#!/usr/bin/perl # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (C) Crown copyright Met Office. All rights reserved. # For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT.txt # which you should have received as part of this distribution. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use FCM::Admin::System qw{ filter_projects get_projects_from_svn_live install_svn_hook }; use FCM::Admin::Util qw{option2config}; use Getopt::Long qw{GetOptions}; use Pod::Usage qw{pod2usage}; main(); sub main { my %option; my $result = GetOptions( \%option, q{help|usage|h}, q{svn-hook-dir=s}, q{svn-live-dir=s}, q{svn-project-suffix=s}, ); if (!$result) { pod2usage(1); } if (exists($option{help})) { pod2usage(q{-verbose} => 1); } option2config(\%option); my @projects = filter_projects([get_projects_from_svn_live()], \@ARGV); for my $project (@projects) { install_svn_hook($project); } } __END__ =head1 NAME fcm-install-svn-hook =head1 SYNOPSIS fcm-install-svn-hook [OPTIONS] [PROJECT ...] =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item --help, -h, --usage Prints help and exits. =item --svn-hook-dir=DIR Specifies the root location of the directory containing the source files of the hook scripts. See L for the current default. =item --svn-live-dir=DIR Specifies the root location of the live directory. See L for the current default. =item --svn-project-suffix=NAME Specifies the suffix added to the project name. The default is "_svn". =back =head1 ARGUMENTS =over 4 =item PROJECT Specifies one or more project requiring hooks scripts to be installed. If no project is specified, the program install the hook scripts to all projects in the live directory. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION This program install hook scripts for Subversion repositories in the live directory. =head1 COPYRIGHT E<169> Crown copyright Met Office. All rights reserved. =cut