# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (C) British Crown Copyright 2006-17 Met Office. # # This file is part of FCM, tools for managing and building source code. # # FCM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # FCM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with FCM. If not, see . # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NAME # FCM1::Dest # # DESCRIPTION # This class contains methods to set up a destination location of an FCM # extract/build. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use warnings; use strict; package FCM1::Dest; use base qw{FCM1::Base}; use Carp qw{croak} ; use Cwd qw{cwd} ; use FCM1::CfgLine ; use FCM1::Timer qw{timestamp_command} ; use FCM1::Util qw{run_command touch_file w_report}; use File::Basename qw{basename dirname} ; use File::Find qw{find} ; use File::Path qw{mkpath rmtree} ; use File::Spec ; use Sys::Hostname qw{hostname} ; use Text::ParseWords qw{shellwords} ; # Useful variables # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # List of configuration files our @cfgfiles = ( 'bldcfg', # default location of the build configuration file 'extcfg', # default location of the extract configuration file ); # List of cache and configuration files, according to the dest type our @cfgfiles_type = ( 'cache', # default location of the cache file 'cfg', # default location of the configuration file 'parsedcfg', # default location of the as-parsed configuration file ); # List of lock files our @lockfiles = ( 'bldlock', # the build lock file 'extlock', # the extract lock file ); # List of misc files our @miscfiles_bld = ( 'bldrunenvsh', # the build run environment shell script 'bldmakefile', # the build Makefile ); # List of sub-directories created by extract our @subdirs_ext = ( 'cfgdir', # sub-directory for configuration files 'srcdir', # sub-directory for source tree ); # List of sub-directories that can be archived by "tar" at end of build our @subdirs_tar = ( 'donedir', # sub-directory for "done" files 'flagsdir', # sub-directory for "flags" files 'incdir', # sub-directory for include files 'ppsrcdir', # sub-directory for pre-process source tree 'objdir', # sub-directory for object files ); # List of sub-directories created by build our @subdirs_bld = ( 'bindir', # sub-directory for executables 'etcdir', # sub-directory for miscellaneous files 'libdir', # sub-directory for object libraries 'tmpdir', # sub-directory for temporary build files @subdirs_tar, # -see above- ); # List of sub-directories under rootdir our @subdirs = ( 'cachedir', # sub-directory for caches @subdirs_ext, # -see above- @subdirs_bld, # -see above- ); # List of inherited search paths # "rootdir" + all @subdirs, with "XXXdir" replaced with "XXXpath" our @paths = ( 'rootpath', (map {my $key = $_; $key =~ s{dir\z}{path}msx; $key} @subdirs), ); # List of properties and their default values. my %PROP_OF = ( # the original destination (if current destination is a mirror) 'dest0' => undef, # list of inherited FCM1::Dest objects 'inherit' => [], # remote login name 'logname' => scalar(getpwuid($<)), # lock file 'lockfile' => undef, # remote machine 'machine' => hostname(), # mirror command to use 'mirror_cmd' => 'rsync', # (for rsync) remote mkdir, the remote shell command 'rsh_mkdir_rsh' => 'ssh', # (for rsync) remote mkdir, the remote shell command flags 'rsh_mkdir_rshflags' => '-n -oBatchMode=yes', # (for rsync) remote mkdir, the remote shell command 'rsh_mkdir_mkdir' => 'mkdir', # (for rsync) remote mkdir, the remote shell command flags 'rsh_mkdir_mkdirflags' => '-p', # (for rsync) remote mkdir, the remote shell command 'rsync' => 'rsync', # (for rsync) remote mkdir, the remote shell command flags 'rsyncflags' => q{-a --exclude='.*' --delete-excluded} . q{ --timeout=900 --rsh='ssh -oBatchMode=yes'}, # destination root directory 'rootdir' => undef, # destination type, "bld" (default) or "ext" 'type' => 'bld', ); # Hook for property setter my %PROP_HOOK_OF = ( 'inherit' => \&_reset_inherit, 'rootdir' => \&_reset_rootdir, ); # Mirror implementations my %MIRROR_IMPL_OF = ( rdist => \&_mirror_with_rdist, rsync => \&_mirror_with_rsync, ); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $obj = FCM1::Dest->new(%args); # # DESCRIPTION # This method constructs a new instance of the FCM1::Dest class. See above for # allowed list of properties. (KEYS should be in uppercase.) