# if defined SINGLE_PRECISION # define PRECISION sp # define SENDROUTINE mppsend_sp # define RECVROUTINE mpprecv_sp # define MPI_TYPE MPI_REAL # else # define PRECISION dp # define SENDROUTINE mppsend_dp # define RECVROUTINE mpprecv_dp # define MPI_TYPE MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION # endif SUBROUTINE ROUTINE_LNK( pt2d, cd_type, psgn, kextj) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** routine mpp_lbc_north_icb *** !! !! ** Purpose : Ensure proper north fold horizontal bondary condition !! in mpp configuration in case of jpn1 > 1 and for 2d !! array with outer extra halo !! !! ** Method : North fold condition and mpp with more than one proc !! in i-direction require a specific treatment. We gather !! the 4+kextj northern lines of the global domain on 1 !! processor and apply lbc north-fold on this sub array. !! Then we scatter the north fold array back to the processors. !! This routine accounts for an extra halo with icebergs !! and assumes ghost rows and columns have been suppressed. !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(PRECISION), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(inout) :: pt2d ! 2D array with extra halo CHARACTER(len=1) , INTENT(in ) :: cd_type ! nature of pt3d grid-points ! ! = T , U , V , F or W -points REAL(wp) , INTENT(in ) :: psgn ! = -1. the sign change across the !! ! north fold, = 1. otherwise INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kextj ! Extra halo width at north fold ! INTEGER :: ji, jj, jr INTEGER :: ierr, itaille, ildi, ilei, iilb INTEGER :: ipj, ij, iproc ! REAL(PRECISION), DIMENSION(:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: ztab_e, znorthloc_e REAL(PRECISION), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: znorthgloio_e !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_mpp_mpi ! ipj=4 ALLOCATE( ztab_e(jpiglo, 1-kextj:ipj+kextj) , & & znorthloc_e(jpimax, 1-kextj:ipj+kextj) , & & znorthgloio_e(jpimax, 1-kextj:ipj+kextj,jpni) ) ! ztab_e(:,:) = 0._PRECISION znorthloc_e(:,:) = 0._PRECISION ! ij = 1 - kextj ! put the last ipj+2*kextj lines of pt2d into znorthloc_e DO jj = jpj - ipj + 1 - kextj , jpj + kextj znorthloc_e(1:jpi,ij)=pt2d(1:jpi,jj) ij = ij + 1 END DO ! itaille = jpimax * ( ipj + 2*kextj ) ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.TRUE.) CALL MPI_ALLGATHER( znorthloc_e(1,1-kextj) , itaille, MPI_TYPE, & & znorthgloio_e(1,1-kextj,1), itaille, MPI_TYPE, & & ncomm_north, ierr ) ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.FALSE.) ! DO jr = 1, ndim_rank_north ! recover the global north array iproc = nrank_north(jr) + 1 ildi = nldit (iproc) ilei = nleit (iproc) iilb = nimppt(iproc) DO jj = 1-kextj, ipj+kextj DO ji = ildi, ilei ztab_e(ji+iilb-1,jj) = znorthgloio_e(ji,jj,jr) END DO END DO END DO ! 2. North-Fold boundary conditions ! ---------------------------------- CALL lbc_nfd( ztab_e(:,1-kextj:ipj+kextj), cd_type, psgn, kextj ) ij = 1 - kextj !! Scatter back to pt2d DO jj = jpj - ipj + 1 - kextj , jpj + kextj DO ji= 1, jpi pt2d(ji,jj) = ztab_e(ji+nimpp-1,ij) END DO ij = ij +1 END DO ! DEALLOCATE( ztab_e, znorthloc_e, znorthgloio_e ) ! #endif END SUBROUTINE ROUTINE_LNK # undef PRECISION # undef SENDROUTINE # undef RECVROUTINE # undef MPI_TYPE