/******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* CONV (converter) for Agrif (Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran) */ /* */ /* Copyright or or Copr. Laurent Debreu (Laurent.Debreu@imag.fr) */ /* Cyril Mazauric (Cyril_Mazauric@yahoo.fr) */ /* This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and */ /* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, */ /* modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C */ /* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL */ /* "http://www.cecill.info". */ /* */ /* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, */ /* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only */ /* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the */ /* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited */ /* liability. */ /* */ /* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated */ /* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the */ /* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, */ /* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also */ /* therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced */ /* professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore */ /* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their */ /* requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or */ /* data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the */ /* same conditions as regards security. */ /* */ /* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had */ /* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms. */ /******************************************************************************/ /* version 1.7 */ /******************************************************************************/ %option warn %option noyywrap %x parameter %s character %x donottreat %x donottreat_interface %x includestate %s fortran77style %s fortran90style %{ #include #include #include extern FILE * yyin; #define MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH 30 #define YY_BUF_SIZE 64000 YY_BUFFER_STATE include_stack[MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH]; int line_num_input = 0; int newlinef90 = 0; int tmpc; int lastwasendofstmt = 1; extern char linebuf1[1024]; extern char linebuf2[1024]; int count_newlines(const char* str_in) { int k, i = 0; for( k=0 ; k=1) lastwasendofstmt=0; /*printf("VALLIJSDFLSD = %d %d %s \n",lastwasendofstmt,token_since_endofstmt,fortran_text); */ if (firstpass) { strcpy(linebuf1, linebuf2); strncpy(linebuf2, fortran_text,80);} \ else {my_position_before=setposcur();/*printf("muposition = %d\n",my_position_before);*/ECHO;} } #define YY_BREAK {/*printf("VALL = %d %d\n",lastwasendofstmt,token_since_endofstmt);*/if (token_since_endofstmt>=1) lastwasendofstmt=0; break;} void out_of_donottreat(void); %} SLASH "/" HEXA Z\'[0-9a-fA-F]+\' INTEGER [0-9]+ NAME [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\_]* EXPONENT [edq][-+]?{INTEGER} BEG_DNT ^[C!]"$AGRIF_DO_NOT_TREAT"[ \t]*([ \t\n]*(!.*\n)*)+\n END_DNT ^[C!]"$AGRIF_END_DO_NOT_TREAT"[ \t]*([ \t\n]*(!.*\n)*)+\n BEG_INTERFACE ^[ \t]*interface END_INTERFACE ^[ \t]*end[ \t]*interface.*\n ASSIGNTYPE "assignment"[ \t]*"("[ \t]*[-+=]+[ \t]*")" COMM_F77 ^[c*].*\n COMM_F90_1 ^([ \t\n]*(!.*\n)*)+\n COMM_F90_2 !.* NEXTLINEF90 &([ \t\n]|(!.*\n))* NEXTLINEF77 \n(([c*].*\n)|(([ \t]{0,4}|[ \t]{6,})!.*\n)|[\n])*[ ]{5}([a-z0-9&+$*.#/!;]) LABEL ^[ 0-9]{1,5}[ \t]+ %% if (infixed) BEGIN(fortran77style) ; if (infree) BEGIN(fortran90style) ; subroutine { return TOK_SUBROUTINE; } program { return TOK_PROGRAM; } allocate { inallocate = 1; return TOK_ALLOCATE; } continue { return TOK_CONTINUE; } nullify { return TOK_NULLIFY; } deallocate { inallocate = 1; return TOK_DEALLOCATE; } result { return TOK_RESULT; } function { return TOK_FUNCTION; } end { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_ENDUNIT;} include { pos_curinclude = setposcur()-9; BEGIN(includestate); } use { return TOK_USE;} rewind { return TOK_REWIND; } implicit { return TOK_IMPLICIT; } none { return TOK_NONE; } call { return TOK_CALL; } .true. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_TRUE; } .false. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_FALSE; } \=\> { return TOK_POINT_TO; } {ASSIGNTYPE} { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_ASSIGNTYPE;} \*\* { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_DASTER; } \.eqv\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_EQV; } \.[ \t]*eq[ \t]*\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_EQ; } \.gt\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_GT; } \.ge\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_GE; } \.lt\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_LT; } \.le\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_LE; } \.neqv\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NEQV;} \.