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub new { my ($class, %args) = @_; my $self = bless(FCM1::Base->new(%args), $class); while (my ($key, $value) = each(%args)) { $key = lc($key); if (exists($PROP_OF{$key})) { $self->{$key} = $value; } } for my $key (@subdirs, @paths, @lockfiles, @cfgfiles) { $self->{$key} = undef; } return $self; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $self->DESTROY; # # DESCRIPTION # This method is called automatically when the FCM1::Dest object is # destroyed. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; # Remove the lockfile if it is set unlink $self->lockfile if $self->lockfile and -f $self->lockfile; return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $value = $obj->X($value); # # DESCRIPTION # Details of these properties are explained in %PROP_OF. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ while (my ($key, $default) = each(%PROP_OF)) { no strict 'refs'; *{$key} = sub { my $self = shift(); # Set property to specified value if (@_) { $self->{$key} = $_[0]; if (exists($PROP_HOOK_OF{$key})) { $PROP_HOOK_OF{$key}->($self, $key); } } # Sets default where possible if (!defined($self->{$key})) { $self->{$key} = $default; } return $self->{$key}; }; } # Remote shell property: deprecated. sub remote_shell { my $self = shift(); $self->rsh_mkdir_rsh(@_); } # Resets properties associated with root directory. sub _reset_rootdir { my $self = shift(); for my $key (@cfgfiles, @lockfiles, @miscfiles_bld, @subdirs) { $self->{$key} = undef; } } # Reset properties associated with inherited paths. sub _reset_inherit { my $self = shift(); for my $key (@paths) { $self->{$key} = undef; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $value = $obj->X; # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns X, where X is a location derived from rootdir, and can # be one of: # bindir, bldcfg, blddir, bldlock, bldrunenv, cache, cachedir, cfg, cfgdir, # donedir, etcdir, extcfg, extlock, flagsdir, incdir, libdir, parsedcfg, # ppsrcdir, objdir, or tmpdir. # # Details of these properties are explained earlier. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ for my $name (@cfgfiles, @cfgfiles_type, @lockfiles, @miscfiles_bld, @subdirs) { no strict 'refs'; *$name = sub { my $self = shift; # If variable not set, derive it from rootdir if ($self->rootdir and not defined $self->{$name}) { if ($name eq 'cache') { # Cache file under root/.cache $self->{$name} = File::Spec->catfile ( $self->cachedir, $self->setting ('CACHE'), ); } elsif ($name eq 'cfg') { # Configuration file of current type my $method = $self->type . 'cfg'; $self->{$name} = $self->$method; } elsif (grep {$name eq $_} @cfgfiles) { # Configuration files under the root/cfg (my $label = uc ($name)) =~ s/CFG//; $self->{$name} = File::Spec->catfile ( $self->cfgdir, $self->setting ('CFG_NAME', $label), ); } elsif (grep {$name eq $_} @lockfiles) { # Lock file $self->{$name} = File::Spec->catfile ( $self->rootdir, $self->setting ('LOCK', uc ($name)), ); } elsif (grep {$name eq $_} @miscfiles_bld) { # Misc file $self->{$name} = File::Spec->catfile ( $self->rootdir, $self->setting ('BLD_MISC', uc ($name)), ); } elsif ($name eq 'parsedcfg') { # As-parsed configuration file of current type $self->{$name} = File::Spec->catfile ( dirname ($self->cfg), $self->setting (qw/CFG_NAME PARSED/) . basename ($self->cfg), ) } elsif (grep {$name eq $_} @subdirs) { # Sub-directories under the root (my $label = uc ($name)) =~ s/DIR//; $self->{$name} = File::Spec->catfile ( $self->rootdir, $self->setting ('DIR', $label), ($name eq 'cachedir' ? '.' . $self->type : ()), ); } } return $self->{$name}; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $value = $obj->X; # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns X, an array containing the search path of a destination # directory, which can be one of: # binpath, bldpath, cachepath, cfgpath, donepath, etcpath, flagspath, # incpath, libpath, ppsrcpath, objpath, rootpath, srcpath, or tmppath, # # Details of these properties are explained earlier. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ for my $name (@paths) { no strict 'refs'; *$name = sub { my $self = shift; (my $dir = $name) =~ s/path/dir/; if ($self->$dir and not defined $self->{$name}) { my @path = (); # Recursively inherit the search path for my $d (@{ $self->inherit }) { unshift @path, $d->$dir; } # Place the path of the current build in the front unshift @path, $self->$dir; $self->{$name} = \@path; } return $self->{$name}; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $obj->archive (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method creates TAR archives for selected sub-directories. