!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NEMO system team, System and Interface for oceanic RElocable Nesting !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! DESCRIPTION: !> @brief !> This module manage domain computation. !> !> @details !> define type TDOM:
!> @code !> TYPE(TDOM) :: tl_dom !> @endcode !> !> to initialize domain structure:
!> @code !> tl_dom=dom_init(td_mpp, [id_imin,] [id_imax,] [id_jmin,] [id_jmax],[cd_card]) !> @endcode !> - td_mpp is mpp structure of an opened file. !> - id_imin is i-direction sub-domain lower left point indice !> - id_imax is i-direction sub-domain upper right point indice !> - id_jmin is j-direction sub-domain lower left point indice !> - id_jmax is j-direction sub-domain upper right point indice !> - cd_card is the cardinal name (for boundary case) !> !> to get global domain dimension:
!> - tl_dom\%t_dim0 !> !> to get NEMO periodicity index of global domain:
!> - tl_dom\%i_perio0 !> !> to get NEMO pivot point index F(0),T(1):
!> - tl_dom\%i_pivot !> !> to get East-West overlap of global domain:
!> - tl_dom\%i_ew0 !> !> to get selected sub domain dimension:
!> - tl_dom\%t_dim !> !> to get NEMO periodicity index of sub domain:
!> - tl_dom\%i_perio !> !> to get East-West overlap of sub domain:
!> - tl_dom\%i_ew !> !> to get i-direction sub-domain lower left point indice:
!> - tl_dom\%i_imin !> !> to get i-direction sub-domain upper right point indice:
!> - tl_dom\%i_imax !> !> to get j-direction sub-domain lower left point indice:
!> - tl_dom\%i_jmin !> !> to get j-direction sub-domain upper right point indice:
!> - tl_dom\%i_jmax !> !> to get size of i-direction extra band:
!> - tl_dom\%i_iextra !> !> to get size of j-direction extra band:
!> - tl_dom\%i_jextra !> !> to get i-direction ghost cell number:
!> - tl_dom\%i_ighost !> !> to get j-direction ghost cell number:
!> - tl_dom\%i_jghost !> !> to get boundary index:
!> - tl_dom\%i_bdy !> - 0 = no boundary !> - 1 = north !> - 2 = south !> - 3 = east !> - 4 = west !> !> to clean domain structure:
!> @code !> CALL dom_clean(td_dom) !> @endcode !> - td_dom is domain structure !> !> to print information about domain structure:
!> @code !> CALL dom_print(td_dom) !> @endcode !> !> to get East-West overlap (if any):
!> @code !> il_ew=dom_get_ew_overlap(td_lon) !> @endcode !> - td_lon : longitude variable structure !> !> to add extra bands to coarse grid domain (for interpolation):
!> @code !> CALL dom_add_extra( td_dom, id_iext, id_jext ) !> @endcode !> - td_dom is domain structure !> - id_iext is i-direction size of extra bands !> - id_jext is j-direction size of extra bands !> !> to remove extra bands from fine grid (after interpolation):
!> @code !> CALL dom_del_extra( td_var, td_dom, id_rho ) !> @endcode !> - td_var is variable structure to be changed !> - td_dom is domain structure !> - id_rho is a array of refinement factor following i- and j-direction !> !> to reset coarse grid domain witouht extra bands:
!> @code !> CALL dom_clean_extra( td_dom ) !> @endcode !> !> @author !> J.Paul !> !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date September, 2014 !> - add header !> - use zero indice to defined cyclic or global domain !> @date October, 2014 !> - use mpp file structure instead of file !> !> @note Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE dom USE kind ! F90 kind parameter USE global ! global parameter USE fct ! basic useful function USE logger ! log file manager USE dim ! dimension manager USE var ! variable manager USE mpp ! mpp file manager IMPLICIT NONE ! NOTE_avoid_public_variables_if_possible ! type and variable PUBLIC :: TDOM !< domain structure PRIVATE :: im_minext !< default minumum number of extraband ! function and subroutine PUBLIC :: dom_copy !< copy domain structure PUBLIc :: dom_clean !< clean domain structure PUBLIC :: dom_init !< initialise domain structure PUBLIC :: dom_print !< print information about domain PUBLIC :: dom_add_extra !< add useful extra bands to coarse grid for interpolation PUBLIC :: dom_clean_extra !< reset domain without extra bands PUBLIC :: dom_del_extra !< remove extra point from fine grid after interpolation PRIVATE :: dom__init_mpp ! initialise domain structure, given mpp file structure PRIVATE :: dom__define ! define sub domain indices ! define sub domain indices for input domain with PRIVATE :: dom__define_cyclic_north_fold ! - cyclic east-west boundary and north fold boundary condition. PRIVATE :: dom__define_north_fold ! - north fold boundary condition. PRIVATE :: dom__define_symmetric ! - symmetric boundary condition across the equator. PRIVATE :: dom__define_cyclic ! - cyclic east-west boundary. PRIVATE :: dom__define_closed ! - cyclic east-west boundary. ! compute size of sub domain PRIVATE :: dom__size_no_pole ! - without north fold condition PRIVATE :: dom__size_no_pole_overlap ! - without north fold condition, and which overlap east-west boundary PRIVATE :: dom__size_no_pole_no_overlap ! - without north fold condition, and which do not overlap east-west boundary PRIVATE :: dom__size_pole ! - with north fold condition PRIVATE :: dom__size_pole_overlap ! - with north fold condition, and which overlap east-west boundary PRIVATE :: dom__size_pole_no_overlap ! - with north fold condition, and which do not overlap east-west boundary ! compute size of PRIVATE :: dom__size_global ! - global domain PRIVATE :: dom__size_semi_global ! - semi global domain PRIVATE :: dom__copy_unit ! copy attribute structure TYPE TDOM !< domain structure TYPE(TDIM), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: t_dim0 !< global domain dimension TYPE(TDIM), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: t_dim !< sub domain dimension INTEGER(i4) :: i_perio0 !< NEMO periodicity index of global domain INTEGER(i4) :: i_ew0 !< East-West overlap of global domain INTEGER(i4) :: i_perio !< NEMO periodicity index of sub domain INTEGER(i4) :: i_pivot !< NEMO pivot point index F(0),T(1) INTEGER(i4) :: i_imin = 0 !< i-direction sub-domain lower left point indice INTEGER(i4) :: i_imax = 0 !< i-direction sub-domain upper right point indice INTEGER(i4) :: i_jmin = 0 !< j-direction sub-domain lower left point indice INTEGER(i4) :: i_jmax = 0 !< j-direction sub-domain upper right point indice INTEGER(i4) :: i_bdy = 0 !