once. !- This avoids further complications. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- REAL :: new_exp_val !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (.NOT.lock_valexp) THEN lock_valexp = .TRUE. val_exp = new_exp_val ELSE CALL ipslerr (2,'ioconf_expval', & 'The default value for variable' & //'not available in the restart file ', & 'has already been locked and can not be changed at this point', & ' ') ENDIF !--------------------------- END SUBROUTINE ioconf_expval !=== SUBROUTINE ioget_expval (get_exp_val) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- Once the user has extracted the default value, !- we lock it so that it can not be changed anymore. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- REAL :: get_exp_val !--------------------------------------------------------------------- get_exp_val = val_exp lock_valexp = .TRUE. !-------------------------- END SUBROUTINE ioget_expval !=== SUBROUTINE restclo (fid) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- This subroutine closes one or any opened restart file. !- !- INPUT !- !- fid : File ID in the restcom system (not the netCDF ID)(optional) !- !- OUTPUT !- !- NONE !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER,INTENT(in),OPTIONAL :: fid !- INTEGER :: iret,ifnc CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: n_e CHARACTER(LEN=3) :: n_f LOGICAL :: l_dbg !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ipsldbg (old_status=l_dbg) !- IF (PRESENT(fid)) THEN !--- IF (l_dbg) THEN WRITE(*,*) & 'restclo : Closing specified restart file number :', & fid,netcdf_id(fid,1:2) ENDIF !--- IF (netcdf_id(fid,1) > 0) THEN iret = NF90_CLOSE(netcdf_id(fid,1)) IF (iret /= NF90_NOERR) THEN WRITE (n_e,'(I6)') iret WRITE (n_f,'(I3)') netcdf_id(fid,1) CALL ipslerr (2,'restclo', & "Error "//n_e//" in closing file : "//n_f,'',' ') ENDIF IF (netcdf_id(fid,1) == netcdf_id(fid,2)) THEN netcdf_id(fid,2) = -1 ENDIF netcdf_id(fid,1) = -1 ENDIF !--- IF (netcdf_id(fid,2) > 0) THEN iret = NF90_CLOSE(netcdf_id(fid,2)) IF (iret /= NF90_NOERR) THEN WRITE (n_e,'(I6)') iret WRITE (n_f,'(I3)') netcdf_id(fid,2) CALL ipslerr (2,'restclo', & "Error "//n_e//" in closing file : "//n_f,'',' ') ENDIF netcdf_id(fid,2) = -1 ENDIF !--- ELSE !--- IF (l_dbg) WRITE(*,*) 'restclo : Closing all files' !--- DO ifnc=1,nb_fi IF (netcdf_id(ifnc,1) > 0) THEN iret = NF90_CLOSE(netcdf_id(ifnc,1)) IF (iret /= NF90_NOERR) THEN WRITE (n_e,'(I6)') iret WRITE (n_f,'(I3)') netcdf_id(ifnc,1) CALL ipslerr (2,'restclo', & "Error "//n_e//" in closing file : "//n_f,'',' ') ENDIF IF (netcdf_id(ifnc,1) == netcdf_id(ifnc,2)) THEN netcdf_id(ifnc,2) = -1 ENDIF netcdf_id(ifnc,1) = -1 ENDIF !----- IF (netcdf_id(ifnc,2) > 0) THEN iret = NF90_CLOSE(netcdf_id(ifnc,2)) IF (iret /= NF90_NOERR) THEN WRITE (n_e,'(I6)') iret WRITE (n_f,'(I3)') netcdf_id(ifnc,2) CALL ipslerr (2,'restclo', & "Error "//n_e//" in closing file : "//n_f,'',' ') END IF netcdf_id(ifnc,2) = -1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF !--------------------- END SUBROUTINE restclo !=== !----------------- !$AGRIF_END_DO_NOT_TREAT END MODULE restcom