============ MPP_PREP ============ Description =========== MPP_PREP proposes possible domain decompositions for a given bathymetric file, which is particularly intersting when we want to eliminate land-only domain. All solution are proposed and written to output file. The ratio between the effective number of computed point and the total number of points in the domain is given and is probably a major criteria for choosing a domain decomposition. Tools mpp_optimiz_zoom_nc.exe as been tested on one eORCA12 and one eORCA025 configuration at trunk@10036 Tools mppopt_showproc_nc.exe has not been tested. Method ====== Use mpp_init like code for setting up the decomposition and evaluate the efficiency of the decomposition. How to compile it ================= MPP_PREP is compiled in the same manner as all the other tools. The compilation script is maketools and the option are very similar to makenemo. Here an example of how to compile MPP_PREP on the MetOffice XC40 HPC: .. code-block:: console $ ./maketools -n MPP_PREP -m XC40_METO Usage ===== the MPP_PREP executable is named mpp_optimiz_zoom_nc.exe. The input file needed are: * a netcdf file containing a variable with 0 on land and data > 0 on ocean (typically a bathymetry file) * a namelist to specify the number of vertical levels, netcdf input file, variable and dimension names (...). A namelist template is available in the file 'namelist' Default namelist assume a file named domain_cfg.nc with a variable bottom_level .. code-block:: console $ ./mpp_optimiz_zoom_nc.exe -h usage : mpp_optimize [ -h ] [-keep jpni jpnj] [ -o file out ] [ -modulo val ] [-r ratio] [-minocean procs] -n namelist PURPOSE : This program is build to optimize the domain beakdown into subdomain for mpp computing. Once the grid size, and the land/sea mask is known, it looks for all the possibilities within a range of setting parameters and determine the optimal. Optimization is done with respect to the maximum number of sea processors and to the maximum numbers of procs (nn_procmax) Optional optimization can be performed taking into account the maximum available processor memory rn_ppmcal. This is activated if ln_memchk is set true in the namelist Additional criteria can be given on the command line to reduce the amount of possible choices. ARGUMENTS : -n namelist : indicate the name of the namelist to use OPTIONS : -h : print this help message -keep jpni jpnj : print a file suitable for plotting, corresponding to the given decomposition -o output file : give the name of the output file default is processor.layout -modulo val : only retain decomposition whose total number of util processors (sea) are a multiple of val -r ratio : only retain decomposition with a ratio computed/global less or equal to the given ratio -minocean procs : only retain decomposition with a number of ocean procs greater of equal to procs REQUIRED FILES : A bathymetric file and an ad-hoc namelist are required. The file name of the bathymetry is specified in the namelist OUTPUT : processor.layout : an ascii file with all found possibilities SEE ALSO : script screen.ksh helps a lot in the analysis of the output file. STOP Example ======= Here is an example of usage of ./mpp_optimiz_zoom_nc.exe on the the eORCA025 bathymetry. We keep in the output only domain decomposition with a ratio (computed/global) lower than 1, using namelist_eORCA025 and output the list of domain decomposition in processor.layout_eORCA025 .. code-block:: console $ ./mpp_optimiz_zoom_nc.exe -r 1 -n namelist_eORCA025 -o processor.layout_eORCA025 ocean/land file used is: domcfg_eORCA025.nc variable used to find ocean domain is: bottom_level Dimensions (jpi x jpj) are: 1442 x 1207 Loop over all the decompositions (can take a while) ... STOP The output for one specific decomposition contains this information: .. code-block:: console iresti= 14 irestj= 9 --> Total number of domains 1612 jpni= 31 jpnj= 52 jpi= 49 jpj= 26 Number of ocean processors 1074 Number of land processors 538 Mean ocean coverage per domain 0.7542637596508307 Minimum ocean coverage 7.849293761E-4 Maximum ocean coverage 1. nb of proc with coverage < 10 % 68 nb of proc with coverage 10 < nb < 30 % 99 nb of proc with coverage 30 < nb < 50 % 59 Number of computed points 1368276 Overhead of computed points -372218 % sup (computed / global) 0.786142349 Sorting phase ============= The processor.layout can be very long and hard to exploit. To sort out what is the best model decomposition for a specific application, there is a suggestion at the end of the processor.layout file. Otherwise you can use the python script find_layout.py to dig into it. .. code-block:: console $ python2.7 find_layout.py usage: find_layout.py [-h] -f layout_file --rmax max_ratio --noce min/max_noce Below an example to extract all decomposition with a ratio (computed/global) < 0.8 and a number of ocean domain between 300 and 350. All the decomposition fitting the criterions are listed. At the end, a summary of the one with the smallest ratio, the largest number of ocean domains and the smallest computed domain. .. code-block:: console $ python2.7 find_layout.py -f processor.layout_eORCA025 --rmax 0.8 --noce 300 350 Domain decomposition 0 domain decomposition (jpni, jpnj) = (13, 32) number of ocean domain = 300 ratio computed/global = 0.779089153 domain size (jpi, jpj) = (113, 40) ... Domain decomposition 76 domain decomposition (jpni, jpnj) = (37, 13) number of ocean domain = 350 ratio computed/global = 0.783254623 domain size (jpi, jpj) = (41, 95) ===================================================================== Among the layouts fitting the constraint on : ratio (computed/global) < 0.8 and 300 <= number of ocean domain <= 350 3 layouts are highlighted : Domain decomposition SMALLEST RATIO domain decomposition (jpni, jpnj) = (24, 18) number of ocean domain = 310 ratio computed/global = 0.761956096 domain size (jpi, jpj) = (62, 69) Domain decomposition LARGEST NUMBER OF OCEAN DOMAINS domain decomposition (jpni, jpnj) = (21, 23) number of ocean domain = 350 ratio computed/global = 0.785265565 domain size (jpi, jpj) = (71, 55) Domain decomposition SMALLEST COMPUTED DOMAIN domain decomposition (jpni, jpnj) = (18, 27) number of ocean domain = 350 ratio computed/global = 0.775009871 domain size (jpi, jpj) = (82, 47)