< boundary index : 0 = no boundary !< 1 = north !< 2 = south !< 3 = east !< 4 = west INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: i_ghost0 = 0 !< array of ghost cell factor of global domain INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: i_ghost = 0 !< array of ghost cell factor of sub domain INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: i_iextra = 0 !< i-direction extra point INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: i_jextra = 0 !< j-direction extra point END TYPE TDOM INTEGER(i4), PARAMETER :: im_minext = 2 !< default minumum number of extraband INTERFACE dom_init MODULE PROCEDURE dom__init_file MODULE PROCEDURE dom__init_mpp END INTERFACE dom_init INTERFACE dom_copy MODULE PROCEDURE dom__copy_unit ! copy attribute structure END INTERFACE CONTAINS !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FUNCTION dom__copy_unit(td_dom) & & RESULT (tf_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine copy an domain structure in another one !> @details !> dummy function to get the same use for all structure !> !> @warning do not use on the output of a function who create or read an !> structure (ex: tl_dom=dom_copy(dom_init()) is forbidden). !> This will create memory leaks. !> @warning to avoid infinite loop, do not use any function inside !> this subroutine !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2014 - Initial Version !> !> @param[in] td_dom domain structure !> @return copy of input domain structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(IN) :: td_dom ! function TYPE(TDOM) :: tf_dom ! local variable !---------------------------------------------------------------- tf_dom=td_dom END FUNCTION dom__copy_unit !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom_print(td_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine print some information about domain strucutre. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> !> @param[inout] td_dom dom structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(IN) :: td_dom ! local argument CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_pivot !---------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT CASE(td_dom%i_pivot) CASE(0) cl_pivot='F-point' CASE(1) cl_pivot='T-point' CASE DEFAULT cl_pivot='unknown' END SELECT WRITE(*,'((a,4(i0,1x)),(/a,i2,a,a),2(/a,2(i0,1x)),(/a,4(i0,1x)),(/a,i2/),& & 4(/a,i0),4(/a,2(i0,1x)))') & & " global domain size ",td_dom%t_dim0(:)%i_len, & & " domain periodicity ",td_dom%i_perio0,", pivot: ",TRIM(cl_pivot), & & " i-direction ghost cell factor of global domain ",td_dom%i_ghost0(jp_I,:), & & " j-direction ghost cell factor of global domain ",td_dom%i_ghost0(jp_J,:), & & " sub-domain size : ",td_dom%t_dim(:)%i_len, & & " sub domain periodicity ",td_dom%i_perio, & & " i-direction sub-domain lower left point indice ",td_dom%i_imin, & & " i-direction sub-domain upper right point indice ",td_dom%i_imax, & & " j-direction sub-domain lower left point indice ",td_dom%i_jmin, & & " j-direction sub-domain upper right point indice ",td_dom%i_jmax, & & " i-direction ghost cell factor ",td_dom%i_ghost(jp_I,:), & & " j-direction ghost cell factor ",td_dom%i_ghost(jp_J,:), & & " i-direction extra point for interpolation ",td_dom%i_iextra(:), & & " j-direction extra point for interpolation ",td_dom%i_jextra(:) END SUBROUTINE dom_print !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FUNCTION dom__init_mpp(td_mpp, id_imin, id_imax, id_jmin, id_jmax, cd_card) & & RESULT (tf_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This function intialise domain structure, given open file structure, !> and sub domain indices. !> @details !> sub domain indices are computed, taking into account coarse grid !> periodicity, pivot point, and East-West overlap. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date June, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date September, 2014 !> - add boundary index !> - add ghost cell factor !> @date October, 2014 !> - work on mpp file structure instead of file structure !> !> @param[in] td_mpp mpp structure !> @param[in] id_perio grid periodicity !> @param[in] id_imin i-direction sub-domain lower left point indice !> @param[in] id_imax i-direction sub-domain upper right point indice !> @param[in] id_jmin j-direction sub-domain lower left point indice !> @param[in] id_jmax j-direction sub-domain upper right point indice !> @param[in] cd_card name of cardinal (for boundary) !> @return domain structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TMPP) , INTENT(IN) :: td_mpp INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_imin INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_imax INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_jmin INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_jmax CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: cd_card ! function TYPE(TDOM) :: tf_dom !local variable !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! clean domain structure CALL dom_clean(tf_dom) IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_mpp%t_proc) )THEN CALL logger_error( & & " DOM INIT: no processor file associated to mpp "//& & TRIM(td_mpp%c_name)) ELSE ! global domain define by file ! look for boundary index IF( PRESENT(cd_card) )THEN SELECT CASE(TRIM(cd_card)) CASE('north') tf_dom%i_bdy=jp_north CASE('south') tf_dom%i_bdy=jp_south CASE('east') tf_dom%i_bdy=jp_east CASE('west') tf_dom%i_bdy=jp_west CASE DEFAULT ! no boundary tf_dom%i_bdy=0 END SELECT ELSE ! no boundary tf_dom%i_bdy=0 ENDIF ! use global dimension define by mpp file tf_dom%t_dim0(:) = dim_copy(td_mpp%t_dim(:)) IF( td_mpp%i_perio < 0 .OR. td_mpp%i_perio > 6 )THEN CALL logger_error("DOM INIT: invalid grid periodicity ("//& & TRIM(fct_str(td_mpp%i_perio))//& & ") you should use grid_get_perio to compute it") ELSE tf_dom%i_perio0=td_mpp%i_perio ENDIF ! global domain pivot point SELECT CASE(tf_dom%i_perio0) CASE(3,4) tf_dom%i_pivot = 0 CASE(5,6) tf_dom%i_pivot = 1 CASE DEFAULT tf_dom%i_pivot = 0 END SELECT ! add ghost cell factor of global domain tf_dom%i_ghost0(:,:)=0 SELECT CASE(tf_dom%i_perio0) CASE(0) tf_dom%i_ghost0(:,:)=1 CASE(1) tf_dom%i_ghost0(jp_J,:)=1 CASE(2) tf_dom%i_ghost0(jp_I,:)=1 tf_dom%i_ghost0(jp_J,2)=1 CASE(3,5) tf_dom%i_ghost0(jp_I,:)=1 tf_dom%i_ghost0(jp_J,1)=1 CASE(4,6) tf_dom%i_ghost0(jp_J,1)=1 END SELECT ! look for EW overlap tf_dom%i_ew0=td_mpp%i_ew ! initialise domain as global tf_dom%i_imin = 1 tf_dom%i_imax = tf_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len tf_dom%i_jmin = 1 tf_dom%i_jmax = tf_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len ! sub domain dimension tf_dom%t_dim(:) = dim_copy(td_mpp%t_dim(:)) ! define sub domain indices CALL dom__define(tf_dom, id_imin, id_imax, id_jmin, id_jmax) ENDIF END FUNCTION dom__init_mpp !