#! /bin/sh #BSUB -a poe #BSUB -J GYRE_BFM # Name of the job. #BSUB -o GYRE_BFM_%J.out # Appends std output to file %J.out. #BSUB -e GYRE_BFM_%J.err # Appends std error to file %J.out. #BSUB -P nemo #BSUB -q poe_short # queue #BSUB -n 4 # Number of CPUs ##BSUB -x ###BSUB -R "span[ptile=32]" set -evx export MP_WAIT_MODE=poll export MP_POLLING_INTERVAL=30000000 export MP_SHARED_MEMORY=yes export MP_EUILIB=us export MP_EUIDEVICE=sn_all export LDR_CNTRL=TEXTPSIZE=64K@STACKPSIZE=64K@DATAPSIZE=64K export MP_TASK_AFFINITY=core EXP="EXP00" workdir="/data/ans033/EXPERIMENTS/GYRE_BFM/${EXP}" execdir=`pwd` if [ ! -d ${workdir} ] ; then mkdir -p ${workdir} fi cd ${workdir} rm -rf * # Copy files to exp folder cp ${execdir}/opa ./opa.x cp ${execdir}/* ./ # Launch the model time mpirun.lsf opa.x echo " ${EXP} DONEEE!!!"