!************************************************************************ ! Fortran 95 OPA Nesting tools * ! * ! Copyright (C) 2005 Florian Lemarié (Florian.Lemarie@imag.fr) * ! Laurent Debreu (Laurent.Debreu@imag.fr) * !************************************************************************ ! PROGRAM create_bathy ! USE NETCDF USE bilinear_interp USE agrif_readwrite USE agrif_partial_steps USE agrif_connect_topo USE agrif_interpolation ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !************************************************************************ ! * ! PROGRAM CREATE_BATHY * ! * ! program to implement bathymetry interpolation to generate * ! child grid bathymetry file * ! * ! various options : * ! * ! 1- Interpolation directly from parent bathymetry file (z-coord) * ! 2- Use new topo file in meters (for example etopo) * ! * ! vertical coordinates permitted : z-coord and partial steps * ! sigma coordinates is not yet implemented * ! * !Interpolation is carried out using bilinear interpolation * !routine from SCRIP package or median average * ! * !http://climate.lanl.gov/Software/SCRIP/ * !************************************************************************ ! ! variables declaration ! CHARACTER(len=80) :: namelistname CHARACTER*100 :: Childmeter_file,Childlevel_file,Child_coordinates,child_ps, Child_domcfg LOGICAL :: identical_grids INTEGER :: nbadd,status,narg,iargc INTEGER :: jpj,jpi LOGICAL,DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: masksrc => NULL() INTEGER,DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: mask_oce,trouble_points INTEGER,DIMENSION(:) ,POINTER :: src_add,dst_add => NULL() REAL*8, DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: matrix,interpdata => NULL() REAL*8, DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: bathy_fin_constant => NULL() REAL*8, DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: bathy_test,vardep REAL*8, DIMENSION(:) ,ALLOCATABLE :: vardep1d REAL*8, DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: gdepw_ps_interp => NULL() REAL*8 :: Cell_lonmin,Cell_lonmax,Cell_latmin,Cell_latmax,wghts LOGICAL :: Pacifique = .FALSE. INTEGER :: boundary,iimin,iimax,jjmax,jjmin INTEGER :: nxhr,nyhr,nxyhr,ji,jj,nbiter TYPE(Coordinates) :: G0,G1 ! narg = iargc() IF (narg == 0) THEN namelistname = 'namelist.input' ELSE CALL getarg(1,namelistname) ENDIF ! ! read input file (namelist.input) CALL read_namelist(namelistname) ! ! define names of child grid files CALL set_child_name(parent_coordinate_file,Child_coordinates) IF( TRIM(parent_meshmask_file) .NE. '/NULL' ) CALL set_child_name(parent_meshmask_file,Childlevel_file) IF( TRIM(parent_meshmask_file) .NE. '/NULL' ) CALL set_child_name(parent_domcfg_output,Child_domcfg) ! ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ IF( .NOT.new_topo .AND. .NOT.partial_steps ) THEN ! **** First option : no new topo file & no partial steps ! ! ==> interpolate levels directly from parent file ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ WRITE(*,*) '*** First option: no new topo file & no partial steps' ! ! read coarse grid bathymetry and coordinates status = Read_Coordinates(TRIM(parent_coordinate_file),G0) status = Read_bathy_level(TRIM(parent_meshmask_file),G0) ! ! read fine grid coordinates status = Read_Coordinates(TRIM(Child_coordinates),G1,pacifique) ! ! stop if error in size IF( imax > SIZE(G0%glamt,1) .OR. jmax > SIZE(G0%glamt,2) .OR. imax <= imin .OR. jmax <= jmin ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'ERROR ***** bad child grid definition ...' WRITE(*,*) 'please check imin,jmin,imax,jmax,jpizoom,jpjzoom values' STOP ENDIF IF( SIZE(G1%nav_lon,1) .NE. nxfin .OR. SIZE(G1%nav_lon,2) .NE. nyfin ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'ERROR ***** bad child coordinates file ...' WRITE(*,*) 'please check that child coordinates file has been created with the same namelist' STOP ENDIF ! jpj = SIZE(G0%nav_lat,2) jpi = SIZE(G0%nav_lat,1) ! ! create logical array masksrc ALLOCATE(masksrc(jpi,jpj)) WHERE(G0%bathy_level.LE.0) ; masksrc = .FALSE. ; ELSEWHERE ; masksrc = .TRUE. ; END WHERE ! change longitudes (from -180:180 to 0:360) IF ( Pacifique ) THEN WHERE(G0%nav_lon < 0.001) G0%nav_lon = G0%nav_lon + 360. ENDIF ! From levels to meters ALLOCATE(G1%bathy_meter(nxfin,nyfin)) CALL levels_to_meter(G0) ! ! compute remapping matrix thanks to SCRIP package CALL get_remap_matrix(G0%nav_lat,G1%nav_lat,G0%nav_lon,G1%nav_lon,masksrc,matrix,src_add,dst_add) CALL make_remap(G0%bathy_meter,G1%bathy_meter,nxfin,nyfin,matrix,src_add,dst_add) DEALLOCATE(masksrc) ! ! compute constant bathymetry for Parent-Child bathymetry connection CALL init_constant_bathy(G0%bathy_meter,bathy_fin_constant) ! ! replace child bathymetry by parent bathymetry at the boundaries IF( ln_agrif_domain ) THEN boundary = npt_copy*irafx + nbghostcellsfine + 1 ELSE boundary = npt_copy*irafx ENDIF G1%bathy_meter(1:boundary,:) = bathy_fin_constant(1:boundary,:) G1%bathy_meter(:,1:boundary) = bathy_fin_constant(:,1:boundary) G1%bathy_meter(nxfin-boundary+1:nxfin,:) = bathy_fin_constant(nxfin-boundary+1:nxfin,:) G1%bathy_meter(:,nyfin-boundary+1:nyfin) = bathy_fin_constant(:,nyfin-boundary+1:nyfin) DEALLOCATE(bathy_fin_constant) ! ! bathymetry smoothing (everywhere except at the boundaries) IF( smoothing ) THEN IF( ln_agrif_domain ) THEN CALL smooth_topo(G1%bathy_meter(boundary:nxfin-boundary+1,boundary:nyfin-boundary+1),nbiter) ELSE CALL smooth_topo(G1%bathy_meter(boundary+1:nxfin-boundary,boundary+1:nyfin-boundary),nbiter) ENDIF ENDIF ! ! From meters to levels CALL meter_to_levels(G1) G1%bathy_level=NINT(G1%bathy_level) ! ! Check errors in bathy DO jj=1,nyfin DO ji=1,nxfin IF (G1%bathy_level(ji,jj).LT.0.) THEN PRINT *,'error in ',ji,jj,G1%bathy_level(ji,jj) STOP ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO WHERE ((G1%bathy_level.LT.3.).AND.