#!/usr/bin/env perl #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (C) British Crown Copyright 2006-17 Met Office. # # This file is part of FCM, tools for managing and building source code. # # FCM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # FCM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with FCM. If not, see . #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use Cwd qw{cwd}; use FCM::Context::Event; use FCM::Util; use FCM1::Config; use FCM1::Keyword; use FCM1::Timer qw{timestamp_command}; use FCM1::Util qw{get_url_of_wc get_wct is_wc}; use File::Basename qw{basename}; use File::Spec::Functions qw{catfile rel2abs}; use Tk; use Tk::ROText; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Argument if (@ARGV) { my $dir = shift @ARGV; chdir $dir if -d $dir; } FCM1::Keyword::set_util(FCM::Util->new()); # Get configuration settings my $config = FCM1::Config->new (); $config->get_config (); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # FCM subcommands my @subcmds = qw/CHECKOUT BRANCH STATUS DIFF ADD DELETE MERGE CONFLICTS COMMIT UPDATE SWITCH/; # Subcommands allowed when CWD is not a WC my @nwc_subcmds = qw/CHECKOUT BRANCH/; # Subcommands allowed, when CWD is a WC my @wc_subcmds = qw/STATUS BRANCH DIFF ADD DELETE MERGE CONFLICTS COMMIT UPDATE SWITCH/; # Subcommands that apply to WC only my @wco_subcmds = qw/BRANCH STATUS DIFF ADD DELETE MERGE CONFLICTS COMMIT UPDATE SWITCH/; # Subcommands that apply to top level WC only my @wcto_subcmds = qw/BRANCH MERGE COMMIT UPDATE SWITCH/; # Selected subcommand my $selsubcmd = ''; # Selected subcommand is running? my $cmdrunning = 0; # PID of running subcommand my $cmdpid = undef; # List of subcommand frames my %subcmd_f; # List of subcommand buttons my %subcmd_b; # List of subcommand button help strings my %subcmd_help = ( BRANCH => 'list information about, create or delete a branch.', CHECKOUT => 'check out a working copy from a repository.', STATUS => 'print the status of working copy files and directories.', DIFF => 'display the differences in modified files.', ADD => 'put files and directories under version control.', DELETE => 'remove files and directories from version control.', MERGE => 'merge changes into your working copy.', CONFLICTS => 'use a graphical tool to resolve conflicts in your working copy.', COMMIT => 'send changes from your working copy to the repository.', UPDATE => 'bring changes from the repository into your working copy.', SWITCH => 'update your working copy to a different URL.', ); for (keys %subcmd_help) { $subcmd_help{$_} = 'Select the "' . lc ($_) . '" sub-command - ' . $subcmd_help{$_}; } # List of subcommand button bindings (key name and underline position) my %subcmd_bind = ( BRANCH => {KEY => '', U => 0}, CHECKOUT => {KEY => '', U => 5}, STATUS => {KEY => '', U => 0}, DIFF => {KEY => '', U => 0}, ADD => {KEY => '', U => 0}, DELETE => {KEY => '', U => 4}, MERGE => {KEY => '', U => 0}, CONFLICTS => {KEY => '', U => 3}, COMMIT => {KEY => '', U => 0}, UPDATE => {KEY => '', U => 0}, SWITCH => {KEY => '', U => 1}, ); # List of subcommand variables my %subcmdvar = ( CWD => cwd (), WCT => '', CWD_URL => '', WCT_URL => '', BRANCH => { OPT => 'info', URL => '', NAME => '', TYPE => 'DEV', REVFLAG => 'NORMAL', TICKET => '', SRCTYPE => 'trunk', S_CHD => 0, S_SIB => 0, S_OTH => 0, VERBOSE => 0, OTHER => '', }, CHECKOUT => { URL => '', REV => 'HEAD', PATH => '', OTHER => '', }, STATUS => { USEWCT => 0, UPDATE => 0, VERBOSE => 0, OTHER => '', }, DIFF => { USEWCT => 0, TOOL => 'graphical', BRANCH => 0, URL => '', OTHER => '', }, ADD => { USEWCT => 0, CHECK => 1, OTHER => '', }, DELETE => { USEWCT => 0, CHECK => 1, OTHER => '', }, MERGE => { USEWCT => 1, SRC => '', MODE => 'automatic', DRYRUN => 0, VERBOSE => 0, REV => '', OTHER => '', }, CONFLICTS => { USEWCT => 0, OTHER => '', }, COMMIT => { USEWCT => 1, DRYRUN => 0, OTHER => '', }, UPDATE => { USEWCT => 1, OTHER => '', }, SWITCH => { USEWCT => 1, URL => '', OTHER => '', }, ); # List of action buttons my %action_b; # List of action button help strings my %action_help = ( QUIT => 'Quit fcm gui', HELP => 'Print help to the output text box for the selected sub-command', CLEAR => 'Clear the output text box', RUN => 'Run the selected sub-command', ); # List of action button bindings my %action_bind = ( QUIT => {KEY => '', U => undef}, HELP => {KEY => '' , U => undef}, CLEAR => {KEY => '' , U => 1}, RUN => {KEY => '' , U => 0}, ); # List of branch subcommand options my %branch_opt = ( INFO => undef, CREATE => undef, DELETE => undef, LIST => undef, ); # List of branch create types my %branch_type = ( 'DEV' => undef, 'DEV::SHARE' => undef, 'TEST' => undef, 'TEST::SHARE' => undef, 'PKG' => undef, 'PKG::SHARE' => undef, 'PKG::CONFIG' => undef, 'PKG::REL' => undef, ); # List of branch create source type my %branch_srctype = ( TRUNK => undef, BRANCH => undef, ); # List of branch create revision prefix option my %branch_revflag = ( NORMAL => undef, NUMBER => undef, NONE => undef, ); # List of branch info/delete options my %branch_info_opt = ( S_CHD => 'Show children', S_SIB => 'Show siblings', S_OTH => 'Show other', VERBOSE => 'Print extra information', ); # List of diff display options my %diff_display_opt = ( default => 'Default mode', graphical => 'Graphical tool', trac => 'Trac (only for diff relative to the base of the branch)', ); # Text in the status bar my $statustext = ''; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $mw = MainWindow->new (); my $mw_title = 'FCM GUI'; $mw->title ($mw_title); # Frame containing subcommand selection buttons my $top_f = $mw->Frame ()->grid ( '-row' => 0, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); # Frame containing subcommand options my $mid_f = $mw->Frame ()->grid ( '-row' => 1, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'ew', ); # Frame containing action buttons my $bot_f = $mw->Frame ()->grid ( '-row' => 2, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'ew', ); # Text box to display output my $out_t = $mw->Scrolled ('ROText', '-scrollbars' => 'osow')->grid ( '-row' => 3, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'news', ); # Text box - allow scroll with mouse wheel $out_t->bind ( '<4>' => sub { $_[0]->yview ('scroll', -1, 'units') unless $Tk::strictMotif; }, ); $out_t->bind ( '<5>' => sub { $_[0]->yview ('scroll', +1, 'units') unless $Tk::strictMotif; }, ); # Status bar $mw->Label ( '-textvariable' => \$statustext, '-relief' => 'groove', )->grid ( '-row' => 4, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'ews', ); # Main window grid configure { my ($cols, $rows) = $mw->gridSize (); $mw->gridColumnconfigure ($_, '-weight' => 1) for (0 .. $cols - 1); $mw->gridRowconfigure ( 3, '-weight' => 1); } # Frame grid configure { my ($cols, $rows) = $mid_f->gridSize (); $bot_f->gridColumnconfigure (3, '-weight' => 1); } $mid_f->gridRowconfigure (0, '-weight' => 1); $mid_f->gridColumnconfigure (0, '-weight' => 1); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Buttons to select subcommands { my $col = 0; for my $name (@subcmds) { $subcmd_b{$name} = $top_f->Button ( '-text' => uc (substr ($name, 0, 1)) . lc (substr ($name, 1)), '-command' => [\&button_clicked, $name], '-width' => 8, )->grid ( '-row' => 0, '-column' => $col++, '-sticky' => 'w', ); $subcmd_b{$name}->bind ('', sub {$statustext = $subcmd_help{$name}}); $subcmd_b{$name}->bind ('', sub {$statustext = ''}); $subcmd_b{$name}->configure ('-underline' => $subcmd_bind{$name}{U}) if defined $subcmd_bind{$name}{U}; $mw->bind ($subcmd_bind{$name}{KEY}, sub {$subcmd_b{$name}->invoke}); } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Frames to contain subcommands options { my %row = (); for my $name (@subcmds) { $subcmd_f{$name} = $mid_f->Frame (); $subcmd_f{$name}->gridColumnconfigure (1, '-weight' => 1); $row{$name} = 0; # Widgets common to all sub-commands $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ('-text' => 'Current working directory: ')->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ('-textvariable' => \($subcmdvar{CWD}))->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'w', ); } # Widgets common to all sub-commands that apply to working copies for my $name (@wco_subcmds) { my @labtxts = ( 'Corresponding URL: ', 'Working copy top: ', 'Corresponding URL: ', ); my @varrefs = \( $subcmdvar{URL_CWD}, $subcmdvar{WCT}, $subcmdvar{URL_WCT}, ); for my $i (0 .. $#varrefs) { $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ('-text' => $labtxts[$i])->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ('-textvariable' => $varrefs[$i])->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'w', ); } $subcmd_f{$name}->Checkbutton ( '-text' => 'Apply sub-command to working copy top', '-variable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{USEWCT}), '-state' => (grep ({$_ eq $name} @wcto_subcmds) ? 