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National Aeronautics and Space Administration, nor ! the Massachusetts Institute of Technology warrant ! or certify this code in any way whatsoever. This ! code is provided "as-is" to be used at your own risk. ! ! ! ! WENO1D.h90: WENO-style slope-limiting for 1d reconst. ! ! Darren Engwirda ! 08-Sep-2016 ! de2363 [at] columbia [dot] edu ! ! pure subroutine wenoi (npos,delx,oscl,ipos, & & ivar,halo,& & wlim,wval ) ! ! NPOS no. edges over grid. ! DELX grid-cell spacing array. SIZE(DELX) == +1 if ! the grid is uniformly spaced . ! OSCL cell-centred oscillation-detectors, where OSCL ! has SIZE = +2-by-NVAR-by-NPOS-1. OSCL is given ! by calls to OSCLI(). ! IPOS grid-cell index for which to calc. weights . ! IVAR state-var index for which to calc/ weights . ! HALO width of recon. stencil, symmetric about IPOS . ! WLIM limiter treatment at endpoints, monotonic or ! otherwise . ! WVAL WENO weights vector, such that FHAT = WVAL(1) * ! UHAT + WVAL(2) * LHAT, where UHAT and LHAT are ! the unlimited and monotonic grid-cell profiles ! respectively . ! implicit none !------------------------------------------- arguments ! integer, intent(in) :: npos,halo integer, intent(in) :: ipos,ivar integer, intent(in) :: wlim real*8 , intent(in) :: delx(:) real*8 , intent(in) :: oscl(:,:,:) real*8 , intent(out) :: wval(2) !------------------------------------------- variables ! real*8 :: omin,omax,wsum real*8 , parameter :: ZERO = +1.d-16 if (size(delx).gt.+1) then !------------------- use variable grid spacing variant ! call wenov(npos,delx,oscl, & & ipos,ivar,halo, & & wlim,omin,omax) else !------------------- use constant grid spacing variant ! call wenoc(npos,delx,oscl, & & ipos,ivar,halo, & & wlim,omin,omax) end if !------------------ compute WENO-style profile weights ! omax = omax + ZERO omin = omin + ZERO if (halo .ge. +3) then wval(1) = +1.0d+7 / omax ** 3 wval(2) = +1.0d+0 / omin ** 3 else & & if (halo .le. +2) then wval(1) = +1.0d+5 / omax ** 3 wval(2) = +1.0d+0 / omin ** 3 end if wsum = wval(1) + wval(2) + ZERO wval(1) = wval(1) / wsum ! wval(2) = wval(2) / wsum wval(2) =-wval(1) + 1.d0 ! wval(2)/wsum but robust ! return end subroutine pure subroutine wenov (npos,delx,oscl,ipos, & & ivar,halo,& & wlim,omin,omax) ! ! *this is the variable grid-spacing variant . ! ! NPOS no. edges over grid. ! DELX grid-cell spacing array. SIZE(DELX) == +1 if ! the grid is uniformly spaced . ! OSCL cell-centred oscillation-detectors, where OSCL ! has SIZE = +2-by-NVAR-by-NPOS-1. OSCL is given ! by calls to OSCLI(). ! IPOS grid-cell index for which to calc. weights . ! IVAR state-var index for which to calc/ weights . ! HALO width of recon. stencil, symmetric about IPOS . ! WLIM limiter treatment at endpoints, monotonic or ! otherwise . ! OMIN min. and max. oscillation indicators over the ! OMAX local re-con. stencil . ! implicit none !------------------------------------------- arguments ! integer, intent(in) :: npos,halo integer, intent(in) :: ipos,ivar integer, intent(in) :: wlim real*8 , intent(in) :: delx(:) real*8 , intent(in) :: oscl(:,:,:) real*8 , intent(out) :: omin,omax !------------------------------------------- variables ! integer :: hpos integer :: head,tail integer :: imin,imax real*8 :: deli,delh real*8 :: hh00,hsqr real*8 :: dfx1,dfx2 real*8 :: oval !------------------- calc. lower//upper stencil bounds ! head = 1; tail = npos - 1 if(wlim.eq.mono_limit) then !---------------------- deactivate WENO at boundaries ! if (ipos-halo.lt.head) then omax = 1.d0 omin = 0.d0 ; return end if if (ipos+halo.gt.tail) then omax = 1.d0 omin = 0.d0 ; return end if end if !---------------------- truncate stencil at boundaries ! imin = max(ipos-halo,head) imax = min(ipos+halo,tail) !