pro std_plot_zonal_S, S1, S2, SLev, SUBBASIN = subbasin, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs @common @std_common cdti3 = string(cnt, format = '(i3.3)') print, cdti3 + ') ' + blabla if KEYWORD_SET(SUBBASIN) then subname = subbasin else subname = "Glo" filename = cdti3 + '_ZonalS_'+subname+'_'+std_file1_T if std_file1_T NE std_file2_T then filename = filename + '_'+std_file2_T if KEYWORD_SET(postscript) then openps, filename+'.ps', portrait = 1 ; looking for longitudinal index corresponding to the highest latitude (closest to the North Pole) index = where(gphit eq max(gphit)) nx = index[0] mod jpi gphi_save = gphit gphit[0, *] = gphit[nx, *] if KEYWORD_SET(SUBBASIN) then begin tmasksv = tmask CASE 1 of subbasin eq 'Atl' : var = 'atlmsk_nomed' subbasin eq 'Ind' : var = 'indmsk_nored' subbasin eq 'Pac' : var = 'pacmsk' ENDCASE msk = read_ncdf( var, filename = std_file_msksub, _extra = ex) ; from 2D array to 3D array msk = msk.arr[*]#replicate(1., nzt) tmask[firstxt:lastxt, firstyt:lastyt, firstzt:lastzt] = tmask[firstxt:lastxt, firstyt:lastyt, firstzt:lastzt] * msk endif ; title = 'Salinity, '+subname+'!C'+std_file1_T pltz, S1, MININ = 32., MAXIN = 37., INTER = .2, typein = 'yz', FORMAT = '(f4.1)' $ , small = [1, 2, 1], COAST_THICK = 2, TITLE = title, boxzoom = 5500, ZOOM = 1000, /PORTRAIT, _extra = ex ; if std_file1_T NE std_file2_T then begin title = title+' - '+std_file2_T pltz, S1.arr-S2.arr, MIN = -1., MAX = 1., INTER = .1, typein = 'yz', FORMAT = '(f4.1)', style = 'so0so' $ , small = [1, 2, 2], COAST_THICK = 2, TITLE = title, boxzoom = 5500, ZOOM = 1000, /NOERASE, _extra = ex endif else begin title = title+' - Levitus' pltz, S1.arr-SLev.arr, MININ = -1, MAXIN = 1., INTER = .1, typein = 'yz', FORMAT = '(f4.1)', style = 'so0so' $ , small = [1, 2, 2], COAST_THICK = 2, TITLE = title, boxzoom = 5500, ZOOM = 1000, /NOERASE, _extra = ex endelse ; htmltxt = [ htmltxt, '
'+blabla, '
' ] if KEYWORD_SET(postscript) then closeps ; if KEYWORD_SET(SUBBASIN) then tmask = tmasksv gphit = gphi_save return end