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FUNCTION dom__init_file(td_file, id_imin, id_imax, id_jmin, id_jmax, cd_card) & & RESULT (tf_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This function intialise domain structure, given open file structure, !> and sub domain indices. !> @details !> sub domain indices are computed, taking into account coarse grid !> periodicity, pivot point, and East-West overlap. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date June, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date September, 2014 !> - add boundary index !> - add ghost cell factor !> !> @param[in] td_file file structure !> @param[in] id_perio grid periodicity !> @param[in] id_imin i-direction sub-domain lower left point indice !> @param[in] id_imax i-direction sub-domain upper right point indice !> @param[in] id_jmin j-direction sub-domain lower left point indice !> @param[in] id_jmax j-direction sub-domain upper right point indice !> @param[in] cd_card name of cardinal (for boundary) !> @return domain structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE) , INTENT(IN) :: td_file INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_imin INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_imax INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_jmin INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_jmax CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: cd_card ! function TYPE(TDOM) :: tf_dom !local variable !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! clean domain structure CALL dom_clean(tf_dom) IF( td_file%i_id == 0 )THEN CALL logger_error( & & " DOM INIT: no id associated to file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ELSE ! global domain define by file ! look for boundary index IF( PRESENT(cd_card) )THEN SELECT CASE(TRIM(cd_card)) CASE('north') tf_dom%i_bdy=jp_north CASE('south') tf_dom%i_bdy=jp_south CASE('east') tf_dom%i_bdy=jp_east CASE('west') tf_dom%i_bdy=jp_west CASE DEFAULT ! no boundary tf_dom%i_bdy=0 END SELECT ELSE ! no boundary tf_dom%i_bdy=0 ENDIF ! use global dimension define by file tf_dom%t_dim0(:) = dim_copy(td_file%t_dim(:)) IF( td_file%i_perio < 0 .OR. td_file%i_perio > 6 )THEN CALL logger_error("DOM INIT: invalid grid periodicity ("//& & TRIM(fct_str(td_file%i_perio))//& & ") you should use grid_get_perio to compute it") ELSE tf_dom%i_perio0=td_file%i_perio ENDIF ! global domain pivot point SELECT CASE(tf_dom%i_perio0) CASE(3,4) tf_dom%i_pivot = 0 CASE(5,6) tf_dom%i_pivot = 1 CASE DEFAULT tf_dom%i_pivot = 0 END SELECT ! add ghost cell factor of global domain tf_dom%i_ghost0(:,:)=0 SELECT CASE(tf_dom%i_perio0) CASE(0) tf_dom%i_ghost0(:,:)=1 CASE(1) tf_dom%i_ghost0(jp_J,:)=1 CASE(2) tf_dom%i_ghost0(jp_I,:)=1 tf_dom%i_ghost0(jp_J,2)=1 CASE(3,5) tf_dom%i_ghost0(jp_I,:)=1 tf_dom%i_ghost0(jp_J,1)=1 CASE(4,6) tf_dom%i_ghost0(jp_J,1)=1 END SELECT ! look for EW overlap tf_dom%i_ew0=td_file%i_ew ! initialise domain as global tf_dom%i_imin = 1 tf_dom%i_imax = tf_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len tf_dom%i_jmin = 1 tf_dom%i_jmax = tf_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len ! sub domain dimension tf_dom%t_dim(:) = dim_copy(td_file%t_dim(:)) ! define sub domain indices CALL dom__define(tf_dom, id_imin, id_imax, id_jmin, id_jmax) ENDIF END FUNCTION dom__init_file !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom__define(td_dom, & & id_imin, id_imax, id_jmin, id_jmax) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine define sub domain indices, and compute the size !> of the sub domain. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain structure !> @param[in] id_imin i-direction sub-domain lower left point indice !> @param[in] id_imax i-direction sub-domain upper right point indice !> @param[in] id_jmin j-direction sub-domain lower left point indice !> @param[in] id_jmax j-direction sub-domain upper right point indice !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_imin INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_imax INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_jmin INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_jmax !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( PRESENT(id_imin) ) td_dom%i_imin = id_imin IF( PRESENT(id_imax) ) td_dom%i_imax = id_imax IF( PRESENT(id_jmin) ) td_dom%i_jmin = id_jmin IF( PRESENT(id_jmax) ) td_dom%i_jmax = id_jmax ! check indices IF(( td_dom%i_imin < -1 .OR. td_dom%i_imin > td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len ).OR. & & ( td_dom%i_imax < -1 .OR. td_dom%i_imax > td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len ).OR. & & ( td_dom%i_jmin < -1 .OR. td_dom%i_jmin > td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len ).OR. & & ( td_dom%i_jmax < -1 .OR. td_dom%i_jmax > td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len ))THEN CALL logger_debug("0 <= imin ("//TRIM(fct_str(id_imin))//") < "//& & TRIM(fct_str(td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len))) CALL logger_debug("0 <= imax ("//TRIM(fct_str(id_imax))//") < "//& & TRIM(fct_str(td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len))) CALL logger_debug("0 <= jmin ("//TRIM(fct_str(id_jmin))//") < "//& & TRIM(fct_str(td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len))) CALL logger_debug("0 <= jmax ("//TRIM(fct_str(id_jmax))//") < "//& & TRIM(fct_str(td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len))) CALL logger_fatal( "DOM INIT DEFINE: invalid grid definition."