------------------ find min/max indicators on stencil ! dfx1 = oscl(1,ivar,ipos) dfx2 = oscl(2,ivar,ipos) hh00 = delx(ipos+0)**1 hsqr = delx(ipos+0)**2 oval =(hh00 * dfx1)**2 & & +(hsqr * dfx2)**2 omin = oval omax = oval !---------------------------------------- "lower" part ! delh = 0.d0 do hpos = ipos-1, imin, -1 !------------------ calc. derivatives centred on IPOS. ! deli = delx(hpos+0) & & + delx(hpos+1) delh = delh + deli*.5d0 dfx1 = oscl(1,ivar,hpos) dfx2 = oscl(2,ivar,hpos) dfx1 = dfx1 + dfx2*delh !------------------ indicator: NORM(H^N * D^N/DX^N(F)) ! oval = (hh00 * dfx1)**2 & & + (hsqr * dfx2)**2 if (oval .lt. omin) then omin = oval else & & if (oval .gt. omax) then omax = oval end if end do !---------------------------------------- "upper" part ! delh = 0.d0 do hpos = ipos+1, imax, +1 !------------------ calc. derivatives centred on IPOS. ! deli = delx(hpos+0) & & + delx(hpos-1) delh = delh - deli*.5d0 dfx1 = oscl(1,ivar,hpos) dfx2 = oscl(2,ivar,hpos) dfx1 = dfx1 + dfx2*delh !------------------ indicator: NORM(H^N * D^N/DX^N(F)) ! oval = (hh00 * dfx1)**2 & & + (hsqr * dfx2)**2 if (oval .lt. omin) then omin = oval else & & if (oval .gt. omax) then omax = oval end if end do return end subroutine pure subroutine wenoc (npos,delx,oscl,ipos, & & ivar,halo,& & wlim,omin,omax) ! ! *this is the constant grid-spacing variant . ! ! NPOS no. edges over grid. ! DELX grid-cell spacing array. SIZE(DELX) == +1 if ! the grid is uniformly spaced . ! OSCL cell-centred oscillation-detectors, where OSCL ! has SIZE = +2-by-NVAR-by-NPOS-1. OSCL is given ! by calls to OSCLI(). ! IPOS grid-cell index for which to calc. weights . ! IVAR state-var index for which to calc/ weights . ! HALO width of recon. stencil, symmetric about IPOS . ! WLIM limiter treatment at endpoints, monotonic or ! otherwise . ! OMIN min. and max. oscillation indicators over the ! OMAX local re-con. stencil . ! implicit none !------------------------------------------- arguments ! integer, intent(in) :: npos,halo integer, intent(in) :: ipos,ivar integer, intent(in) :: wlim real*8 , intent(in) :: delx(1) real*8 , intent(in) :: oscl(:,:,:) real*8 , intent(out) :: omin,omax !------------------------------------------- variables ! integer :: hpos integer :: head,tail integer :: imin,imax real*8 :: delh real*8 :: dfx1,dfx2 real*8 :: oval !------------------- calc. lower//upper stencil bounds ! head = 1; tail = npos - 1 if(wlim.eq.mono_limit) then !---------------------- deactivate WENO at boundaries ! if (ipos-halo.lt.head) then omax = 1.d0 omin = 0.d0 ; return end if if (ipos+halo.gt.tail) then omax = 1.d0 omin = 0.d0 ; return end if end if !---------------------- truncate stencil at boundaries ! imin = max(ipos-halo,head) imax = min(ipos+halo,tail) !------------------ find min/max indicators on stencil ! dfx1 = oscl(1,ivar,ipos) dfx2 = oscl(2,ivar,ipos) oval = (2.d0**1*dfx1)**2 & & + (2.d0**2*dfx2)**2 omin = oval omax = oval !---------------------------------------- "lower" part ! delh = 0.d0 do hpos = ipos-1, imin, -1 !------------------ calc. derivatives centred on IPOS. ! delh = delh + 2.d0 dfx1 = oscl(1,ivar,hpos) dfx2 = oscl(2,ivar,hpos) dfx1 = dfx1 + dfx2*delh !------------------ indicator: NORM(H^N * D^N/DX^N(F)) ! oval = (2.d0**1*dfx1)**2 & & + (2.d0**2*dfx2)**2 if (oval .lt. omin) then omin = oval else & & if (oval .gt. omax) then omax = oval end if end do !---------------------------------------- "upper" part ! delh = 0.d0 do hpos = ipos+1, imax, +1 !------------------ calc. derivatives centred on IPOS. ! delh = delh - 2.d0 dfx1 = oscl(1,ivar,hpos) dfx2 = oscl(2,ivar,hpos) dfx1 = dfx1 + dfx2*delh !------------------ indicator: NORM(H^N * D^N/DX^N(F)) ! oval = (2.d0**1*dfx1)**2 & & + (2.d0**2*dfx2)**2 if (oval .lt. omin) then omin = oval else & & if (oval .gt. omax) then omax = oval end if end do return end subroutine