pro ts_mean_ICE, sEXP1, sEXP2, year1, year2, s_iodir_data, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs @common @initorca2 std_iodir_climato = '/Users/sflod/idl_PLOTS/CLIMATOLOGIES/' std_iodir_interan = '/Users/sflod/idl_PLOTS/INTERAN/' if KEYWORD_SET(POSTSCRIPT) then begin openps, sEXP1+'', portrait = 1 endif ;NORTHERN Hemisphere ts_ICE_N = 0. ts_ICE_N_2 = 0. ;SOUTHERN Hemisphere ts_ICE_S = 0. ts_ICE_S_2 = 0. ts_Time = 0. for year=year1,year2 do begin date1 = year * 10000L + 101 date2 = year * 10000L + 1231 filename = getname(s_iodir_data,sEXP1,'1M','icemod',date1) filename2 = getname(s_iodir_data,sEXP2,'1M','icemod',date1) if filename eq '' then stop domdef, 0, jpi-1, 30, 90, /xindex ; computation of annual mean ICE_N = read_ncdf('sic',date1 ,date2 , filename = filename, /nostruct, dir = 't') ICE_N_2 = read_ncdf('sic',date1 ,date2 , filename = filename2, /nostruct, dir = 't') ts_ICE_N = [ ts_ICE_N, moyenne(ICE_N, 'xy', /integration) ] ts_ICE_N_2 = [ ts_ICE_N_2, moyenne(ICE_N_2, 'xy', /integration) ] domdef, 0, jpi-1, -30, -90, /xindex ICE_S = read_ncdf('sic',date1 ,date2 , filename = filename, /nostruct, dir = 't') ICE_S_2 = read_ncdf('sic',date1 ,date2 , filename = filename2, /nostruct, dir = 't') ts_ICE_S = [ ts_ICE_S, moyenne(ICE_S, 'xy', /integration) ] ts_ICE_S_2 = [ ts_ICE_S_2, moyenne(ICE_s_2, 'xy', /integration) ] ts_Time = [ ts_Time, Time] ; Time = date endfor ; surf_oce = e1t[firstxt:lastxt,firstyt:lastyt] * e2t[firstxt:lastxt,firstyt:lastyt] * tmask[firstxt:lastxt,firstyt:lastyt,0] ; surf_oce = total(surf_oce) ts_ICE_N = ts_ICE_N[1:*] ; remove first record of 0 ts_ICE_N_2 = ts_ICE_N_2[1:*] ; remove first record of 0 ts_ICE_N = ts_ICE_N * 1.E-12 ; remove first record of 0 ts_ICE_N_2 = ts_ICE_N_2 * 1.E-12 ; remove first record of 0 ts_ICE_S = ts_ICE_S[1:*] ; remove first record of 0 ts_ICE_S_2 = ts_ICE_S_2[1:*] ; remove first record of 0 ts_ICE_S = ts_ICE_S * 1.E-12 ; remove first record of 0 ts_ICE_S_2 = ts_ICE_S_2 * 1.E-12 ; remove first record of 0 Time = ts_Time[1:*] ; remove first record of 0 jpt = n_elements(Time) title = sEXP1+' Global Annual Mean Ice Area (North. Hemisp.) --- year '+strtrim(year1,1)+' - '+strtrim(year2,1) pltt, ts_ICE_N, 't', 0., 15., year1 * 10000L + 101, year2 * 10000L + 1231, /REMPLI $ , small = [1,2,1], YTITLE='10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, FORMAT = '(I3)', /PORTRAIT, _extra = ex title = sEXP1+' Global Annual Mean Ice Area (South. Hemisp.) --- year '+strtrim(year1,1)+' - '+strtrim(year2,1) pltt, ts_ICE_S, 't', 0., 15., year1 * 10000L + 101, year2 * 10000L + 1231, /REMPLI, /NOERASE $ , small = [1,2,2], YTITLE='10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, FORMAT = '(I3)', /PORTRAIT, _extra = ex if sEXP2 ne sEXP1 then begin title = sEXP1+' - '+sEXP2+' Global Annual Mean Ice Area (North. Hemisp.) --- year '+strtrim(year1,1)+' - '+strtrim(year2,1) pltt, ts_ICE_N - ts_ICE_N_2 , 't', -2., 2., year1 * 10000L + 101, year2 * 10000L + 1231, /REMPLI $ , COLOR = 250, small = [1,2,1], YTITLE='10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, FORMAT = '(I3)', /PORTRAIT, _extra = ex title = sEXP1+' - '+sEXP2+' Global Annual Mean Ice Area (South. Hemisp.) --- year '+strtrim(year1,1)+' - '+strtrim(year2,1) pltt, ts_ICE_S - ts_ICE_S_2, 't', -2., 2., year1 * 10000L + 101, year2 * 10000L + 1231, /REMPLI, /NOERASE $ , COLOR = 250, small = [1,2,2], YTITLE='10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, FORMAT = '(I3)', /PORTRAIT, _extra = ex endif if KEYWORD_SET(POSTSCRIPT) then begin closeps endif return end