'disabled' : 'normal'), )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 0, '-columnspan' => 2, '-sticky' => 'w', ); } # Widget for the Branch sub-command { my $name = 'BRANCH'; # Radio buttons to select the sub-option of the branch sub-command my $opt_f = $subcmd_f{$name}->Frame ()->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 0, '-columnspan' => 2, '-sticky' => 'w', ); my $col = 0; for my $key (sort keys %branch_opt) { my $opt = lc $key; $branch_opt{$key} = $opt_f->Radiobutton ( '-text' => $opt, '-value' => $opt, '-variable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{OPT}), '-state' => 'normal', )->grid ( '-row' => 0, '-column' => $col++, '-sticky' => 'w', ); } # Label and entry box for specifying URL $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ('-text' => 'URL: ')->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); $subcmd_f{$name}->Entry ( '-textvariable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{URL}), )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'ew', ); # Label and entry box for specifying create branch name $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ( '-text' => 'Branch name (create only): ', )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); $subcmd_f{$name}->Entry ( '-textvariable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{NAME}), )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'ew', ); # Label and radio buttons box for specifying create branch type $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ( '-text' => 'Branch type (create only): ', )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); { my $opt_f = $subcmd_f{$name}->Frame ()->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'w', ); my $col = 0; for my $key (sort keys %branch_type) { my $txt = lc $key; my $opt = $key; $branch_opt{$key} = $opt_f->Radiobutton ( '-text' => $txt, '-value' => $opt, '-variable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{TYPE}), '-state' => 'normal', )->grid ( '-row' => 0, '-column' => $col++, '-sticky' => 'w', ); } } # Label and radio buttons box for specifying create source type $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ( '-text' => 'Source type (create only): ', )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); { my $opt_f = $subcmd_f{$name}->Frame ()->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'w', ); my $col = 0; for my $key (sort keys %branch_srctype) { my $txt = lc $key; my $opt = lc $key; $branch_opt{$key} = $opt_f->Radiobutton ( '-text' => $txt, '-value' => $opt, '-variable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{SRCTYPE}), '-state' => 'normal', )->grid ( '-row' => 0, '-column' => $col++, '-sticky' => 'w', ); } } # Label and radio buttons box for specifying create prefix option $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ( '-text' => 'Prefix option (create only): ', )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); { my $opt_f = $subcmd_f{$name}->Frame ()->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'w', ); my $col = 0; for my $key (sort keys %branch_revflag) { my $txt = lc $key; my $opt = $key; $branch_opt{$key} = $opt_f->Radiobutton ( '-text' => $txt, '-value' => $opt, '-variable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{REVFLAG}), '-state' => 'normal', )->grid ( '-row' => 0, '-column' => $col++, '-sticky' => 'w', ); } } # Label and entry box for specifying ticket number $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ( '-text' => 'Related Trac ticket(s) (create only): ', )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); $subcmd_f{$name}->Entry ( '-textvariable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{TICKET}), )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'ew', ); # Check button for info/delete # --show-children, --show-siblings, --show-other, --verbose $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ( '-text' => 'Options for info/delete only: ', )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); { my $opt_f = $subcmd_f{$name}->Frame ()->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'w', ); my $col = 0; for my $key (sort keys %branch_info_opt) { $opt_f->Checkbutton ( '-text' => $branch_info_opt{$key}, '-variable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{$key}), )->grid ( '-row' => 0, '-column' => $col++, '-sticky' => 'w', ); } } } # Widget for the Checkout sub-command { my $name = 'CHECKOUT'; # Label and entry boxes for specifying URL and revision my @labtxts = ( 'URL: ', 'Revision: ', 'Path: ', ); my @varrefs = \( $subcmdvar{$name}{URL}, $subcmdvar{$name}{REV}, $subcmdvar{$name}{PATH}, ); for my $i (0 .. $#varrefs) { $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ('-text' => $labtxts[$i])->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); $subcmd_f{$name}->Entry ( '-textvariable' => $varrefs[$i], )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'ew', ); } } # Widget for the Status sub-command { my $name = 'STATUS'; # Checkbuttons for various options my @labtxts = ( 'Display update information', 'Print extra information', ); my @varrefs = \( $subcmdvar{$name}{UPDATE}, $subcmdvar{$name}{VERBOSE}, ); for my $i (0 .. $#varrefs) { $subcmd_f{$name}->Checkbutton ( '-text' => $labtxts[$i], '-variable' => $varrefs[$i], )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 0, '-columnspan' => 2, '-sticky' => 'w', ); } } # Widget for the Diff sub-command { my $name = 'DIFF'; my $entry; $subcmd_f{$name}->Checkbutton ( '-text' => 'Show differences relative to the base of the branch', '-variable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{BRANCH}), '-command' => sub { $entry->configure ( '-state' => ($subcmdvar{$name}{BRANCH} ? 'normal' : 'disabled'), ); }, )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 0, '-columnspan' => 2, '-sticky' => 'w', ); # Label and radio buttons box for specifying tool $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ( '-text' => 'Display diff in: ', )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); { my $opt_f = $subcmd_f{$name}->Frame ()->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'w', ); my $col = 0; for my $key (qw/default graphical trac/) { my $txt = $diff_display_opt{$key}; my $opt = $key; $branch_opt{$key} = $opt_f->Radiobutton ( '-text' => $txt, '-value' => $opt, '-variable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{TOOL}), '-state' => 'normal', )->grid ( '-row' => 0, '-column' => $col++, '-sticky' => 'w', ); } } $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ('-text' => 'Branch URL')->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); $entry = $subcmd_f{$name}->Entry ( '-textvariable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{URL}), '-state' => ($subcmdvar{$name}{BRANCH} ? 'normal' : 'disabled'), )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'ew', ); } # Widget for the Add/Delete sub-command for my $name (qw/ADD DELETE/) { # Checkbuttons for various options $subcmd_f{$name}->Checkbutton ( '-text' => 'Check for files or directories not under version control', '-variable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{CHECK}), )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 0, '-columnspan' => 2, '-sticky' => 'w', ); } # Widget for the Merge sub-command { my $name = 'MERGE'; # Label and radio buttons box for specifying merge mode $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ( '-text' => 'Mode: ', )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); { my $opt_f = $subcmd_f{$name}->Frame ()->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'w', ); my $col = 0; for my $key (qw/automatic custom reverse/) { my $txt = lc $key; my $opt = $key; $branch_opt{$key} = $opt_f->Radiobutton ( '-text' => $txt, '-value' => $opt, '-variable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{MODE}), '-state' => 'normal', )->grid ( '-row' => 0, '-column' => $col++, '-sticky' => 'w', ); } } # Check buttons for dry-run $subcmd_f{$name}->Checkbutton ( '-text' => 'Dry run', '-variable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{DRYRUN}), )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 0, '-columnspan' => 2, '-sticky' => 'w', ); # Check buttons for verbose mode $subcmd_f{$name}->Checkbutton ( '-text' => 'Print extra information', '-variable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{VERBOSE}), )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 0, '-columnspan' => 2, '-sticky' => 'w', ); # Label