About NEMO

NEMO standing for Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean is a state-of-the-art modelling framework for research activities and forecasting services in ocean and climate sciences, developed in a sustainable way by a European consortium.


The NEMO ocean model has 3 major components:

These physical core engines are described in their respective reference manuals that must be cited for any work related to their use.

Additional capabilities

Reference Configurations and Test Cases

Several built-in configurations are provided to evaluate the skills and performances of the model. They can be used as as first easy set-up and as template for setting up a new configuration.
Idealized test cases addressing specific physical processes are also available for download.

Project literature

ComponentReference ManualUser Guide
NEMO-OCE NEMO manual NEMO user guide
NEMO-ICE SI3 manual

Since 2014 the project has a Special Issue in the open-access journal Geoscientific Model Development (GMD) from the European Geosciences Union (EGU). The main scope is to collect relevant manuscripts covering various topics and to provide a single portal to assess the model potential and evolution.
Used by a wide audience, numerous associated projects have been carried out and various publications are available.

Consortium bodies

The NEMO Consortium pulling together 5 European institutes plans the sustainable development in order to keep a reliable evolving framework since 2008.

It defines the multi-year development strategy that is implemented by the System Team on a yearly basis in order to regularly release a new version.
When the need arises, working groups are created or resumed to gather the community expertise for advising on the development activities.