module Agrif_seq ! use Agrif_Init use Agrif_Procs use Agrif_Grids !use Agrif_Arrays ! implicit none ! contains ! #if defined AGRIF_MPI !=================================================================================================== function Agrif_seq_allocate_list ( nb_seqs ) result( seqlist ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: nb_seqs ! type(Agrif_Sequence_List), pointer :: seqlist ! allocate(seqlist) seqlist % nb_seqs = nb_seqs allocate(seqlist % sequences(1:nb_seqs)) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end function Agrif_seq_allocate_list !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== subroutine Agrif_seq_add_grid ( seqlist, seq_num, grid ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Sequence_List), intent(inout) :: seqlist integer, intent(in) :: seq_num type(Agrif_Grid), pointer, intent(in) :: grid ! call Agrif_gl_append(seqlist % sequences(seq_num) % gridlist, grid ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_seq_add_grid !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== recursive subroutine Agrif_seq_init_sequences ( grid ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), intent(inout) :: grid ! type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: gp ! #if defined AGRIF_MPI ! ! Build list of required procs for each child grid gp => grid % child_list % first do while ( associated( gp ) ) call Agrif_seq_build_required_proclist( gp % gr ) gp => gp % next enddo ! ! Create integration sequences for the current grid call Agrif_seq_create_proc_sequences( grid ) call Agrif_seq_allocate_procs_to_childs( grid ) ! ! Create new communicators for sequences call Agrif_seq_create_communicators( grid ) ! #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_seq_init_sequences !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== subroutine Agrif_seq_build_required_proclist ( grid ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), intent(inout) :: grid ! type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: parent_grid type(Agrif_Rectangle), pointer :: grid_rect type(Agrif_Proc_p), pointer :: proc_rect type(Agrif_Proc), pointer :: proc logical :: proc_is_required integer :: i ! if ( grid % fixedrank == 0 ) then ! grid is the Root if ( grid % required_proc_list % nitems == 0 ) then print*, "### Error Agrif_seq_build_required_proclist: empty proc list." print*, "# -> You should check if Agrif_Init_ProcList() is actually working." stop endif return endif ! parent_grid => grid % parent grid_rect => grid % rect_in_parent proc_rect => parent_grid % proc_def_list % first ! do while ( associated( proc_rect ) ) ! proc => proc_rect % proc ! proc_is_required = .true. do i = 1,Agrif_Probdim proc_is_required = ( proc_is_required .and. & ( grid_rect % imin(i) <= proc % imax(i) ) .and. & ( grid_rect % imax(i) >= proc % imin(i) ) ) enddo ! if ( proc_is_required ) then call Agrif_pl_append(grid % required_proc_list, proc) endif proc_rect => proc_rect % next ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_seq_build_required_proclist !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== subroutine Agrif_seq_create_proc_sequences ( grid ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), intent(inout) :: grid ! type(Agrif_Grid_List), pointer :: sorted_child_list type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: child_p type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: g1p, g2p type(Agrif_Proc_p), pointer :: pp1, pp2 type(Agrif_Proc), pointer :: proc integer :: nb_seq_max, nb_seqs, cur_seq ! nb_seq_max = 0 ! if ( grid % child_list % nitems == 0 ) return ! ! For each required proc... pp1 => grid % required_proc_list % first do while ( associated(pp1) ) proc => pp1 % proc proc % nb_seqs = 0 ! ..loop over all child grids... child_p => grid % child_list % first do while ( associated(child_p) ) ! ..and look for 'proc' in the list of procs required by 'child' pp2 => child_p % gr % required_proc_list % first do while ( associated(pp2) ) if ( proc % pn == pp2 % proc % pn ) then ! 