pro fig_ht_fromQ, Q1, Q2, sEXP1, sEXP2, start_end, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, MASK_FILENAME = mask_filename, _extra = ex compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs @common tmask_save = tmask ; suppress 1/2 north ligne dans TMASK tmask[jpi/2:jpi-1,jpj-1,0] = 0b ; 0 byte masknp = read_ncdf('tmaskutil', file = '', /nostruct) Qave1 = moyenne(Q1,'xy', mask2d = masknp) Qave2 = moyenne(Q2,'xy', mask2d = masknp) Qnet1 = Q1 - Qave1 Qnet2 = Q2 - Qave2 index=where(gphit eq max(gphit)) nx=index[0] mod jpi gphi_save=gphit gphit[0,*]=gphit[nx,*] ; msk = read_ncdf( 'atlmsk_nomed', filename = mask_filename, _extra = ex) ; from 2D array to 3D array msk = msk.arr[*]#replicate(1., nzt) ; x average (zonal mean) ; *1.E-15 to have PetaWatt Q1x = moyenne(Qnet1*e2t,'x', mask2d = masknp,/integration)*1.E-15 Q2x = moyenne(Qnet2*e2t,'x', mask2d = masknp,/integration)*1.E-15 Q1x_atl = moyenne(Qnet1*e2t*msk,'x', mask2d = masknp,/integration)*1.E-15 Q2x_atl = moyenne(Qnet2*e2t*msk,'x', mask2d = masknp,/integration)*1.E-15 ; northward heat flux transport from antartic htr1 = total(Q1x, /cumulative) htr2 = total(Q2x, /cumulative) htr1_atl = total(reverse(Q1x_atl), /cumulative) htr1_atl = -reverse(htr1_atl) htr2_atl = total(reverse(Q2x_atl), /cumulative) htr2_atl = -reverse(htr2_atl) bad_gphit = where(gphit[0,*] lt -30.) htr1_atl[bad_gphit] = !Values.F_NaN ; we take from values north till 30° South htr2_atl[bad_gphit] = !Values.F_NaN ; we take from values north till 30° South if KEYWORD_SET(POSTSCRIPT) then begin openps, '004_MHT_'+sEXP1+'-'+sEXP2+'_y'+start_end+ '.ps', /landscape endif ; update data informations varname = 'MHT' varunit = 'Pw' vargrid = 'T' ibce1 = STRTRIM(Qave1, 1) ibce2 = STRTRIM(Qave2, 1) title = sEXP1+' MHT (Black) & Atlantic MHT (Blue) / year '+start_end subtitle = sEXP1 + ' (Qnet='+ibce1+' W/m2) - (Qnet='+ibce2+' W/m2)' plt1d, htr1,'y',min = -2., max = 2.5, TITLE=title, SUBTITLE = subtitle $ , SMALL = [2,2,1], YTITLE = 'PW', XGRIDSTYLE = 2, TICKLEN = 1, YGRIDSTYLE = 2 , _extra = ex plt1d, htr1_atl,'y', COLOR = 50, /ov1d, _extra = ex if sEXP1 ne sEXP2 then begin plt1d, htr2,'y', /ov1d, LINESTYLE = 2, _extra = ex plt1d, htr2_atl,'y', /ov1d, LINESTYLE = 2, _extra = ex title = sEXP1+' - '+sEXP2+' MHT (TeraW) differences / year '+start_end plt1d, (htr1-htr2)*1.e3,'y',min = -250., max = 250., TITLE = title $ , SMALL = [2,2,3], TICKLEN = 1, XGRIDSTYLE = 2 $ , YTITLE = 'TW', YGRIDSTYLE = 2, /NOERASE, _extra = ex plt1d, (htr1_atl - htr2_atl)*1.e3,'y', COLOR = 50, /ov1d, _extra = ex endif title = 'Qnet' text = [ title, ' ' ] putfile, '/tmp/prova.txt', text if KEYWORD_SET(POSTSCRIPT) then begin closeps endif tmask=tmask_save gphit=gphi_save return end