!----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsol ! elliptic solver / island / free surface !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nsolv = 1 ! elliptic solver: =1 preconditioned conjugate gradient (pcg) ! =2 successive-over-relaxation (sor) ! =3 FETI (fet) ("key_feti") ! =4 sor with extra outer halo nsol_arp = 0 ! absolute/relative (0/1) precision convergence test nmin = 300 ! minimum of iterations for the SOR solver nmax = 800 ! maximum of iterations for the SOR solver nmod = 10 ! frequency of test for the SOR solver eps = 1.e-6 ! absolute precision of the solver resmax = 1.e-10 ! absolute precision for the SOR solver sor = 1.92 ! optimal coefficient for SOR solver (to be adjusted with the domain) epsisl = 1.e-10 ! absolute precision on stream function solver nmisl = 4000 ! maximum pcg iterations for island ("key_islands") rnu = 1. ! strength of the additional force used in filtered free surface /