!************************************************************************ ! Fortran 95 OPA Nesting tools * ! * ! Copyright (C) 2005 Florian Lemarié (Florian.Lemarie@imag.fr) * ! * !************************************************************************ ! MODULE agrif_interpolation ! USE agrif_types USE io_netcdf USE bicubic_interp USE bilinear_interp USE agrif_extrapolation USE agrif_readwrite ! ! !************************************************************************ ! * ! MODULE AGRIF_INTERPOLATION * ! * ! module containing subroutine used for : * ! - Forcing data interpolation * ! - Parent to Child coordinates interpolation * ! * !************************************************************************ ! ! CONTAINS ! ! !**************************************************************** ! subroutine agrif_interp * ! * ! subroutine to interpolate coordinates * ! * ! - input : * ! tabin : coarse grid coordinate variable * ! typevar : position of interpolated variable on cells * ! * ! - ouput : * ! tabout : coordinate variable interpolated on fine grid * ! * !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE agrif_interp(tabin,tabout,typevar) ! REAL*8,DIMENSION(:,:) :: tabin,tabout CHARACTER(*) :: typevar REAL*8 :: cff1 INTEGER :: ii,jj REAL*8,DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: tabouttemp ! ! ! IF( ln_agrif_domain ) THEN CALL agrif_base_interp2(tabin,tabout,imin,jmin,typevar) ELSE CALL agrif_base_interp3(tabin,tabout,imin,jmin,typevar) ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE agrif_interp ! ! SUBROUTINE agrif_base_interp2(tabin,tabout,i_min,j_min,typevar) ! IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8,DIMENSION(:,:) :: tabin,tabout REAL*8 :: cff1 INTEGER :: i_min,j_min INTEGER :: ii,jj,i,j CHARACTER(*) :: typevar REAL*8,DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: xc,yc,xf,yf REAL*8,DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: tabtemp REAL*8 :: dxc,dyc,dxf,dyf REAL*8 :: decalxc,decalyc,decalxf,decalyf INTEGER :: ptx,pty REAL*8 :: val(4),xval(4) INTEGER :: nxc,nyc,nxf,nyf REAL :: xmin,ymin,x,y INTEGER :: ic,jc,itemp,jtemp nxc = SIZE(tabin,1) nyc = SIZE(tabin,2) nxf = SIZE(tabout,1) nyf = SIZE(tabout,2) ! ALLOCATE(xc(nxc)) ALLOCATE(yc(nyc)) ALLOCATE(xf(nxf)) ALLOCATE(yf(nyf)) ALLOCATE(tabtemp(nxc,nyf)) dxc = 1. dyc = 1. dxf = 1./REAL(irafx) dyf = 1./REAL(irafy) IF (typevar .EQ. 'F') THEN ptx = 1 + nbghostcellsfine pty = 1 + nbghostcellsfine decalxc = 0. decalyc = 0. decalxf = 0. decalyf = 0. ELSEIF (typevar .EQ. 'T') THEN ptx = 2 + nbghostcellsfine pty = 2 + nbghostcellsfine decalxc = dxc/2. decalyc = dyc/2. decalxf = dxf/2. decalyf = dyf/2. ELSEIF (typevar .EQ. 'U') THEN ptx = 1 + nbghostcellsfine pty = 2 + nbghostcellsfine decalxc = 0. decalyc = dyc/2. decalxf = 0. decalyf = dyf/2. ELSEIF (typevar .EQ. 'V') THEN ptx = 2 + nbghostcellsfine pty = 1 + nbghostcellsfine decalxc = dxc/2. decalyc = 0. decalxf = dxf/2. decalyf = 0. ENDIF DO i=1,nxc xc(i) = 0. + (i-ptx) * dxc + decalxc ENDDO DO j=1,nyc yc(j) = 0. + (j-pty) * dyc + decalyc ENDDO xmin = (i_min - 1) * dxc ymin = (j_min - 1) * dyc DO i=1,nxf xf(i) = xmin + (i-ptx) * dxf + decalxf ENDDO DO j=1,nyf yf(j) = ymin + (j-pty) * dyf + decalyf ENDDO DO j = 1,nyf DO i = 1,nxc x = xc(i) y = yf(j) ic = ptx + NINT((x-0.-decalxc)/dxc) jc = pty + agrif_int((y-0.