// & & " check min and max indices") ELSE ! force to select north fold IF( td_dom%i_perio0 > 2 .AND. & & ( td_dom%i_jmax >= td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len-1 .OR. & & td_dom%i_jmax < td_dom%i_jmin .OR. & & td_dom%i_jmin == 0 ) )THEN td_dom%i_jmax=0 ENDIF ! force to use cyclic boundary IF( ( td_dom%i_perio0 == 1 .OR. & & td_dom%i_perio0 == 4 .OR. & & td_dom%i_perio0 == 6 ) .AND. & & ( td_dom%i_imin == 0 .OR. td_dom%i_imax == 0 .OR. & & ABS(td_dom%i_imax-td_dom%i_imin)+1 == td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len ) & & )THEN td_dom%i_imin = 0 td_dom%i_imax = 0 ENDIF SELECT CASE(td_dom%i_perio0) CASE(0) ! closed boundary CALL logger_trace("DOM INIT DEFINE: closed boundary") CALL dom__define_closed( td_dom ) CASE(1) ! cyclic east-west boundary CALL logger_trace("DOM INIT DEFINE: cyclic east-west boundary") CALL dom__define_cyclic( td_dom ) CASE(2) ! symmetric boundary condition across the equator CALL logger_trace("DOM INIT DEFINE: symmetric boundary condition "//& & " across the equator") CALL dom__define_symmetric( td_dom ) CASE(3) ! North fold boundary (with a F-point pivot) CALL logger_trace("DOM INIT DEFINE: North fold boundary "//& & "(with a F-point pivot)") CALL dom__define_north_fold( td_dom ) CASE(5) ! North fold boundary (with a T-point pivot) CALL logger_trace("DOM INIT DEFINE: North fold boundary "//& & "(with a T-point pivot)") CALL dom__define_north_fold( td_dom ) CASE(4) ! North fold boundary (with a F-point pivot) ! and cyclic east-west boundary CALL logger_trace("DOM INIT DEFINE: North fold boundary "//& & "(with a F-point pivot) and cyclic "//& & "east-west boundary") CALL dom__define_cyclic_north_fold( td_dom ) CASE(6) ! North fold boundary (with a T-point pivot) ! and cyclic east-west boundary CALL logger_trace("DOM INIT DEFINE: North fold boundary "//& & "(with a T-point pivot) and cyclic "//& & "east-west boundary") CALL dom__define_cyclic_north_fold( td_dom ) CASE DEFAULT CALL logger_error("DOM INIT DEFINE: invalid grid periodicity index") END SELECT ENDIF END SUBROUTINE dom__define !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom__define_cyclic_north_fold(td_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine define sub domain indices from global domain with !> cyclic east-west boundary and north fold boundary condition. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> @date September, 2014 !> - use zero indice to defined cyclic or global domain !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain strcuture !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom !---------------------------------------------------------------- !CALL dom__check_EW_index( td_dom ) IF( td_dom%i_imin == 0 .AND. td_dom%i_imax == 0 .AND. & & td_dom%i_jmin == 0 .AND. td_dom%i_jmax == 0 )THEN CALL logger_trace("DOM DEFINE CYCLIC NORTH FOLD: "//& & "domain to extract is global" ) ! coarse domain is global domain CALL dom__size_global( td_dom ) ELSEIF( td_dom%i_imin == 0 .AND. td_dom%i_imax == 0 .AND. & & td_dom%i_jmax == 0 )THEN CALL logger_trace("DOM DEFINE CYCLIC NORTH FOLD: "//& & "domain to extract is semi-global" ) CALL dom__size_semi_global( td_dom ) ELSEIF( td_dom%i_imin == 0 .AND. td_dom%i_imax == 0 .AND. & & td_dom%i_jmax /= 0 )THEN CALL logger_trace("DOM DEFINE CYCLIC NORTH FOLD: "//& & "domain to extract is band of latidue" ) CALL dom__size_no_pole( td_dom ) ELSEIF( td_dom%i_jmax == 0 )THEN CALL logger_trace("DOM DEFINE CYCLIC NORTH FOLD: "//& & "domain to extract use north fold" ) CALL dom__size_pole( td_dom ) ELSEIF( td_dom%i_jmax /= 0 )THEN CALL logger_trace("DOM DEFINE CYCLIC NORTH FOLD: "//& & "domain to extract do not use north fold" ) ! no North Pole CALL dom__size_no_pole( td_dom ) ELSE CALL logger_error("DOM DEFINE CYCLIC NORTH FOLD: "//& & "should have been an impossible case" ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE dom__define_cyclic_north_fold !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom__define_north_fold(td_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine define sub domain indices from global domain !> with north fold boundary condition. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial verison !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain strcuture !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( td_dom%i_jmax /= 0 )THEN CALL logger_trace("DOM DEFINE NORTH FOLD: "//& & "domain to extract has no north boundary" ) ! no North Pole CALL dom__size_no_pole_no_overlap( td_dom ) ELSE CALL logger_trace("DOM DEFINE NORTH FOLD: "//& & "sub domain has north boundary" ) CALL dom__size_pole_no_overlap( td_dom ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE dom__define_north_fold !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom__define_symmetric(td_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine define sub domain indices from global domain !> with symmetric boundary condition across the equator. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain strcuture !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom !---------------------------------------------------------------- CALL dom__size_no_pole_no_overlap( td_dom ) END SUBROUTINE dom__define_symmetric !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom__define_cyclic(td_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine define sub domain indices from global domain !> with cyclic east-west boundary. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain strcuture !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( td_dom%i_imin >= td_dom%i_imax )THEN CALL logger_trace("DOM DEFINE CYCLIC: "//& & "domain to extract overlap east-west boundary") CALL dom__size_no_pole_overlap( td_dom ) ELSE ! id_imin < id_imax CALL logger_trace("DOM DEFINE CYCLIC: "//& & "domain to extract do not overlap east-west boundary") CALL dom__size_no_pole_no_overlap( td_dom ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE dom__define_cyclic !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom__define_closed(td_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine define sub domain indices from global domain !> with closed boundaries. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain strcuture !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom !---------------------------------------------------------------- CALL dom__size_no_pole_no_overlap( td_dom ) END SUBROUTINE dom__define_closed !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom__size_global(td_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine compute size of global domain !