!!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** flx_coupled_ice.h90 *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! flx : define the thermohaline fluxes for the ocean in !! coupled ocean/atmosphere case with sea-ice !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used C A U T I O N already defined in flxmod.F90 !! * Module variables LOGICAL :: lfirstf=.TRUE. INTEGER :: nhoridcf, nidcf INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpi*jpj) :: ndexcf !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! OPA 9.0 , LOCEAN-IPSL (2005) !! $Header$ !! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see modipsl/doc/NEMO_CeCILL.txt !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE flx( kt ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE flx *** !! !! ** Purpose : provide the thermohaline fluxes (heat and freshwater) !! to the ocean at each time step. !! !! ** Method : Read fluxes from a coupled Atmospheric model !! !! References : The OASIS User Guide, Version 2.0, CERFACS/TR 95/46 !! !! History : !! ! (O. Marti) Original code !! 8.5 ! 02-09 (G. Madec) F90: Free form and module !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE ioipsl ! NetCDF IPSL library USE ice_oce USE cpl_oce ! coupled ocean-atmosphere variables USE flx_oce ! sea-ice/ocean forcings variables !! * arguments INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! ocean time step !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: ji, jj, jf INTEGER :: itm1,isize,iflag ! INTEGER :: icpliter INTEGER :: info, inuread, index REAL(wp) :: zfacflx,zfacwat REAL(wp) :: znsolc (jpiglo,jpjglo),zqsrc (jpiglo,jpjglo) REAL(wp) :: zrunoff(jpiglo,jpjglo),zec (jpiglo,jpjglo) REAL(wp) :: zqsrice (jpiglo,jpjglo),zqsrwat (jpiglo,jpjglo) REAL(wp) :: znsolice(jpiglo,jpjglo),znsolwat(jpiglo,jpjglo) REAL(wp) :: znsicedt(jpiglo,jpjglo),zevice (jpiglo,jpjglo) REAL(wp) :: zevwat (jpiglo,jpjglo),zpliq (jpiglo,jpjglo) REAL(wp) :: zpsol (jpiglo,jpjglo),zruncot (jpiglo,jpjglo) REAL(wp) :: zrunriv (jpiglo,jpjglo),zcalving(jpiglo,jpjglo) REAL(wp) :: zevap (jpiglo,jpjglo) REAL(wp) :: zcatm1 (jpiglo,jpjglo) ! cloud fraction CHARACTER (len=80) :: clcplfnam REAL(wp) :: zjulian ! Addition for SIPC CASE CHARACTER (len=3) :: clmodinf ! Header or not ! CHARACTER (len=3) :: cljobnam_r ! Experiment name in the field brick, if any ! INTEGER :: infos(3) ! infos in the field brick, if any !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initialization ! -------------- isize = jpiglo * jpjglo itm1 = ( kt - nit000 + 1 ) - 1 ! initialisation for output IF( lfirstf ) THEN lfirstf = .FALSE. ndexcf(:) = 0 clcplfnam = "cpl_oce_flx" ! Compute julian date from starting date of the run CALL ymds2ju( nyear, nmonth, nday, 0.e0, zjulian ) CALL histbeg(clcplfnam, jpiglo,glamt,jpjglo,gphit,1,jpiglo,1 & ,jpjglo,0,zjulian,rdt,nhoridcf,nidcf) ! no vertical axis DO jf = 1, nflxc2o CALL histdef(nidcf, cpl_readflx(jf),cpl_readflx(jf), & "-",jpi, jpj, nhoridcf, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, "inst", & rdt,rdt) END DO CALL histend(nidcf) ENDIF ! caution, I presume that you have good UNIT system from coupler to OPA ! that is : ! watt/m2 for znsolc and zqsrc ! kg/m2/s for evaporation, precipitation and runoff zfacflx = 1.e0 ! water should be in kg/m2/day zfacwat = 1.e0 ! 