-decalyc)/dyc) jc = jc - 1 CALL polint(yc(jc:jc+3),tabin(ic,jc:jc+3),4,y,tabtemp(i,j)) ENDDO ENDDO DO j = 1,nyf DO i = 1,nxf x = xf(i) y = yf(j) itemp = ptx + agrif_int((x-0.-decalxc)/dxc) jtemp = pty + NINT((y-ymin-decalyf)/dyf) itemp = itemp - 1 val = tabtemp(itemp:itemp+3,jtemp) xval = xc(itemp:itemp+3) CALL polint(xval,val,4,x,tabout(i,j)) ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE(xc,yc,xf,yf,tabtemp) END SUBROUTINE agrif_base_interp2 ! ! SUBROUTINE agrif_base_interp3(tabin,tabout,i_min,j_min,typevar) ! IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8,DIMENSION(:,:) :: tabin,tabout INTEGER :: i_min,j_min CHARACTER(*) :: typevar INTEGER :: nxf,nyf,zx,zy INTEGER :: ji,jj,jif,jjf,jic,jjc,jdecx,jdecy REAL*8 :: Ax, Bx, Ay, By nxf = SIZE(tabout,1) nyf = SIZE(tabout,2) SELECT CASE(typevar) CASE('T') IF(MOD(irafx,2)==1) THEN ! odd zx = 1 ; zy = 1 ; jdecx = FLOOR(irafx/2.) ; jdecy = FLOOR(irafy/2.) ELSE ! even zx = 2 ; zy = 2 ; jdecx = FLOOR(irafx/2.) ; jdecy = FLOOR(irafy/2.) ENDIF CASE('U') IF(MOD(irafx,2)==1) THEN ! odd zx = 1 ; zy = 1 ; jdecx = irafx - 1 ; jdecy = FLOOR(irafy/2.) ELSE ! even zx = 1 ; zy = 2 ; jdecx = irafx - 1 ; jdecy = FLOOR(irafy/2.) ENDIF CASE('V') IF(MOD(irafx,2)==1) THEN ! odd zx = 1 ; zy = 1 ; jdecx = FLOOR(irafx/2.) ; jdecy = irafy - 1 ELSE ! even zx = 2 ; zy = 1 ; jdecx = FLOOR(irafx/2.) ; jdecy = irafy - 1 ENDIF CASE('F') IF(MOD(irafx,2)==1) THEN ! odd zx = 1 ; zy = 1 ; jdecx = irafx - 1 ; jdecy = irafy - 1 ELSE ! even zx = 1 ; zy = 1 ; jdecx = irafx - 1 ; jdecy = irafy - 1 ENDIF END SELECT DO jj = 1, nyf jjf = jj - jdecy jjc = j_min + FLOOR((jjf-1.) / irafy) DO ji = 1, nxf jif = ji - jdecx jic = i_min + FLOOR((jif-1.) / irafx) Bx = MOD( zx*jif-1, zx*irafx ) / REAL(zx*irafx) By = MOD( zy*jjf-1, zy*irafy ) / REAL(zy*irafy) Ax = 1. - Bx Ay = 1. - By tabout(ji,jj) = ( Bx * tabin(jic+1,jjc ) + Ax * tabin(jic,jjc ) ) * Ay + & & ( Bx * tabin(jic+1,jjc+1) + Ax * tabin(jic,jjc+1) ) * By END DO END DO ! END SUBROUTINE agrif_base_interp3 ! SUBROUTINE polint(xin,valin,n,x,val) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER n REAL*8 xin(n), valin(n) REAL*8 x,val INTEGER ns,i,m REAL *8 dif,dift REAL*8 c(n),d(n),ho,hp,w,den,dy ns = 1 dif = ABS(x-xin(1)) DO i=1,n dift = ABS(x-xin(i)) IF (dift < dif) THEN ns = i dif = dift ENDIF c(i) = valin(i) d(i) = valin(i) ENDDO val = valin(ns) ns = ns - 1 DO m=1,n-1 DO i=1,n-m ho = xin(i)-x hp = xin(i+m)-x w=c(i+1)-d(i) den = w/(ho-hp) d(i) = hp * den c(i) = ho * den ENDDO IF (2*ns < (n-m)) THEN dy = c(ns+1) ELSE dy = d(ns) ns = ns - 1 ENDIF val = val + dy ENDDO END SUBROUTINE polint ! ! SUBROUTINE polcoe(xin,valin,n,cof) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER n REAL*8 xin(n),valin(n),cof(n) INTEGER i,j,k REAL*8 b,ff,phi,s(n) s = 0. cof = 0. s(n)=-xin(1) DO i=2,n DO j=n+1-i,n-1 s(j) =s(j) -xin(i)*s(j+1) ENDDO s(n)=s(n)-xin(i) ENDDO DO j=1,n phi=n DO k=n-1,1,-1 phi = k*s(k+1)+xin(j)*phi ENDDO ff=valin(j)/phi b=1. DO k=n,1,-1 cof(k)=cof(k)+b*ff b=s(k)+xin(j)*b ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE polcoe ! !**************************************************************** ! subroutine Correctforconservation * ! * ! Conservation on domain boundaries ( over 2 coarse grid cells) * ! * !