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain strcuture !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom !---------------------------------------------------------------- td_dom%i_imin = 1 td_dom%i_imax = td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len td_dom%i_jmin = 1 td_dom%i_jmax = td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len ! domain size td_dom%t_dim(1)%i_len = td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len td_dom%t_dim(2)%i_len = td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len ! no ghost cell to add td_dom%i_ghost(:,:)=0 ! periodicity IF( td_dom%i_pivot == 0 )THEN ! 0-F td_dom%i_perio=4 td_dom%i_pivot=0 ELSE ! 1-T td_dom%i_perio=6 td_dom%i_pivot=1 ENDIF END SUBROUTINE dom__size_global !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom__size_semi_global(td_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine compute size of a semi global domain !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain strcuture !> @note never tested !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_imid ! canadian bipole index (middle of global domain) !---------------------------------------------------------------- il_imid = td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len/2 + td_dom%i_pivot td_dom%i_imin = 2 td_dom%i_imax = il_imid !td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len IF( td_dom%i_jmin == 0 ) td_dom%i_jmin=1 td_dom%i_jmax = td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len ! domain size td_dom%t_dim(1)%i_len = td_dom%i_imax - & & td_dom%i_imin + 1 td_dom%t_dim(2)%i_len = ( td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_jmin + 1 ) + & & ( td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_jmin + 1 ) - 2 ! remove north fold condition ? ! ghost cell to add td_dom%i_ghost(:,:)=1 ! periodicity IF( td_dom%i_pivot == 0 )THEN !0-F td_dom%i_perio=3 td_dom%i_pivot=0 ELSE !1-T td_dom%i_perio=5 td_dom%i_pivot=1 ENDIF END SUBROUTINE dom__size_semi_global !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom__size_no_pole(td_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine compute size of sub domain without north fold !> condition !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain strcuture !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( td_dom%i_jmax == 0 )THEN CALL logger_fatal("DOM SIZE NO POLE: invalid domain. "//& & "can not get north pole from this coarse grid. "//& & "check namelist and coarse grid periodicity." ) ENDIF IF( td_dom%i_imin == 0 .AND. td_dom%i_imax == 0 .OR. & & td_dom%i_imin > td_dom%i_imax )THEN CALL logger_trace("DOM SIZE NO POLE: "// & & "domain to extract overlap east-west boundary") CALL dom__size_no_pole_overlap( td_dom ) ELSE ! id_imin < id_imax CALL logger_trace("DOM SIZE NO POLE: "// & & "domain to extract do not overlap east-west boundary") CALL dom__size_no_pole_no_overlap( td_dom ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE dom__size_no_pole !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom__size_pole(td_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine compute size of sub domain with north fold !> condition. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date April, 2013 - Initial version !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain strcuture !> @note never tested !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( td_dom%i_imin >= td_dom%i_imax )THEN CALL logger_trace("DOM SIZE POLE: "//& & "domain to extract overlap east-west boundary") CALL dom__size_pole_overlap( td_dom ) ELSEIF( td_dom%i_imin < td_dom%i_imax )THEN CALL logger_trace("DOM SIZE POLE: "//& & "domain to extract do not overlap east-west boundary") CALL dom__size_pole_no_overlap( td_dom ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE dom__size_pole !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom__size_no_pole_overlap(td_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine compute size of sub domain without north fold !> condition, and which overlap east-west boundary !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain strcuture !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( td_dom%i_jmax == 0 )THEN CALL logger_fatal("DOM SIZE NO POLE OVERLAP: invalid domain. "//& & "can not get north pole from this coarse grid. "//& & "check namelist and coarse grid periodicity." ) ENDIF IF( td_dom%i_imin == 0 .AND. td_dom%i_imax == 0 )THEN ! domain to extract with east west cyclic boundary CALL logger_trace("DOM SIZE NO POLE OVERLAP: "//& & "domain to extract has cyclic east-west boundary") td_dom%i_imin = 1 td_dom%i_imax = td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len td_dom%t_dim(1)%i_len = td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len ! no ghost cell td_dom%i_ghost(jp_I,:)=0 ! periodicity td_dom%i_perio=1 ELSE ! id_imin > id_imax ! extract domain overlap east-west boundary td_dom%t_dim(1)%i_len = td_dom%i_imax + & & td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len - td_dom%i_imin + 1 - & & td_dom%i_ew0 ! remove cyclic boundary ! add ghost cell td_dom%i_ghost(jp_I,:)=1 ! periodicity td_dom%i_perio=0 ENDIF td_dom%t_dim(2)%i_len = td_dom%i_jmax - & & td_dom%i_jmin + 1 ! add ghost cell td_dom%i_ghost(jp_J,:)=1 END SUBROUTINE dom__size_no_pole_overlap !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom__size_no_pole_no_overlap(td_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine compute size of sub domain without north fold !> condition, and which do not overlap east-west boundary !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain strcuture !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( td_dom%i_jmax == 0 )THEN CALL logger_fatal("DOM SIZE NO POLE NO OVERLAP: invalid domain. "//& & "can not get north pole from this coarse grid. "//& & "check domain indices and grid periodicity." ) ENDIF IF( td_dom%i_imin == 0 .OR. td_dom%i_imax == 0 )THEN CALL logger_fatal("DOM SIZE NO POLE NO OVERLAP: invalid domain. "//& & "can not overlap East-West boundary with this coarse grid. "//& & "check domain indices and grid periodicity." ) ENDIF td_dom%t_dim(1)%i_len = td_dom%i_imax - & & td_dom%i_imin + 1 td_dom%t_dim(2)%i_len = td_dom%i_jmax - & & td_dom%i_jmin + 1 ! add ghost cell td_dom%i_ghost(:,:)=1 ! periodicity td_dom%i_perio=0 END SUBROUTINE dom__size_no_pole_no_overlap !