/******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* CONV (converter) for Agrif (Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran) */ /* */ /* Copyright or or Copr. Laurent Debreu (Laurent.Debreu@imag.fr) */ /* Cyril Mazauric (Cyril_Mazauric@yahoo.fr) */ /* This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and */ /* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, */ /* modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C */ /* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL */ /* "http ://www.cecill.info". */ /* */ /* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, */ /* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only */ /* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the */ /* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited */ /* liability. */ /* */ /* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated */ /* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the */ /* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, */ /* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also */ /* therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced */ /* professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore */ /* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their */ /* requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or */ /* data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the */ /* same conditions as regards security. */ /* */ /* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had */ /* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms. */ /******************************************************************************/ /* version 1.7 */ /******************************************************************************/ %{ #define YYMAXDEPTH 1000 #include #include #include #include "decl.h" extern int line_num_fortran; extern int line_num_fortran_common; char *tmp; char c_selectorname[LONG_C]; char ligne[LONG_C]; char truename[LONGNOM]; char identcopy[LONG_C]; int c_selectorgiven=0; int incom; listvar *curlistvar; typedim c_selectordim; listcouple *coupletmp; listdim *parcoursdim; int removeline=0; listvar *test; %} %union { char nac[LONG_C]; char na[LONGNOM]; listdim *d; listvar *l; listnom *ln; listcouple *lc; listname *lnn; typedim dim1; variable *v; } %left ',' %nonassoc ':' %right '=' %left TOK_BINARY_OP %left TOK_EQV TOK_NEQV %left TOK_OR TOK_XOR %left TOK_AND %left TOK_NOT %nonassoc TOK_LT TOK_GT TOK_LE TOK_GE TOK_EQ TOK_NE %nonassoc TOK_UNARY_OP %left TOK_DSLASH %left '+' '-' %left '*' TOK_SLASH %right TOK_DASTER %token TOK_SEP %token TOK_SEMICOLON %token TOK_NEXTLINE %token TOK_PARAMETER %token TOK_RESULT %token TOK_ONLY %token TOK_INCLUDE %token TOK_SUBROUTINE %token TOK_PROGRAM %token TOK_FUNCTION %token TOK_OMP %token TOK_DOLLAR %token TOK_FORMAT %token TOK_MAX %token TOK_TANH %token TOK_WHERE %token TOK_ELSEWHERE %token TOK_ENDWHERE %token TOK_MAXVAL %token TOK_TRIM %token TOK_SUM %token TOK_SQRT %token TOK_CASE %token TOK_SELECTCASE %token TOK_FILE %token TOK_END %token TOK_ERR %token TOK_DONOTTREAT %token TOK_ENDDONOTTREAT %token TOK_EXIST %token TOK_MIN %token TOK_FLOAT %token TOK_EXP %token TOK_COS %token TOK_COSH %token TOK_ACOS %token TOK_NINT %token TOK_CYCLE %token TOK_SIN %token TOK_SINH %token TOK_ASIN %token TOK_EQUIVALENCE %token TOK_BACKSPACE %token TOK_LOG %token TOK_TAN %token TOK_ATAN %token TOK_RECURSIVE %token TOK_ABS %token TOK_MOD %token TOK_SIGN %token TOK_MINLOC %token TOK_MAXLOC %token TOK_EXIT %token TOK_MINVAL %token TOK_PUBLIC %token TOK_PRIVATE %token TOK_ALLOCATABLE %token TOK_RETURN %token TOK_THEN %token TOK_ELSEIF %token TOK_ELSE %token TOK_ENDIF %token TOK_PRINT %token TOK_PLAINGOTO %token TOK_CONSTRUCTID %token TOK_LOGICALIF %token TOK_PLAINDO %token TOK_CONTAINS %token TOK_ENDDO %token TOK_MODULE %token TOK_ENDMODULE %token TOK_DOWHILE %token TOK_ALLOCATE %token TOK_OPEN %token TOK_CLOSE %token TOK_INQUIRE %token TOK_WRITE %token TOK_READ %token TOK_REWIND %token TOK_DEALLOCATE %token TOK_NULLIFY %token TOK_FIN %token TOK_DEBUT %token TOK_DIMENSION %token TOK_ENDSELECT %token TOK_EXTERNAL %token TOK_INTENT %token TOK_INTRINSIC %token TOK_NAMELIST %token TOK_CASEDEFAULT %token TOK_OPTIONAL %token TOK_POINTER %token TOK_CONTINUE %token TOK_SAVE %token TOK_TARGET %token TOK_QUOTE %token TOK_IMPLICIT %token TOK_NONE %token TOK_CALL %token TOK_STAT %token TOK_POINT_TO %token TOK_COMMON %token TOK_GLOBAL %token TOK_INTERFACE %token TOK_ENDINTERFACE %token TOK_LEFTAB %token TOK_RIGHTAB %token TOK_PAUSE %token TOK_PROCEDURE %token TOK_STOP %token TOK_NAMEEQ %token TOK_REAL8 %token TOK_OUT %token TOK_INOUT %token TOK_IN %token TOK_USE %token TOK_DSLASH %token TOK_DASTER %token TOK_EQ %token TOK_EQV %token TOK_GT %token TOK_LT %token TOK_GE %token TOK_NE %token TOK_NEQV %token TOK_LE %token TOK_OR %token TOK_XOR %token TOK_NOT %token TOK_AND %token TOK_TRUE %token TOK_FALSE %token TOK_LABEL %token TOK_TYPE %token TOK_TYPEPAR %token TOK_ENDTYPE %token TOK_REAL %token TOK_INTEGER %token TOK_LOGICAL %token TOK_DOUBLEPRECISION %token TOK_DOUBLEREAL %token TOK_ENDSUBROUTINE %token TOK_ENDFUNCTION %token TOK_ENDPROGRAM %token TOK_ENDUNIT %token TOK_CHARACTER %token TOK_CHAR_CONSTANT %token TOK_CHAR_CUT %token TOK_DATA %token TOK_CHAR_INT %token TOK_CHAR_MESSAGE %token TOK_CSTREAL %token