(G1%bathy_level.GT.0.)) G1%bathy_level=3 ! ! remove closed seas IF (removeclosedseas) THEN ALLOCATE(bathy_test(nxfin,nyfin)) bathy_test=0. WHERE (G1%bathy_level(1,:) .GT.0.) bathy_test(1,:)=1 WHERE (G1%bathy_level(nxfin,:) .GT.0.) bathy_test(nxfin,:)=1 WHERE (G1%bathy_level(:,1) .GT.0.) bathy_test(:,1)=1 WHERE (G1%bathy_level(:,nyfin) .GT.0.) bathy_test(:,nyfin)=1 nbadd = 1 DO WHILE (nbadd.NE.0) nbadd = 0 DO jj=2,nyfin-1 DO ji=2,nxfin-1 IF (G1%bathy_level(ji,jj).GT.0.) THEN IF (MAX(bathy_test(ji,jj+1),bathy_test(ji,jj-1),bathy_test(ji-1,jj),bathy_test(ji+1,jj)).EQ.1) THEN IF (bathy_test(ji,jj).NE.1.) nbadd = nbadd + 1 bathy_test(ji,jj)=1. ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO WHERE (bathy_test.EQ.0.) G1%bathy_level = 0. DEALLOCATE(bathy_test) ENDIF ! ! store interpolation result in output file CALL levels_to_meter(G1) ! From levels to meters status = Write_Bathy_level(TRIM(Childlevel_file),G1) status = write_domcfg(TRIM(Child_domcfg),G1) WRITE(*,*) '****** Bathymetry successfully created if no new topo ******' STOP ! ! ! ----------------------------------------------------- ELSE ! **** Second option : new topo file or partial steps ! ! ----------------------------------------------------- WRITE(*,*) '***Second option : new topo or partial steps' ! read fine and coarse grids coordinates file status = Read_Coordinates(TRIM(parent_coordinate_file),G0) status = Read_Coordinates(TRIM(Child_coordinates),G1,Pacifique) ! ! check error in size IF( imax > SIZE(G0%nav_lon,1) .OR. jmax > SIZE(G0%nav_lon,2) .OR. imax <= imin .OR. jmax <= jmin ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'ERROR ***** bad child grid definition ...' WRITE(*,*) 'please check imin,jmin,imax,jmax,jpizoom,jpjzoom values' STOP ENDIF IF( SIZE(G1%nav_lon,1) .NE. nxfin .OR. SIZE(G1%nav_lon,2) .NE. nyfin ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'ERROR ***** bad child coordinates file ...' WRITE(*,*) 'please check that child coordinates file has been created with the same namelist' STOP ENDIF ! ! === From here on: G0 is the grid associated with the new topography (like gebco or etopo) === ! ! read bathymetry data set => G0%bathy_meter IF( new_topo ) THEN ! read G0%bathy_meter (on a reduced grid) and G1 coordinates DEALLOCATE( G0%nav_lon, G0%nav_lat ) status = Read_bathy_meter(TRIM(elevation_database),G0,G1,Pacifique) ELSE ! read G0%bathy_meter (on the global grid) status = Read_Bathymeter(TRIM(parent_bathy_meter),G0) IF(Pacifique) THEN WHERE(G0%nav_lon < 0.0001) G0%nav_lon = G0%nav_lon + 360. ENDIF ENDIF ! ! what type of interpolation for bathymetry IF( type_bathy_interp == 0 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Interpolation of high resolution bathymetry on child grid: Arithmetic average ...' ELSE IF( type_bathy_interp == 1 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Interpolation of high resolution bathymetry on child grid: Median average ...' ELSE IF( type_bathy_interp == 2 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Interpolation of high resolution bathymetry on child grid: Bilinear interpolation ...' ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'bad value for type_bathy_interp variable ( must be 0, 1 or 2 )' STOP ENDIF ! ! 