/******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* CONV (converter) for Agrif (Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran) */ /* */ /* Copyright or or Copr. Laurent Debreu (Laurent.Debreu@imag.fr) */ /* Cyril Mazauric (Cyril_Mazauric@yahoo.fr) */ /* This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and */ /* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, */ /* modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C */ /* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL */ /* "http://www.cecill.info". */ /* */ /* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, */ /* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only */ /* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the */ /* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited */ /* liability. */ /* */ /* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated */ /* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the */ /* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, */ /* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also */ /* therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced */ /* professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore */ /* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their */ /* requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or */ /* data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the */ /* same conditions as regards security. */ /* */ /* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had */ /* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms. */ /******************************************************************************/ /* version 1.7 */ /******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "decl.h" /******************************************************************************/ /* WriteBeginDeclaration */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to write the begin of a declaration */ /* taken in a variable record */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* integer variable -----------> INTEGER */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void WriteBeginDeclaration(variable *v, char line[LONG_M], int visibility) { char tmpligne[LONG_M]; int precision_given ; if ( !strcasecmp(v->v_typevar,"") ) { printf("# WARNING : The type of the variable %s is unknown.\n", v->v_nomvar); printf("# CONV should define a type\n"); } sprintf(line, "%s", v->v_typevar); if ( v->v_c_star == 1 ) strcat(line, "*"); /* We should give the precision of the variable if it has been given */ precision_given = 0; if ( strcasecmp(v->v_precision,"") ) { sprintf(tmpligne, "(%s)", v->v_precision); Save_Length(tmpligne, 49); strcat(line, tmpligne); precision_given = 1; } if (strcasecmp(v->v_dimchar,"")) { sprintf(tmpligne,"(%s)",v->v_dimchar); Save_Length(tmpligne, 49); strcat(line,tmpligne); } if ((precision_given == 0) && ( strcasecmp(v->v_nameinttypename,"") )) { sprintf(tmpligne,"*%s",v->v_nameinttypename); Save_Length(tmpligne, 49); strcat(line,tmpligne); } if (strcasecmp (v->v_IntentSpec, "")) { sprintf(tmpligne,", intent(%s)", v->v_IntentSpec); Save_Length(tmpligne, 49); strcat(line,tmpligne); } if ( v->v_VariableIsParameter ) strcat(line, ", parameter"); if ( visibility ) { if ( v->v_PublicDeclare ) strcat(line, ", public"); if ( v->v_PrivateDeclare ) strcat(line, ", private"); } if ( v->v_ExternalDeclare ) strcat(line, ", external"); if ( v->v_allocatable ) strcat(line, ", allocatable"); if ( v->v_target ) strcat(line, ", target"); if ( v->v_optionaldeclare ) strcat(line, ", optional"); if ( v->v_pointerdeclare ) strcat(line, ", pointer"); Save_Length(line, 45); } /******************************************************************************/ /* WriteScalarDeclaration */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to write a scalar declaration */ /* taken in a variable record */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* integer