[ \t]*ne[ \t]*\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NE; } \.not\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NOT; } \.or\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_OR; } \.[ \t]*xor\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_XOR; } \.and\. { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_AND; } \=\= { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_EQUALEQUAL; } \/\= { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_SLASHEQUAL; } \<\= { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_INFEQUAL; } \>\= { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_SUPEQUAL; } module { return TOK_MODULE; } while { return TOK_WHILE; } concurrent { return TOK_CONCURRENT; } end[ \t]*do { return TOK_ENDDO; } do[\ t]+{INTEGER} { strcpy(yylval.na,&fortran_text[2]); if (testandextractfromlist(&List_Do_labels,&fortran_text[2]) == 1) { return TOK_PLAINDO_LABEL_DJVIEW; } else { List_Do_labels=Insertname(List_Do_labels,yylval.na,1); return TOK_PLAINDO_LABEL; } } do { increment_nbtokens = 0; return TOK_PLAINDO;} real { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_REAL; } integer { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_INTEGER; } logical { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_LOGICAL; } character { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_CHARACTER; } {HEXA} { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_HEXA;} double[ \t]*precision { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_DOUBLEPRECISION; } double[ \t]*complex { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_DOUBLECOMPLEX; } complex { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_COMPLEX; } allocatable { return TOK_ALLOCATABLE; } close { return TOK_CLOSE; } inquire { return TOK_INQUIRE; } dimension { return TOK_DIMENSION; } pause { return TOK_PAUSE; } equivalence { return TOK_EQUIVALENCE; } stop { return TOK_STOP; } where { return TOK_WHERE; } end[ \t]*where { return TOK_ENDWHERE; } else[ \t]*where[ \t]*\( { return TOK_ELSEWHEREPAR; } else[ \t]*where { return TOK_ELSEWHERE; } ^[ \t]*contains { return TOK_CONTAINS; } only { return TOK_ONLY; } parameter { return TOK_PARAMETER; } recursive { return TOK_RECURSIVE; } common { return TOK_COMMON; } ^[ \t]*global[ \t]+ { return TOK_GLOBAL; } external { return TOK_EXTERNAL; } intent { intent_spec = 1; return TOK_INTENT; } pointer { return TOK_POINTER; } optional { return TOK_OPTIONAL; } save { return TOK_SAVE; } ^[ \t]*type[ \t]*\( { pos_cur_decl = setposcur()-strlen(fortran_text); return TOK_TYPEPAR; } ^[ \t]*type/[ \t\,:]+ { return TOK_TYPE; } end[ \t]*type { return TOK_ENDTYPE; } stat { if (inallocate == 1) return TOK_STAT; else { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NAME; } } open { return TOK_OPEN; } return { return TOK_RETURN; } exit { return TOK_EXIT; } print { return TOK_PRINT; } module[ \t]*procedure { return TOK_PROCEDURE; } read[ \t]*\( { in_io_control_spec = 1; return TOK_READ_PAR; } read { return TOK_READ; } namelist { return TOK_NAMELIST; } write[ \t]*\( { in_io_control_spec = 1; return TOK_WRITE_PAR; } write { return TOK_WRITE; } flush { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_FLUSH; } target { return TOK_TARGET; } public { return TOK_PUBLIC; } private { return TOK_PRIVATE; } in { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); if (intent_spec==1) {return TOK_IN; } else { return TOK_NAME; } } ^[ \t]*data[ \t]+ { pos_curdata = setposcur()-strlen(fortran_text); /*Init_List_Data_Var();*/ return TOK_DATA; } go[ \t]*to { return TOK_PLAINGOTO; } out { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); if (intent_spec==1) {return TOK_OUT; } else { return TOK_NAME; } } inout { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); if (intent_spec==1) {return TOK_IN; } else { return TOK_INOUT; } } intrinsic { return TOK_INTRINSIC; } then { return TOK_THEN; } else[ \t]*if { return TOK_ELSEIF; } else { return TOK_ELSE; } end[ \t]*if { return TOK_ENDIF; } if[ \t]*\(/(.*\)[ \t]*[\=|\+|\-]+.*\)) {strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_LOGICALIF_PAR; } if/([ \t]*\([^(]*\)[ \t]*[\=|\+|\-]+) {strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NAME; } if[ \t]*\( {strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_LOGICALIF_PAR; } select[ \t]*case { return TOK_SELECTCASE; } ^[ \t]*case[ \t]* { if (in_select_case_stmt > 0) return TOK_CASE ; else return TOK_NAME;} default { return TOK_DEFAULT; } end[ \t]*select { return TOK_ENDSELECT; } file[ \t]*\= { return TOK_FILE; } access[ \t]*\= { return TOK_ACCESS; } action[ \t]*\= { return TOK_ACTION; } iolength[ \t]*\= { return TOK_IOLENGTH; } unit[ \t]*\= { return TOK_UNIT; } opened[ \t]*\= { return TOK_OPENED; } fmt[ \t]*\= { return TOK_FMT; } nml[ \t]*\= { return