!----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsbc_cpl ! coupled ocean/atmosphere model ("key_coupled") !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! send cn_snd_temperature= 'weighted oce and ice' ! 'oce only' 'weighted oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' cn_snd_albedo = 'weighted ice' ! 'none' 'weighted ice' 'mixed oce-ice' cn_snd_thickness = 'none' ! 'none' 'weighted ice and snow' cn_snd_crt_nature = 'none' ! 'none' 'oce only' 'weighted oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' cn_snd_crt_refere = 'spherical' ! 'spherical' 'cartesian' cn_snd_crt_orient = 'eastward-northward' ! 'eastward-northward' or 'local grid' cn_snd_crt_grid = 'T' ! 'T' ! receive cn_rcv_w10m = 'coupled' ! 'none' 'coupled' cn_rcv_tau_nature = 'oce only' ! 'oce only' 'oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' cn_rcv_tau_refere = 'cartesian' ! 'spherical' 'cartesian' cn_rcv_tau_orient = 'eastward-northward' ! 'eastward-northward' or 'local grid' cn_rcv_tau_grid = 'U,V' ! 'T' 'U,V' 'U,V,F' 'U,V,I' 'T,F' 'T,I' 'T,U,V' cn_rcv_dqnsdt = 'coupled' ! 'none' 'coupled' cn_rcv_qsr = 'oce and ice' ! 'conservative' 'oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' cn_rcv_qns = 'oce and ice' ! 'conservative' 'oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' cn_rcv_emp = 'conservative' ! 'conservative' 'oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' cn_rcv_rnf = 'coupled' ! 'coupled' 'climato' 'mixed' cn_rcv_cal = 'coupled' ! 'none' 'coupled' /