!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !! namelist_ref !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !! NEMO/OPA : 1 - run manager (namrun) !! namelists 2 - Domain (namcfg, namzgr, namzgr_sco, namdom, namtsd, namcrs, namc1d, namc1d_uvd) !! 3 - Surface boundary (namsbc, namsbc_ana, namsbc_flx, namsbc_clio, namsbc_core, namsbc_sas !! namsbc_cpl, namtra_qsr, namsbc_rnf, !! namsbc_apr, namsbc_ssr, namsbc_alb, namsbc_wave) !! 4 - lateral boundary (namlbc, namagrif, nambdy, nambdy_tide) !! 5 - bottom boundary (nambfr, nambbc, nambbl) !! 6 - Tracer (nameos, namtra_adv, namtra_ldf, namtra_ldfeiv, namtra_dmp) !! 7 - dynamics (namdyn_adv, namdyn_vor, namdyn_hpg, namdyn_spg, namdyn_ldf) !! 8 - Verical physics (namzdf, namzdf_ric, namzdf_tke, namzdf_ddm, namzdf_tmx) !! 9 - diagnostics (namnc4, namtrd, namspr, namflo, namhsb, namsto) !! 10 - miscellaneous (nammpp, namctl) !! 11 - Obs & Assim (namobs, nam_asminc) !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!====================================================================== !! *** Run management namelists *** !!====================================================================== !! namrun parameters of the run !!====================================================================== ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namrun ! parameters of the run !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nn_no = 0 ! job number (no more used...) cn_exp = "ORCA2" ! experience name nn_it000 = 1 ! first time step nn_itend = 5475 ! last time step (std 5475) nn_date0 = 010101 ! date at nit_0000 (format yyyymmdd) used if ln_rstart=F or (ln_rstart=T and nn_rstctl=0 or 1) nn_time0 = 0 ! initial time of day in hhmm nn_leapy = 0 ! Leap year calendar (1) or not (0) ln_rstart = .false. ! start from rest (F) or from a restart file (T) nn_euler = 1 ! = 0 : start with forward time step if ln_rstart=T nn_rstctl = 0 ! restart control ==> activated only if ln_rstart=T ! ! = 0 nn_date0 read in namelist ; nn_it000 : read in namelist ! ! = 1 nn_date0 read in namelist ; nn_it000 : check consistancy between namelist and restart ! ! = 2 nn_date0 read in restart ; nn_it000 : check consistancy between namelist and restart cn_ocerst_in = "restart" ! suffix of ocean restart name (input) cn_ocerst_indir = "." ! directory from which to read input ocean restarts cn_ocerst_out = "restart" ! suffix of ocean restart name (output) cn_ocerst_outdir= "." ! directory in which to write output ocean restarts ln_iscpl = .false. ! cavity evolution forcing or coupling to ice sheet model nn_istate = 0 ! output the initial state (1) or not (0) ln_rst_list = .false. ! output restarts at list of times using nn_stocklist (T) or at set frequency with nn_stock (F) nn_stock = 5475 ! frequency of creation of a restart file (modulo referenced to 1) nn_stocklist = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ! List of timesteps when a restart file is to be written nn_write = 5475 ! frequency of write in the output file (modulo referenced to nn_it000) ln_mskland = .false. ! mask land points in NetCDF outputs (costly: + ~15%) ln_cfmeta = .false. ! output additional data to netCDF files required for compliance with the CF metadata standard ln_clobber = .true. ! clobber (overwrite) an existing file nn_chunksz = 0 ! chunksize (bytes) for NetCDF file (works only with iom_nf90 routines) / ! !!====================================================================== !! *** Domain namelists *** !!====================================================================== !! namcfg parameters of the configuration !! namzgr vertical coordinate (default: NO selection) !! namzgr_sco s-coordinate or hybrid z-s-coordinate !! namdom space and time domain (bathymetry, mesh, timestep) !! namwad Wetting and drying (default F) !! namtsd data: temperature & salinity !! namcrs coarsened grid (for outputs and/or TOP) ("key_crs") !! namc1d 1D configuration options ("key_c1d") !! namc1d_dyndmp 1D newtonian damping applied on currents ("key_c1d") !! namc1d_uvd 1D data (currents) ("key_c1d") !!====================================================================== ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namcfg ! parameters of the configuration !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ln_e3_dep = .true. ! =T : e3=dk[depth] in discret sens. ! ! ===>>> will become the only possibility in v4.0 ! ! =F : e3 analytical derivative of depth function ! ! only there for backward compatibility test with v3.6 ! cp_cfg = "default" ! name of the configuration cp_cfz = "no zoom" ! name of the zoom of configuration jp_cfg = 0 ! resolution of the configuration jpidta = 10 ! 1st lateral dimension ( >= jpi ) jpjdta = 12 ! 2nd " " ( >= jpj ) jpkdta = 31 ! number of levels ( >= jpk ) jpiglo = 10 ! 1st dimension of global domain --> i =jpidta jpjglo = 12 ! 2nd - - --> j =jpjdta jpizoom = 1 ! left bottom (i,j) indices of the zoom jpjzoom = 1 ! in data domain indices jperio = 0 ! lateral cond. type (between 0 and 6) ! = 0 closed ; = 1 cyclic East-West ! = 2 equatorial symmetric ; = 3 North fold T-point pivot ! = 4 cyclic East-West AND North fold T-point pivot ! = 5 North fold F-point pivot ! = 6 cyclic East-West AND North fold F-point pivot ln_use_jattr = .false. ! use (T) the file attribute: open_ocean_jstart, if present ! in netcdf input files, as the start j-row for reading / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namzgr ! vertical coordinate (default: NO selection) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ln_zco = .false. ! z-coordinate - full steps ln_zps = .false. ! z-coordinate - partial steps ln_sco = .false. ! s- or hybrid z-s-coordinate ln_isfcav = .false. ! ice shelf cavity ln_linssh = .false. ! linear free surface / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namzgr_sco ! s-coordinate or hybrid z-s-coordinate (default F) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ln_s_sh94 = .false. ! Song & Haidvogel 1994 hybrid S-sigma (T)| ln_s_sf12 = .false. ! Siddorn & Furner 2012 hybrid S-z-sigma (T)| if both are false the NEMO tanh stretching is applied ln_sigcrit = .false. ! use sigma coordinates below critical depth (T) or Z coordinates (F) for Siddorn & Furner stretch ! stretching coefficients for all functions rn_sbot_min = 10.0 ! minimum depth of s-bottom surface (>0) (m) rn_sbot_max = 7000.0 ! maximum depth of s-bottom surface (= ocean depth) (>0) (m) rn_hc = 150.0 ! critical depth for transition to stretched coordinates !!!!!!! Envelop bathymetry rn_rmax = 0.3 ! maximum cut-off r-value allowed (00) or min number of ocean level (<0) rn_isfhmin = 1.00 ! treshold (m) to discriminate grounding ice to floating ice rn_e3zps_min= 20. ! partial step thickness is set larger than the minimum of rn_e3zps_rat= 0.1 ! rn_e3zps_min and rn_e3zps_rat*e3t, with 0