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom__size_pole_overlap(td_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine compute size of sub domain with north fold !> condition, and which overlap east-west boundary !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain strcuture !> @note never tested !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_idom1 ! extract domain size, east part INTEGER(i4) :: il_idom2 ! extract domain size, west part INTEGER(i4) :: il_imid ! cananadian bipole index (middle of global domain) !---------------------------------------------------------------- CALL logger_trace("DOM SIZE POLE OVERLAP: "//& & "asian bipole inside domain to extract") il_imid = td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len/2 + td_dom%i_pivot il_idom1 = td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len - td_dom%i_imin + 1 il_idom2 = td_dom%i_imax IF( il_idom1 > il_imid .OR. il_idom2 > il_imid )THEN CALL logger_trace("DOM SIZE POLE OVERLAP: "//& & "canadian bipole inside domain to extract") td_dom%i_imin = 0 td_dom%i_imax = 0 IF( td_dom%i_jmin == 0 .AND. td_dom%i_jmax == 0 )THEN CALL dom__size_global( td_dom ) ELSE CALL dom__size_semi_global( td_dom ) ENDIF ! periodicity td_dom%i_perio=0 ELSEIF( il_idom1 > il_idom2 )THEN ! east part bigger than west part CALL logger_trace("DOM SIZE POLE OVERLAP: east part bigger than west part ") ! to respect symmetry around asian bipole td_dom%i_imax = il_idom1 IF( td_dom%i_jmin == 0 ) td_dom%i_jmin = 1 ! north pole td_dom%i_jmax = td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len ! compute size td_dom%t_dim(1)%i_len = il_idom1 !! no ghost cell ?? td_dom%t_dim(2)%i_len = ( td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_jmin + 1 ) + & & ( td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_jmin + 1 ) - 2 ! remove north fold condition ? ! add ghost cell td_dom%i_ghost(:,:)=1 ! periodicity td_dom%i_perio=0 ELSE ! il_idom2 >= il_idom1 ! west part bigger than east part CALL logger_trace("DOM SIZE POLE OVERLAP: west part bigger than east part ") ! to respect symmetry around asian bipole td_dom%i_imin = td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len - il_idom2 + 1 IF( td_dom%i_jmin == 0 ) td_dom%i_jmin = 1 ! north pole td_dom%i_jmax=td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len ! compute size td_dom%t_dim(1)%i_len = il_idom2 td_dom%t_dim(2)%i_len = ( td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_jmin + 1 ) + & & ( td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_jmin + 1 ) - 2 ! add ghost cell td_dom%i_ghost(:,:)=1 ! periodicity td_dom%i_perio=0 ENDIF END SUBROUTINE dom__size_pole_overlap !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom__size_pole_no_overlap(td_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine compute size of sub domain with north fold !> condition, and which do not overlap east-west boundary !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain strcuture !> @note never tested !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_idom1 ! extract domain size, east part INTEGER(i4) :: il_idom2 ! extract domain size, west part INTEGER(i4) :: il_mid ! canadian biple index ? !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( td_dom%i_imin == 0 .OR. td_dom%i_imax == 0 .OR. & & td_dom%i_imin > td_dom%i_imax )THEN CALL logger_fatal("DOM SIZE POLE NO OVERLAP: invalid domain. "//& & "can not overlap East-West boundary with this coarse grid. "//& & "check namelist and coarse grid periodicity." ) ENDIF CALL logger_trace("DOM SIZE POLE NO OVERLAP: "//& & "no asian bipole inside domain to extract") IF( td_dom%i_jmin==0 ) td_dom%i_jmin = 1 IF( td_dom%i_jmax==0 ) td_dom%i_jmax = td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len ! il_mid = td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len/2 + td_dom%i_pivot IF( (td_dom%i_imin < il_mid .AND. td_dom%i_imax < il_mid) .OR. & & (td_dom%i_imin > il_mid .AND. td_dom%i_imax > il_mid) )THEN CALL logger_trace("DOM SIZE POLE NO OVERLAP: "//& & "no canadian bipole inside domain to extract") td_dom%t_dim(1)%i_len = td_dom%i_imax - & & td_dom%i_imin + 1 td_dom%t_dim(2)%i_len = ( td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_jmin + 1 ) + & & ( td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_jmin + 1 ) - 2 ! remove north fold condition ? ! add ghost cell td_dom%i_ghost(:,:)=1 ! periodicity td_dom%i_perio=0 ELSE ! id_imin < il_mid .AND. id_imax > il_mid CALL logger_trace("DOM SIZE POLE NO OVERLAP: "//& & "canadian bipole inside domain to extract") il_idom1 = td_dom%i_imax - (il_mid - 1) il_idom2 = il_mid - td_dom%i_imin IF( il_idom1 > il_idom2 )THEN ! east part bigger than west part CALL logger_trace("DOM SIZE POLE NO OVERLAP: east part bigger than west part ") ! to respect symmetry around canadian bipole td_dom%i_imin = il_mid - il_idom1 td_dom%t_dim(1)%i_len = il_idom1 + 1 td_dom%t_dim(2)%i_len = ( td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_jmin + 1 ) + & & ( td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_jmin + 1 ) & & - 2 - 2 * td_dom%i_pivot ! remove north fold condition ? ! add ghost cell td_dom%i_ghost(:,:)=1 ! periodicity td_dom%i_perio=0 ELSE ! il_idom2 >= il_idom1 ! west part bigger than east part CALL logger_trace("DOM SIZE POLE NO OVERLAP: west part bigger than east part ") ! to respect symmetry around canadian bipole td_dom%i_imax = il_mid + il_idom2 td_dom%t_dim(1)%i_len = il_idom2 + 1 td_dom%t_dim(2)%i_len = ( td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_jmin + 1 ) + & & ( td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_jmax + 1 ) & & - 2 - 2 * td_dom%i_pivot ! remove north fold condition ? ! add ghost cell td_dom%i_ghost(:,:)=1 ! periodicity td_dom%i_perio=0 ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE dom__size_pole_no_overlap !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom_add_extra(td_dom, id_iext, id_jext) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine add extra bands to coarse domain to get enough point for !> interpolation... !> !> @details !> - domain periodicity is take into account.
!> - domain indices are changed, and size of extra bands are saved.