'proc' is required by this child grid, so we increment its number of sequences proc % nb_seqs = proc % nb_seqs + 1 pp2 => NULL() else pp2 => pp2 % next endif enddo child_p => child_p % next enddo nb_seq_max = max(nb_seq_max, proc % nb_seqs) pp1 => pp1 % next enddo ! ! For each grid... g1p => grid % child_list % first do while ( associated(g1p) ) ! compare it with the following ones g2p => g1p % next do while ( associated(g2p) ) if ( Agrif_seq_grids_are_connected( g1p % gr, g2p % gr ) ) then call Agrif_gl_append( g1p % gr % neigh_list, g2p % gr ) call Agrif_gl_append( g2p % gr % neigh_list, g1p % gr ) endif g2p => g2p % next enddo g1p => g1p % next enddo ! ! Colorize graph nodes nb_seqs = Agrif_seq_colorize_grid_list(grid % child_list) sorted_child_list => Agrif_gl_merge_sort ( grid % child_list, compare_colors ) ! ! Create sequence structure cur_seq = 0 grid % child_seq => Agrif_seq_allocate_list(nb_seqs) child_p => sorted_child_list % first do while ( associated(child_p) ) if ( cur_seq /= child_p % gr % seq_num ) then cur_seq = child_p % gr % seq_num endif call Agrif_seq_add_grid(grid % child_seq,cur_seq,child_p% gr) child_p => child_p % next enddo ! call Agrif_gl_delete(sorted_child_list) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_seq_create_proc_sequences !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== function Agrif_seq_grids_are_connected( g1, g2 ) result( connection ) ! !< Compare required_proc_list for g1 and g2. These are connected if they share a same proc. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), intent(in) :: g1, g2 ! logical :: connection type(Agrif_Proc_p), pointer :: pp1, pp2 ! connection = .false. ! pp1 => g1 % required_proc_list % first ! do while( associated(pp1) .and. (.not. connection) ) ! pp2 => g2 % required_proc_list % first do while ( associated(pp2) .and. (.not. connection) ) if ( pp1 % proc % pn == pp2 % proc % pn ) then ! if pp1 and pp2 are the same proc, it means that g1 and g2 are connected. We stop here. connection = .true. endif pp2 => pp2 % next enddo pp1 => pp1 % next ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end function Agrif_seq_grids_are_connected !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== function Agrif_seq_colorize_grid_list ( gridlist ) result ( ncolors ) ! !< 1. Sort nodes in decreasing order of degree. !< 2. Color the node with highest degree with color 1. !< 3. Choose the node with the largest DSAT value. In case of conflict, choose the one with the !! highest degree. Then the one corresponding to the largest grid. !< 4. Color this node with the smallest possible color. !< 5. If all nodes are colored, then stop. Otherwise, go to 3. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid_List), intent(in) :: gridlist ! type(Agrif_Grid_List), pointer :: X, Y type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: gridp type(Agrif_Grid_List), pointer :: tmp_gl integer :: ncolors integer, dimension(1:gridlist%nitems) :: colors ! ! Be carefull... nullify(Y) ! ! First initialize the color of each node gridp => gridlist % first do while ( associated(gridp) ) gridp % gr % seq_num = 0 gridp => gridp % next enddo ! ! Then sort the grids by decreasing degree X => Agrif_gl_merge_sort( gridlist, compare_grid_degrees ) gridp => X % first ! ! Colorize the first grid in the list gridp % gr % seq_num = 1 gridp => gridp % next ! ! Then for each of its neighbors... do while ( associated(gridp) ) ! if ( gridp % gr % neigh_list % nitems == 0 ) then ! this grid is alone... let.s attach it to an existing sequence call Agrif_seq_attach_grid( X, gridp % gr ) gridp => gridp % next cycle endif ! ! Compute dsat value of all non-colored grids tmp_gl => Agrif_gl_build_from_gp(gridp) call Agrif_seq_calc_dsat(tmp_gl) ! ! Sort non-colored grids by decreasing dsat value, then by size call Agrif_gl_delete(Y) Y => Agrif_gl_merge_sort( tmp_gl, compare_dsat_values, compare_size_values ) ! ! Next coloration is for the first grid in this list TODO : maybe we could find a better choice ..? gridp => Y % first ! ! Assign a color to the chosen grid gridp % gr % seq_num = Agrif_seq_smallest_available_color_in_neighborhood( gridp % gr % neigh_list ) ! gridp => gridp % next call Agrif_gl_delete(tmp_gl) ! enddo ! call Agrif_gl_delete(X) call Agrif_seq_colors_in_neighborhood( gridlist, colors ) ncolors = maxval(colors) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end function Agrif_seq_colorize_grid_list !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== subroutine Agrif_seq_attach_grid ( gridlist, grid ) ! !< 'grid' is not connected to any neighbor. Therefore, we give an existing and well chosen color. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid_List), intent(in) :: gridlist type(Agrif_Grid), intent(inout) :: grid ! integer, dimension(gridlist%nitems) :: colors integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ngrids_by_color integer :: i, color, ncolors ! call Agrif_seq_colors_in_neighborhood( gridlist, colors ) ncolors = maxval(colors) ! allocate(ngrids_by_color(ncolors)) ngrids_by_color = 0 ! do i = 1,gridlist % nitems if (colors(i) > 0) ngrids_by_color(colors(i)) = ngrids_by_color(colors(i)) + 1 enddo ! color = ncolors do i = 1,ncolors if ( ngrids_by_color(i) < color ) color = i enddo ! grid % seq_num = color deallocate(ngrids_by_color) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_seq_attach_grid !