************************************************************************ Bug or issue Reported Fixed ---------------------------------------------------- -------- -------- Outstanding: Need parallel implementation of SCRIP 07/01/00 Latitude bins not very robust for sparse grids 10/27/98 Deal with extrapolation for bilinear, bicubic 12/02/98 Remove cyclic bndy assumptions from bilin, bicubic 12/02/98 Problem with coordinate transform when both grids contain pole point as cell edge (note that in such a case, turning off the coordinate transform by setting thresholds >pi, <-pi may fix this) 12/03/98 Bug in test configuration when SH transformation on 12/03/98 Fixed in release 1.4: Conversion from polar projection back to lat/lon space extremely sensitive near pole 07/01/01 08/20/01 Bilinear/cubic fails when cells overlap longitude cut 08/13/01 08/20/01 Bilinear/cubic iteration converges to bad solution for skewed cells 08/21/01 08/21/01 Nearest-neighbor backup to bilinear/cubic fails 08/13/01 08/20/01 Added feature to use input areas for normalization 06/20/00 07/01/00 Added error checks on weights for conservative maps 06/20/00 07/01/00 Fixed in release 1.3: Added new binning options to restrict searches ...do not know... Optimized code for resizing arrays ................. Fixed in release 1.2: Changed namelist input for map type to character 05/31/99 06/04/99 Added new output option for CSM coupler 05/31/99 06/04/99 Added additional normalization options for conserv 05/31/99 06/04/99 Improper handling of grid pairs which share corners 01/29/99 02/04/99 Uninitialized variables and subscripts out of range 01/22/99 01/25/99 Fixed in release 1.1: Conservative remap assumed num_maps = 2 12/16/98 12/17/98 Change units of grid quantities back to input units 12/04/98 12/17/98 Add option for unnormalized conservative weights 12/04/98 12/17/98 Update user's guide for recent changes 12/02/98 12/17/98 Add different test fields 11/18/98 12/02/98 Add support for multiple remap test 11/18/98 12/02/98 Add bicubic module 11/18/98 12/17/98 Fixed in release 1.02: Problems setting up latitude bins for polar cells 10/22/98 10/27/98 Input latitudes out of range (due to machine pi/2) 10/27/98 10/27/98 Bad coordinate transformation in south pole 10/22/98 11/02/98 ************************************************************************