and entry boxes for specifying merge source $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ( '-text' => 'Source (automatic/custom only): ', )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); $subcmd_f{$name}->Entry ( '-textvariable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{SRC}), )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'ew', ); # Label and entry boxes for specifying merge revision (range) $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ( '-text' => 'Revision (custom/reverse only): ', )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); $subcmd_f{$name}->Entry ( '-textvariable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{REV}), )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'ew', ); } # Widget for the Commit sub-command { my $name = 'COMMIT'; # Checkbuttons for various options $subcmd_f{$name}->Checkbutton ( '-text' => 'Dry run', '-variable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{DRYRUN}), )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 0, '-columnspan' => 2, '-sticky' => 'w', ); } # Widget for the Switch sub-command { my $name = 'SWITCH'; # Label and entry boxes for specifying switch URL $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ('-text' => 'URL: ')->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); $subcmd_f{$name}->Entry ( '-textvariable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{URL}), )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'ew', ); } # Widgets common to all sub-commands for my $name (@subcmds) { $subcmd_f{$name}->Label ('-text' => 'Other options: ')->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}, '-column' => 0, '-sticky' => 'w', ); $subcmd_f{$name}->Entry ( '-textvariable' => \($subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER}), )->grid ( '-row' => $row{$name}++, '-column' => 1, '-sticky' => 'ew', ); } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Buttons to perform main actions { my $col = 0; for my $name (qw/QUIT HELP CLEAR RUN/) { $action_b{$name} = $bot_f->Button ( '-text' => uc (substr ($name, 0, 1)) . lc (substr ($name, 1)), '-command' => [\&button_clicked, $name], '-width' => 8, )->grid ( '-row' => 0, '-column' => $col++, '-sticky' => ($name eq 'RUN' ? 'ew' : 'w'), ); $action_b{$name}->bind ('', sub {$statustext = $action_help{$name}}); $action_b{$name}->bind ('', sub {$statustext = ''}); $action_b{$name}->configure ('-underline' => $action_bind{$name}{U}) if defined $action_bind{$name}{U}; $mw->bind ($action_bind{$name}{KEY}, sub {$action_b{$name}->invoke}); } } &change_cwd ($subcmdvar{CWD}); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Handle the situation when the user attempts to quit the window while a # sub-command is running $mw->protocol ('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', sub { if (defined $cmdpid) { my $ans = $mw->messageBox ( '-title' => $mw_title, '-message' => $selsubcmd . ' is still running. Really quit?', '-type' => 'YesNo', '-default' => 'No', ); if ($ans eq 'Yes') { kill 9, $cmdpid; # Need to kill the sub-process before quitting } else { return; # Do not quit } } exit; }); MainLoop; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # &change_cwd ($dir); # # DESCRIPTION # Change current working directory to $dir # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub change_cwd { my $dir = $_[0]; my @allowed_subcmds = (&is_wc ($dir) ? @wc_subcmds : @nwc_subcmds); for my $subcmd (@subcmds) { if (grep {$_ eq $subcmd} @allowed_subcmds) { $subcmd_b{$subcmd}->configure ('-state' => 'normal'); } else { $subcmd_b{$subcmd}->configure ('-state' => 'disabled'); } } &display_subcmd_frame ($allowed_subcmds[0]) if not grep {$_ eq $selsubcmd} @allowed_subcmds; chdir $dir; $subcmdvar{CWD} = $dir; if (&is_wc ($dir)) { $subcmdvar{WCT} = &get_wct ($dir); $subcmdvar{URL_CWD} = &get_url_of_wc ($dir); $subcmdvar{URL_WCT} = &get_url_of_wc ($subcmdvar{WCT}); $branch_opt{INFO} ->configure ('-state' => 'normal'); $branch_opt{DELETE}->configure ('-state' => 'normal'); $subcmdvar{BRANCH}{OPT} = 'info'; } else { $branch_opt{INFO} ->configure ('-state' => 'disabled'); $branch_opt{DELETE}->configure ('-state' => 'disabled'); $subcmdvar{BRANCH}{OPT} = 'create'; } return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # &button_clicked ($name); # # DESCRIPTION # Call back function to handle a click on a command button named $name. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub button_clicked { my $name = $_[0]; if (grep {$_ eq $name} keys %subcmd_b) { &display_subcmd_frame ($name); } elsif ($name eq 'CLEAR') { $out_t->delete ('1.0', 'end'); } elsif ($name eq 'QUIT') { exit; } elsif ($name eq 'HELP') { &invoke_cmd ('help ' . lc ($selsubcmd)); } elsif ($name eq 'RUN') { &invoke_cmd (&setup_cmd ($selsubcmd)); } else { $out_t->insert ('end', $name . ': function to be implemented' . "\n"); $out_t->yviewMoveto (1); } return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # &display_subcmd_frame ($name); # # DESCRIPTION # Change selected subcommand to $name, and display the frame containing the # widgets for configuring the options and arguments of that subcommand. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub display_subcmd_frame { my $name = $_[0]; if ($selsubcmd ne $name and not $cmdrunning) { $subcmd_b{$name }->configure ('-relief' => 'sunken'); $subcmd_b{$selsubcmd}->configure ('-relief' => 'raised') if $selsubcmd; $subcmd_f{$name }->grid ('-sticky' => 'new'); $subcmd_f{$selsubcmd}->gridForget if $selsubcmd; $selsubcmd = $name; } return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $pos = &get_wm_pos (); # # DESCRIPTION # Returns the position part of the geometry string of the main window. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub get_wm_pos { my $geometry = $mw->geometry (); $geometry =~ /^=?(?:\d+x\d+)?([+-]\d+[+-]\d+)$/; return $1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $command = &setup_cmd ($name); # # DESCRIPTION # Setup the system command for the sub-command $name. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setup_cmd { my $name = $_[0]; my $cmd = ''; if ($name eq 'BRANCH') { if ($subcmdvar{$name}{OPT} eq 'create') { $cmd .= 'branch-create'; $cmd .= ' --svn-non-interactive'; $cmd .= ' -t ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{TYPE}; $cmd .= ' --rev-flag ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{REVFLAG}; $cmd .= ' -k ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{TICKET} if $subcmdvar{$name}{TICKET}; $cmd .= ' --branch-of-branch ' if $subcmdvar{$name}{SRCTYPE} eq 'branch'; $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{NAME}; } elsif ($subcmdvar{$name}{OPT} eq 'delete') { $cmd .= 'branch-delete'; $cmd .= ' -v' if $subcmdvar{$name}{VERBOSE}; $cmd .= ' --svn-non-interactive'; } elsif ($subcmdvar{$name}{OPT} eq 'list') { $cmd .= 'branch-list'; } else { $cmd .= 'branch-info'; $cmd .= ' --show-children' if $subcmdvar{$name}{S_CHD}; $cmd .= ' --show-siblings' if $subcmdvar{$name}{S_SIB}; $cmd .= ' --show-other' if $subcmdvar{$name}{S_OTH}; $cmd .= ' -v' if $subcmdvar{$name}{VERBOSE}; } $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{URL} if $subcmdvar{$name}{URL}; $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER} if $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER}; } elsif ($name eq 'CHECKOUT') { $cmd .= lc ($name); $cmd .= ' -r' . $subcmdvar{$name}{REV} if $subcmdvar{$name}{REV}; $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER} if $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER}; $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{URL}; $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{PATH} if $subcmdvar{$name}{PATH}; } elsif ($name eq 'STATUS') { $cmd .= lc ($name); $cmd .= ' -u' if $subcmdvar{$name}{UPDATE}; $cmd .= ' -v' if $subcmdvar{$name}{VERBOSE}; $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER} if $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER}; } elsif ($name eq 'DIFF') { if ($subcmdvar{$name}{BRANCH}) { $cmd .= 'branch-diff'; $cmd .= ' -t' if $subcmdvar{$name}{TOOL} eq 'trac'; $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{URL} if $subcmdvar{$name}{URL}; } else { $cmd .= 'diff'; } $cmd .= ' -g' if $subcmdvar{$name}{TOOL} eq 'graphical'; $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER} if $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER}; } elsif ($name eq 'ADD' or $name eq 'DELETE') { $cmd .= lc ($name); $cmd .= ' -c' if $subcmdvar{$name}{CHECK}; $cmd .= ' --non-interactive' if $name eq 'DELETE' and not $subcmdvar{$name}{CHECK}; $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER} if $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER}; } elsif ($name eq 'MERGE') { $cmd .