pro std_plots, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, ystart, _extra=ex ; scripts for nemo v3_3 PRINT, 'usage: postscript ' PRINT, '========================================================================' PRINT, 'std_plots, ''std_EXP1'', ''std_EXP2'', ystart, /postscript' PRINT, '========================================================================' PRINT, 'std_plots, ''core2000'', ''core2000'', 1991, /postscript' PRINT, '========================================================================' compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs PRINT, '' PRINT, ' ############################################' PRINT, '' PRINT, ' LAUNCH of std_plots' PRINT, '' PRINT, ' ############################################' PRINT, '' @common @initorca2 @std_com year_start = ystart * 10000L + 101L ; year of start (corresponding to filename) year_end = (ystart + 9L) * 10000L + 1231L ; year of end (corresponding to filename) start_end = string(year_start,format= '(I08)')+'_'+string(year_end,format ='(I08)') ; variable string for filename ; std_iodir_data = '/Users/sflod/idl_PLOTS/DATA_STORE/RUN_INTERAN/brodie/' ; path of data in NetCdf format std_iodir_data = '/Users/sflod/idl_PLOTS/DATA_STORE/RUN_CLIMATO/brodie/' ; path of data in NetCdf format std_iodir_climato = '/Users/sflod/idl_PLOTS/CLIMATOLOGIES/' ; path of climatological data std_iodir_mask = '/Users/sflod/idl_PLOTS/MASK/' ; path of mask files (ex: subbasins) ;;;;; ==================================================== WARNING ================================================================= ;;;;;;;;;; d1 = (ystart + 9L) * 10000L + 101L ; date to select last record of file with 10 years of record d2 = year_end ; date to select last record of file with 10 years of record id1 = (ystart + 9L) * 10000L + 1201L ; date to select starting date for (monthly) ice output id2 = d2 ; date to select last record for (monthly) ice output id_mars_1 = (ystart + 9L) * 10000L + 301L ; date to select mars ice output id_mars_2 = (ystart + 9L) * 10000L + 331L ; date to select mars ice output id_sept_1 = (ystart + 9L) * 10000L + 901L ; date to select september ice output id_sept_2 = (ystart + 9L) * 10000L + 930L ; date to select september ice output ; ; Levitus 98 std_file_Levitus_T = '' std_file_Levitus_S = '' ; Output run experience1 std_file1_T = std_EXP1+'_'+start_end+'' ; grid T input file std_file1_U = std_EXP1+'_'+start_end+'' ; grid U input file std_file1_V = std_EXP1+'_'+start_end+'' ; grid V input file ; std_file1_W = std_EXP1+'_'+start_end+'' ; grid W input file std_file1_I = std_EXP1+'_'+start_end+'' ; ice input file ; Output run experience2 std_file2_T = std_EXP2+'_'+start_end+'' ; grid T input file std_file2_U = std_EXP2+'_'+start_end+'' ; grid U input file std_file2_V = std_EXP2+'_'+start_end+'' ; grid V input file ; std_file2_W = std_EXP2+'_'+start_end+'' ; grid W std_file2_I = std_EXP2+'_'+start_end+'' ; ice input file PRINT, '' PRINT, ' std_EXP1 : ', std_EXP1 PRINT, ' std_EXP2 : ', std_EXP2 PRINT, ' std_iodir_data : ', std_iodir_data PRINT, ' std_file1T : ', std_file1_T PRINT, ' std_file1U : ', std_file1_U PRINT, ' std_file1V : ', std_file1_V ; PRINT, ' std_file1W : ', std_file1_W PRINT, ' std_file2I : ', std_file1_I PRINT, ' std_file2T : ', std_file2_T PRINT, ' std_file2U : ', std_file2_U PRINT, ' std_file2V : ', std_file2_V ; PRINT, ' std_file2W : ', std_file2_W PRINT, ' std_file2I : ', std_file2_I PRINT, '' ;######################################################################### ; reading variables ;;; 3D ;;; ; temperature T1 = read_ncdf('thetao', d1, d2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file1_T ) T2 = read_ncdf('thetao', d1, d2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file2_T ) TLev = read_ncdf('votemper', filename = std_iodir_climato+std_file_Levitus_T ) TRey = read_ncdf('sst' , filename = std_iodir_climato+'' ) help,T1,T2,TLev,TRey ; salinity S1 = read_ncdf('so', d1, d2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file1_T ) S2 = read_ncdf('so', d1, d2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file2_T ) SLev = read_ncdf('vosaline', filename = std_iodir_climato+std_file_Levitus_S ) ; Net Downward heat flux Q1 = read_ncdf('qt', d1, d2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file1_T ) Q2 = read_ncdf('qt', d1, d2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file2_T ) geo = read_ncdf('heatflow', filename= std_iodir_climato+'' ) geo = geo.arr*1.e-3 ; convert into W/m2 ;climatology QNET = read_ncdf('qnet', filename = std_iodir_climato+'' ) ; erp (evaporation damping) ERP1 = read_ncdf('wfcorr', d1, d2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file1_T ) ERP2 = read_ncdf('wfcorr', d1, d2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file2_T ) ERP1 = ERP1.arr * 86400 ERP2 = ERP2.arr * 86400 ; emp (evaporation minus precipitation) EMP1 = read_ncdf('wfo', d1, d2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file1_T ) EMP2 = read_ncdf('wfo', d1, d2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file2_T ) EMP1 = EMP1.arr * 86400 EMP2 = EMP2.arr * 86400 ;mixed layer depth MXL1 = read_ncdf('mldr10_1', d1, d2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file1_T ) ; 10 m MXL2 = read_ncdf('mldr10_1', d1, d2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file2_T ) ; 10 m ;climatology MLD = read_ncdf('mld', filename = std_iodir_climato+'' ) ; velocities U1 = read_ncdf('uocetr_eff', d1, d2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file1_U ) U2 = read_ncdf('uocetr_eff', d1, d2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file2_U ) e23 = e3u_3d(/e2) e23 = e23[*]#replicate(1., jpt) U1.arr = U1.arr /e23 U2.arr = U2.arr /temporary(e23) U1.unit = 'm/s' U2.unit = 'm/s' ; V1 = read_ncdf('vocetr_eff', d1, d2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file1_V ) V2 = read_ncdf('vocetr_eff', d1, d2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file2_V ) e13 = e3u_3d(/e1) e13 = e13[*]#replicate(1., jpt) V1.arr = V1.arr /e13 V2.arr = V2.arr /temporary(e13) V1.unit = 'm/s' V2.unit = 'm/s' ; Take into account the Gent & McWilliams "Eddy Induced velocity" ; Veiv1 = read_ncdf('vomeeivv', filename = std_iodir_data+std_file2_V ) ; Veiv2 = read_ncdf('vomeeivv', filename = std_iodir_data+std_file2_V ) ; ice Ithi_mars_1 = read_ncdf('sit', id_mars_1, id_mars_2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file1_I ) Ithi_mars_2 = read_ncdf('sit', id_mars_1, id_mars_2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file2_I ) Ithi_sept_1 = read_ncdf('sit', id_sept_1, id_sept_2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file1_I ) Ithi_sept_2 = read_ncdf('sit', id_sept_1, id_sept_2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file2_I ) Ifra_mars_1 = read_ncdf('sic', id_mars_1, id_mars_2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file1_I ) Ifra_mars_2 = read_ncdf('sic', id_mars_1, id_mars_2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file2_I ) Ifra_sept_1 = read_ncdf('sic', id_sept_1, id_sept_2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file1_I ) Ifra_sept_2 = read_ncdf('sic', id_sept_1, id_sept_2, filename = std_iodir_data+std_file2_I ) ;######################################################################### ;######################################################################### ;###################### STANDARD PLOTS ################################ ;######################################################################### ; fixed color tabled lct,64 PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' Experience treated:', std_EXP1 PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' ' ;;;;;;;; ErP & Emp salinity damping term ;;;;;;;; ============================================= PRINT, '============================================= ' PRINT, ' PLOTS 2D ' PRINT, '============================================= ' PRINT, ' ErP salinity damping term' PRINT, '1' xxx_Erp, ERP1, ERP2, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex PRINT, '2' xxx_Emp, EMP1, EMP2, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex ;;;;; Net heat flux ;;;;; ============= PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' Net heat flux' PRINT, '3 ' xxx_Qnet, Q1, Q2, QNET, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex ;;; Meridionnal Heat Transport ;;; =========================== PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' Meridionnal Heat Transport' PRINT, '4 ' fig_ht_fromQ, Q1.arr+geo, Q2.arr+geo, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, MASK_FILENAME = std_iodir_mask+'', _extra = ex ;;; Global Barotropic Function ;;; =========================== PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' Global Barotropic Function ' PRINT, '5 ' plt_bsf, U1, U2, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra=ex ;; mean Temperature diff with New Reynolds ;; ======================================= PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' mean Temperature diff with New Reynolds' PRINT, '6 ' xxx_SST, T1[*,*,0], T2[*,*,0], TRey, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra=ex ;;;; mean Salinity diff with Levitus ;;;; =============================== PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' mean Salinity diff with Levitus' PRINT, '7 ' xxx_SSS, S1[*,*,0], S2[*,*,0], SLev[*,*,0], std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra=ex ;;;;;;; Arctic mean Salinity diff with Levitus at z=105 meters ;;;;;;; ====================================================== PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' Arctic mean Salinity diff with Levitus at z=105 meters' PRINT, '8 exp1-levitus' xxx_EXP1_S_ARC, S1, SLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex PRINT, '9 exp2-levitus' xxx_EXP2_S_ARC, S1, S2, SLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex PRINT, '10 exp1-levitus at 105 meters' xxx_EXP1_S_ARC_z105, S1, SLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex PRINT, '11 exp2-levitus at 105 meters' xxx_EXP2_S_ARC_z105, S1, S2, SLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex ;;;;;;;; mean Temperature diff with Levitus at z=105 meters ;;;;;;;; ================================================== PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' mean Temperature diff with Levitus at z=105 meters' PRINT, '12' xxx_T_z105, T1, T2, TRey, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra=ex ;;;;;;;; mean Salinity diff with Levitus at z=105 meters ;;;;;;;; ================================================== PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' mean Salinity diff with Levitus at z=105 meters' PRINT, '13' xxx_S_z105, S1, S2, SLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra=ex PRINT, '============================================= ' PRINT, ' PLOTS 3D ' PRINT, '============================================= ' PRINT, ' Mixed layer depth' PRINT, '14 ' xxx_mxl10, MXL1, MXL2, MLD, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex PRINT, '15' xxx_ZonMxl, MXL1, MXL2, MLD, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex ;;;;;;;;; Zonal mean Temperature diff with Levitus ;;;;;;;;; ======================================== PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' Zonal mean Temperature diff with Levitus' PRINT, '16 ' xxx_zonal_T, T1, T2, TLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, MASK_FILENAME = std_iodir_mask+'', _extra = ex PRINT, '16 ' xxx_zonal_T, T1, T2, TLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, SUBBASIN = 'Atl', MASK_FILENAME = std_iodir_mask+'', _extra = ex PRINT, '16 ' xxx_zonal_T, T1, T2, TLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, SUBBASIN = 'Ind', MASK_FILENAME = std_iodir_mask+'', _extra = ex PRINT, '16 ' xxx_zonal_T, T1, T2, TLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, SUBBASIN = 'Pac', MASK_FILENAME = std_iodir_mask+'', _extra = ex ;;;;;;;;;; Zonal mean Salinity diff with Levitus ;;;;;;;;;; ======================================== PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' Zonal mean Salinity diff with Levitus' PRINT, '17 ' xxx_zonal_S, S1, S2, SLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, MASK_FILENAME = std_iodir_mask+'', _extra = ex PRINT, '17 ' xxx_zonal_S, S1, S2, SLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, SUBBASIN = 'Atl', MASK_FILENAME = std_iodir_mask+'', _extra = ex PRINT, '17 ' xxx_zonal_S, S1, S2, SLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, SUBBASIN = 'Ind', MASK_FILENAME = std_iodir_mask+'', _extra = ex PRINT, '17 ' xxx_zonal_S, S1, S2, SLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, SUBBASIN = 'Pac', MASK_FILENAME = std_iodir_mask+'', _extra = ex ;;;;;;; Seasonal & Annual mean Arctic/Antarctic Ice Thickness & Ice Concentration ;;;;;; ========================================================================== PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' Arctic/Antarctic Ice Thickness' PRINT, ' 18' xxx_ARC_Icethick_MARS, Ithi_mars_1, Ithi_mars_2, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex PRINT, ' 19' xxx_ARC_Icethick_SEPT, Ithi_sept_1, Ithi_sept_2, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex PRINT, ' 20' xxx_ANT_Icethick_MARS, Ithi_mars_1, Ithi_mars_2, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex PRINT, ' 21' xxx_ANT_Icethick_SEPT, Ithi_sept_1, Ithi_sept_2, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex PRINT, ' Arctic/Antarctic Ice Concentration (area of sea-ice per grid cell area' PRINT, ' 22' xxx_Iceleadfrac_MARS, Ifra_mars_1, Ifra_mars_2, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex PRINT, ' 23' xxx_Iceleadfrac_SEPT, Ifra_sept_1, Ifra_sept_2, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex ;;; Global and Atlantic Meridional Function ;;; ======================================= PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' Global and Atlantic Meridional Function' PRINT, ' 24 ' plt_msf, V1, V2, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, SUBBASIN = 'Glo', MASK_FILENAME = std_iodir_mask+'', _extra = ex PRINT, ' 24 ' plt_msf, V1, V2, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, SUBBASIN = 'Atl', MASK_FILENAME = std_iodir_mask+'', _extra = ex PRINT, ' 24 ' plt_msf, V1, V2, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, SUBBASIN = 'Ind', MASK_FILENAME = std_iodir_mask+'', _extra = ex PRINT, ' 24 ' plt_msf, V1, V2, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, SUBBASIN = 'Pac', MASK_FILENAME = std_iodir_mask+'', _extra = ex PRINT, '============================================= ' PRINT, ' Local PLOTS ' PRINT, '============================================= ' ;;;;;;;;; Equatorial Temperature ;;;;;;;;; ====================== PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' Equatorial Temperature' PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' 25 ' xxx_Eq_T, T1, T2, Tlev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex ;;;;;;;; Equatorial Salinity ;;;;;;;; =================== PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' Equatorial Salinity' PRINT, ' 26 ' xxx_Eq_S, S1, S2, SLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex ;;; Equatorial zonal velocity ;;; ========================= PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' Equatorial zonal velocity' PRINT, ' 27 ' xxx_Eq_U, U1, U2, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex ;;;;;;;;;;;; Mediterranean salt tongue ;;;;;;;;;;;; =============================================== PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' Mediterranean salt tongue at depth=700 and lat 40°N' PRINT, ' 28 ' xxx_Med_S_tongue, S1, S2, SLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, DEPTH = 700, LAT = 40, _extra = ex ; PRINT, ' Mediterranean salt tongue at depth=1000 and lat 38°N' PRINT, ' 28 ' xxx_Med_S_tongue, S1, S2, SLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, DEPTH = 1000, LAT = 38, _extra = ex ;;;;;;;;; Mediterranean ;;;;;;;;; =============================================== PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' Mediterranean water at 38°N' PRINT, ' 29 ' xxx_Med_S_depth, S1, S2, SLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, DEPTH = 1000, LAT = 38, _extra = ex PRINT, ' Mediterranean water at 38°N' PRINT, ' 29 ' xxx_Med_S_depth, S1, S2, SLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, DEPTH = 700, LAT = 40, _extra = ex ; ;;;;;;;;;;; Vertical Global mean T & S ;;;;;;;;;;; =========================== PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' Vertical Global mean T & S' PRINT, ' 30 ' xxx_TS_ZGlobm, T1, T2, TLev, S1, S2, SLev, std_EXP1, std_EXP2, start_end, _extra = ex return END