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub archive { my $self = shift; # Save current directory my $cwd = cwd (); my $tar = $self->setting (qw/OUTFILE_EXT TAR/); my $verbose = $self->verbose; for my $name (@subdirs_tar) { my $dir = $self->$name; # Ignore unless sub-directory exists next unless -d $dir; # Change to container directory my $base = basename ($dir); print 'cd ', dirname ($dir), "\n" if $verbose > 2; chdir dirname ($dir); # Run "tar" command my $rc = &run_command ( [qw/tar -czf/, $base . $tar, $base], PRINT => $verbose > 1, ERROR => 'warn', ); # Remove sub-directory &run_command ([qw/rm -rf/, $base], PRINT => $verbose > 1) if not $rc; } # Change back to "current" directory print 'cd ', $cwd, "\n" if $verbose > 2; chdir $cwd; return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $authority = $obj->authority(); # # DESCRIPTION # Returns LOGNAME@MACHINE for this destination if LOGNAME is defined and not # the same as the user ID of the current process. Returns MACHINE if LOGNAME # is the same as the user ID of the current process, but MACHINE is not the # same as the current hostname. Returns an empty string if LOGNAME and # MACHINE are not defined or are the same as in the current process. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub authority { my $self = shift; my $return = ''; if ($self->logname ne $self->config->user_id) { $return = $self->logname . '@' . $self->machine; } elsif ($self->machine ne &hostname()) { $return = $self->machine; } return $return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $obj->clean([ITEM => ,] [MODE => 'ALL|CONTENT|EMPTY',]); # # DESCRIPTION # This method removes files/directories from the destination. If ITEM is set, # it must be a reference to a list of method names for files/directories to # be removed. Otherwise, the list is determined by the destination type. If # MODE is ALL, all directories/files created by the extract/build are # removed. If MODE is CONTENT, only contents within sub-directories are # removed. If MODE is EMPTY (default), only empty sub-directories are # removed. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub clean { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $mode = exists $args{MODE} ? $args{MODE} : 'EMPTY'; my $rc = 1; my @names = $args{ITEM} ? @{$args{ITEM}} : $self->type() eq 'ext' ? ('cachedir', @subdirs_ext) : ('cachedir', @subdirs_bld, @miscfiles_bld) ; my @items; if ($mode eq 'CONTENT') { for my $name (@names) { my $item = $self->$name(); push(@items, _directory_contents($item)); } } else { for my $name (@names) { my $item = $self->$name(); if ($mode eq 'ALL' || -d $item && !_directory_contents($item)) { push(@items, $item); } } } for my $item (@items) { if ($self->verbose() >= 2) { printf("%s: remove\n", $item); } eval {rmtree($item)}; if ($@) { w_report($@); $rc = 0; } } return $rc; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $obj->create ([DIR => ,]); # # DESCRIPTION # This method creates the directories of a destination. If DIR is set, it # must be a reference to a list of sub-directories to be created. Otherwise, # the sub-directory list is determined by the destination type. It returns # true if the destination is created or if it exists and is writable. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub create { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $rc = 1; my @dirs; if (exists $args{DIR} and $args{DIR}) { # Create only selected sub-directories @dirs = @{ $args{DIR} }; } else { # Create rootdir, cachedir and read-write sub-directories for extract/build @dirs = ( qw/rootdir cachedir/, ($self->type eq 'ext' ? @subdirs_ext : @subdirs_bld), ); } for my $name (@dirs) { my $dir = $self->$name; # Create directory if it does not already exist if (not -d $dir) { print 'Make directory: ', $dir, "\n" if $self->verbose > 1; mkpath $dir; } # Check whether directory exists and is writable if (!-d $dir) { w_report 'ERROR: ', $dir, ': cannot create destination.'; $rc = 0; } } return $rc; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $obj->create_bldrunenvsh (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method creates the runtime environment script for the build. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub create_bldrunenvsh { my $self = shift; # Path to executable files and directory for misc files my @bin_paths = grep {_directory_contents($_)} @{$self->binpath()}; my $bin_dir = -d $self->bindir() ? $self->bindir() : undef; my $etc_dir = _directory_contents($self->etcdir()) ? $self->etcdir() : undef; # Create a runtime environment script if necessary if (@bin_paths || $etc_dir) { my $path = $self->bldrunenvsh(); open(my $handle, '>', $path) || croak("$path: cannot open ($!)\n"); printf($handle "#!%s\n", $self->setting(qw/TOOL SHELL/)); if (@bin_paths) { printf($handle "PATH=%s:\$PATH\n", join(':', @bin_paths)); print($handle "export PATH\n"); } if ($etc_dir) { printf($handle "FCM_ETCDIR=%s\n", $etc_dir); print($handle "export FCM_ETCDIR\n"); } close($handle) || croak("$path: cannot close ($!)\n"); # Create symbolic links fcm_env.ksh and bin/fcm_env.ksh for backward # compatibility my $FCM_ENV_KSH = 'fcm_env.ksh'; for my $link ( File::Spec->catfile($self->rootdir, $FCM_ENV_KSH), ($bin_dir ? File::Spec->catfile($bin_dir, $FCM_ENV_KSH) : ()), ) { if (-l $link && readlink($link) ne $path || -e $link) { unlink($link); } if (!-l $link) { symlink($path, $link) || croak("$link: cannot create symbolic link\n"); } } } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $obj->dearchive (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method extracts from TAR archives for selected sub-directories. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub dearchive { my $self = shift; my $tar = $self->setting (qw/OUTFILE_EXT TAR/); my $verbose = $self->verbose; # Extract archives if necessary for my $name (@subdirs_tar) { my $tar_file = $self->$name . $tar; # Check whether tar archive exists for the named sub-directory next unless -f $tar_file; # If so, extract the archive and remove it afterwards &run_command ([qw/tar -xzf/, $tar_file], PRINT => $verbose > 1); &run_command ([qw/rm -f/, $tar_file], PRINT => $verbose > 1); } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $name = $obj->get_pkgname_of_path ($path); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the package name of $path if $path is in (a relative # path of) $self->srcdir, or undef otherwise. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub get_pkgname_of_path { my ($self, $path) = @_; my $relpath = File::Spec->abs2rel ($path, $self->srcdir); my $name = $relpath ? [File::Spec->splitdir ($relpath)] : undef; return $name; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # %src = $obj->get_source_files (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a hash (keys = package names, values = file names) # under $self->srcdir. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub get_source_files { my $self = shift; my %src; if ($self->srcdir and -d $self->srcdir) { &find (sub { return if /^\./; # ignore system/hidden file return if -d $File::Find::name; # ignore directory my $name = join ( '__', @{ $self->get_pkgname_of_path ($File::Find::name) }, ); $src{$name} = $File::Find::name; }, $self->srcdir); } return \%src; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $obj->mirror (\@items); # # DESCRIPTION # This method mirrors @items (list of method names for directories or files) # from $dest0 (which must be an instance of FCM1::Dest for a local # destination) to this destination. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub mirror { my ($self, $items_ref) = @_; if ($self->authority() || $self->dest0()->rootdir() ne $self->rootdir()) { # Diagnostic if ($self->verbose()) { printf( "Destination: %s\n", ($self->authority() ? $self->authority() . q{:} : q{}) . $self->rootdir() ); } if ($MIRROR_IMPL_OF{$self->mirror_cmd()}) { $MIRROR_IMPL_OF{$self->mirror_cmd()}->($self, $self->dest0(), $items_ref); } else { # Unknown mirroring tool w_report($self->mirror_cmd, ': unknown mirroring tool, abort.'); return 0; } } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $self->_mirror_with_rdist ($dest0, \@items); # # DESCRIPTION # This internal method implements $self->mirror with "rdist". # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _mirror_with_rdist { my ($self, $dest0, $items) = @_; my $rhost = $self->authority ? $self->authority : &hostname(); # Print distfile content to temporary file my @distfile = (); for my $label (@$items) { push @distfile, '( ' . $dest0->$label . ' ) -> ' . $rhost . "\n"; push @distfile, ' install ' . $self->$label . ';' . "\n"; } # Set up mirroring command (use "rdist" at the moment) my $command = 'rdist -R'; $command .= ' -q' unless $self->verbose > 1; $command .