**************************************************************** ! ! SUBROUTINE Correctforconservation(tabcoarse,tabfine,e1parent,e2parent,e1,e2,nxfin,nyfin,posvar,i_min,j_min) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nxfin,nyfin REAL*8,DIMENSION(:,:) :: tabcoarse,tabfine,e1parent,e2parent,e1,e2 CHARACTER*1 :: posvar INTEGER :: i_min,j_min,diff INTEGER ji,jj,ipt,jpt,i,j INTEGER ind1,ind2,ind3,ind4,ind5,ind6 REAL*8 cff1,cff2,cff3 ! diff = 0 IF ( MOD(irafx,2) .EQ. 0 ) diff = 1 ! ind1 = 2 + CEILING(irafx/2.0) + diff ind2 = nxfin-(2-1)-CEILING(irafx/2.0) ind3 = 2 + CEILING(irafy/2.0) + diff ind4 = nyfin-(2-1)-CEILING(irafy/2.0) ind5 = nxfin - 1 - irafx - CEILING(irafx/2.0) ind6 = nyfin - 1 - irafy - CEILING(irafy/2.0) ! IF (posvar.EQ.'T') THEN ! PRINT *,'correction' ! DO ji=ind1,ind1+irafx,irafx ! ipt=i_min+(3-1)+(ji-ind1)/irafx ! DO jj=ind3,ind4,irafy ! jpt=j_min+(3-1)+(jj-ind3)/irafy cff1=SUM(e1(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)* & e2(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)) cff2=SUM(e1(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)* & e2(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)* & tabfine(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)) cff3=e1parent(ipt,jpt)*e2parent(ipt,jpt)*tabcoarse(ipt,jpt) tabfine(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)= & tabfine(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)+(cff3-cff2)/cff1 END DO ENDDO !**** DO ji=ind5,ind5+irafx,irafx ! ipt=i_min+(3-1)+(ji-ind1)/irafx DO jj=ind3,ind4,irafy jpt=j_min+(3-1)+(jj-ind3)/irafy cff1=SUM(e1(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)* & e2(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)) cff2=SUM(e1(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)* & e2(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)* & tabfine(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)) cff3=e1parent(ipt,jpt)*e2parent(ipt,jpt)*tabcoarse(ipt,jpt) tabfine(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)= & tabfine(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)+(cff3-cff2)/cff1 END DO ENDDO DO jj=ind3,ind3+irafy,irafy ! jpt=j_min+(3-1)+(jj-ind3)/irafy ! DO ji=ind1,ind2,irafx ! ipt=i_min+(3-1)+(ji-ind1)/irafx cff1=SUM(e1(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)* & e2(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)) cff2=SUM(e1(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)* & e2(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)* & tabfine(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)) cff3=e1parent(ipt,jpt)*e2parent(ipt,jpt)*tabcoarse(ipt,jpt) tabfine(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)= & tabfine(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)+(cff3-cff2)/cff1 END DO ENDDO !**** DO jj=ind6,ind6+irafy,irafy ! jpt=j_min+(3-1)+(jj-ind3)/irafy ! DO ji=ind1,ind2,irafx ipt=i_min+(3-1)+(ji-ind1)/irafx cff1=SUM(e1(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)* & e2(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)) cff2=SUM(e1(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)* & e2(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)* & tabfine(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)) cff3=e1parent(ipt,jpt)*e2parent(ipt,jpt)*tabcoarse(ipt,jpt) tabfine(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)= & tabfine(ji-FLOOR(irafx/2.0):ji+FLOOR(irafx/2.0)-diff,jj-FLOOR(irafy/2.0):jj+FLOOR(irafy/2.0)-diff)+(cff3-cff2)/cff1 END DO ENDDO ! ! ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE Correctforconservation ! !**************************************************************** ! subroutine Interp_Extrap_var * ! * ! Interpolation and Extrapolation for temperature and salinity * ! * ! -input : * ! filename : file containing variable to interpolate * ! * !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE Interp_Extrap_var(filename, cd_type) ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! variables declaration ! CHARACTER(len=80),INTENT(in) :: filename CHARACTER(len=1 ), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: cd_type CHARACTER*100 :: interp_type CHARACTER*100 :: Child_file,Childcoordinates CHARACTER*100 :: varname,childbathy CHARACTER*1 :: posvar CHARACTER*20,DIMENSION(:),POINTER :: Ncdf_varname CHARACTER(len=20),DIMENSION(4) :: dimnames ! REAL*8, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: lonParent,latParent => NULL() REAL*8, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: lonChild,latChild,latlon_temp => NULL() REAL*8, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: tabinterp4d,tabvar1,tabvar2,tabvar3 => NULL() REAL*8, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: tabinterp3d,tabvar3d => NULL() REAL*8, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: timedepth_temp,depth => NULL() REAL*8,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: matrix => NULL() INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),POINTER :: src_add,dst_add => NULL() INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: tabtemp1DInt => NULL() REAL*8, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: nav_lev => NULL() ! LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: detected_pts => NULL() REAL*8,DIMENSION(:,:,:),POINTER :: mask => NULL() LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: masksrc => NULL() LOGICAL :: Interpolation,conservation,Pacifique,Extrapolation,land_level ! INTEGER :: deptht,time,i,status,ncid,t,ii,j,nb,numlon,numlat ! TYPE(Coordinates) :: G0,G1 ! !***************** !If coarse grid is masked possibility to activate an extrapolation process ! Extrapolation = .FALSE. PRINT*,'DEBUT INTERP_EXTRAP_VAR' ! !***************** ! ! check grid position ! IF( PRESENT(cd_type) ) THEN posvar = cd_type ELSE posvar = 'T' ENDIF ! ! read dimensions in netcdf file ! CALL Read_Ncdf_dim('x',filename,numlon) CALL Read_Ncdf_dim('y',filename,numlat) CALL Read_Ncdf_dim('time_counter',filename,time) IF ( Dims_Existence( 'deptht' , filename ) ) THEN CALL Read_Ncdf_dim('deptht',filename,deptht) ELSE IF ( Dims_Existence( 'depthu' , filename ) ) THEN CALL Read_Ncdf_dim('depthu',filename,deptht) ELSE IF ( Dims_Existence( 'depthv' , filename ) ) THEN CALL Read_Ncdf_dim('depthv',filename,deptht) ELSE IF ( Dims_Existence( 'depthw' , filename ) ) THEN CALL Read_Ncdf_dim('depthw',filename,deptht) ELSE IF ( Dims_Existence( 'z' , filename ) ) THEN CALL Read_Ncdf_dim('z',filename,deptht) ELSE deptht = N ENDIF ! ! retrieve netcdf variable name ! CALL Read_Ncdf_VarName(filename,Ncdf_varname) ! ! define name of child grid file ! CALL set_child_name(filename,Child_file) CALL set_child_name(parent_coordinate_file,Childcoordinates) CALL set_child_name(parent_bathy_level,childbathy) WRITE(*,*) 'Child grid file name = ',TRIM(Child_file) ! ! create this file ! status = nf90_create(Child_file,NF90_WRITE,ncid) status = nf90_close(ncid) ! ! read coordinates of both domains ! status = Read_Coordinates(parent_coordinate_file,G0) status = Read_Coordinates(Childcoordinates,G1,Pacifique) ! ! check consistency of informations read in namelist ! IF( imax > SIZE(G0%glamt,1) .OR. jmax > SIZE(G0%glamt,2) .OR. & imax <= imin .OR. jmax <= jmin ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'ERROR ***** bad child grid definition ...' WRITE(*,*) 'please check imin,jmin,imax,jmax,jpizoom,jpjzoom values' WRITE(*,*) ' ' STOP ENDIF ! IF( SIZE(G1%nav_lon,1) .NE. nxfin .OR. SIZE(G1%nav_lon,2) .NE. nyfin ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'ERROR ***** bad child coordinates or bathy file ...' WRITE(*,*) ' ' WRITE(*,*) 'please check that child coordinates file and child bathymetry file' WRITE(*,*) 'has been created with the current namelist ' WRITE(*,*) ' ' STOP ENDIF ! ! ! Initialization of T-mask thanks to bathymetry ! IF( Extrapolation ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'mask initialisation on coarse and fine grids' ! ALLOCATE(mask(numlon,numlat,N)) CALL Init_mask(childbathy,G1,1,1) CALL Init_mask(parent_bathy_level,G0,1,1) ! ENDIF ! ! select coordinates to use according to variable position ! ALLOCATE(lonParent(numlon,numlat),latParent(numlon,numlat)) ALLOCATE(lonChild(nxfin,nyfin),latChild(nxfin,nyfin)) SELECT CASE(posvar) CASE('T') lonParent = G0%glamt latParent = G0%gphit lonChild = G1%glamt latChild = G1%gphit mask = G1%tmask CASE('U') lonParent = G0%glamu latParent = G0%gphiu lonChild = G1%glamu latChild = G1%gphiu mask = G1%umask CASE('V') lonParent = G0%glamv latParent = G0%gphiv lonChild = G1%glamv latChild = G1%gphiv mask = G1%vmask END SELECT DEALLOCATE(G0%glamu,G0%glamv,G0%gphiu,G0%gphiv) DEALLOCATE(G1%glamu,G1%glamv,G1%gphiu,G1%gphiv) DEALLOCATE(G1%glamt,G1%gphit,G0%glamt,G0%gphit) ! !longitude modification if child domain covers Pacific ocean area ! IF( lonChild(1,1) > lonChild(nxfin,nyfin) ) THEN Pacifique = .TRUE. WHERE( lonChild < 0 ) lonChild = lonChild + 360. END WHERE WHERE( lonParent < 0 ) lonParent = lonParent + 360. END WHERE ENDIF ! ! ! dimensions initialization ! CALL Write_Ncdf_dim('x',Child_file,nxfin) CALL Write_Ncdf_dim('y',Child_file,nyfin) IF ( Dims_Existence( 'deptht' , filename ) ) CALL Write_Ncdf_dim('deptht',Child_file,deptht) IF ( Dims_Existence( 'depthu' , filename ) ) CALL Write_Ncdf_dim('depthu',Child_file,deptht) IF ( Dims_Existence( 'depthv' , filename ) ) CALL Write_Ncdf_dim('depthv',Child_file,deptht) IF ( Dims_Existence( 'depthw' , filename ) ) CALL Write_Ncdf_dim('depthw',Child_file,deptht) IF ( Dims_Existence( 'z' , filename ) ) CALL Write_Ncdf_dim('z',Child_file,deptht) CALL Write_Ncdf_dim('time_counter',Child_file,0) IF( deptht .NE. 1 .AND. deptht .NE. N ) THEN WRITE(*,*) '***' WRITE(*,*) 'Number of vertical levels doesn t match between namelist' WRITE(*,*) 'and forcing file ',TRIM(filename) WRITE(*,*) 'Please check the values in namelist file' WRITE(*,*) 'N = ',N WRITE(*,*) 'deptht = ',deptht STOP ENDIF ! ! DO i = 1,SIZE(Ncdf_varname) ! ! ! ******************************LOOP ON VARIABLE NAMES******************************************* ! ! SELECT CASE (TRIM(Ncdf_varname(i))) ! !copy nav_lon from child coordinates to output file CASE('nav_lon') ALLOCATE(latlon_temp(nxfin,nyfin)) CALL Read_Ncdf_var('nav_lon',TRIM(Childcoordinates),latlon_temp) CALL