TOK_CSTREALDP %token TOK_CSTREALQP %token TOK_SFREAL %token TOK_COMPLEX %token TOK_DOUBLECOMPLEX %token TOK_NAME %token TOK_NAME_CHAR %token TOK_PROBTYPE /* dimension of the problem */ %token TOK_INTERPTYPE/* kind of interpolation */ %token TOK_VARTYPE /* posit ion of the grid variable on the cells of */ /* the mesh */ %token TOK_SLASH %token TOK_BC /* calculation of the boundary conditions */ %token TOK_OP %token TOK_CSTINT %token TOK_COMMENT %token TOK_FILENAME %token ',' %token ':' %token '(' %token ')' %token '[' %token ']' %token '!' %token '_' %token '<' %token '>' %type dcl %type after_type %type dimension %type paramlist %type args %type arglist %type only_list %type only_name %type rename_list %type rename_name %type dims %type dimlist %type dim %type paramitem %type comblock %type name_routine %type module_name %type opt_name %type type %type word_endsubroutine %type word_endfunction %type word_endprogram %type word_endunit %type typename %type typespec %type string_constant %type simple_const %type ident %type do_var %type intent_spec %type signe %type opt_signe %type filename %type attribute %type complex_const %type begin_array %type clause %type arg %type uexpr %type minmaxlist %type lhs %type vec %type outlist %type out2 %type other %type dospec %type expr_data %type structure_component %type array_ele_substring_func_ref %type funarglist %type funarg %type funargs %type triplet %type substring %type opt_substring %type opt_expr %type optexpr %type datavallist %type datanamelist %type after_slash %type after_equal %type predefinedfunction %type expr %type ubound %type operation %type proper_lengspec %type use_name_list %type public %left TOK_OP %% input : | input line ; line : '\n' position | thislabel suite_line_list | TOK_COMMENT | keyword cmnt writedeclar | error writedeclar nulcurbuf {yyerrok;yyclearin;} ; suite_line_list : suite_line | suite_line_list TOK_SEMICOLON suite_line ; suite_line : entry fin_line /* subroutine, function, module */ | spec fin_line /* declaration */ | before_include filename fin_line { if (inmoduledeclare == 0 ) { pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_curinclude, pos_end-pos_curinclude); } } | exec cmnt writedeclar /* if, do etc ... */ | instr fin_line /* instruction ident : do i = 1 ... */ ; instr : ident ':' ; fin_line : position cmnt ; keyword : TOK_DONOTTREAT { /* we should ignore the declaration until the keyword */ /* TOK_ENDDONOTTREAT */ couldaddvariable = 0 ; RemoveWordCUR_0(fortranout,-20,20); } | TOK_ENDDONOTTREAT { couldaddvariable = 1 ; RemoveWordCUR_0(fortranout,-24,24); } | TOK_OMP | TOK_DOLLAR ; position : {pos_cur = setposcur();} ; thislabel : | TOK_LABEL nulcurbuf ; cmnt : | TOK_COMMENT ; incomment : {incom = 1;} ; nulcurbuf : {if (incom !=1) {strcpy(curbuf,"");incom=0;}} ; opt_recursive : {isrecursive = 0;} | TOK_RECURSIVE {isrecursive = 1;} ; entry : | opt_recursive TOK_SUBROUTINE name_routine arglist { if ( couldaddvariable == 1) { /* open param file */ if ( firstpass == 0 ) { sprintf(ligne,"%s/ParamFile%s.h",nomdir,$3); paramout=fopen(ligne,"w"); if ( retour77 == 0 ) fprintf(paramout,"!\n"); else fprintf(paramout,"C\n"); } Add_SubroutineArgument_Var_1($4); if ( inmodulemeet == 1 ) { insubroutinedeclare = 1; /* in the second step we should write the head of */ /* the subroutine sub_loop_ */ writeheadnewsub_0(1); } else { insubroutinedeclare = 1; writeheadnewsub_0(1); } } } | TOK_PROGRAM name_routine { /* open param file */ if ( firstpass == 0 ) { sprintf(ligne,"%s/ParamFile%s.h",nomdir,$2); paramout=fopen(ligne,"w"); if ( retour77 == 0 ) fprintf(paramout,"!\n"); else fprintf(paramout,"C\n"); } strcpy(subroutinename,$2); /* Common case */ insubroutinedeclare = 1; /* in the second step we should write the head of */ /* the subroutine sub_loop_ */ writeheadnewsub_0(1); } | TOK_FUNCTION name_routine arglist TOK_RESULT arglist1 { /* open param file */ if ( firstpass == 0 ) { sprintf(ligne,"%s/ParamFile%s.h",nomdir,$2); paramout=fopen(ligne,"w"); if ( retour77 == 0 ) fprintf(paramout,"!\n"); else fprintf(paramout,"C\n"); } strcpy(subroutinename,$2); if ( inmodulemeet == 1 ) { insubroutinedeclare = 1; /* we should to list of the subroutine argument the */ /* name of the function which has to be defined */ Add_SubroutineArgument_Var_1($3); strcpy(DeclType,""); /* in the second step we should write the head of */ /* the subroutine sub_loop_ */ writeheadnewsub_0(2); } else { insubroutinedeclare = 1; /* we should to list of the subroutine argument */ /* name of the function which has to be defined */ Add_SubroutineArgument_Var_1($3); strcpy(DeclType,""); Add_FunctionType_Var_1($2); writeheadnewsub_0(2); } } | TOK_FUNCTION name_routine arglist { /* open param file */ if ( firstpass == 0 ) { sprintf(ligne,"%s/ParamFile%s.h",nomdir,$2); paramout=fopen(ligne,"w"); if ( retour77 == 0 ) fprintf(paramout,"!