!> - optionaly, i- and j- direction size of extra bands could be specify !> (default=im_minext) !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> @date September, 2014 !> - take into account number of ghost cell !> @date February, 2016 !> - number of extra point is the MAX (not the MIN) of zero and asess value. !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain strcuture !> @param [in] id_iext i-direction size of extra bands (default=im_minext) !> @param [in] id_jext j-direction size of extra bands (default=im_minext) !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM) , INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN ), OPTIONAL :: id_iext INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN ), OPTIONAL :: id_jext ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_iext INTEGER(i4) :: il_jext ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! init il_iext=im_minext IF( PRESENT(id_iext) ) il_iext=id_iext il_jext=im_minext IF( PRESENT(id_jext) ) il_jext=id_jext td_dom%i_iextra(:)=0 td_dom%i_jextra(:)=0 IF( td_dom%i_imin == 1 .AND. & & td_dom%i_imax == td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len .AND. & & td_dom%i_jmin == 1 .AND. & & td_dom%i_jmax == td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len )THEN ! global ! nothing to be done ELSE IF( td_dom%i_imin == 1 .AND. & & td_dom%i_imax == td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len )THEN ! EW cyclic ! nothing to be done ELSE IF( td_dom%i_ew0 < 0 )THEN ! EW not cyclic IF( td_dom%i_imin - il_iext > td_dom%i_ghost0(jp_I,1)*ip_ghost )THEN td_dom%i_iextra(1) = il_iext td_dom%i_imin = td_dom%i_imin - td_dom%i_iextra(1) ELSE ! td_dom%i_imin - il_iext <= td_dom%i_ghost0(jp_I,1)*ip_ghost td_dom%i_iextra(1) = MAX(0, & & td_dom%i_imin - & & td_dom%i_ghost0(jp_I,1)*ip_ghost -1) td_dom%i_imin = td_dom%i_imin - td_dom%i_iextra(1) ENDIF IF( td_dom%i_imax + il_iext < & & td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len - td_dom%i_ghost0(jp_I,2)*ip_ghost )THEN td_dom%i_iextra(2) = il_iext td_dom%i_imax = td_dom%i_imax + td_dom%i_iextra(2) ELSE ! td_dom%i_imax + il_iext >= & ! td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len - td_dom%i_ghost0(jp_I,2)*ip_ghost td_dom%i_iextra(2) = MAX( 0, & & td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_ghost0(jp_I,2)*ip_ghost - & & td_dom%i_imax ) td_dom%i_imax = td_dom%i_imax + td_dom%i_iextra(2) ENDIF ELSE ! td_dom%i_ew0 >= 0 ! EW cyclic IF( td_dom%i_imin - il_iext > 0 )THEN td_dom%i_iextra(1) = il_iext td_dom%i_imin = td_dom%i_imin - td_dom%i_iextra(1) ELSE ! td_dom%i_imin - il_iext <= 0 td_dom%i_iextra(1) = il_iext td_dom%i_imin = td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len + & & td_dom%i_imin - td_dom%i_iextra(1) -& & td_dom%i_ew0 ENDIF IF( td_dom%i_imax + il_iext <= td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len )THEN td_dom%i_iextra(2) = il_iext td_dom%i_imax = td_dom%i_imax + td_dom%i_iextra(2) ELSE ! td_dom%i_imax + il_iext > td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len td_dom%i_iextra(2) = il_iext td_dom%i_imax = td_dom%i_imax + td_dom%i_iextra(2) - & & (td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len-td_dom%i_ew0) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF( td_dom%i_jmin == 1 .AND. & & td_dom%i_jmax == td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len )THEN ! nothing to be done ELSE IF( td_dom%i_jmin - il_jext > td_dom%i_ghost0(jp_J,1)*ip_ghost )THEN td_dom%i_jextra(1) = il_jext td_dom%i_jmin = td_dom%i_jmin - td_dom%i_jextra(1) ELSE ! td_dom%i_jmin - il_jext <= td_dom%i_ghost0(jp_J,1)*ip_ghost td_dom%i_jextra(1) = MAX( 0, & & td_dom%i_jmin - & & td_dom%i_ghost0(jp_J,1)*ip_ghost - 1) td_dom%i_jmin = td_dom%i_jmin - td_dom%i_jextra(1) ENDIF IF( td_dom%i_jmax + il_jext < & & td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len - td_dom%i_ghost0(jp_J,2)*ip_ghost )THEN td_dom%i_jextra(2) = il_jext td_dom%i_jmax = td_dom%i_jmax + td_dom%i_jextra(2) ELSE ! td_dom%i_jmax + il_jext >= & ! td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len - td_dom%i_ghost0(jp_J,2)*ip_ghost td_dom%i_jextra(2) = MAX( 0, & & td_dom%t_dim0(2)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_ghost0(jp_J,2)*ip_ghost - & & td_dom%i_jmax ) td_dom%i_jmax = td_dom%i_jmax + td_dom%i_jextra(2) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF( td_dom%i_imin <= td_dom%i_imax )THEN td_dom%t_dim(1)%i_len = td_dom%i_imax - td_dom%i_imin +1 ELSE ! td_dom%i_imin > td_dom%i_imax td_dom%t_dim(1)%i_len = td_dom%i_imax + & & td_dom%t_dim0(1)%i_len - td_dom%i_imin + 1 - & & td_dom%i_ew0 ! remove overlap ENDIF td_dom%t_dim(2)%i_len = td_dom%i_jmax-td_dom%i_jmin+1 END SUBROUTINE dom_add_extra !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom_clean_extra(td_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine clean coarse grid domain structure. !> it remove extra point added. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain strcuture !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM) , INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom ! local variable ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! change domain td_dom%i_imin = td_dom%i_imin + td_dom%i_iextra(1) td_dom%i_jmin = td_dom%i_jmin + td_dom%i_jextra(1) td_dom%i_imax = td_dom%i_imax - td_dom%i_iextra(2) td_dom%i_jmax = td_dom%i_jmax - td_dom%i_jextra(2) td_dom%t_dim(1)%i_len = td_dom%t_dim(1)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_iextra(1) - & & td_dom%i_iextra(2) td_dom%t_dim(2)%i_len = td_dom%t_dim(2)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_jextra(1) - & & td_dom%i_jextra(2) td_dom%i_iextra(:)=0 td_dom%i_jextra(:)=0 END SUBROUTINE dom_clean_extra !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom_del_extra(td_var, td_dom, id_rho, ld_coord) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine delete extra band, from fine grid variable value, !> and dimension, taking into account refinement factor. !> !> @details !> @note This subroutine should be used before clean domain structure. !> !> @warning if work on coordinates grid, do not remove all extra point. !> save value on ghost cell. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> @date September, 2014 !> - take into account boundary for one point size domain !> @date December, 2014 !> - add special case for coordinates file. !> !> @param[inout] td_var variable strcuture !> @param[in] td_dom domain strcuture !> @param[in] id_rho array of refinement factor !> @param[in] ld_coord work on coordinates file or not !