86400.0e0 ! Test if we couple at the current timestep ! ----------------------------------------- IF( MOD(kt,nexco) == 1 ) THEN ! Test what kind of message passing we are using IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'FLX: Read fields from CPL, itm1=',itm1 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) CALL FLUSH (numout) IF( cchan == 'PIPE' ) THEN ! pipe mode ! UNIT number for fields inuread = 99 ! exchanges from to atmosphere=CPL to ocean DO jf = 1, nflxc2o ! CALL PIPE_Model_Recv(cpl_readflx(jf), icpliter, numout) OPEN (inuread, FILE=cpl_f_readflx(jf), FORM='UNFORMATTED') IF(jf == 1) CALL locread(cpl_readflx(jf),znsolc ,isize,inuread,iflag,numout) IF(jf == 2) CALL locread(cpl_readflx(jf),zqsrc ,isize,inuread,iflag,numout) IF(jf == 3) CALL locread(cpl_readflx(jf),zec ,isize,inuread,iflag,numout) IF(jf == 4) CALL locread(cpl_readflx(jf),zrunoff,isize,inuread,iflag,numout) CLOSE (inuread) END DO ELSE IF( cchan == 'SIPC' ) THEN ! SIPC mode ! Define IF a header must be encapsulated within the field brick : clmodinf = 'NOT' ! as $MODINFO in namcouple ! reading of input field non solar flux SONSHLDO index = 1 ! CALL SIPC_Read_Model(index, isize, clmodinf, cljobnam_r, infos, znsolc ) ! reading of input field solar heat flux SOSHFLDO index = 2 ! CALL SIPC_Read_Model(index, isize, clmodinf, cljobnam_r, infos, zqsrc ) ! reading of input field water flux SOWAFLDO index = 3 ! CALL SIPC_Read_Model(index, isize, clmodinf, cljobnam_r, infos, zec ) ! reading of input field runoff SORUNOFF index = 4 ! CALL SIPC_Read_Model(index, isize, clmodinf, cljobnam_r, infos, zrunoff) ELSE IF( cchan == 'CLIM' ) THEN ! CLIM mode IF(lwp) WRITE (numout,*) 'Reading flux from coupler ' ! exchanges from atmosphere=CPL to ocean DO jf = 1, nflxc2o IF(jf == 1) CALL CLIM_Import (cpl_readflx(jf),itm1,zqsrice ,info) IF(jf == 2) CALL CLIM_Import (cpl_readflx(jf),itm1,zqsrwat ,info) IF(jf == 3) CALL CLIM_Import (cpl_readflx(jf),itm1,znsolice,info) IF(jf == 4) CALL CLIM_Import (cpl_readflx(jf),itm1,znsolwat,info) IF(jf == 5) CALL CLIM_Import (cpl_readflx(jf),itm1,znsicedt,info) IF(jf == 6) CALL CLIM_Import (cpl_readflx(jf),itm1,zevice ,info) IF(jf == 7) CALL CLIM_Import (cpl_readflx(jf),itm1,zevwat ,info) IF(jf == 8) CALL CLIM_Import (cpl_readflx(jf),itm1,zpliq ,info) IF(jf == 9) CALL CLIM_Import (cpl_readflx(jf),itm1,zpsol ,info) IF(jf == 10) CALL CLIM_Import (cpl_readflx(jf),itm1,zruncot ,info) IF(jf == 11) CALL CLIM_Import (cpl_readflx(jf),itm1,zrunriv ,info) IF(jf == 12) CALL CLIM_Import (cpl_readflx(jf),itm1,zcalving,info) IF( info /= CLIM_Ok ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'Pb in reading ', cpl_readflx(jf), jf IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'Couplage itm1 is = ',itm1 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'CLIM error code is = ', info IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'STOP in Flx' CALL abort('flx.coupled.h') ENDIF END DO ENDIF ! netcdf outputs DO jf = 1, nflxc2o IF(jf == 1) CALL histwrite(nidcf,cpl_readflx(jf), kt, zqsrice ,jpi*jpj,ndexcf) IF(jf == 2) CALL histwrite(nidcf,cpl_readflx(jf), kt, zqsrwat ,jpi*jpj,ndexcf) IF(jf == 3) CALL histwrite(nidcf,cpl_readflx(jf), kt, znsolice,jpi*jpj,ndexcf) IF(jf == 4) CALL histwrite(nidcf,cpl_readflx(jf), kt, znsolwat,jpi*jpj,ndexcf) IF(jf == 5) CALL histwrite(nidcf,cpl_readflx(jf), kt, znsicedt,jpi*jpj,ndexcf) IF(jf == 6) CALL histwrite(nidcf,cpl_readflx(jf), kt, zevice ,jpi*jpj,ndexcf) IF(jf == 7) CALL histwrite(nidcf,cpl_readflx(jf), kt, zevwat ,jpi*jpj,ndexcf) IF(jf == 8) CALL histwrite(nidcf,cpl_readflx(jf), kt, zpliq ,jpi*jpj,ndexcf) IF(jf == 9) CALL histwrite(nidcf,cpl_readflx(jf), kt, zpsol ,jpi*jpj,ndexcf) IF(jf == 10) CALL histwrite(nidcf,cpl_readflx(jf), kt, zruncot ,jpi*jpj,ndexcf) IF(jf == 11) CALL histwrite(nidcf,cpl_readflx(jf), kt, zrunriv ,jpi*jpj,ndexcf) IF(jf == 12) CALL histwrite(nidcf,cpl_readflx(jf), kt, zcalving,jpi*jpj,ndexcf) END DO CALL histsync(nidcf) IF( nitend-kt < nexco ) CALL histclo(nidcf) ! Compute average evaporation DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci zevap( mig(ji), mjg(jj)) = zevwat( mig(ji), mjg(jj)) * ( 1.e0 - freeze(ji,jj) ) & & + zevice( mig(ji), mjg(jj)) * freeze(ji,jj) END DO END DO ! Set sublimation to zero in ice-free boxes DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci IF( freeze(ji,jj) <= 0.0e0 ) zevice(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) = 0.0e0 END DO END DO ! Since cloud cover catm not transmitted from atmosphere, init =0. catm(:, :) =0. DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi zcatm1(ji,jj) = 1.0 - catm (ji,jj) ! fractional cloud cover END DO END DO ! fraction of net shortwave radiation which is not absorbed in the ! thin surface layer and penetrates inside the ice cover ! ( Maykut and Untersteiner, 1971 ; Elbert anbd Curry, 1993 ) !------------------------------------------------------------------ DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci fr1_i0(ji,jj) = 0.18 * zcatm1(ji,jj) + 0.35 * catm(ji,jj) fr2_i0(ji,jj) = 0.82 * zcatm1(ji,jj) + 0.65 * catm(ji,jj) END DO END DO ! copy in the subdomain DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci ! 1: Net short wave heat flux on free ocean (positive downward) qsr_oce(ji,jj) = zqsrwat ( mig(ji), mjg(jj)) * tmask(ji,jj,1) * zfacflx ! 2: Net short wave het flux on sea ice (positive downward) qsr_ice(ji,jj) = zqsrice ( mig(ji), mjg(jj)) * tmask(ji,jj,1) * zfacflx ! 3: Net longwave heat flux on free ocean (positive downward) qnsr_oce(ji,jj)= znsolwat ( mig(ji), mjg(jj)) * tmask(ji,jj,1) * zfacflx ! 4: Net longwave heat flux on sea ice qnsr_ice(ji,jj)= znsolice ( mig(ji), mjg(jj)) * tmask(ji,jj,1) * zfacflx ! 5: Water flux (liquid precipitation - evaporation) (positive upward) tprecip(ji,jj) = ( zpliq ( mig(ji), mjg(jj)) & & + zpsol ( mig(ji), mjg(jj)) & & + zevap ( mig(ji), mjg(jj)) ) * tmask(ji,jj,1) * zfacwat ! 6: Solid precipitation (positive upward) sprecip(ji,jj) = ( zpsol( mig(ji), mjg(jj) ) + zevice( mig(ji),mjg(jj) ) ) & & * tmask(ji,jj,1) * zfacwat ! 7: runoff (positive upward) rrunoff(ji,jj) = ( zruncot ( mig(ji), mjg(jj)) & & + zrunriv ( mig(ji), mjg(jj)) ) * tmask(ji,jj,1) * zfacwat ! 8: Derivative of non solar heat flux on sea ice dqns_ice(ji,jj) = znsicedt ( mig(ji), mjg(jj)) * tmask(ji,jj,1) * zfacflx ! 13: Iceberg calving (positive upward) calving(ji,jj) = zcalving ( mig(ji), mjg(jj)) * tmask(ji,jj,1) * zfacwat ! 1st part of the fraction of sol. rad. which penetrate inside ! the ice cover fr1_i0(ji,jj) = fr1_i0(mig(ji), mjg(jj)) * tmask(ji,jj,1) ! 2nd part of the fraction of sol. rad. which penetrate inside ! the ice cover fr2_i0(ji,jj) = fr2_i0(mig(ji), mjg(jj)) * tmask(ji,jj,1) END DO END DO CALL lbc_lnk( qsr_oce , 'T', 1. ) CALL lbc_lnk( qsr_ice , 'T', 1. ) CALL lbc_lnk( qnsr_oce, 'T', 1. ) CALL lbc_lnk( qnsr_ice, 'T', 1. ) CALL lbc_lnk( tprecip , 'T', 1. ) CALL lbc_lnk( sprecip , 'T', 1. ) CALL lbc_lnk( rrunoff , 'T', 1. ) CALL lbc_lnk( dqns_ice, 'T', 1. ) CALL lbc_lnk( calving , 'T', 1. ) CALL lbc_lnk( fr1_i0 , 'T', 1. ) CALL lbc_lnk( fr2_i0 , 'T', 1. ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE flx