variable -----------> INTEGER :: VARIABLE */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void WriteScalarDeclaration( variable *v, char line[LONG_M]) { strcat(line, " :: "); strcat(line, v->v_nomvar); if ( strcasecmp(v->v_vallengspec, "") ) strcat(line,v->v_vallengspec); if ( v->v_VariableIsParameter ) { strcat(line," = "); strcat(line, v->v_initialvalue->n_name); } Save_Length(line, 45); } /******************************************************************************/ /* WriteTableDeclaration */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to write a Table declaration */ /* taken in a variable record */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* integer variable(nb) -----------> */ /* INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:nb) :: variable */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void WriteTableDeclaration(variable * v,char ligne[LONG_M],int tmpok) { char newname[LONG_M]; strcat (ligne, ", dimension("); if ( v->v_dimensiongiven == 1 && tmpok == 1 ) strcat(ligne,v->v_readedlistdimension); if ( v->v_dimensiongiven == 1 && tmpok == 0 ) { strcpy(newname,ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName(v->v_readedlistdimension,List_Global_Var)); if ( !strcasecmp(newname,"") ) strcat(newname,v->v_readedlistdimension); strcpy(newname,ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName(newname,List_Common_Var)); if ( !strcasecmp(newname,"") ) strcat(newname,v->v_readedlistdimension); strcpy(newname,ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName(newname,List_ModuleUsed_Var)); if ( !strcasecmp(newname,"") ) strcat(newname,v->v_readedlistdimension); Save_Length(newname,47); strcat(ligne,newname); } strcat(ligne, ") :: "); strcat(ligne, v->v_nomvar); if ( strcasecmp(vallengspec,"") ) strcat(ligne,v->v_vallengspec); if ( v->v_VariableIsParameter == 1 ) { strcat(ligne," = "); strcat(ligne,v->v_initialvalue->n_name); } Save_Length(ligne,45); } /******************************************************************************/ /* WriteVarDeclaration */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to write the initial declaration in the file */ /* fileout of a variable */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* integer variable(nb) -----------> */ /* INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:nb),Pointer :: variable */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void WriteVarDeclaration( variable *v, FILE *fileout, int value, int visibility ) { FILE *filecommon; char ligne[LONG_M]; filecommon = fileout; if ( v->v_save == 0 || inmodulemeet == 0 ) { WriteBeginDeclaration(v, ligne, visibility); if ( v->v_nbdim == 0 ) WriteScalarDeclaration(v, ligne); else WriteTableDeclaration(v, ligne, value); if ( v->v_VariableIsParameter != 1 && v->v_initialvalue) { strcat(ligne," = "); strcat(ligne,v->v_initialvalue->n_name); } tofich(filecommon, ligne, 1); } else printf("-- in writevardeclaration : |%s| -- MHCHECK\n", v->v_nomvar); Save_Length(ligne,45); } void WriteLocalParamDeclaration(FILE* tofile) { listvar *parcours; parcours = List_Parameter_Var; while ( parcours ) { if ( !strcasecmp(parcours->var->v_subroutinename,subroutinename) ) { WriteVarDeclaration(parcours->var, tofile, 0, 1); } parcours = parcours -> suiv; } } void WriteFunctionDeclaration(FILE* tofile, int value) { listvar *parcours; parcours = List_FunctionType_Var; while ( parcours ) { if (!strcmp(parcours->var->v_typevar, "")) { /* Default type*/ if ( IsVariableReal(parcours->var->v_nomvar) == 1 ) strcpy(parcours->var->v_typevar,"REAL"); else strcpy(parcours->var->v_typevar,"INTEGER"); } if ( !strcasecmp(parcours->var->v_subroutinename, subroutinename) && strcasecmp(parcours->var->v_typevar, "") ) { WriteVarDeclaration(parcours->var, tofile, value, 1); } parcours = parcours -> suiv; } } void WriteSubroutineDeclaration(int value) { listvar *parcours; variable *v; parcours = List_SubroutineDeclaration_Var; while ( parcours ) { v = parcours->var; if ( !strcasecmp(v->v_subroutinename, subroutinename) && (v->v_save == 0) && (v->v_VariableIsParameter == 0) && (v->v_common == 0) ) { WriteVarDeclaration(v, fortran_out, value, 1); } else if ( !strcasecmp(v->v_subroutinename, subroutinename) && (v->v_save == 0) && (v->v_VariableIsParameter == 0) && (v->v_common == 0) ) { WriteVarDeclaration(v, fortran_out, value, 1); } parcours = parcours -> suiv; } } void WriteArgumentDeclaration_beforecall() { int position; listnom *neededparameter; FILE *paramtoamr; listvar *parcours; variable *v; char *ligne; size_t line_length; int res; int global_check; ligne = (char*) calloc(LONG_M, sizeof(char)); line_length = LONG_M; global_check = 0; fprintf(fortran_out,"#include \"Param_BeforeCall_%s.h\"\n",subroutinename); sprintf(ligne,"Param_BeforeCall_%s.h",subroutinename); paramtoamr = open_for_write(ligne); neededparameter = (listnom * )NULL; position = 1; parcours = List_SubroutineArgument_Var; while ( parcours ) { v = parcours->var; if ( !strcasecmp(v->v_subroutinename, subroutinename) && (v->v_positioninblock == position) ) { position++; WriteVarDeclaration(v, fortran_out, 0, 1); res = writedeclarationintoamr(List_Parameter_Var, paramtoamr, v, v->v_subroutinename, &neededparameter, subroutinename, global_check); parcours = List_SubroutineArgument_Var; } else parcours = parcours -> suiv; } // Write interface for 'Sub_Loop_machin' in 'Param_BeforeCall_machin.h' when outside a module if ( IsTabvarsUseInArgument_0() && (inmodulemeet == 0) && (inprogramdeclare == 0) ) { fprintf(paramtoamr, " interface\n"); if (isrecursive) sprintf(ligne," recursive subroutine Sub_Loop_%s(", subroutinename); else sprintf(ligne," subroutine Sub_Loop_%s(", subroutinename); WriteVariablelist_subloop(&ligne,&line_length); WriteVariablelist_subloop_Def(&ligne,&line_length); strcat(ligne,")"); tofich(paramtoamr,ligne,1); listusemodule *parcours_mod; parcours_mod = List_NameOfModuleUsed; while ( parcours_mod ) { if ( !strcasecmp(parcours_mod->u_cursubroutine, subroutinename) ) { fprintf(paramtoamr, " use %s\n", parcours_mod->u_usemodule); } parcours_mod = parcours_mod->suiv; } fprintf(paramtoamr, " implicit none\n"); WriteLocalParamDeclaration(paramtoamr); writesub_loopdeclaration_scalar(List_UsedInSubroutine_Var, paramtoamr); writesub_loopdeclaration_tab(List_UsedInSubroutine_Var, paramtoamr); WriteArgumentDeclaration_Sort(paramtoamr); WriteFunctionDeclaration(paramtoamr, 1); sprintf(ligne," end subroutine Sub_Loop_%s\n", subroutinename); tofich(paramtoamr, ligne, 1); fprintf(paramtoamr, " end interface\n"); } fclose(paramtoamr); } void WriteArgumentDeclaration_Sort(FILE* tofile) { int position = 1; listvar *parcours; parcours = List_SubroutineArgument_Var; while ( parcours ) { if ( !strcasecmp(parcours->var->v_subroutinename, subroutinename) && parcours->var->v_positioninblock == position ) { position = position + 1; WriteVarDeclaration(parcours->var, tofile, 1, 1); parcours = List_SubroutineArgument_Var; } else parcours = parcours -> suiv; } parcours = List_SubroutineArgument_Var; while ( parcours ) { if ( !strcasecmp(parcours->var->v_subroutinename,subroutinename) && parcours->var->v_positioninblock == 0 && parcours->var->v_nbdim == 0 ) { WriteVarDeclaration(parcours->var,tofile,1,1); } parcours = parcours -> suiv; } parcours = List_SubroutineArgument_Var; while ( parcours ) { if ( !strcasecmp(parcours->var->v_subroutinename,subroutinename) && parcours->var->v_positioninblock == 0 && parcours->var->v_nbdim != 0 ) { WriteVarDeclaration(parcours->var, tofile, 1, 1); } parcours = parcours -> suiv; } } /******************************************************************************/ /* writedeclarationintoamr */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to write the declaration of parameters needed in */ /* allocation subroutines creates in toamr.c */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ int writedeclarationintoamr (listvar * deb_common, FILE *fileout, variable *var , const char *commonname, listnom **neededparameter, const char *name_common, int global_check) { listvar *newvar; variable *v; char ligne[LONG_M]; int changeval; int out; int writeit; listnom *parcours; listname *parcours_name_array; int res; res = 0; /* we should list the needed parameter */ if ( !strcasecmp(name_common,commonname) ) { *neededparameter = DecomposeTheNameinlistnom(var->v_readedlistdimension,*neededparameter); parcours_name_array = var->v_initialvalue_array; while (parcours_name_array) { *neededparameter = DecomposeTheNameinlistnom(parcours_name_array->n_name,*neededparameter); parcours_name_array=parcours_name_array->suiv; } } /* */ parcours = *neededparameter; while (parcours) { newvar = deb_common; out = 0 ; while ( newvar && out == 0 ) { if ( (global_check == 0) && !strcasecmp(parcours->o_nom,newvar->var->v_nomvar) && !strcasecmp(var->v_subroutinename,newvar->var->v_subroutinename)) { out=1; /* add the name to the list of needed parameter */ *neededparameter = DecomposeTheNameinlistnom( newvar->var->v_initialvalue->n_name, *neededparameter ); } else if ( (global_check == 1) && !strcasecmp(parcours->o_nom,newvar->var->v_nomvar) && !strcasecmp(var->v_modulename,newvar->var->v_modulename)) { out=1; /* add the name to the list of needed parameter */ *neededparameter = DecomposeTheNameinlistnom( newvar->var->v_initialvalue->n_name, *neededparameter ); } else newvar=newvar->suiv; } parcours=parcours->suiv; } /* */ parcours = *neededparameter; while (parcours) { newvar = deb_common; out = 0 ; while ( newvar && out == 0 ) { if ( (global_check == 0) && !strcasecmp(parcours->o_nom,newvar->var->v_nomvar) && !strcasecmp(var->v_subroutinename,newvar->var->v_subroutinename)) { out=1; /* add the name to the list of needed parameter */ *neededparameter = DecomposeTheNameinlistnom( newvar->var->v_initialvalue->n_name, *neededparameter ); } else if ( (global_check == 1) && !strcasecmp(parcours->o_nom,newvar->var->v_nomvar) && !strcasecmp(var->v_modulename,newvar->var->v_modulename)) { out=1; /* add the name to the list of needed parameter */ *neededparameter = DecomposeTheNameinlistnom( newvar->var->v_initialvalue->n_name, *neededparameter ); } else newvar=newvar->suiv; } parcours=parcours->suiv; } parcours = *neededparameter; while (parcours) { writeit = 0; newvar = deb_common; while ( newvar && writeit == 0 ) { if ( (global_check == 0) && !strcasecmp(parcours->o_nom,newvar->var->v_nomvar) && !strcasecmp(var->v_subroutinename,newvar->var->v_subroutinename) && parcours->o_val == 0 ) { writeit=1; parcours->o_val = 1; } else if ( (global_check == 1) && !strcasecmp(parcours->o_nom,newvar->var->v_nomvar) && !strcasecmp(var->v_modulename,newvar->var->v_modulename) && parcours->o_val == 0 ) { writeit=1; parcours->o_val = 1; } else newvar = newvar->suiv; } if ( writeit == 1 ) { changeval = 0; v = newvar->var; // if ( v->v_allocatable == 1 && strcasecmp(v->v_typevar,"type") ) // { // changeval = 1; // v->v_allocatable = 0; // } WriteBeginDeclaration(v, ligne, 1); if ( v->v_nbdim == 0 ) WriteScalarDeclaration(v,ligne); else WriteTableDeclaration(v, ligne, 1); tofich(fileout, ligne, 1); if ( changeval == 1 ) { v->v_allocatable = 1; } res = 1; } else { if ( strncasecmp(parcours->o_nom,"mpi_",4) == 0 && shouldincludempif == 1 ) { shouldincludempif = 0; fprintf(fileout," include \'mpif.h\'\n"); } } parcours=parcours->suiv; } Save_Length(ligne,45); return res; } /******************************************************************************/ /* writesub_loopdeclaration_scalar */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to write the declaration part of subloop */ /* subroutines */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* integer variable(nb) -----------> */ /* */ /* INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:nb) :: variable */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void writesub_loopdeclaration_scalar (listvar * deb_common, FILE *fileout) { listvar *newvar; variable *v; char ligne[LONG_M]; // tofich (fileout, "",1); newvar = deb_common; while (newvar) { if ( newvar->var->v_nbdim == 0 && !strcasecmp(newvar->var->v_subroutinename,subroutinename) && (newvar->var->v_pointerdeclare >= 0 || !strcasecmp(newvar->var->v_typevar,"type")) ) { v = newvar->var; WriteBeginDeclaration(v,ligne,1); WriteScalarDeclaration(v,ligne); tofich (fileout, ligne,1); } newvar = newvar->suiv; } Save_Length(ligne,45); } /******************************************************************************/ /* writesub_loopdeclaration_tab */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to write the declaration part of subloop */ /* subroutines */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* integer variable(nb) -----------> */ /* */ /* INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:nb) :: variable */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void writesub_loopdeclaration_tab (listvar * deb_common, FILE *fileout) { listvar *newvar; variable *v; char ligne[LONG_M]; int changeval; newvar = deb_common; while (newvar) { v = newvar->var; // printf("newvar = %s %d %s\n",newvar->var->v_nomvar,newvar->var->v_pointerdeclare,newvar->var->v_typevar); if ( (v->v_nbdim != 0) && !strcasecmp(v->v_subroutinename, subroutinename) && (v->v_pointerdeclare >= 0 || !strcasecmp(v->v_typevar,"type")) ) { changeval = 0; if ( v->v_allocatable == 1) { if (strcasecmp(v->v_typevar,"type")) { // changeval = 1; // v->v_allocatable = 0; } else { changeval = 2; v->v_allocatable = 0; v->v_pointerdeclare = 1; } } WriteBeginDeclaration(v, ligne, 1); WriteTableDeclaration(v, ligne, 1); tofich (fileout, ligne,1); if ( changeval >= 1 ) v->v_allocatable = 1; if ( changeval == 2 ) v->v_pointerdeclare = 0; } newvar = newvar->suiv; } Save_Length(ligne,45); } void ReWriteDeclarationAndAddTosubroutine_01(listvar *listdecl) { listvar *parcours; variable *v; int out; if ( insubroutinedeclare ) { parcours = listdecl; while ( parcours ) { v = parcours->var; out = LookingForVariableInList(List_SubroutineArgument_Var, v); if (out == 0) out = VariableIsInListCommon(parcours, List_Common_Var); if (out == 0) out = LookingForVariableInList(List_Parameter_Var, v); if (out == 0) out = LookingForVariableInList(List_FunctionType_Var, v); if (out == 0) out = LookingForVariableInListGlobal(List_Global_Var, v); if (firstpass == 0 && out == 0 && VariableIsParameter == 0 && SaveDeclare == 0) { /* The type may has not been given if the variable was only declared with dimension */ if ( !strcasecmp(v->v_typevar,"") ) { if ( IsVariableReal(v->v_nomvar) == 1 ) strcpy(v->v_typevar,"REAL"); else strcpy(v->v_typevar,"INTEGER"); v->v_catvar = get_cat_var(v); } WriteVarDeclaration(v, fortran_out, 1, 1); } if (firstpass == 1) { if (VariableIsParameter == 0 && SaveDeclare == 0) { List_SubroutineDeclaration_Var = insertvar(List_SubroutineDeclaration_Var, v); } } parcours = parcours->suiv; } } } void ReWriteDataStatement_0(FILE * filout) { listvar *parcours; int out; char ligne[LONG_M]; char initialvalue[LONG_M]; listname *parcours_name; if (insubroutinedeclare == 1) { parcours = List_Data_Var_Cur ; while (parcours) { out = VariableIsInListCommon(parcours,List_Common_Var); if (out) break; out = LookingForVariableInListGlobal(List_Global_Var,parcours->var); if (out) break; strcpy(initialvalue,""); parcours_name = parcours->var->v_initialvalue; while (parcours_name) { if (strncasecmp(parcours_name->n_name,"(/",2)) { strcat(initialvalue,parcours_name->n_name); if (parcours_name->suiv) { strcat(initialvalue,","); } } else { printf("A TRAITER DANS REWRITEDATA STATEMETN "); exit(1); strncpy(initialvalue,&parcours_name->n_name[2],strlen(parcours_name->n_name)-4); strcpy(&initialvalue[strlen(parcours_name->n_name)-4],"\0"); } parcours_name=parcours_name->suiv; } sprintf(ligne,"data %s/%s/",parcours->var->v_nomvar,initialvalue); tofich(filout,ligne,1); parcours = parcours->suiv; } } }