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Changeset 11598 for NEMO/trunk/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/apdx_DOMAINcfg.tex – NEMO

2019-09-25T22:00:42+02:00 (5 years ago)

Add template of versioning record at the beginning of chapters

1 edited


  • NEMO/trunk/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/apdx_DOMAINcfg.tex

    r11597 r11598  
    45\chapter{A brief guide to the DOMAINcfg tool} 
     8%    {\em 4.0} & {\em Andrew Coward} & {\em Created at v4.0 from materials removed from chap\_DOM that are still relevant to the \forcode{DOMAINcfg} tool and which illustrate and explain the choices to be made by the user when setting up new domains }  \\ 
    8 \vfill 
    9 \begin{figure}[b] 
    10 %% ================================================================================================= 
    11 \subsubsection*{Changes record} 
    12 \begin{tabular}{m{0.08\linewidth}||m{0.32\linewidth}|m{0.6\linewidth}} 
    13     Release   & Author(s)     & Modifications \\ 
    14 \hline 
    15     {\em 4.0} & {\em Andrew Coward} & {\em Created at v4.0 from materials removed from chap\_DOM that are still relevant to the \forcode{DOMAINcfg} tool and which illustrate and explain the choices to be made by the user when setting up new domains }  \\ 
    16 \end{tabular} 
    17 \end{figure} 
     14\paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 
     17  \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 
     18    Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 
     19    \hline 
     20    {\em   4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 
     21    {\em   3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 
     22    {\em   3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 
     23    {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 
     24  \end{tabularx} 
    1929This appendix briefly describes some of the options available in the 
    3444\section{Choice of horizontal grid} 
    298307\np{nn_bathy}{nn\_bathy} (found in \nam{dom}{dom} namelist (\texttt{DOMAINCFG} variant) ): 
    300 \item [{\np[=0]{nn_bathy}{nn\_bathy}}]: 
    301   a flat-bottom domain is defined. 
     309\item [{\np[=0]{nn_bathy}{nn\_bathy}}]: a flat-bottom domain is defined. 
    302310  The total depth $z_w (jpk)$ is given by the coordinate transformation. 
    303311  The domain can either be a closed basin or a periodic channel depending on the parameter \np{jperio}{jperio}. 
    304 \item [{\np[=-1]{nn_bathy}{nn\_bathy}}]: 
    305   a domain with a bump of topography one third of the domain width at the central latitude. 
     312\item [{\np[=-1]{nn_bathy}{nn\_bathy}}]: a domain with a bump of topography one third of the domain width at the central latitude. 
    306313  This is meant for the "EEL-R5" configuration, a periodic or open boundary channel with a seamount. 
    307 \item [{\np[=1]{nn_bathy}{nn\_bathy}}]: 
    308   read a bathymetry and ice shelf draft (if needed). 
     314\item [{\np[=1]{nn_bathy}{nn\_bathy}}]: read a bathymetry and ice shelf draft (if needed). 
    309315  The \ifile{bathy\_meter} file (Netcdf format) provides the ocean depth (positive, in meters) at 
    310316  each grid point of the model grid. 
    326332After reading the bathymetry, the algorithm for vertical grid definition differs between the different options: 
    328 \item [\forcode{ln_zco = .true.}] 
    329   set a reference coordinate transformation $z_0(k)$, and set $z(i,j,k,t) = z_0(k)$ where $z_0(k)$ is the closest match to the depth at $(i,j)$. 
    330 \item [\forcode{ln_zps = .true.}] 
    331   set a reference coordinate transformation $z_0(k)$, and calculate the thickness of the deepest level at 
     334\item [\forcode{ln_zco = .true.}] set a reference coordinate transformation $z_0(k)$, and set $z(i,j,k,t) = z_0(k)$ where $z_0(k)$ is the closest match to the depth at $(i,j)$. 
     335\item [\forcode{ln_zps = .true.}] set a reference coordinate transformation $z_0(k)$, and calculate the thickness of the deepest level at 
    332336  each $(i,j)$ point using the bathymetry, to obtain the final three-dimensional depth and scale factor arrays. 
    333 \item [\forcode{ln_sco = .true.}] 
    334   smooth the bathymetry to fulfill the hydrostatic consistency criteria and 
     337\item [\forcode{ln_sco = .true.}] smooth the bathymetry to fulfill the hydrostatic consistency criteria and 
    335338  set the three-dimensional transformation. 
    336 \item [\forcode{s-z and s-zps}] 
    337   smooth the bathymetry to fulfill the hydrostatic consistency criteria and 
     339\item [\forcode{s-z and s-zps}] smooth the bathymetry to fulfill the hydrostatic consistency criteria and 
    338340  set the three-dimensional transformation $z(i,j,k)$, 
    339341  and possibly introduce masking of extra land points to better fit the original bathymetry file. 
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