Write_Ncdf_var('nav_lon',(/'x','y'/),Child_file,latlon_temp,'float') CALL Copy_Ncdf_att('nav_lon',TRIM(filename),Child_file, & MINVAL(latlon_temp),MAXVAL(latlon_temp)) DEALLOCATE(latlon_temp) varname = TRIM(Ncdf_varname(i)) Interpolation = .FALSE. ! !copy nav_lat from child coordinates to output file CASE('nav_lat') ALLOCATE(latlon_temp(nxfin,nyfin)) CALL Read_Ncdf_var('nav_lat',TRIM(Childcoordinates),latlon_temp) CALL Write_Ncdf_var('nav_lat',(/'x','y'/),Child_file,latlon_temp,'float') CALL Copy_Ncdf_att('nav_lat',TRIM(filename),Child_file, & MINVAL(latlon_temp),MAXVAL(latlon_temp)) DEALLOCATE(latlon_temp) varname = TRIM(Ncdf_varname(i)) Interpolation = .FALSE. ! !copy nav_lev from restart_file to output file ! CASE('nav_lev') WRITE(*,*) 'copy nav_lev' CALL Read_Ncdf_var('nav_lev',filename,nav_lev) IF(.NOT. dimg ) THEN CALL Write_Ncdf_var('nav_lev','z',Child_file,nav_lev,'float') CALL Copy_Ncdf_att('nav_lev',filename,Child_file) ENDIF DEALLOCATE(nav_lev) Interpolation = .FALSE. ! !copy time_counter from input file to output file CASE('time_counter') ALLOCATE(timedepth_temp(time)) CALL Read_Ncdf_var('time_counter',filename,timedepth_temp) CALL Write_Ncdf_var('time_counter','time_counter', & Child_file,timedepth_temp,'float') CALL Copy_Ncdf_att('time_counter',TRIM(filename),Child_file) DEALLOCATE(timedepth_temp) varname = TRIM(Ncdf_varname(i)) Interpolation = .FALSE. ! !copy deptht from input file to output file CASE('deptht') ALLOCATE(depth(deptht)) CALL Read_Ncdf_var('deptht',filename,depth) CALL Write_Ncdf_var('deptht','deptht',Child_file,depth,'float') CALL Copy_Ncdf_att('deptht',TRIM(filename),Child_file) varname = TRIM(Ncdf_varname(i)) Interpolation = .FALSE. ! !copy depthu from input file to output file CASE('depthu') ALLOCATE(depth(deptht)) CALL Read_Ncdf_var('depthu',filename,depth) CALL Write_Ncdf_var('depthu','depthu',Child_file,depth,'float') CALL Copy_Ncdf_att('depthu',TRIM(filename),Child_file) varname = TRIM(Ncdf_varname(i)) Interpolation = .FALSE. ! !copy depthv from input file to output file CASE('depthv') ALLOCATE(depth(deptht)) CALL Read_Ncdf_var('depthv',filename,depth) CALL Write_Ncdf_var('depthv','depthv',Child_file,depth,'float') CALL Copy_Ncdf_att('depthv',TRIM(filename),Child_file) varname = TRIM(Ncdf_varname(i)) Interpolation = .FALSE. ! !copy depthv from input file to output file CASE('depthw') ALLOCATE(depth(deptht)) CALL Read_Ncdf_var('depthw',filename,depth) CALL Write_Ncdf_var('depthw','depthw',Child_file,depth,'float') CALL Copy_Ncdf_att('depthw',TRIM(filename),Child_file) varname = TRIM(Ncdf_varname(i)) Interpolation = .FALSE. ! !copy time_steps from input file in case of restget use in NEMO in/out routines CASE('time_steps') ! print *,'avant time step' CALL Read_Ncdf_var('time_steps',filename,tabtemp1DInt) ! print *,'timedeph = ',tabtemp1DInt CALL Write_Ncdf_var('time_steps','time_counter',Child_file,tabtemp1DInt,'integer') CALL Copy_Ncdf_att('time_steps',filename,Child_file) DEALLOCATE(tabtemp1DInt) Interpolation = .FALSE. ! !store tmask in output file CASE('tmask') dimnames(1)='x' dimnames(2)='y' dimnames(3)='deptht' IF (.NOT.ASSOCIATED(G1%tmask)) THEN ALLOCATE(G1%tmask(nxfin,nyfin,deptht)) G1%tmask = 1 ENDIF CALL Write_Ncdf_var('tmask',dimnames(1:3),Child_file,G1%tmask,'float') varname = TRIM(Ncdf_varname(i)) Interpolation = .FALSE. ! CASE default varname = Ncdf_varname(i) conservation = .FALSE. CALL get_interptype( varname,interp_type,conservation ) WRITE(*,*) '**********************************************' WRITE(*,*) 'varname = ',TRIM(varname), 'at ', posvar, ' point' WRITE(*,*) 'interp_type = ',TRIM(interp_type) WRITE(*,*) 'conservation = ',conservation WRITE(*,*) '***********************************************' Interpolation = .TRUE. ! END SELECT ! //////////////// INTERPOLATION FOR 3D VARIABLES ///////////////////////////////////// ! IF( Interpolation .AND. Get_NbDims(TRIM(varname),TRIM(filename)) == 3 ) THEN ! ALLOCATE(detected_pts(numlon,numlat,N)) ALLOCATE(masksrc(numlon,numlat)) ! ! ******************************LOOP ON TIME******************************************* !loop on time DO t = 1,time ! IF(extrapolation) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'interpolation/extrapolation ',TRIM(varname),' for time t = ',t ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'interpolation ',TRIM(varname),' for time t = ',t ENDIF ! ALLOCATE(tabvar3d(numlon,numlat,1)) ALLOCATE(tabinterp3d(nxfin,nyfin,1)) ! CALL Read_Ncdf_var(varname,filename,tabvar3d,t) ! ! search points where extrapolation is required ! IF(Extrapolation) THEN WHERE( tabvar3d .GE. 1.e+20 ) tabvar3d = 0. IF (t .EQ. 1. ) CALL extrap_detect(G0,G1,detected_pts(:,:,1),1) CALL correct_field_2d(detected_pts(:,:,1),tabvar3d,G0,masksrc,'posvar') ELSE masksrc = .TRUE. ENDIF IF (t.EQ.1 ) THEN SELECT CASE(TRIM(interp_type)) CASE('bilinear') CALL get_remap_matrix(latParent,latChild, & lonParent,lonChild, & masksrc,matrix,src_add,dst_add) CASE('bicubic') CALL get_remap_bicub(latParent,latChild, & lonParent,lonChild, & masksrc,matrix,src_add,dst_add) END SELECT ! ENDIF ! SELECT CASE(TRIM(interp_type)) CASE('bilinear') CALL make_remap(tabvar3d(:,:,1),tabinterp3d(:,:,1),nxfin,nyfin, & matrix,src_add,dst_add) CASE('bicubic') CALL make_bicubic_remap(tabvar3d(:,:,1),masksrc,tabinterp3d(:,:,1),nxfin,nyfin, & matrix,src_add,dst_add) END SELECT ! IF( conservation ) CALL Correctforconservation(tabvar3d(:,:,1),tabinterp3d(:,:,1), & G0%e1t,G0%e2t,G1%e1t,G1%e2t,nxfin,nyfin,posvar,imin,jmin) ! IF(Extrapolation) tabinterp3d(:,:,1) = tabinterp3d(:,:,1) * mask(:,:,1) ! dimnames(1)='x' dimnames(2)='y' dimnames(3)='time_counter' ! CALL Write_Ncdf_var(TRIM(varname),dimnames(1:3),& Child_file,tabinterp3d,t,'float') ! DEALLOCATE(tabinterp3d) DEALLOCATE(tabvar3d) !end loop on time END DO ! DEALLOCATE(detected_pts) IF(ASSOCIATED(matrix)) DEALLOCATE(matrix,dst_add,src_add) DEALLOCATE( masksrc) CALL Copy_Ncdf_att(TRIM(varname),TRIM(filename),Child_file) ! ELSE IF( Interpolation .AND. Get_NbDims(TRIM(varname),TRIM(filename)) == 4 ) THEN ! ! ! //////////////// INTERPOLATION FOR 4D VARIABLES ///////////////////////////////////// ! dimnames(1)='x' dimnames(2)='y' IF ( Dims_Existence( 'deptht' , filename ) ) dimnames(3)='deptht' IF ( Dims_Existence( 'depthu' , filename ) ) dimnames(3)='depthu' IF ( Dims_Existence( 'depthv' , filename ) ) dimnames(3)='depthv' IF ( Dims_Existence( 'depthw' , filename ) ) dimnames(3)='depthw' IF ( Dims_Existence( 'z' , filename ) ) dimnames(3)='z' dimnames(4)='time_counter' ! ! loop on vertical levels ! DO nb = 1,deptht ! ALLOCATE(masksrc(numlon,numlat)) ALLOCATE(detected_pts(numlon,numlat,N)) ! ! point detection et level n ! land_level = .FALSE. IF( Extrapolation ) THEN IF(MAXVAL(mask(:,:,nb))==0.) land_level = .TRUE. ENDIF IF ( land_level ) THEN ! WRITE(*,*) 'only land points on level ',nb ALLOCATE(tabinterp4d(nxfin,nyfin,1,1)) tabinterp4d = 0.e0 ! DO ii = 1,time CALL Write_Ncdf_var(TRIM(varname),dimnames, & Child_file,tabinterp4d,ii,nb,'float') END DO DEALLOCATE(tabinterp4d) ! ELSE ! ! loop on time ! DO t = 1,time ! ALLOCATE(tabvar1(numlon,numlat,1,1)) ! level k IF(Extrapolation) ALLOCATE(tabvar2(numlon,numlat,1,1)) ! level k-1 IF(Extrapolation) ALLOCATE(tabvar3(numlon,numlat,1,1)) ! level k-2 ALLOCATE(tabinterp4d(nxfin,nyfin,1,1)) ! IF(Extrapolation) THEN IF(nb==1) THEN CALL Read_Ncdf_var(varname,filename,tabvar1,t,nb) WHERE( tabvar1 .GE. 1.e+20 ) tabvar1 = 0. ELSE IF (nb==2) THEN CALL Read_Ncdf_var(varname,filename,tabvar2,t,nb-1) CALL Read_Ncdf_var(varname,filename,tabvar1,t,nb) WHERE( tabvar1 .GE. 1.e+20 ) tabvar1 = 0. WHERE( tabvar2 .GE. 1.e+20 ) tabvar2 = 0. ELSE CALL Read_Ncdf_var(varname,filename,tabvar3,t,nb-2) CALL Read_Ncdf_var(varname,filename,tabvar2,t,nb-1) CALL Read_Ncdf_var(varname,filename,tabvar1,t,nb) WHERE( tabvar1 .GE. 1.e+20 ) tabvar1 = 0. WHERE( tabvar2 .GE. 1.e+20 ) tabvar2 = 0. WHERE( tabvar3 .GE. 1.e+20 ) tabvar3 = 0. ENDIF ! IF (t.EQ.1 ) CALL extrap_detect(G0,G1,detected_pts(:,:,nb),nb) CALL correct_field(detected_pts(:,:,nb),tabvar1,tabvar2,& tabvar3,G0,depth,masksrc,nb,'posvar') DEALLOCATE(tabvar2,tabvar3) ELSE CALL Read_Ncdf_var(varname,filename,tabvar1,t,nb) IF(MAXVAL(tabvar1(:,:,1,1))==0.) land_level = .TRUE. masksrc = .TRUE. ENDIF IF( Extrapolation ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'interpolation/extrapolation ',TRIM(varname),' for time t = ',t,'vertical level = ',nb ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'interpolation ',TRIM(varname),' for time t = ',t,'vertical level = ',nb ENDIF ! IF (t.EQ.1 ) THEN SELECT CASE(TRIM(interp_type)) CASE('bilinear') CALL get_remap_matrix(latParent,latChild, & lonParent,lonChild, & masksrc,matrix,src_add,dst_add) CASE('bicubic') CALL get_remap_bicub(latParent,latChild, & lonParent,lonChild, & masksrc,matrix,src_add,dst_add) ! END SELECT ! ENDIF ! SELECT CASE(TRIM(interp_type)) ! CASE('bilinear') CALL make_remap(tabvar1(:,:,1,1),tabinterp4d(:,:,1,1),nxfin,nyfin, & matrix,src_add,dst_add) CASE('bicubic') CALL make_bicubic_remap(tabvar1(:,:,1,1),masksrc,tabinterp4d(:,:,1,1),nxfin,nyfin, & matrix,src_add,dst_add) END SELECT ! IF( conservation ) CALL Correctforconservation(tabvar1(:,:,1,1),tabinterp4d(:,:,1,1), & G0%e1t,G0%e2t,G1%e1t,G1%e2t,nxfin,nyfin,posvar,imin,jmin) ! IF(Extrapolation) CALL check_extrap(G1,tabinterp4d,nb) ! IF(Extrapolation) tabinterp4d(:,:,1,1) = tabinterp4d(:,:,1,1) * mask(:,:,nb) ! CALL Write_Ncdf_var(TRIM(varname),dimnames, & Child_file,tabinterp4d,t,nb,'float') ! DEALLOCATE(tabinterp4d) DEALLOCATE(tabvar1) ! ! end loop on time ! END DO ENDIF ! IF(ASSOCIATED(matrix)) DEALLOCATE(matrix,dst_add,src_add) DEALLOCATE( masksrc ) DEALLOCATE(detected_pts) ! ! end loop on vertical levels ! END DO ! CALL Copy_Ncdf_att(TRIM(varname),TRIM(filename),Child_file) ! ! fin du if interpolation ... ! ENDIF ! END DO PRINT *,'FIN DE INTERPEXTRAPVAR' ! IF(Extrapolation) DEALLOCATE(G1%tmask,G0%tmask) DEALLOCATE(G0%e1t,G0%e2t,G1%e1t,G1%e2t) IF(ASSOCIATED(depth)) DEALLOCATE(depth) ! END SUBROUTINE Interp_Extrap_var ! ! END MODULE agrif_interpolation