TOK_NML; } end[ \t]*\= { return TOK_END; } eor[ \t]*\= { return TOK_EOR; } len/([ \t]*\=) { if (in_char_selector ==1) return TOK_LEN; else { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NAME; } } kind/([ \t]*\=) { if ((in_char_selector==1) || (in_kind_selector == 1)) return TOK_KIND; else { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NAME; } } errmsg[ \t]*\= { return TOK_ERRMSG; } mold[ \t]*\= { return TOK_MOLD; } source[ \t]*\= { return TOK_SOURCE; } position[ \t]*\= { return TOK_POSITION; } iomsg[ \t]*\= { return TOK_IOMSG; } iostat[ \t]*\= { return TOK_IOSTAT; } err[ \t]*\= { return TOK_ERR; } form[ \t]*\= { return TOK_FORM; } name/([ \t]*\=) { if (in_inquire==1) return TOK_NAME_EQ; else { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NAME; } } recl[ \t]*\= { return TOK_RECL; } rec/([ \t]*\=) { if (in_io_control_spec == 1) return TOK_REC; else { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NAME; } } status/([ \t]*\=) { if (close_or_connect == 1) return TOK_STATUS; else { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NAME; } } status { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NAME;} exist[ \t]*\= { return TOK_EXIST; } cycle { return TOK_CYCLE; } backspace { return TOK_BACKSPACE; } :: { return TOK_FOURDOTS; } \/[ \t]*({NEXTLINEF90}|{NEXTLINEF77})*[ \t]*\/ { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_DSLASH; } \({SLASH} { return TOK_LEFTAB; } {SLASH}\) { return TOK_RIGHTAB; } {SLASH} { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_SLASH; } ((\')[^']*&{0,1}\n[ \t]*&{0,1}[^']*(\'))+ { INCREMENT_LINE_NUM() ; strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_CHAR_CUT; } ((\')[^']*(\'))+ {Add_Include_1(fortran_text);} [ \t]* {} \n { if (inmoduledeclare == 0 ) { pos_end=setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortran_out,pos_curinclude,pos_end-pos_curinclude); } out_of_donottreat(); } ((\')[^']*(\'))+ { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text);return TOK_CHAR_CONSTANT; } ((\")[^"]*(\"))+ { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text);return TOK_CHAR_MESSAGE; } {BEG_INTERFACE} { BEGIN(donottreat_interface); } {END_INTERFACE} { out_of_donottreat(); return '\n'; } .*\n {INCREMENT_LINE_NUM() ; } {NAME}{NEXTLINEF77}[a-zA-Z0-9\_]+ {strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); removenewline(yylval.na); return TOK_NAME; } {NAME} { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_NAME; } {INTEGER}\.[0-9]+ {strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_CSTREAL; } ({INTEGER}\.[0-9]*)/[^"and."|"false."|"true."|"eq."|"or."|"gt."|"ge."|"lt."|"le."|"not."|"ne."] { // REAL1 strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_CSTREAL; } (({INTEGER}\.[0-9]+|[0-9]*\.{INTEGER}){EXPONENT}?)|{INTEGER}(\.)?{EXPONENT} { // REAL2 strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return TOK_CSTREAL; } {INTEGER} { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); if (lastwasendofstmt == 0) return TOK_CSTINT; else if (testandextractfromlist(&List_Do_labels,fortran_text) == 1) { removefromlist(&List_Do_labels,yylval.na); return TOK_LABEL_DJVIEW; } else { return TOK_LABEL; } } \$ {} \. {} \(/([ \t]*[\+\-]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+[\.]*[0-9]*(\_({INTEGER}|{NAME}))?[ \t]*\,[ \t]*[\+\-]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+[\.]*[0-9]*(\_({INTEGER}|{NAME}))?[ \t]*\)) { in_complex_literal = -1; return (int) *fortran_text; } \(|\)|:|\[|\]|\+|\-|\*|\_ { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return (int) *fortran_text; } \% { strcpy(yylval.na,fortran_text); return (int) *fortran_text; } \; { lastwasendofstmt=1; token_since_endofstmt = 0; return TOK_SEMICOLON; } \, { if (in_complex_literal==-1) {return TOK_COMMACOMPLEX; in_complex_literal=0;} else; return (int) *fortran_text; } \= { return (int) *fortran_text; } \< { return (int) *fortran_text; } \> { return (int) *fortran_text; } \n { INCREMENT_LINE_NUM() ; lastwasendofstmt=1; token_since_endofstmt = 0; increment_nbtokens = 0; return '\n'; } [ \t]+ {increment_nbtokens = 0;} {LABEL}[ \t]*format[ \t]*\((.|{NEXTLINEF90}|{NEXTLINEF77})*\) { return TOK_LABEL_FORMAT; } ^[ \t]*{INTEGER}[ \t]*format[ \t]*\((.|{NEXTLINEF90})*\) {return TOK_LABEL_FORMAT; } {NEXTLINEF90} { INCREMENT_LINE_NUM() ; newlinef90=1; } {NEXTLINEF77} { INCREMENT_LINE_NUM() ;} {BEG_DNT} {INCREMENT_LINE_NUM() ; BEGIN(donottreat); } {END_DNT} {out_of_donottreat(); return '\n'; } .*\n {INCREMENT_LINE_NUM() ; } {COMM_F77} {INCREMENT_LINE_NUM() ; increment_nbtokens = 0;} {COMM_F90_1} {INCREMENT_LINE_NUM() ; increment_nbtokens = 0;} {COMM_F90_2} {increment_nbtokens = 0;} <> {endoffile = 1; yyterminate();} %% void out_of_donottreat ( void ) { BEGIN(INITIAL); if (infixed) BEGIN(fortran77style) ; if (infree) BEGIN(fortran90style) ; INCREMENT_LINE_NUM() ; }