1st allocation of child grid bathy ALLOCATE(G1%bathy_meter(nxfin,nyfin)) G1%bathy_meter(:,:)=0. ! ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! === Bathymetry of the fine grid (step1) === ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ==> It gives G1%bathy_meter from G0%bathy_meter ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ----------------------------- IF( type_bathy_interp == 0 .OR. type_bathy_interp == 1 ) THEN ! arithmetic or median averages ! ! ----------------------------- ALLOCATE(trouble_points(nxfin,nyfin)) trouble_points(:,:) = 0 ! DO jj = 2, nyfin DO ji = 2, nxfin ! ! fine grid cell extension Cell_lonmin = MIN(G1%glamf(ji-1,jj-1),G1%glamf(ji,jj-1),G1%glamf(ji,jj),G1%glamf(ji-1,jj)) Cell_lonmax = MAX(G1%glamf(ji-1,jj-1),G1%glamf(ji,jj-1),G1%glamf(ji,jj),G1%glamf(ji-1,jj)) Cell_latmin = MIN(G1%gphif(ji-1,jj-1),G1%gphif(ji,jj-1),G1%gphif(ji,jj),G1%gphif(ji-1,jj)) Cell_latmax = MAX(G1%gphif(ji-1,jj-1),G1%gphif(ji,jj-1),G1%gphif(ji,jj),G1%gphif(ji-1,jj)) ! ! look for points in G0 (bathy dataset) contained in the fine grid cells iimin = 1 DO WHILE( G0%nav_lon(iimin,1) < Cell_lonmin ) iimin = iimin + 1 ENDDO ! jjmin = 1 DO WHILE( G0%nav_lat(iimin,jjmin) < Cell_latmin ) jjmin = jjmin + 1 ENDDO ! iimax = iimin DO WHILE( G0%nav_lon(iimax,1) <= Cell_lonmax ) iimax = iimax + 1 iimax = MIN( iimax,SIZE(G0%bathy_meter,1)) ENDDO ! jjmax = jjmin DO WHILE( G0%nav_lat(iimax,jjmax) <= Cell_latmax ) jjmax = jjmax + 1 jjmax = MIN( jjmax,SIZE(G0%bathy_meter,2)) ENDDO ! IF( ln_agrif_domain ) THEN iimax = iimax-1 jjmax = jjmax-1 ELSE iimax = MAX(iimin,iimax-1) jjmax = MAX(jjmin,jjmax-1) ENDIF ! iimin = MAX( iimin,1 ) jjmin = MAX( jjmin,1 ) iimax = MIN( iimax,SIZE(G0%bathy_meter,1)) jjmax = MIN( jjmax,SIZE(G0%bathy_meter,2)) nxhr = iimax - iimin + 1 nyhr = jjmax - jjmin + 1 IF( nxhr == 0 .OR. nyhr == 0 ) THEN ! trouble_points(ji,jj) = 1 ! ELSE ! ALLOCATE( vardep(nxhr,nyhr), mask_oce(nxhr,nyhr) ) vardep(:,:) = G0%bathy_meter(iimin:iimax,jjmin:jjmax) ! WHERE( vardep(:,:) .GT. 0. ) ; mask_oce = 1 ; ELSEWHERE ; mask_oce = 0 ; ENDWHERE ! nxyhr = nxhr*nyhr IF( SUM(mask_oce) < 0.5*(nxyhr) ) THEN ! if more than half of the points are on land then bathy fine = 0 G1%bathy_meter(ji,jj) = 0. ELSE IF( type_bathy_interp == 0 ) THEN ! Arithmetic average G1%bathy_meter(ji,jj) = SUM( vardep(:,:) * mask_oce(:,:) ) / SUM( mask_oce(:,:) ) ELSE ! Median average ALLOCATE(vardep1d(nxyhr)) vardep1d = RESHAPE(vardep,(/ nxyhr /) ) !!CALL ssort(vardep1d,nxyhr) CALL quicksort(vardep1d,1,nxyhr) ! ! Calculate median IF (MOD(nxyhr,2) .NE. 0) THEN G1%bathy_meter(ji,jj) = vardep1d( nxyhr/2 + 1 ) ELSE G1%bathy_meter(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( vardep1d(nxyhr/2) + vardep1d(nxyhr/2+1) ) END IF DEALLOCATE(vardep1d) ENDIF ENDIF DEALLOCATE (mask_oce,vardep) ! ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO IF( SUM( trouble_points ) > 0 ) THEN PRINT*,'too much empty cells, proceed to bilinear interpolation' type_bathy_interp = 2 ENDIF ENDIF ! ! ----------------------------- IF( type_bathy_interp == 2) THEN ! Bilinear interpolation ! ! ----------------------------- identical_grids = .FALSE. IF( SIZE(G0%nav_lat,1) == SIZE(G1%nav_lat,1) .AND. SIZE(G0%nav_lat,2) == SIZE(G1%nav_lat,2) .AND. & SIZE(G0%nav_lon,1) == SIZE(G1%nav_lon,1) .AND. SIZE(G0%nav_lon,2) == SIZE(G1%nav_lon,2) ) THEN IF( MAXVAL( ABS(G0%nav_lat(:,:)- G1%nav_lat(:,:)) ) < 0.0001 .AND. & MAXVAL( ABS(G0%nav_lon(:,:)- G1%nav_lon(:,:)) ) < 0.0001 ) THEN PRINT*,'same grid between ',elevation_database,' and child domain' G1%bathy_meter = G0%bathy_meter identical_grids = .TRUE. ENDIF ENDIF IF( .NOT. identical_grids ) THEN ALLOCATE(masksrc(SIZE(G0%bathy_meter,1),SIZE(G0%bathy_meter,2))) ALLOCATE(bathy_test(nxfin,nyfin)) ! !Where(G0%bathy_meter.le.0.00001) ! masksrc = .false. !ElseWhere masksrc = .TRUE. !End where ! ! compute remapping matrix thanks to SCRIP package CALL get_remap_matrix(G0%nav_lat,G1%nav_lat,G0%nav_lon,G1%nav_lon,masksrc,matrix,src_add,dst_add) CALL make_remap(G0%bathy_meter,bathy_test,nxfin,nyfin,matrix,src_add,dst_add) ! G1%bathy_meter = bathy_test ! DEALLOCATE(masksrc) DEALLOCATE(bathy_test) ENDIF ! ENDIF ! --- ! At this stage bathymetry in meters has already been interpolated on fine grid ! => G1%bathy_meter(nxfin,nyfin) ! ! Also G0 was the grid from the new bathymetry data set (etopo, gebco...) and not the coarse grid ! --- ! ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! === Bathymetry of the fine grid (step2) === ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ==> It gives an update of G1%bathy_meter and G1%bathy_level ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! From here on: G0 is the coarse grid ! ! Coarse grid bathymetry : G0%bathy_meter (on the global grid) IF( partial_steps ) THEN status = Read_Bathymeter(TRIM(parent_bathy_meter),G0) ELSE status = Read_Bathymeter(TRIM(parent_meshmask_file),G0) ENDIF ! Coarse grid coordinatees : G0 coordinates DEALLOCATE(G0%nav_lat,G0%nav_lon) status = Read_coordinates(TRIM(parent_coordinate_file),G0) ! allocate temporary arrays IF (.NOT.ASSOCIATED(G0%gdepw_ps)) ALLOCATE(G0%gdepw_ps (SIZE(G0%bathy_meter,1),SIZE(G0%bathy_meter,2))) IF (.NOT.ASSOCIATED(G1%gdepw_ps)) ALLOCATE(G1%gdepw_ps (SIZE(G1%bathy_meter,1),SIZE(G1%bathy_meter,2))) IF (.NOT.ASSOCIATED(gdepw_ps_interp)) ALLOCATE(gdepw_ps_interp(SIZE(G1%bathy_meter,1),SIZE(G1%bathy_meter,2))) ! IF( ln_agrif_domain ) THEN boundary = npt_copy*irafx + nbghostcellsfine + 1 ELSE boundary = npt_copy*irafx ENDIF ! ! compute G0%gdepw_ps and G1%gdepw_ps CALL get_partial_steps(G0) CALL get_partial_steps(G1) CALL bathymetry_control(G0%Bathy_level) ! --------------------------------------- ! Bathymetry at the boundaries (npt_copy) ! --------------------------------------- ! 