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== subroutine Agrif_seq_colors_in_neighborhood ( neigh_list, colors ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid_List), intent(in) :: neigh_list integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: colors ! integer :: i type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: gridp ! i = lbound(colors,1) colors = 0 gridp => neigh_list % first ! do while ( associated(gridp) ) ! if ( i > ubound(colors,1) ) then print*,'Error in Agrif_seq_colors_in_neighborhood : "colors" array is too small' stop endif colors(i) = gridp % gr % seq_num gridp => gridp % next i = i+1 ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_seq_colors_in_neighborhood !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== function Agrif_seq_smallest_available_color_in_neighborhood ( neigh_list ) result ( smallest ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid_List), intent(in) :: neigh_list ! integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: color_is_met integer :: colors_tab(1:neigh_list%nitems) integer :: i, smallest, max_color ! call Agrif_seq_colors_in_neighborhood( neigh_list, colors_tab ) max_color = maxval(colors_tab) ! allocate(color_is_met(1:max_color)) color_is_met = 0 ! do i = 1,neigh_list % nitems if ( colors_tab(i) /= 0 ) then color_is_met(colors_tab(i)) = 1 endif enddo ! smallest = max_color+1 do i = 1,max_color if ( color_is_met(i) == 0 ) then smallest = i exit endif enddo ! deallocate(color_is_met) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end function Agrif_seq_smallest_available_color_in_neighborhood !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== subroutine Agrif_seq_calc_dsat ( gridlist ) !< For each node 'v' : !< if none of its neighbors is colored then !< DSAT(v) = degree(v) # degree(v) := number of neighbors !< else !< DSAT(v) = number of different colors used in the first neighborhood of v. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid_List), intent(in) :: gridlist ! type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: gridp type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: grid integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: colors, color_is_met integer :: i, ncolors ! gridp => gridlist % first ! do while ( associated(gridp) ) ! grid => gridp % gr ! allocate(colors(grid % neigh_list % nitems)) call Agrif_seq_colors_in_neighborhood( grid % neigh_list, colors ) allocate(color_is_met(1:maxval(colors))) color_is_met = 0 ! do i = 1,grid % neigh_list % nitems if ( colors(i) /= 0 ) then color_is_met(colors(i)) = 1 endif enddo ncolors = sum(color_is_met) ! if ( ncolors == 0 ) then grid % dsat = grid % neigh_list % nitems else grid % dsat = ncolors endif deallocate(colors, color_is_met) gridp => gridp % next enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_seq_calc_dsat !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== subroutine Agrif_seq_allocate_procs_to_childs ( coarse_grid ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), intent(inout) :: coarse_grid ! integer :: is, ip, ig, ngrids type(Agrif_Grid_List), pointer :: gridlist type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: gp type(Agrif_Grid), pointer :: grid type(Agrif_Proc_List), pointer :: proclist type(Agrif_Proc), pointer :: proc type(Agrif_Proc_p), pointer :: pp type(Agrif_Proc), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: procarray type(Agrif_Grid), dimension(:), allocatable :: gridarray type(Agrif_Sequence_List), pointer :: seqlist real,dimension(:),allocatable :: grid_costs integer,dimension(:), allocatable :: nbprocs_per_grid integer :: i1, i2, j1, j2 real :: max_cost integer :: max_index ! seqlist => coarse_grid % child_seq if ( .not. associated(seqlist) ) return ! ! Initialize proc allocation pp => coarse_grid % proc_def_list % first do while ( associated(pp) ) pp % proc % grid_id = 0 pp => pp % next enddo ! ! For each sequence... do is = 1,seqlist % nb_seqs ! proclist => seqlist % sequences(is) % proclist gridlist => seqlist % sequences(is) % gridlist ! ! Copy coarse grid proc list and convert it to an array call Agrif_pl_deep_copy( coarse_grid % proc_def_list, proclist ) call Agrif_pl_to_array ( proclist, procarray ) ! ! Allocate a temporary array with concerned grid numbers ngrids = gridlist % nitems allocate(gridarray(1:ngrids)) allocate(grid_costs(1:ngrids)) allocate(nbprocs_per_grid(1:ngrids)) nbprocs_per_grid = 0 ! ! Allocate required procs to each grid gp => gridlist % first ig = 0 do while ( associated(gp) ) grid => gp % gr ig = ig+1 ; gridarray(ig) = grid pp => grid % required_proc_list % first do while ( associated(pp) ) procarray( pp % proc % pn+1 ) % grid_id = grid % fixedrank nbprocs_per_grid(ig) = nbprocs_per_grid(ig) + 1 pp => pp % next enddo gp => gp % next enddo ! ! Add unused procs to the grids ! TODO FIXME: This is just a dummy allocation. You should take into account grid size and more ! information here... ! Estimate current costs do ig = 1, ngrids i1 = gridarray(ig)%ix(1) i2 = gridarray(ig)%ix(1)+gridarray(ig)%nb(1)/gridarray(ig)%spaceref(1)-1 j1 = gridarray(ig)%ix(2) j2 = gridarray(ig)%ix(2)+gridarray(ig)%nb(2)/gridarray(ig)%spaceref(2)-1 Call Agrif_estimate_parallel_cost(i1,i2,j1,j2,nbprocs_per_grid(ig),grid_costs(ig)) grid_costs(ig) = grid_costs(ig) * gridarray(ig)%timeref(1) enddo ig = 1 do ip = 1,proclist%nitems if ( procarray( ip ) % grid_id == 0 ) then ! this proc is unused max_cost = 0. max_index = 1 do ig = 1,ngrids if (grid_costs(ig) > max_cost) then max_cost = grid_costs(ig) max_index = ig endif enddo ig = max_index procarray( ip ) % grid_id = gridarray(ig) % fixedrank nbprocs_per_grid(ig) = nbprocs_per_grid(ig) + 1 i1 = gridarray(ig)%ix(1) i2 = gridarray(ig)%ix(1)+gridarray(ig)%nb(1)/gridarray(ig)%spaceref(1)-1 j1 = gridarray(ig)%ix(2) j2 = gridarray(ig)%ix(2)+gridarray(ig)%nb(2)/gridarray(ig)%spaceref(2)-1 Call Agrif_estimate_parallel_cost(i1,i2,j1,j2,nbprocs_per_grid(ig),grid_costs(ig)) grid_costs(ig) = grid_costs(ig) * gridarray(ig)%timeref(1) endif enddo ! ! Allocate proc nums to each grid gp => gridlist % first do while ( associated(gp) ) do ip = 1,proclist%nitems if ( procarray( ip ) % grid_id == gp % gr % fixedrank ) then allocate(proc) proc = procarray( ip ) call Agrif_pl_append(gp % gr % proc_def_in_parent_list, proc) endif enddo gp => gp % next enddo ! ! Clean up deallocate(procarray, gridarray, grid_costs, nbprocs_per_grid) ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_seq_allocate_procs_to_childs !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== subroutine Agrif_seq_create_communicators ( grid ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), intent(inout) :: grid ! include 'mpif.h' type(Agrif_Sequence_List), pointer :: seqlist ! List of child sequences type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: gridp type(Agrif_Proc), pointer :: proc integer :: i, ierr integer :: current_comm, comm_seq, color_seq ! seqlist => grid % child_seq if ( .not. associated(seqlist) ) return ! current_comm = grid % communicator color_seq = MPI_COMM_NULL ! ! For each sequence, split the current communicator into as many groups as needed. do i = 1,seqlist % nb_seqs ! ! Loop over each proclist to give a color to the current process gridp => seqlist % sequences(i) % gridlist % first grid_loop : do while ( associated(gridp) ) proc => Agrif_pl_search_proc( gridp % gr % proc_def_in_parent_list, Agrif_Procrank ) if ( associated(proc) ) then if ( gridp % gr % fixedrank /= proc % grid_id ) then write(*,'("### Error Agrif_seq_create_communicators : ")') write(*,'(" inconsitancy on proc ",i2,":")') Agrif_Procrank write(*,'("gr % fixedrank = ",i0,", where proc % grid_id = ",i0)') & gridp % gr % fixedrank, proc % grid_id stop endif color_seq = gridp % gr % fixedrank exit grid_loop endif gridp => gridp % next enddo grid_loop ! call MPI_COMM_SPLIT(current_comm, color_seq, Agrif_ProcRank, comm_seq, ierr) gridp % gr % communicator = comm_seq ! enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine Agrif_seq_create_communicators !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== function Agrif_seq_select_child ( g, is ) result ( gridp ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Grid), pointer, intent(in) :: g integer, intent(in) :: is ! type(Agrif_PGrid), pointer :: gridp type(Agrif_Proc), pointer :: proc ! call Agrif_Instance( g ) gridp => g % child_seq % sequences(is) % gridlist % first ! do while ( associated(gridp) ) proc => Agrif_pl_search_proc( gridp % gr % proc_def_in_parent_list, Agrif_Procrank ) if ( associated(proc) ) then return endif gridp => gridp % next enddo write(*,'("### Error Agrif_seq_select_child : no grid found in sequence ",i0," (mother G",i0,") for P",i0)')& is, g%fixedrank, Agrif_Procrank stop !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end function Agrif_seq_select_child !=================================================================================================== #else subroutine dummy_Agrif_seq () end subroutine dummy_Agrif_seq #endif ! end module Agrif_seq