@article{ODEA2012, author = {E J O’Dea and A K Arnold and K P Edwards and R Furner and P Hyder and M J Martin and J R Siddorn and D Storkey and J While and J T Holt and H Liu}, title = {An operational ocean forecast system incorporating NEMO and SST data assimilation for the tidally driven European North-West shelf}, journal = {Journal of Operational Oceanography}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, pages = {3-17}, year = {2012}, publisher = {Taylor & Francis}, doi = {10.1080/1755876X.2012.11020128}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1080/1755876X.2012.11020128}, eprint = {https://doi.org/10.1080/1755876X.2012.11020128} } @Article{gmd-8-2465-2015, AUTHOR = {Aumont, O. and Eth\'e, C. and Tagliabue, A. and Bopp, L. and Gehlen, M.}, TITLE = {PISCES-v2: an ocean biogeochemical model for carbon and ecosystem studies}, JOURNAL = {Geoscientific Model Development}, VOLUME = {8}, YEAR = {2015}, NUMBER = {8}, PAGES = {2465--2513}, URL = {https://www.geosci-model-dev.net/8/2465/2015/}, DOI = {10.5194/gmd-8-2465-2015} }