1st step: interpolate coarse bathy on the fine grid (using partial steps or not) IF( partial_steps .AND. ln_agrif_domain ) THEN CALL Check_interp(G0,gdepw_ps_interp) ELSE gdepw_ps_interp = 0. * G1%gdepw_ps !!CALL agrif_interp(G0%gdepw_ps,gdepw_ps_interp,'T') CALL init_constant_bathy(G0%gdepw_ps,gdepw_ps_interp) ENDIF IF (.NOT.ASSOCIATED(G1%wgt)) ALLOCATE(G1%wgt(SIZE(G1%bathy_meter,1),SIZE(G1%bathy_meter,2))) G1%wgt(:,:) = 0. IF ((.NOT.ASSOCIATED(G0%wgt)).AND.bathy_update) THEN ALLOCATE(G0%wgt(SIZE(G0%nav_lat,1),SIZE(G0%nav_lat,2))) G0%wgt(:,:) = 0. ENDIF ! ! 2nd step: copy parent bathymetry at the boundaries DO jj=1,nyfin ! West and East IF ( gdepw_ps_interp(nbghostcellsfine+1,jj) > 0. ) THEN G1%gdepw_ps(1:boundary,jj) = gdepw_ps_interp(1:boundary,jj) G1%wgt(1:boundary,jj) = 1. ELSE G1%gdepw_ps(1:nbghostcellsfine+1,jj)=0. ENDIF ! IF ( gdepw_ps_interp(nxfin-nbghostcellsfine,jj) > 0.) THEN G1%gdepw_ps(nxfin-boundary+1:nxfin,jj)=gdepw_ps_interp(nxfin-boundary+1:nxfin,jj) G1%wgt(nxfin-boundary+1:nxfin,jj) = 1. ELSE G1%gdepw_ps(nxfin-nbghostcellsfine:nxfin,jj) = 0. ENDIF END DO ! DO ji=1,nxfin ! South and North IF (gdepw_ps_interp(ji,nbghostcellsfine+1)>0.) THEN G1%gdepw_ps(ji,1:boundary) = gdepw_ps_interp(ji,1:boundary) G1%wgt(ji,1:boundary) = 1. ELSE G1%gdepw_ps(ji,1:nbghostcellsfine+1)=0. ENDIF ! IF (gdepw_ps_interp(ji,nyfin-nbghostcellsfine)>0.) THEN G1%gdepw_ps(ji,nyfin-boundary+1:nyfin)=gdepw_ps_interp(ji,nyfin-boundary+1:nyfin) G1%wgt(ji,nyfin-boundary+1:nyfin) = 1. ELSE G1%gdepw_ps(ji,nyfin-nbghostcellsfine:nyfin) = 0. ENDIF END DO ! !clem: recalculate interpolation everywhere before linear connection (useless to me) IF( partial_steps .AND. ln_agrif_domain ) THEN gdepw_ps_interp = 0. CALL Check_interp(G0,gdepw_ps_interp) ENDIF ! ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! Bathymetry between boundaries and interior (npt_connect) ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! Make linear connection (on npt_connect*irafx points) between the boundaries and the interior IF( ln_agrif_domain ) THEN boundary = (npt_copy + npt_connect)*irafx + nbghostcellsfine + 1 ELSE boundary = (npt_copy + npt_connect)*irafx ENDIF IF( npt_connect > 0 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ' linear connection on ',npt_connect,'coarse grid points' wghts = 1. DO ji = boundary - npt_connect*irafx + 1 , boundary wghts = wghts - (1. / (npt_connect*irafx + 1. ) ) DO jj=1,nyfin IF (G1%gdepw_ps(nbghostcellsfine+1,jj) > 0.) G1%wgt(ji,jj) = MAX(wghts, G1%wgt(ji,jj)) END DO END DO wghts = 1. DO ji = nxfin - (boundary - npt_connect*irafx), nxfin - boundary +1 , -1 wghts = wghts - (1. / (npt_connect*irafx + 1. ) ) DO jj=1,nyfin IF (G1%gdepw_ps(nxfin-nbghostcellsfine,jj) > 0.) G1%wgt(ji,jj) = MAX(wghts, G1%wgt(ji,jj)) END DO END DO wghts = 1. DO jj = boundary - npt_connect*irafy + 1 , boundary wghts = wghts - (1. / (npt_connect*irafy + 1. ) ) DO ji=1,nxfin IF (G1%gdepw_ps(ji,nbghostcellsfine+1) > 0.) G1%wgt(ji,jj) = MAX(wghts, G1%wgt(ji,jj)) END DO END DO wghts = 1. DO jj = nyfin - (boundary - npt_connect*irafy) , nyfin - boundary +1, -1 wghts = wghts - (1. / (npt_connect*irafy + 1. ) ) DO ji=1,nxfin IF (G1%gdepw_ps(ji,nyfin-nbghostcellsfine) > 0.) G1%wgt(ji,jj) = MAX(wghts, G1%wgt(ji,jj)) END DO END DO IF (.NOT.identical_grids) THEN G1%gdepw_ps(:,:) = (1.