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TVAR) , INTENT(INOUT) :: td_var TYPE(TDOM) , INTENT(IN ) :: td_dom INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN ), OPTIONAL :: id_rho LOGICAL , INTENT(IN ), OPTIONAL :: ld_coord ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_iextra INTEGER(i4) :: il_jextra INTEGER(i4) :: il_imin INTEGER(i4) :: il_imax INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_rho INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: il_ghost REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_value LOGICAL :: ll_coord ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( PRESENT(id_rho) )THEN ! work on coarse grid il_rho(:)=id_rho(jp_I:jp_J) ELSE ! work on fine grid il_rho(:)=1 ENDIF ll_coord=.false. IF( PRESENT(ld_coord) ) ll_coord=ld_coord IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_var%d_value) )THEN CALL logger_error("DOM DEL EXTRA: no value associated to "//& & "variable "//TRIM(td_var%c_name) ) ELSE ! get variable right domain IF( ALL(td_var%t_dim(1:2)%l_use) )THEN ALLOCATE(dl_value(td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(3)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(4)%i_len) ) dl_value(:,:,:,:)=td_var%d_value(:,:,:,:) il_iextra=SUM(td_dom%i_iextra(:))*il_rho(jp_I) il_jextra=SUM(td_dom%i_jextra(:))*il_rho(jp_J) il_ghost(:,:)=0 IF( ll_coord )THEN il_ghost(:,:)=td_dom%i_ghost(:,:) ENDIF IF( il_iextra >= td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len )THEN ! case one point size dimension SELECT CASE(td_dom%i_bdy) CASE(jp_north,jp_east) CALL logger_info("DOM DEL EXTRA: special case for north"//& & " or east boundary.") IF( td_dom%i_iextra(1) <= 0 )THEN il_imin= 1 il_ghost(jp_I,1) = 0 ELSE il_imin= 1 + (td_dom%i_iextra(1)-1)*il_rho(jp_I) + 1 & & - il_ghost(jp_I,1) ENDIF IF( td_dom%i_iextra(2) <= 0 )THEN; il_imax= td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len il_ghost(jp_I,2) = 0 ELSE il_imax= td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_iextra(2)*il_rho(jp_I) & & + il_ghost(jp_I,2) ENDIF CASE(jp_south,jp_west) CALL logger_info("DOM DEL EXTRA: special case for south"//& & " or west boundary.") IF( td_dom%i_iextra(1) <= 0 )THEN il_imin= 1 il_ghost(jp_I,1) = 0 ELSE il_imin= 1 + td_dom%i_iextra(1)*il_rho(jp_I) & & - il_ghost(jp_I,1) ENDIF IF( td_dom%i_iextra(2) <= 0 )THEN il_imax= td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len il_ghost(jp_I,2) = 0 ELSE il_imax= td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len - & & (td_dom%i_iextra(2)-1)*il_rho(jp_I) - 1 & & + il_ghost(jp_I,2) ENDIF CASE DEFAULT IF( MOD(il_iextra-td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len,2)==0 )THEN ! case one point size dimension with even refinment CALL logger_fatal("DOM DEL EXTRA: should have been"//& & "an impossible case: domain of "//& & " one point size and even refinment.") ELSE il_imin= 1 + & & (td_dom%i_iextra(1)-1)*il_rho(jp_I) + & & (il_rho(jp_I)-1)/2 + 1 & & - il_ghost(jp_I,1) il_imax= td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len - & & (td_dom%i_iextra(2)-1)*il_rho(jp_I) - & & (il_rho(jp_I)-1)/2 - 1 & & + il_ghost(jp_I,2) ENDIF END SELECT td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len = 1 + SUM(il_ghost(jp_I,:)) ELSE ! general case il_imin=1 + td_dom%i_iextra(1)*il_rho(jp_I) & & - il_ghost(jp_I,1) il_imax=td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len - td_dom%i_iextra(2)*il_rho(jp_I) & & + il_ghost(jp_I,2) td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len=td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len - il_iextra & & + SUM(il_ghost(jp_I,:)) ENDIF IF( il_jextra >= td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len )THEN ! case one point size dimension SELECT CASE(td_dom%i_bdy) CASE(jp_north,jp_east) IF( td_dom%i_jextra(1) <= 0 )THEN il_jmin= 1 il_ghost(jp_J,1) = 0 ELSE il_jmin= 1 + (td_dom%i_jextra(1)-1)*il_rho(jp_J) + 1 & & - il_ghost(jp_J,1) ENDIF IF( td_dom%i_jextra(2) <= 0 )THEN il_jmax= td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len il_ghost(jp_J,2) = 0 ELSE il_jmax= td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len - & & td_dom%i_jextra(2)*il_rho(jp_J) & & + il_ghost(jp_J,2) ENDIF CASE(jp_south,jp_west) IF( td_dom%i_iextra(2) <= 0 )THEN il_jmin= 1 il_ghost(jp_J,1) = 0 ELSE il_jmin= 1 + td_dom%i_jextra(1)*il_rho(jp_J) & & - il_ghost(jp_J,1) ENDIF IF( td_dom%i_jextra(2) <= 0 )THEN il_jmax= td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len il_ghost(jp_J,2) = 0 ELSE il_jmax= td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len - & & (td_dom%i_jextra(2)-1)*il_rho(jp_J) - 1 & & + il_ghost(jp_J,2) ENDIF CASE DEFAULT IF( MOD(il_jextra-td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len,2)==0 )THEN ! case one point size dimension with even refinment CALL logger_fatal("DOM DEL EXTRA: should have been"//& & "an impossible case: domain of "//& & " one point size and even refinment.") ELSE il_jmin= 1 + & & (td_dom%i_jextra(1)-1)*il_rho(jp_J) + & & (il_rho(jp_J)-1)/2 + 1 & & - il_ghost(jp_J,1) il_jmax= td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len - & & (td_dom%i_jextra(2)-1)*il_rho(jp_J) - & & (il_rho(jp_J)-1)/2 - 1 & & + il_ghost(jp_J,2) ENDIF END SELECT td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len = 1 + SUM(il_ghost(jp_J,:)) ELSE ! general case il_jmin=1 + td_dom%i_jextra(1)*il_rho(jp_J) & & - il_ghost(jp_J,1) il_jmax=td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len - td_dom%i_jextra(2)*il_rho(jp_J) & & + il_ghost(jp_J,2) td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len= td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len - il_jextra & & + SUM(il_ghost(jp_J,:)) ENDIF DEALLOCATE(td_var%d_value) ALLOCATE(td_var%d_value(td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(3)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(4)%i_len) ) td_var%d_value(:,:,:,:)=dl_value(il_imin:il_imax, & & il_jmin:il_jmax, & & :, :) DEALLOCATE(dl_value) ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE dom_del_extra !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE dom_clean(td_dom) !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine clean domain structure. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> !> @param[inout] td_dom domain strcuture !------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TDOM), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_dom ! local variable TYPE(TDOM) :: tl_dom ! empty dom structure ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- CALL logger_info( "DOM CLEAN: reset domain " ) ! del dimension DO ji=ip_maxdim,1,-1 CALL dim_clean( td_dom%t_dim0(ji) ) ENDDO ! replace by empty structure td_dom=tl_dom END SUBROUTINE dom_clean !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END MODULE dom