= ' -f - 1>/dev/null'; # Diagnostic my $croak = 'Cannot execute "' . $command . '"'; if ($self->verbose > 2) { print timestamp_command ($command, 'Start'); print ' ', $_ for (@distfile); } # Execute the mirroring command open COMMAND, '|-', $command or croak $croak, ' (', $!, '), abort'; for my $line (@distfile) { print COMMAND $line; } close COMMAND or croak $croak, ' (', $?, '), abort'; # Diagnostic print timestamp_command ($command, 'End ') if $self->verbose > 2; return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $self->_mirror_with_rsync($dest0, \@items); # # DESCRIPTION # This internal method implements $self->mirror() with "rsync". # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _mirror_with_rsync { my ($self, $dest0, $items_ref) = @_; my @rsh_mkdir; if ($self->authority()) { @rsh_mkdir = ( $self->rsh_mkdir_rsh(), shellwords($self->rsh_mkdir_rshflags()), $self->authority(), $self->rsh_mkdir_mkdir(), shellwords($self->rsh_mkdir_mkdirflags()), ); } my @rsync = ($self->rsync(), shellwords($self->rsyncflags())); my @rsync_verbose = ($self->verbose() > 2 ? '-v' : ()); my $auth = $self->authority() ? $self->authority() . q{:} : q{}; for my $item (@{$items_ref}) { # Create container directory, as rsync does not do it automatically my $dir = dirname($self->$item()); if (@rsh_mkdir) { run_command([@rsh_mkdir, $dir], TIME => $self->verbose() > 2); } else { mkpath($dir); } run_command( [@rsync, @rsync_verbose, $dest0->$item(), $auth . $dir], TIME => $self->verbose > 2, ); } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $obj->set_lock (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method sets a lock in the current destination. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub set_lock { my $self = shift; $self->lockfile (); if ($self->type eq 'ext' and not $self->dest0) { # Only set an extract lock for the local destination $self->lockfile ($self->extlock); } elsif ($self->type eq 'bld') { # Set a build lock $self->lockfile ($self->bldlock); } return &touch_file ($self->lockfile) if $self->lockfile; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # @cfglines = $obj->to_cfglines ([$index]); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a list of configuration lines for the current # destination. If it is set, $index is the index number of the current # destination. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub to_cfglines { my ($self, $index) = @_; my $PREFIX = $self->cfglabel($self->dest0() ? 'RDEST' : 'DEST'); my $SUFFIX = ($index ? $FCM1::Config::DELIMITER . $index : q{}); my @return = ( FCM1::CfgLine->new(label => $PREFIX . $SUFFIX, value => $self->rootdir()), ); if ($self->dest0()) { for my $name (qw{ logname machine mirror_cmd rsh_mkdir_rsh rsh_mkdir_rshflags rsh_mkdir_mkdir rsh_mkdir_mkdirflags rsync rsyncflags }) { if ($self->{$name} && $self->{$name} ne $PROP_OF{$name}) { # not default push( @return, FCM1::CfgLine->new( label => $PREFIX . $FCM1::Config::DELIMITER . uc($name) . $SUFFIX, value => $self->{$name}, ), ); } } } return @return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $string = $obj->write_rules (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a string containing Makefile variable declarations for # directories and search paths in this destination. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub write_rules { my $self = shift; my $return = ''; # FCM_*DIR* for my $i (0 .. @{ $self->inherit }) { for my $name (@paths) { (my $label = $name) =~ s/path$/dir/; my $dir = $name eq 'rootpath' ? $self->$name->[$i] : File::Spec->catfile ( '$(FCM_ROOTDIR' . ($i ? $i : '') . ')', File::Spec->abs2rel ($self->$name->[$i], $self->rootpath->[$i]), ); $return .= ($i ? '' : 'export ') . 'FCM_' . uc ($label) . ($i ? $i : '') . ' := ' . $dir . "\n"; } } # FCM_*PATH for my $name (@paths) { (my $label = $name) =~ s/path$/dir/; $return .= 'export FCM_' . uc ($name) . ' := '; for my $i (0 .. @{ $self->$name } - 1) { $return .= ($i ? ':' : '') . '$(FCM_' . uc ($label) . ($i ? $i : '') . ')'; } $return .= "\n"; } $return .= "\n"; return $return; } # Returns contents in directory. sub _directory_contents { my $path = shift(); if (!-d $path) { return; } opendir(my $handle, $path) || croak("$path: cannot open directory ($!)\n"); my @items = grep {$_ ne q{.} && $_ ne q{..}} readdir($handle); closedir($handle); map {File::Spec->catfile($path . $_)} @items; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1; __END__