-G1%wgt(:,:)) * G1%gdepw_ps(:,:) + gdepw_ps_interp(:,:)*G1%wgt(:,:) ENDIF ENDIF ! replace G1%bathy_meter by G1%gdepw_ps G1%bathy_meter = G1%gdepw_ps ! ! -------------------- ! Bathymetry smoothing ! -------------------- IF( smoothing .AND. (.NOT.identical_grids) ) THEN ! Chanut: smoothing everywhere then discard result in connection zone CALL smooth_topo(G1%gdepw_ps(:,:),nbiter) WHERE (G1%wgt(:,:)==0.) G1%bathy_meter(:,:) = G1%gdepw_ps(:,:) ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'No smoothing process only connection is carried out' ENDIF ! ! ------------------ ! Remove closed seas ! ------------------ IF (removeclosedseas) THEN ALLOCATE(bathy_test(nxfin,nyfin)) bathy_test=0. WHERE (G1%bathy_meter(1,:) .GT.0.) bathy_test(1,:)=1 WHERE (G1%bathy_meter(nxfin,:).GT.0.) bathy_test(nxfin,:)=1 WHERE (G1%bathy_meter(:,1) .GT.0.) bathy_test(:,1)=1 WHERE (G1%bathy_meter(:,nyfin).GT.0.) bathy_test(:,nyfin)=1 nbadd = 1 DO WHILE (nbadd.NE.0) nbadd = 0 DO jj=2,nyfin-1 DO ji=2,nxfin-1 IF (G1%bathy_meter(ji,jj).GT.0.) THEN IF (MAX(bathy_test(ji,jj+1),bathy_test(ji,jj-1),bathy_test(ji-1,jj),bathy_test(ji+1,jj)).EQ.1) THEN IF (bathy_test(ji,jj).NE.1.) nbadd = nbadd + 1 bathy_test(ji,jj)=1. ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO WHERE (bathy_test.EQ.0.) G1%bathy_meter = 0. DEALLOCATE(bathy_test) ENDIF ! ! ! ---------------- IF( partial_steps ) THEN ! If partial steps ! ! ---------------- ! CALL get_partial_steps(G1) ! recompute gdepw_ps for G1 IF(bathy_update) CALL Update_Parent_Bathy( G0,G1 ) CALL set_child_name(parent_bathy_meter,child_ps) status = Write_Bathy_meter(TRIM(child_ps),G1) IF(bathy_update) status = Write_Bathy_meter(TRIM(updated_parent_file),G0) IF(bathy_update) status = write_domcfg(TRIM(updated_parent_domcfg),G0) CALL get_partial_steps(G1) ! G1%bathy_level=NINT(G1%bathy_level) ! ! store interpolation result in output file CALL levels_to_meter(G1) ! From levels to meters IF( TRIM(parent_meshmask_file) .NE. '/NULL' ) status = Write_Bathy_level(TRIM(Childlevel_file),G1) IF( TRIM(parent_meshmask_file) .NE. '/NULL' ) status = write_domcfg(TRIM(Child_domcfg),G1) ! WRITE(*,*) '****** Bathymetry successfully created for partial cells ******' STOP ! ! ! ---------------- ELSE ! No partial steps ! ! ---------------- ! ! convert bathymetry from meters to levels CALL meter_to_levels(G1) IF(bathy_update) CALL Update_Parent_Bathy( G0,G1 ) CALL set_child_name(parent_bathy_meter,child_ps) status = Write_Bathy_meter(TRIM(child_ps),G1) IF(bathy_update) status = Write_Bathy_meter(TRIM(updated_parent_file),G0) IF(bathy_update) status = write_domcfg(TRIM(updated_parent_domcfg),G0) ! ! store interpolation result in output file CALL levels_to_meter(G1) ! From levels to meters status = Write_Bathy_level(TRIM(Childlevel_file),G1) status = write_domcfg(TRIM(Child_domcfg),G1) ! WRITE(*,*) '****** Bathymetry successfully created for full cells ******' STOP ! ENDIF ENDIF ! END PROGRAM create_bathy