= lc ($name); if ($subcmdvar{$name}{MODE} ne 'automatic') { $cmd .= ' --' . $subcmdvar{$name}{MODE}; $cmd .= ' --revision ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{REV} if $subcmdvar{$name}{REV}; } $cmd .= ' --dry-run' if $subcmdvar{$name}{DRYRUN}; $cmd .= ' -v' if $subcmdvar{$name}{VERBOSE}; $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{SRC} if $subcmdvar{$name}{SRC}; $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER} if $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER}; } elsif ($name eq 'CONFLICTS') { $cmd .= lc ($name); $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER} if $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER}; } elsif ($name eq 'COMMIT') { $cmd .= lc ($name); $cmd .= ' --dry-run' if $subcmdvar{$name}{DRYRUN}; $cmd .= ' --svn-non-interactive'; $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER} if $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER}; } elsif ($name eq 'SWITCH') { $cmd .= lc ($name); $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{URL} if $subcmdvar{$name}{URL}; $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER} if $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER}; } elsif ($name eq 'UPDATE') { $cmd .= lc ($name); $cmd .= ' ' . $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER} if $subcmdvar{$name}{OTHER}; } return $cmd; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # &invoke_cmd ($cmd); # # DESCRIPTION # Invoke the command $cmd. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub invoke_cmd { my $cmd = $_[0]; return unless $cmd; my $disp_cmd = 'fcm ' . $cmd; $cmd = (index ($cmd, 'help ') == 0) ? $disp_cmd : ('fcm gui-internal ' . &get_wm_pos () . ' ' . $cmd); # Change directory to working copy top if necessary if ($subcmdvar{$selsubcmd}{USEWCT} and $subcmdvar{WCT} ne $subcmdvar{CWD}) { chdir $subcmdvar{WCT}; $out_t->insert ('end', 'cd ' . $subcmdvar{WCT} . "\n"); $out_t->yviewMoveto (1); } # Report start of command $out_t->insert ('end', timestamp_command ($disp_cmd, 'Start')); $out_t->yviewMoveto (1); # Open the command as a pipe if ($cmdpid = open CMD, '-|', $cmd . ' 2>&1') { # Disable all action buttons $action_b{$_}->configure ('-state' => 'disabled') for (keys %action_b); $cmdrunning = 1; # Set up a file event to read output from the command $mw->fileevent (\*CMD, readable => sub { if (sysread CMD, my ($buf), 1024) { # Insert text into the output text box as it becomes available $out_t->insert ('end', $buf); $out_t->yviewMoveto (1); } else { # Delete the file event and close the file when the command finishes $mw->fileevent(\*CMD, readable => ''); close CMD; $cmdpid = undef; # Check return status if ($?) { $out_t->insert ( 'end', '"' . $disp_cmd . '" failed (' . $? . ')' . "\n", ); $out_t->yviewMoveto (1); } # Report end of command $out_t->insert ('end', timestamp_command ($disp_cmd, 'End')); $out_t->yviewMoveto (1); # Change back to CWD if necessary if ($subcmdvar{$selsubcmd}{USEWCT} and $subcmdvar{WCT} ne $subcmdvar{CWD}) { chdir $subcmdvar{CWD}; $out_t->insert ('end', 'cd ' . $subcmdvar{CWD} . "\n"); $out_t->yviewMoveto (1); } # Enable all action buttons again $action_b{$_}->configure ('-state' => 'normal') for (keys %action_b); $cmdrunning = 0; # If the command is "checkout", change directory to working copy if (lc ($selsubcmd) eq 'checkout' && $subcmdvar{CHECKOUT}{URL}) { my $url = FCM1::Keyword::expand($subcmdvar{CHECKOUT}{URL}); my $dir = $subcmdvar{CHECKOUT}{PATH} ? $subcmdvar{CHECKOUT}{PATH} : basename($url); $dir = rel2abs($dir); &change_cwd ($dir); # If the command is "switch", change URL } elsif (lc ($selsubcmd) eq 'switch') { $subcmdvar{URL_CWD} = &get_url_of_wc ($subcmdvar{CWD}, 1); $subcmdvar{URL_WCT} = &get_url_of_wc ($subcmdvar{WCT}, 1); } } 1; }); } else { $mw->messageBox ( '-title' => 'Error', '-message' => 'Error running "' . $cmd . '"', '-icon' => 'error', ); } return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __END__ =head1 NAME fcm_gui =head1 SYNOPSIS fcm_gui [DIR] =head1 DESCRIPTION The fcm_gui command is a simple graphical user interface for some of the commands of the FCM system. The optional argument DIR modifies the initial working directory. =head1 COPYRIGHT (C) Crown copyright Met Office. All rights reserved. =cut