\documentclass{article} \usepackage{xspace, natbib, minted} \setminted{style=emacs, fontsize=\scriptsize, breaklines, frame=leftline} \renewcommand{\deg}{$^{\circ} $ \xspace} \newcommand{\ifile}[1]{\textit{#1.nc}\index{Input NetCDF files!#1.nc}} \newcommand{\mdl}[1]{\textit{#1.F90}\index{Modules!#1}} \newcommand{\ngn}[1]{\textit{#1}\index{Namelist Group Name!#1}} \newcommand{\np}[1]{\textit{#1}\index{Namelist variables!#1}} \begin{document} DMP\_TOOLS can be used to generate a netcdf file containing the restoration coefficient $\gamma$. Note that in order to maintain bit comparison with previous NEMO versions DMP\_TOOLS must be compiled and run on the same machine as the NEMO model. A \ifile{mesh\_mask} file for the model configuration is required as an input. This can be generated by carrying out a short model run with the namelist parameter \np{nn\_msh} set to 1. The namelist parameter \np{ln\_tradmp} will also need to be set to .false. for this to work. The \ngn{nam\_dmp\_create} namelist in the DMP\_TOOLS directory is used to specify options for the restoration coefficient. %--------------------------------------------nam_dmp_create------------------------------------------------- \inputminted{fortran}{./namelist} %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \np{cp\_cfg}, \np{cp\_cpz}, \np{jp\_cfg} and \np{jperio} specify the model configuration being used and should be the same as specified in \ngn{namcfg}. The variable \np{lzoom} is used to specify that the damping is being used as in case \textit{a} above to provide boundary conditions to a zoom configuration. In the case of the arctic or antarctic zoom configurations this includes some specific treatment. Otherwise damping is applied to the 6 grid points along the ocean boundaries. The open boundaries are specified by the variables \np{lzoom\_n}, \np{lzoom\_e}, \np{lzoom\_s}, \np{lzoom\_w} in the \ngn{nam\_zoom\_dmp} namelist. The remaining switch namelist variables determine the spatial variation of the restoration coefficient in non-zoom configurations. \np{ln\_full\_field} specifies that newtonian damping should be applied to the whole model domain. \np{ln\_med\_red\_seas} specifies grid specific restoration coefficients in the Mediterranean Sea for the ORCA4, ORCA2 and ORCA05 configurations. If \np{ln\_old\_31\_lev\_code} is set then the depth variation of the coeffients will be specified as a function of the model number. This option is included to allow backwards compatability of the ORCA2 reference configurations with previous model versions. \np{ln\_coast} specifies that the restoration coefficient should be reduced near to coastlines. This option only has an effect if \np{ln\_full\_field} is true. \np{ln\_zero\_top\_layer} specifies that the restoration coefficient should be zero in the surface layer. Finally \np{ln\_custom} specifies that the custom module will be called. This module is contained in the file \mdl{custom} and can be edited by users. For example damping could be applied in a specific region. The restoration coefficient can be set to zero in equatorial regions by specifying a positive value of \np{nn\_hdmp}. Equatorward of this latitude the restoration coefficient will be zero with a smooth transition to the full values of a 10\deg latitud band. This is often used because of the short adjustment time scale in the equatorial region \citep{Reverdin1991, Fujio1991, Marti_PhD92}. The time scale associated with the damping depends on the depth as a hyperbolic tangent, with \np{rn\_surf} as surface value, \np{rn\_bot} as bottom value and a transition depth of \np{rn\_dep}. \bibliography{doc_DMP_tool} \bibliographystyle{plainnat} \end{document}