pro xxx_T_z105, T1, T2, TLev, sEXP1, sEXP2, start_end, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex @common compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs if KEYWORD_SET(POSTSCRIPT) then begin openps, '010_T_z105_'+sEXP1+'-'+sEXP2+'_y'+start_end+'.ps', portrait = 1 endif ; varunit = T1.unit ; title = sEXP1+' T (°C) depth=105m / Temp year '+start_end plt, T1.arr, MIN = -2., MAX = 32., INTER = 1., STYLE = 'so0so' $ , small = [1,2,1], COAST_THICK = 2, TITLE = title, FORMAT = '(I2)', boxzoom = [105., 106.], /NOERASE, _extra = ex ; if sEXP1 ne sEXP2 then begin title = sEXP1+' - '+sEXP2+' T (°C) depth=105m / Temp year '+start_end plt, T1.arr-T2.arr, MIN = -2., MAX = 2., INTER = .2 $ , small = [1,2,2], COAST_THICK = 2, TITLE = title, _extra=ex endif else begin title = sEXP1+' - Levitus T (°C) depth=105m / Temp year '+start_end plt, T1.arr-TLev.arr, MIN = -4., MAX = 4., INTER = .5, STYLE = 'so0so' $ , small = [1,2,2], COAST_THICK = 2, TITLE = title, boxzoom = [105., 106.], /PORTRAIT, _extra = ex endelse title = 'Temperature differences at z=105 m with Levitus and '+sEXP1+'-'+sEXP2 text = [ title, ' ' ] putfile, '/tmp/prova.txt', text ; if KEYWORD_SET(POSTSCRIPT) then begin closeps endif return end