# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NAME # Fcm::ConfigSystem # # DESCRIPTION # This is the base class for FCM systems that are based on inherited # configuration files, e.g. the extract and the build systems. # # COPYRIGHT # (C) Crown copyright Met Office. All rights reserved. # For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT.txt # which you should have received as part of this distribution. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Fcm::ConfigSystem; use base qw{Fcm::Base}; use strict; use warnings; use Fcm::CfgFile; use Fcm::CfgLine; use Fcm::Dest; use Fcm::Util qw{expand_tilde e_report w_report}; use Sys::Hostname qw{hostname}; # List of property methods for this class my @scalar_properties = ( 'cfg', # configuration file 'cfg_methods', # list of sub-methods for parse_cfg 'cfg_prefix', # optional prefix in configuration declaration 'dest', # destination for output 'inherit', # list of inherited configurations 'inherited', # list of inheritance hierarchy 'type', # system type ); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $obj = Fcm::ConfigSystem->new; # # DESCRIPTION # This method constructs a new instance of the Fcm::ConfigSystem class. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub new { my $this = shift; my %args = @_; my $class = ref $this || $this; my $self = Fcm::Base->new (%args); $self->{$_} = undef for (@scalar_properties); bless $self, $class; # List of sub-methods for parse_cfg $self->cfg_methods ([qw/header inherit dest/]); return $self; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $value = $obj->X; # $obj->X ($value); # # DESCRIPTION # Details of these properties are explained in @scalar_properties. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ for my $name (@scalar_properties) { no strict 'refs'; *$name = sub { my $self = shift; # Argument specified, set property to specified argument if (@_) { $self->{$name} = $_[0]; } # Default value for property if (not defined $self->{$name}) { if ($name eq 'cfg') { # New configuration file $self->{$name} = Fcm::CfgFile->new (TYPE => $self->type); } elsif ($name =~ /^(?:cfg_methods|inherit|inherited)$/) { # Reference to an array $self->{$name} = []; } elsif ($name eq 'cfg_prefix' or $name eq 'type') { # Reference to an array $self->{$name} = ''; } elsif ($name eq 'dest') { # New destination $self->{$name} = Fcm::Dest->new (TYPE => $self->type); } } return $self->{$name}; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # ($rc, $out_of_date) = $obj->check_cache (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns $rc = 1 on success or undef on failure. It returns # $out_of_date = 1 if current cache file is out of date relative to those in # inherited runs or 0 otherwise. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub check_cache { my $self = shift; my $rc = 1; my $out_of_date = 0; if (@{ $self->inherit } and -f $self->dest->cache) { # Get modification time of current cache file my $cur_mtime = (stat ($self->dest->cache))[9]; # Compare with modification times of inherited cache files for my $use (@{ $self->inherit }) { next unless -f $use->dest->cache; my $use_mtime = (stat ($use->dest->cache))[9]; $out_of_date = 1 if $use_mtime > $cur_mtime; } } return ($rc, $out_of_date); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $obj->check_lock (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns true if no lock is found in the destination or if the # locks found are allowed. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub check_lock { my $self = shift; # Check all types of locks for my $method (@Fcm::Dest::lockfiles) { my $lock = $self->dest->$method; # Check whether lock exists next unless -e $lock; # Check whether this lock is allowed next if $self->check_lock_is_allowed ($lock); # Throw error if a lock exists w_report 'ERROR: ', $lock, ': lock file exists,'; w_report ' ', $self->dest->rootdir, ': destination is busy.'; return; } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $self->check_lock_is_allowed ($lock); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns true if it is OK for $lock to exist in the destination. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub check_lock_is_allowed { my ($self, $lock) = @_; # Disallow all types of locks by default return 0; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $self->compare_setting ( # METHOD_LIST => \@method_list, # [METHOD_ARGS => \@method_args,] # [CACHEBASE => $cachebase,] # ); # # DESCRIPTION # This method gets settings from the previous cache and updates the current. # # METHOD # The method returns true on success. @method_list must be a list of method # names for processing the cached lines in the previous run. If an existing # cache exists, its content is read into $old_lines, which is a list of # Fcm::CfgLine objects. Otherwise, $old_lines is set to undef. If $cachebase # is set, it is used for as the cache basename. Otherwise, the default for # the current system is used. It calls each method in the @method_list using # $self->$method ($old_lines, @method_args), which should return a # two-element list. The first element should be a return code (1 for out of # date, 0 for up to date and undef for failure). The second element should be # a reference to a list of Fcm::CfgLine objects for the output. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub compare_setting { my ($self, %args) = @_; my @method_list = exists ($args{METHOD_LIST}) ? @{ $args{METHOD_LIST} } : (); my @method_args = exists ($args{METHOD_ARGS}) ? @{ $args{METHOD_ARGS} } : (); my $cachebase = exists ($args{CACHEBASE}) ? $args{CACHEBASE} : undef; my $rc = 1; # Read cache if the file exists # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $cache = $cachebase ? File::Spec->catfile ($self->dest->cachedir, $cachebase) : $self->dest->cache; my @in_caches = (); if (-r $cache) { push @in_caches, $cache; } else { for my $use (@{ $self->inherit }) { my $use_cache = $cachebase ? File::Spec->catfile ($use->dest->cachedir, $cachebase) : $use->dest->cache; push @in_caches, $use_cache if -r $use_cache; } } my $old_lines = undef; for my $in_cache (@in_caches) { next unless -r $in_cache; my $cfg = Fcm::CfgFile->new (SRC => $in_cache); if ($cfg->read_cfg) { $old_lines = [] if not defined $old_lines; push @$old_lines, @{ $cfg->lines }; } } # Call methods in @method_list to see if cache is out of date # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my @new_lines = (); my $out_of_date = 0; for my $method (@method_list) { my ($return, $lines); ($return, $lines) = $self->$method ($old_lines, @method_args) if $rc; if (defined $return) { # Method succeeded push @new_lines, @$lines; $out_of_date = 1 if $return; } else { # Method failed $rc = $return; last; } } # Update the cache in the current run # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($rc) { if (@{ $self->inherited } and $out_of_date) { # If this is an inherited configuration, the cache must not be changed w_report 'ERROR: ', $self->cfg->src, ': inherited configuration does not match with its cache.'; $rc = undef; } elsif ((not -f $cache) or $out_of_date) { my $cfg = Fcm::CfgFile->new; $cfg->lines ([sort {$a->label cmp $b->label} @new_lines]); $rc = $cfg->print_cfg ($cache, 1); } } return $rc; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # ($changed_hash_ref, $new_lines_array_ref) = # $self->compare_setting_in_config($prefix, \@old_lines); # # DESCRIPTION # This method compares old and current settings for a specified item. # # METHOD # This method does two things. # # It uses the current configuration for the $prefix item to generate a list of # new Fcm::CfgLine objects (which is returned as a reference in the second # element of the returned list). # # The values of the old lines are then compared with those of the new lines. # Any settings that are changed are stored in a hash, which is returned as a # reference in the first element of the returned list. The key of the hash is # the name of the changed setting, and the value is the value of the new # setting or undef if the setting no longer exists. # # ARGUMENTS # $prefix - the name of an item in Fcm::Config to be compared # @old_lines - a list of Fcm::CfgLine objects containing the old settings # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub compare_setting_in_config { my ($self, $prefix, $old_lines_ref) = @_; my %changed = %{$self->setting($prefix)}; my (@new_lines, %new_val_of); while (my ($key, $val) = each(%changed)) { $new_val_of{$key} = (ref($val) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(q{ }, sort(@{$val})) : $val); push(@new_lines, Fcm::CfgLine->new( LABEL => $prefix . $Fcm::Config::DELIMITER . $key, VALUE => $new_val_of{$key}, )); } if (defined($old_lines_ref)) { my %old_val_of = map {($_->label_from_field(1), $_->value())} # converts into a hash grep {$_->label_starts_with($prefix)} # gets relevant lines @{$old_lines_ref}; while (my ($key, $val) = each(%old_val_of)) { if (exists($changed{$key})) { # JMM Eliminate trailing and leading blank before comparison $val=~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $new_val_of{$key}=~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; if ($val eq $new_val_of{$key}) { # no change from old to new delete($changed{$key}); } } else { # exists in old but not in new $changed{$key} = undef; } } } return (\%changed, \@new_lines); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $obj->invoke ([CLEAN => 1, ]%args); # # DESCRIPTION # This method invokes the system. If CLEAN is set to true, it will only parse # the configuration and set up the destination, but will not invoke the # system. See the invoke_setup_dest and the invoke_system methods for list of # other arguments in %args. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub invoke { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; # Print diagnostic at beginning of run # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name of the system (my $name = ref ($self)) =~ s/^Fcm:://; # Print start time on system run, if verbose is true my $date = localtime; print $name, ' command started on ', $date, '.', "\n" if $self->verbose; # Start time (seconds since epoch) my $otime = time; # Parse the configuration file my $rc = $self->invoke_stage ('Parse configuration', 'parse_cfg'); # Set up the destination $rc = $self->invoke_stage ('Setup destination', 'invoke_setup_dest', %args) if $rc; # Invoke the system # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $rc = $self->invoke_system (%args) if $rc and not $args{CLEAN}; # Remove empty directories $rc = $self->dest->clean (MODE => 'EMPTY') if $rc; # Print diagnostic at end of run # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print lapse time at the end, if verbose is true if ($self->verbose) { my $total = time - $otime; my $s_str = $total > 1 ? 'seconds' : 'second'; print '->TOTAL: ', $total, ' ', $s_str, "\n"; } # Report end of system run $date = localtime; if ($rc) { # Success print $name, ' command finished on ', $date, '.', "\n" if $self->verbose; } else { # Failure e_report $name, ' failed on ', $date, '.'; } return $rc; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $obj->invoke_setup_dest ([CLEAN|FULL => 1], [IGNORE_LOCK => 1]); # # DESCRIPTION # This method sets up the destination and returns true on success. # # ARGUMENTS # CLEAN|FULL - If set to "true", set up the system in "clean|full" mode. # Sub-directories and files in the root directory created by # the previous invocation of the system will be removed. If # not set, the default is to run in "incremental" mode. # IGNORE_LOCK - If set to "true", it ignores any lock files that may exist in # the destination root directory. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub invoke_setup_dest { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; # Set up destination # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print destination in verbose mode if ($self->verbose()) { printf( "Destination: %s@%s:%s\n", scalar(getpwuid($<)), hostname(), $self->dest()->rootdir(), ); } my $rc = 1; my $out_of_date = 0; # Check whether lock exists in the destination root $rc = $self->check_lock if $rc and not $args{IGNORE_LOCK}; # Check whether current cache is out of date relative to the inherited ones ($rc, $out_of_date) = $self->check_cache if $rc; # Remove sub-directories and files in destination in "full" mode $rc = $self->dest->clean (MODE => 'ALL') if $rc and ($args{FULL} or $args{CLEAN} or $out_of_date); # Create build root directory if necessary $rc = $self->dest->create if $rc; # Set a lock in the destination root $rc = $self->dest->set_lock if $rc; # Generate an as-parsed configuration file $self->cfg->print_cfg ($self->dest->parsedcfg); return $rc; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $self->invoke_stage ($name, $method, @args); # # DESCRIPTION # This method invokes a named stage of the system, where $name is the name of # the stage, $method is the name of the method for invoking the stage and # @args are the arguments to the &method. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub invoke_stage { my ($self, $name, $method, @args) = @_; # Print diagnostic at beginning of a stage print '->', $name, ': start', "\n" if $self->verbose; my $stime = time; # Invoke the stage my $rc = $self->$method (@args); # Print diagnostic at end of a stage my $total = time - $stime; my $s_str = $total > 1 ? 'seconds' : 'second'; print '->', $name, ': ', $total, ' ', $s_str, "\n"; return $rc; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $self->invoke_system (%args); # # DESCRIPTION # This is a prototype method for invoking the system. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub invoke_system { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; print "Dummy code.\n"; return 0; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $obj->parse_cfg (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method calls other methods to parse the configuration file. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub parse_cfg { my $self = shift; return unless $self->cfg->src; # Read config file # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- return unless $self->cfg->read_cfg; if ($self->cfg->type ne $self->type) { w_report 'ERROR: ', $self->cfg->src, ': not a ', $self->type, ' config file.'; return; } # Strip out optional prefix from all labels # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($self->cfg_prefix) { for my $line (@{ $self->cfg->lines }) { $line->prefix ($self->cfg_prefix); } } # Filter lines from the configuration file # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my @cfg_lines = grep { $_->slabel and # ignore empty/comment lines index ($_->slabel, '%') != 0 and # ignore user variable not $_->slabel_starts_with_cfg ('INC') # ignore INC line } @{ $self->cfg->lines }; # Parse the lines to read in the various settings, by calling the methods: # $self->parse_cfg_XXX, where XXX is: header, inherit, dest, and the values # in the list @{ $self->cfg_methods }. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $rc = 1; for my $name (@{ $self->cfg_methods }) { my $method = 'parse_cfg_' . $name; $self->$method (\@cfg_lines) or $rc = 0; } # Report warnings/errors # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- for my $line (@cfg_lines) { $rc = 0 if not $line->parsed; my $mesg = $line->format_error; w_report $mesg if $mesg; } return ($rc); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $self->parse_cfg_dest (\@cfg_lines); # # DESCRIPTION # This method parses the destination settings in the @cfg_lines. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub parse_cfg_dest { my ($self, $cfg_lines) = @_; my $rc = 1; # DEST/DIR declarations # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my @lines = grep { $_->slabel_starts_with_cfg ('DEST') or $_->slabel_starts_with_cfg ('DIR') } @$cfg_lines; # Only ROOTDIR declarations are accepted for my $line (@lines) { my ($d, $method) = $line->slabel_fields; $d = lc $d; $method = lc $method; # Backward compatibility $d = 'dest' if $d eq 'dir'; # Default to "rootdir" $method = 'rootdir' if (not $method) or $method eq 'root'; # Only "rootdir" can be set next unless $method eq 'rootdir'; $self->$d->$method (&expand_tilde ($line->value)); $line->parsed (1); } # Make sure root directory is set # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (not $self->dest->rootdir) { w_report 'ERROR: ', $self->cfg->actual_src, ': destination root directory not set.'; $rc = 0; } # Inherit destinations # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- for my $use (@{ $self->inherit }) { push @{ $self->dest->inherit }, (@{ $use->dest->inherit }, $use->dest); } return $rc; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $self->parse_cfg_header (\@cfg_lines); # # DESCRIPTION # This method parses the header setting in the @cfg_lines. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub parse_cfg_header { my ($self, $cfg_lines) = @_; # Set header lines as "parsed" map {$_->parsed (1)} grep {$_->slabel_starts_with_cfg ('CFGFILE')} @$cfg_lines; return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $self->parse_cfg_inherit (\@cfg_lines); # # DESCRIPTION # This method parses the inherit setting in the @cfg_lines. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub parse_cfg_inherit { my ($self, $cfg_lines) = @_; # USE declaration # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my @lines = grep {$_->slabel_starts_with_cfg ('USE')} @$cfg_lines; # Check for cyclic dependency if (@lines and grep {$_ eq $self->cfg->actual_src} @{ $self->inherited }) { # Error if current configuration file is in its own inheritance hierarchy w_report 'ERROR: ', $self->cfg->actual_src, ': attempt to inherit itself.'; $_->error ($_->label . ': ignored due to cyclic dependency.') for (@lines); return 0; } my $rc = 1; for my $line (@lines) { # Invoke new instance of the current class my $use = ref ($self)->new; # Set configuration file, inheritance hierarchy # and attempt to parse the configuration $use->cfg->src (&expand_tilde ($line->value)); $use->inherited ([$self->cfg->actual_src, @{ $self->inherited }]); $use->parse_cfg; # Add to list of inherit configurations push @{ $self->inherit }, $use; $line->parsed (1); } # Check locks in inherited destination # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- for my $use (@{ $self->inherit }) { $rc = 0 unless $use->check_lock; } return $rc; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # @cfglines = $obj->to_cfglines (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the configuration lines of this object. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub to_cfglines { my ($self) = @_; my @inherited_dests = map { Fcm::CfgLine->new ( label => $self->cfglabel ('USE'), value => $_->dest->rootdir ); } @{ $self->inherit }; return ( Fcm::CfgLine::comment_block ('File header'), Fcm::CfgLine->new ( label => $self->cfglabel ('CFGFILE') . $Fcm::Config::DELIMITER . 'TYPE', value => $self->type, ), Fcm::CfgLine->new ( label => $self->cfglabel ('CFGFILE') . $Fcm::Config::DELIMITER . 'VERSION', value => '1.0', ), Fcm::CfgLine->new (), @inherited_dests, Fcm::CfgLine::comment_block ('Destination'), ($self->dest->to_cfglines()), ); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1; __END__