\n"); else fprintf(paramout,"C\n"); } strcpy(subroutinename,$2); if ( inmodulemeet == 1 ) { insubroutinedeclare = 1; /* we should to list of the subroutine argument the */ /* name of the function which has to be defined */ Add_SubroutineArgument_Var_1($3); strcpy(DeclType,""); Add_FunctionType_Var_1($2); /* in the second step we should write the head of */ /* the subroutine sub_loop_ */ writeheadnewsub_0(2); } else { insubroutinedeclare = 1; /* we should to list of the subroutine argument */ /* name of the function which has to be defined */ Add_SubroutineArgument_Var_1($3); strcpy(DeclType,""); Add_FunctionType_Var_1($2); writeheadnewsub_0(2); } } | TOK_MODULE TOK_NAME { GlobalDeclaration = 0; strcpy(curmodulename,$2); strcpy(subroutinename,""); Add_NameOfModule_1($2); if ( inmoduledeclare == 0 ) { /* To know if there are in the module declaration */ inmoduledeclare = 1; /* to know if a module has been met */ inmodulemeet = 1; /* to know if we are after the keyword contains */ aftercontainsdeclare = 0 ; } } ; name_routine : TOK_NAME { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { strcpy($$,$1);strcpy(subroutinename,$1); } } writedeclar : ; before_include : TOK_INCLUDE { pos_curinclude = setposcur()-9; } filename : TOK_CHAR_CONSTANT { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) Add_Include_1($1); } ; arglist : { if ( firstpass == 1 && couldaddvariable == 1) $$=NULL; } | '(' ')' { if ( firstpass == 1 && couldaddvariable == 1 ) $$=NULL; } | '(' args ')' { if ( firstpass == 1 && couldaddvariable == 1 ) $$=$2; } ; arglist1: | '(' ')' | '(' args ')' { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { Add_SubroutineArgument_Var_1($2); } } ; args :arg { if ( firstpass == 1 && couldaddvariable == 1) { strcpy(nameinttypenameback,nameinttypename); strcpy(nameinttypename,""); curvar=createvar($1,NULL); strcpy(nameinttypename,nameinttypenameback); curlistvar=insertvar(NULL,curvar); $$=settype("",curlistvar); } } | args ',' arg { if ( firstpass == 1 && couldaddvariable == 1) { strcpy(nameinttypenameback,nameinttypename); strcpy(nameinttypename,""); curvar=createvar($3,NULL); strcpy(nameinttypename,nameinttypenameback); $$=insertvar($1,curvar); } } ; arg : TOK_NAME {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | '*' {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,"*");} ; spec : type after_type { if ( VarTypepar == 1 ) { couldaddvariable = 1 ; VarTypepar = 0; } } | TOK_TYPE opt_spec opt_sep opt_name { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { VarType = 1; couldaddvariable = 0 ; } } | TOK_ENDTYPE opt_name { if ( VarType == 1 ) couldaddvariable = 1 ; VarType = 0; VarTypepar = 0; } | TOK_POINTER list_couple | before_parameter '(' paramlist ')' { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { if ( insubroutinedeclare == 0 ) { Add_GlobalParameter_Var_1($3); } else Add_Parameter_Var_1($3); pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_cur_decl, pos_end-pos_cur_decl); } VariableIsParameter = 0 ; } | before_parameter paramlist { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { if ( insubroutinedeclare == 0 ) Add_GlobalParameter_Var_1($2); else Add_Parameter_Var_1($2); pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_cur_decl, pos_end-pos_cur_decl); } VariableIsParameter = 0 ; } | common | save { pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_cursave, pos_end-pos_cursave); } | implicit | dimension { /* if the variable is a parameter we can suppose that is */ /* value is the same on each grid. It is not useless to */ /* create a copy of it on each grid */ if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { Add_Globliste_1($1); /* if variableparamlists has been declared in a */ /* subroutine */ if ( insubroutinedeclare == 1 ) { Add_Dimension_Var_1($1); } pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_curdimension, pos_end-pos_curdimension); } /* */ PublicDeclare = 0; PrivateDeclare = 0; ExternalDeclare = 0; strcpy(NamePrecision,""); c_star = 0; InitialValueGiven = 0 ; strcpy(IntentSpec,""); VariableIsParameter = 0 ; Allocatabledeclare = 0 ; Targetdeclare = 0 ; SaveDeclare = 0; pointerdeclare = 0; optionaldeclare = 0 ; dimsgiven=0; c_selectorgiven=0; strcpy(nameinttypename,""); strcpy(c_selectorname,""); } | public { if (firstpass == 0) { if ($1) { removeglobfromlist(&($1)); pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_cur,pos_end-pos_cur); writelistpublic($1); } } } | private | use_stat | module_proc_stmt | interface | namelist | TOK_BACKSPACE '(' expr ')' | TOK_EXTERNAL opt_sep use_name_list | TOK_INTRINSIC opt_sep use_intrinsic_list | TOK_EQUIVALENCE list_expr_equi | before_data data '\n' { /* we should remove the data declaration */ if ( couldaddvariable == 1 && aftercontainsdeclare != 2 ) { pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_curdata, pos_end-pos_curdata); } if ( couldaddvariable == 1 && aftercontainsdeclare == 1 ) { if (firstpass == 0) { ReWriteDataStatement_0(fortranout); pos_end = setposcur(); } } } ; opt_spec : | access_spec { PublicDeclare = 0 ; PrivateDeclare = 0 ; } ; name_intrinsic : TOK_SUM | TOK_TANH | TOK_MAXVAL | TOK_MIN | TOK_MINVAL | TOK_TRIM | TOK_SQRT | TOK_NINT | TOK_FLOAT | TOK_EXP | TOK_COS | TOK_COSH | TOK_ACOS | TOK_SIN | TOK_SINH | TOK_ASIN | TOK_LOG | TOK_TAN | TOK_ATAN | TOK_MOD | TOK_SIGN | TOK_MINLOC | TOK_MAXLOC | TOK_NAME ; use_intrinsic_list : name_intrinsic | use_intrinsic_list ',' name_intrinsic ; list_couple : '(' list_expr ')' | list_couple ',' '(' list_expr ')' ; list_expr_equi : expr_equi | list_expr_equi ',' expr_equi ; expr_equi : '(' list_expr_equi1 ')' ; list_expr_equi1 : ident dims | list_expr_equi1 ',' ident dims ; list_expr : expr | list_expr ',' expr ; opt_sep : | ':' ':' ; after_type : dcl nodimsgiven { /* if the variable is a parameter we can suppose that is*/ /* value is the same on each grid. It is not useless */ /* to create a copy of it on each grid */ if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { pos_end = setposcur(); /*if (insubroutinedeclare == 0) { */ RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_cur_decl, pos_end-pos_cur_decl); /* } else {*/ ReWriteDeclarationAndAddTosubroutine_01($1); pos_cur_decl = setposcur(); /*}*/ if ( firstpass == 0 && GlobalDeclaration == 0 && insubroutinedeclare == 0 ) { sprintf(ligne,"\n#include \"Module_Declar_%s.h\"\n" ,curmodulename); tofich(fortranout,ligne,1); sprintf (ligne, "Module_Declar_%s.h",curmodulename); module_declar = associate(ligne); sprintf (ligne, " "); tofich (module_declar, ligne,1); GlobalDeclaration = 1 ; pos_cur_decl = setposcur(); } $$ = $1; Add_Globliste_1($1); if ( insubroutinedeclare == 0 ) Add_GlobalParameter_Var_1($1); else { if ( pointerdeclare == 1 ) Add_Pointer_Var_From_List_1($1); Add_Parameter_Var_1($1); } /* if variables has been declared in a subroutine */ if ( insubroutinedeclare == 1 ) { /* Add_SubroutineDeclaration_Var_1($1);*/ } /* If there are a SAVE declarations in module's */ /* subroutines we should remove it from the */ /* subroutines declaration and add it in the */ /* global declarations */ if ( aftercontainsdeclare == 1 && SaveDeclare == 1 && firstpass == 1 ) { if ( inmodulemeet == 0 ) Add_Save_Var_dcl_1($1); else Add_SubroutineDeclarationSave_Var_1($1); } } /* */ PublicDeclare = 0; PrivateDeclare = 0; ExternalDeclare = 0; strcpy(NamePrecision,""); c_star = 0; InitialValueGiven = 0 ; strcpy(IntentSpec,""); VariableIsParameter = 0 ; Allocatabledeclare = 0 ; Targetdeclare = 0 ; SaveDeclare = 0; pointerdeclare = 0; optionaldeclare = 0 ; dimsgiven=0; c_selectorgiven=0; strcpy(nameinttypename,""); strcpy(c_selectorname,""); } | before_function name_routine arglist { /* open param file */ if ( firstpass == 0 ) { sprintf(ligne,"%s/ParamFile%s.h",nomdir,$2); paramout=fopen(ligne,"w"); if ( retour77 == 0 ) fprintf(paramout,"!\n"); else fprintf(paramout,"C\n"); } strcpy(subroutinename,$2); if ( inmodulemeet == 1 ) { insubroutinedeclare = 1; /* we should to list of the subroutine argument the */ /* name of the function which has to be defined */ Add_SubroutineArgument_Var_1($3); Add_FunctionType_Var_1($2); /* in the second step we should write the head of */ /* the subroutine sub_loop_ */ writeheadnewsub_0(2); } else { insubroutinedeclare = 1; /* we should to list of the subroutine argument the */ /* name of the function which has to be defined */ Add_SubroutineArgument_Var_1($3); Add_FunctionType_Var_1($2); /* in the second step we should write the head of */ /* the subroutine sub_loop_ */ writeheadnewsub_0(2); } strcpy(nameinttypename,""); } ; before_function : TOK_FUNCTION { functiondeclarationisdone = 1; } ; before_parameter : TOK_PARAMETER { VariableIsParameter = 1; pos_curparameter = setposcur()-9; } before_data : TOK_DATA { pos_curdata = setposcur()-strlen($1); Init_List_Data_Var(); } data : TOK_NAME TOK_SLASH datavallist TOK_SLASH { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { /* if ( aftercontainsdeclare == 1 ) strcpy(ligne,""); else */ /* sprintf(ligne,"%s",$3);*/ createstringfromlistname(ligne,$3); if (firstpass == 1) Add_Data_Var_1(&List_Data_Var,$1,ligne); else Add_Data_Var_1(&List_Data_Var_Cur,$1,ligne); } } | data opt_comma TOK_NAME TOK_SLASH datavallist TOK_SLASH { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { /*if ( aftercontainsdeclare == 1 ) strcpy(ligne,""); else */ /*sprintf(ligne,"%s",$5); */ createstringfromlistname(ligne,$5); if (firstpass == 1) Add_Data_Var_1(&List_Data_Var,$3,ligne); else Add_Data_Var_1(&List_Data_Var_Cur,$3,ligne); } } | datanamelist TOK_SLASH datavallist TOK_SLASH { /*******************************************************/ /*******************************************************/ /*******************************************************/ /*******************************************************/ /*******************************************************/ /*******************************************************/ /*******************************************************/ if (firstpass == 1) Add_Data_Var_Names_01(&List_Data_Var,$1,$3); else Add_Data_Var_Names_01(&List_Data_Var_Cur,$1,$3); } ; datavallist : expr_data { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { $$ = Insertname(NULL,$1,0); } } | expr_data ',' datavallist { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { $$ = Insertname($3,$1,1); } } ; save : before_save varsave | before_save comblock varsave | save opt_comma comblock opt_comma varsave | save ',' varsave ; before_save : TOK_SAVE { pos_cursave = setposcur()-4; } ; varsave : | TOK_NAME dims { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) Add_Save_Var_1($1,$2); } ; datanamelist : TOK_NAME { $$=Insertname(NULL,$1,0); } | TOK_NAME '(' expr ')' { printf("INSTRUCTION NON TRAITEE : INITIALISATION DE DATA AVEC EXPRESSION\n"); exit(0); } | datanamelist ',' datanamelist { $$ = concat_listname($1,$3); } ; expr_data : opt_signe simple_const {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} | expr_data '+' expr_data {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s+%s",$1,$3);} | expr_data '-' expr_data {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s-%s",$1,$3);} | expr_data '*' expr_data {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s*%s",$1,$3);} | expr_data '/' expr_data {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s/%s",$1,$3);} ; opt_signe : {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,"");} | signe {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} ; namelist : namelist_action after_namelist ; namelist_action : TOK_NAMELIST ident | TOK_NAMELIST comblock ident | namelist_action opt_comma comblock opt_comma ident | namelist_action ',' ident ; after_namelist : ; interface : TOK_INTERFACE opt_name { ininterfacedeclare = 1 ; printf("INTEFACE entree\n"); } | TOK_ENDINTERFACE opt_name { ininterfacedeclare = 0; } ; before_dimension : TOK_DIMENSION { positioninblock=0; pos_curdimension = setposcur()-9; } dimension : before_dimension opt_comma TOK_NAME dims lengspec { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { /* */ curvar=createvar($3,$4); /* */ CreateAndFillin_Curvar("",curvar); /* */ curlistvar=insertvar(NULL,curvar); /* */ $$=settype("",curlistvar); /* */ strcpy(vallengspec,""); } } | dimension ',' TOK_NAME dims lengspec { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { /* */ curvar=createvar($3,$4); /* */ CreateAndFillin_Curvar("",curvar); /* */ curlistvar=insertvar($1,curvar); /* */ $$=curlistvar; /* */ strcpy(vallengspec,""); } } ; private : TOK_PRIVATE '\n' | TOK_PRIVATE opt_sep use_name_list ; public : TOK_PUBLIC '\n' { $$=(listname *)NULL; } | TOK_PUBLIC opt_sep use_name_list { $$=$3; } ; use_name_list : TOK_NAME { $$ = Insertname(NULL,$1,0); } | use_name_list ',' TOK_NAME { $$ = Insertname($1,$3,0); } ; common : before_common var_common_list { pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_curcommon, pos_end-pos_curcommon); } | before_common comblock var_common_list { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { sprintf(charusemodule,"%s",$2); Add_NameOfCommon_1($2,subroutinename); pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_curcommon, pos_end-pos_curcommon); } } | common opt_comma comblock opt_comma var_common_list { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { sprintf(charusemodule,"%s",$3); Add_NameOfCommon_1($3,subroutinename); pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_curcommon, pos_end-pos_curcommon); } } ; before_common : TOK_COMMON { positioninblock=0; pos_curcommon = setposcur()-6; } | TOK_GLOBAL TOK_COMMON { positioninblock=0; pos_curcommon = setposcur()-6-7; } ; var_common_list : var_common { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) Add_Common_var_1(); } | var_common_list ',' var_common { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) Add_Common_var_1(); } var_common : TOK_NAME dims { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { positioninblock = positioninblock + 1 ; strcpy(commonvar,$1); commondim = $2; } } ; comblock : TOK_DSLASH { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { strcpy($$,""); positioninblock=0; strcpy(commonblockname,""); } } | TOK_SLASH TOK_NAME TOK_SLASH { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { strcpy($$,$2); positioninblock=0; strcpy(commonblockname,$2); } } ; opt_comma : | ',' ; paramlist : paramitem { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) $$=insertvar(NULL,$1); } | paramlist ',' paramitem { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) $$=insertvar($1,$3); } ; paramitem : TOK_NAME '=' expr { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { curvar=(variable *) malloc(sizeof(variable)); /* */ Init_Variable(curvar); /* */ curvar->v_VariableIsParameter=1; strcpy(curvar->v_nomvar,$1); Save_Length($1,4); strcpy(curvar->v_subroutinename,subroutinename); Save_Length(subroutinename,11); strcpy(curvar->v_modulename,curmodulename); Save_Length(curmodulename,6); strcpy(curvar->v_initialvalue,$3); Save_Length($3,14); strcpy(curvar->v_commoninfile,mainfile); Save_Length(mainfile,10); $$=curvar; } } ; module_proc_stmt : TOK_PROCEDURE proc_name_list ; proc_name_list : TOK_NAME | proc_name_list ',' TOK_NAME ; implicit : TOK_IMPLICIT TOK_NONE { if ( insubroutinedeclare == 1 ) { Add_ImplicitNoneSubroutine_1(); pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_end-13, 13); } } | TOK_IMPLICIT TOK_REAL8 ; opt_retour : ; dcl : options opt_retour TOK_NAME dims lengspec initial_value { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { /* */ if (dimsgiven == 1) { curvar=createvar($3,curdim); } else { curvar=createvar($3,$4); } /* */ CreateAndFillin_Curvar(DeclType,curvar); /* */ curlistvar=insertvar(NULL,curvar); if (!strcasecmp(DeclType,"character")) { if (c_selectorgiven == 1) { strcpy(c_selectordim.first,"1"); strcpy(c_selectordim.last,c_selectorname); Save_Length(c_selectorname,1); change_dim_char (insertdim(NULL,c_selectordim),curlistvar); } } $$=settype(DeclType,curlistvar); } strcpy(vallengspec,""); } | dcl ',' opt_retour TOK_NAME dims lengspec initial_value { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { if (dimsgiven == 1) { curvar=createvar($4,curdim); } else { curvar=createvar($4,$5); } /* */ CreateAndFillin_Curvar($1->var->v_typevar,curvar); /* */ strcpy(curvar->v_typevar,($1->var->v_typevar)); Save_Length($1->var->v_typevar,3); /* */ curlistvar=insertvar($1,curvar); if (!strcasecmp(DeclType,"character")) { if (c_selectorgiven == 1) { strcpy(c_selectordim.first,"1"); strcpy(c_selectordim.last,c_selectorname); Save_Length(c_selectorname,1); change_dim_char (insertdim(NULL,c_selectordim),curlistvar); } } $$=curlistvar; } strcpy(vallengspec,""); } ; nodimsgiven : {dimsgiven=0;} ; type : typespec selector {strcpy(DeclType,$1);} | before_character c_selector { strcpy(DeclType,"CHARACTER"); } | typename '*' TOK_CSTINT { strcpy(DeclType,$1); strcpy(nameinttypename,$3); } | before_typepar attribute ')' { strcpy(DeclType,"TYPE"); } ; before_typepar : TOK_TYPEPAR { /* if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) VarTypepar = 1 ; couldaddvariable = 0 ; pos_cur_decl = setposcur()-5;*/ pos_cur_decl = setposcur()-5; } ; c_selector : | '*' TOK_CSTINT {c_selectorgiven=1;strcpy(c_selectorname,$2);} | '*' '(' c_attribute ')' {c_star = 1;} | '(' c_attribute ')' ; c_attribute : TOK_NAME clause opt_clause | TOK_NAME '=' clause opt_clause | clause opt_clause ; before_character : TOK_CHARACTER { pos_cur_decl = setposcur()-9; } ; typespec : typename {strcpy($$,$1);} ; typename : TOK_INTEGER { strcpy($$,"INTEGER"); pos_cur_decl = setposcur()-7; } | TOK_REAL { strcpy($$,"REAL"); pos_cur_decl = setposcur()-4; } | TOK_COMPLEX {strcpy($$,"COMPLEX"); pos_cur_decl = setposcur()-7;} | TOK_DOUBLEPRECISION { pos_cur_decl = setposcur()-16; strcpy($$,"REAL"); strcpy(nameinttypename,"8"); } | TOK_DOUBLECOMPLEX {strcpy($$,"DOUBLE COMPLEX");} | TOK_LOGICAL { strcpy($$,"LOGICAL"); pos_cur_decl = setposcur()-7; } ; lengspec : | '*' proper_lengspec {strcpy(vallengspec,$2);} ; proper_lengspec : expr {sprintf($$,"*%s",$1);} | '(' '*' ')'{strcpy($$,"*(*)");} ; selector : | '*' proper_selector | '(' attribute ')' ; proper_selector : expr | '(' '*' ')' ; attribute : TOK_NAME clause | TOK_NAME '=' clause { if ( strstr($3,"0.d0") ) { strcpy(nameinttypename,"8"); sprintf(NamePrecision,""); } else sprintf(NamePrecision,"%s = %s",$1,$3); } | TOK_NAME { strcpy(NamePrecision,$1); } | TOK_CSTINT { strcpy(NamePrecision,$1); } ; clause : expr {strcpy(CharacterSize,$1); strcpy($$,$1);} | '*' {strcpy(CharacterSize,"*"); strcpy($$,"*");} ; opt_clause : | ',' TOK_NAME clause ; options : | ':' ':' | ',' attr_spec_list ':' ':' ; attr_spec_list : attr_spec | attr_spec_list ',' attr_spec ; attr_spec : TOK_PARAMETER { VariableIsParameter = 1; } | access_spec | TOK_ALLOCATABLE {Allocatabledeclare = 1;} | TOK_DIMENSION dims { dimsgiven=1; curdim=$2; } | TOK_EXTERNAL {ExternalDeclare = 1;} | TOK_INTENT '(' intent_spec ')' {strcpy(IntentSpec,$3);} | TOK_INTRINSIC | TOK_OPTIONAL{optionaldeclare = 1 ;} | TOK_POINTER {pointerdeclare = 1 ;} | TOK_SAVE { /* if ( inmodulemeet == 1 ) {*/ SaveDeclare = 1 ; /* }*/ } | TOK_TARGET {Targetdeclare = 1;} ; intent_spec : TOK_IN {strcpy($$,$1);} | TOK_OUT {strcpy($$,$1);} | TOK_INOUT {strcpy($$,$1); } ; access_spec : TOK_PUBLIC {PublicDeclare = 1;} | TOK_PRIVATE {PrivateDeclare = 1;} ; dims : {if ( created_dimensionlist == 1 ) { $$=(listdim *)NULL; } } | '(' dimlist ')' {if ( created_dimensionlist == 1 || agrif_parentcall == 1 ) $$=$2;} ; dimlist : dim {if ( created_dimensionlist == 1 || agrif_parentcall == 1 ) $$=insertdim(NULL,$1);} | dimlist ',' dim {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) if ( created_dimensionlist == 1 ) $$=insertdim($1,$3);} ; dim : ubound { strcpy($$.first,"1"); strcpy($$.last,$1); Save_Length($1,1); } | ':' { strcpy($$.first,""); strcpy($$.last,""); } | expr ':' { strcpy($$.first,$1); Save_Length($1,2); strcpy($$.last,""); } | ':' expr { strcpy($$.first,""); strcpy($$.last,$2); Save_Length($2,1); } | expr ':' ubound { strcpy($$.first,$1); Save_Length($1,2); strcpy($$.last,$3); Save_Length($3,1); } ; ubound : '*' {strcpy($$,"*");} | expr {strcpy($$,$1);} ; expr : uexpr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | '(' expr ')' {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"(%s)",$2);} | complex_const {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | predefinedfunction {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} ; predefinedfunction : TOK_SUM minmaxlist ')' {sprintf($$,"SUM(%s)",$2);} | TOK_MAX minmaxlist ')' {sprintf($$,"MAX(%s)",$2);} | TOK_TANH '(' minmaxlist ')' {sprintf($$,"TANH(%s)",$3);} | TOK_MAXVAL '(' minmaxlist ')' {sprintf($$,"MAXVAL(%s)",$3);} | TOK_MIN minmaxlist ')' {sprintf($$,"MIN(%s)",$2);} | TOK_MINVAL '(' minmaxlist ')' {sprintf($$,"MINVAL(%s)",$3);} | TOK_TRIM '(' expr ')' {sprintf($$,"TRIM(%s)",$3);} | TOK_SQRT expr ')' {sprintf($$,"SQRT(%s)",$2);} | TOK_REAL '(' minmaxlist ')' {sprintf($$,"REAL(%s)",$3);} | TOK_NINT '(' expr ')' {sprintf($$,"NINT(%s)",$3);} | TOK_FLOAT '(' expr ')' {sprintf($$,"FLOAT(%s)",$3);} | TOK_EXP '(' expr ')' {sprintf($$,"EXP(%s)",$3);} | TOK_COS '(' expr ')' {sprintf($$,"COS(%s)",$3);} | TOK_COSH '(' expr ')' {sprintf($$,"COSH(%s)",$3);} | TOK_ACOS '(' expr ')' {sprintf($$,"ACOS(%s)",$3);} | TOK_SIN '(' expr ')' {sprintf($$,"SIN(%s)",$3);} | TOK_SINH '(' expr ')' {sprintf($$,"SINH(%s)",$3);} | TOK_ASIN '(' expr ')' {sprintf($$,"ASIN(%s)",$3);} | TOK_LOG '(' expr ')' {sprintf($$,"LOG(%s)",$3);} | TOK_TAN '(' expr ')' {sprintf($$,"TAN(%s)",$3);} | TOK_ATAN '(' expr ')' {sprintf($$,"ATAN(%s)",$3);} | TOK_ABS expr ')' {sprintf($$,"ABS(%s)",$2);} | TOK_MOD '(' minmaxlist ')' {sprintf($$,"MOD(%s)",$3);} | TOK_SIGN '(' minmaxlist ')' {sprintf($$,"SIGN(%s)",$3);} | TOK_MINLOC '(' minmaxlist ')' {sprintf($$,"MINLOC(%s)",$3);} | TOK_MAXLOC '(' minmaxlist ')' {sprintf($$,"MAXLOC(%s)",$3);} ; minmaxlist : expr {strcpy($$,$1);} | minmaxlist ',' expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { strcpy($$,$1);strcat($$,",");strcat($$,$3);}} ; uexpr : lhs {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | simple_const {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | vec {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | expr operation {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} | signe expr %prec '*' {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} | TOK_NOT expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} ; signe : '+' {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,"+");} | '-' {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,"-");} ; operation : '+' expr %prec '+' {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"+%s",$2);} | '-' expr %prec '+' {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"-%s",$2);} | '*' expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"*%s",$2);} | TOK_DASTER expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} | TOK_EQ expr %prec TOK_EQ {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} | TOK_EQV expr %prec TOK_EQV {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} | TOK_GT expr %prec TOK_EQ {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} | '>' expr %prec TOK_EQ {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$," > %s",$2);} | TOK_LT expr %prec TOK_EQ {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} | '<' expr %prec TOK_EQ {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$," < %s",$2);} | TOK_GE expr %prec TOK_EQ {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} | '>''=' expr %prec TOK_EQ {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$," >= %s",$3);} | TOK_LE expr %prec TOK_EQ {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} | '<''=' expr %prec TOK_EQ {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$," <= %s",$3);} | TOK_NE expr %prec TOK_EQ {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} | TOK_NEQV expr %prec TOK_EQV {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} | TOK_XOR expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} | TOK_OR expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} | TOK_AND expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} | TOK_SLASH after_slash {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s",$2);} | '=' after_equal {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s",$2);} after_slash : {strcpy($$,"");} | expr {sprintf($$,"/%s",$1);} | '=' expr %prec TOK_EQ {sprintf($$,"/= %s",$2);} | TOK_SLASH expr {sprintf($$,"//%s",$2);} ; after_equal : '=' expr %prec TOK_EQ {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"==%s",$2);} | expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"= %s",$1);} ; lhs : ident {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { printf("ident = %s\n",$1); strcpy($$,$1);} } | structure_component {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { printf("struct = %s\n",$1); strcpy($$,$1);} } | array_ele_substring_func_ref {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { printf("arrayref = %s\n",$1); strcpy($$,$1); }} ; beforefunctionuse : { agrif_parentcall =0; if (!strcasecmp(identcopy,"Agrif_Parent") ) agrif_parentcall =1; if ( Agrif_in_Tok_NAME(identcopy) == 1 ) { inagrifcallargument = 1; Add_SubroutineWhereAgrifUsed_1(subroutinename, curmodulename); } } ; array_ele_substring_func_ref : begin_array { strcpy($$,$1); if ( incalldeclare == 0 ) inagrifcallargument = 0; } | begin_array substring {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$," %s %s ",$1,$2);} | structure_component '(' funarglist ')' {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$," %s ( %s )",$1,$3);} | structure_component '(' funarglist ')' substring {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$," %s ( %s ) %s ",$1,$3,$5);} ; begin_array : ident '(' funarglist ')' { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { sprintf($$," %s ( %s )",$1,$3); ModifyTheAgrifFunction_0($3); agrif_parentcall =0; } } ; structure_component : lhs '%' lhs { sprintf($$," %s %% %s ",$1,$3); if ( incalldeclare == 0 ) inagrifcallargument = 0; } ; vec : TOK_LEFTAB outlist TOK_RIGHTAB {sprintf($$,"(/%s/)",$2);} ; funarglist : beforefunctionuse {strcpy($$," ");} | beforefunctionuse funargs {strcpy($$,$2);} ; funargs : funarg {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | funargs ',' funarg {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s,%s",$1,$3);} ; funarg : expr {strcpy($$,$1);} | triplet {strcpy($$,$1);} ; triplet : expr ':' expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s :%s",$1,$3);} | expr ':' expr ':' expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s :%s :%s",$1,$3,$5);} | ':' expr ':' expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,":%s :%s",$2,$4);} | ':' ':' expr{if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,": : %s",$3);} | ':' expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,":%s",$2);} | expr ':' {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s :",$1);} | ':' {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,":");} ; ident : TOK_NAME { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 && afterpercent == 0) { if ( Vartonumber($1) == 1 ) { Add_SubroutineWhereAgrifUsed_1(subroutinename, curmodulename); } if (!strcasecmp($1,"Agrif_Parent") ) agrif_parentcall =1; if ( VariableIsNotFunction($1) == 0 ) { printf("var = %s\n",$1); if ( inagrifcallargument == 1 ) { if ( !strcasecmp($1,identcopy) ) { strcpy(sameagrifname,identcopy); sameagrifargument = 1; } } strcpy(identcopy,$1); pointedvar=0; strcpy(truename,$1); if (variscoupled_0($1)) strcpy(truename,getcoupledname_0($1)); if ( VarIsNonGridDepend(truename) == 0 && Variableshouldberemove(truename) == 0 ) { if ( inagrifcallargument == 1 || varispointer_0(truename) == 1 ) { printf("var2 = %s\n",$1); if ((IsinListe(List_UsedInSubroutine_Var,$1) == 1) || (inagrifcallargument == 1)) { if (varistyped_0(truename) == 0) { ModifyTheVariableName_0(truename,strlen($1)); } } } printf("ici3\n"); if ( inagrifcallargument != 1 || sameagrifargument ==1 ) { printf("ici5 %s\n",truename); Add_UsedInSubroutine_Var_1(truename); } } NotifyAgrifFunction_0(truename); } } else { afterpercent = 0; } } ; simple_const : TOK_TRUE {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,".TRUE.");} | TOK_FALSE {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,".FALSE.");} | TOK_CSTINT {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | TOK_CSTREAL {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | TOK_CSTREALDP{if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | TOK_CSTREALQP{if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | simple_const TOK_NAME {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s%s",$1,$2);} | string_constant opt_substring ; string_constant : TOK_CHAR_CONSTANT {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | string_constant TOK_CHAR_CONSTANT | TOK_CHAR_MESSAGE {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | TOK_CHAR_CUT {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} ; opt_substring : {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$," ");} | substring {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} ; substring : '(' optexpr ':' optexpr ')' {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"(%s :%s)",$2,$4);} ; optexpr : {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$," ");} | expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} ; opt_expr : '\n' {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$," ");} | expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} ; initial_value : {InitialValueGiven = 0;} | before_initial '=' expr { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { strcpy(InitValue,$3); InitialValueGiven = 1; } } ; before_initial : {pos_curinit = setposcur();} ; complex_const : '(' uexpr ',' uexpr ')' {sprintf($$,"(%s,%s)",$2,$4);} ; use_stat : word_use module_name { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { /* if variables has been declared in a subroutine */ if (insubroutinedeclare == 1) { copyuse_0($2); } sprintf(charusemodule,"%s",$2); Add_NameOfModuleUsed_1($2); if ( inmoduledeclare == 0 ) { pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_curuse, pos_end-pos_curuse); } } } | word_use module_name ',' rename_list { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { if (insubroutinedeclare == 1) { Add_CouplePointed_Var_1($2,$4); } if ( firstpass == 1 ) { if ( insubroutinedeclare == 1 ) { coupletmp = $4; strcpy(ligne,""); while ( coupletmp ) { strcat(ligne,coupletmp->c_namevar); strcat(ligne," => "); strcat(ligne,coupletmp->c_namepointedvar); coupletmp = coupletmp->suiv; if ( coupletmp ) strcat(ligne,","); } sprintf(charusemodule,"%s",$2); } Add_NameOfModuleUsed_1($2); } if ( inmoduledeclare == 0 ) { pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_curuse, pos_end-pos_curuse); } } } | word_use module_name ',' TOK_ONLY ':' '\n' { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { /* if variables has been declared in a subroutine */ if (insubroutinedeclare == 1) { copyuseonly_0($2); } sprintf(charusemodule,"%s",$2); Add_NameOfModuleUsed_1($2); if ( inmoduledeclare == 0 ) { pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_curuse, pos_end-pos_curuse); } } } | word_use module_name ',' TOK_ONLY ':' only_list { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { /* if variables has been declared in a subroutine */ if (insubroutinedeclare == 1) { Add_CouplePointed_Var_1($2,$6); } if ( firstpass == 1 ) { if ( insubroutinedeclare == 1 ) { coupletmp = $6; strcpy(ligne,""); while ( coupletmp ) { strcat(ligne,coupletmp->c_namevar); if ( strcasecmp(coupletmp->c_namepointedvar,"") ) strcat(ligne," => "); strcat(ligne,coupletmp->c_namepointedvar); coupletmp = coupletmp->suiv; if ( coupletmp ) strcat(ligne,","); } sprintf(charusemodule,"%s",$2); } Add_NameOfModuleUsed_1($2); } if ( firstpass == 0 ) { if ( inmoduledeclare == 0 ) { pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_curuse, pos_end-pos_curuse); if (oldfortranout) variableisglobalinmodule($6,$2,oldfortranout,pos_curuseold); } else { /* if we are in the module declare and if the */ /* onlylist is a list of global variable */ variableisglobalinmodule($6, $2, fortranout,pos_curuse); } } } } ; word_use : TOK_USE { pos_curuse = setposcur()-strlen($1); if (firstpass == 0 && oldfortranout) { pos_curuseold = setposcurname(oldfortranout); } } ; module_name : TOK_NAME {strcpy($$,$1);} ; rename_list : rename_name { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) $$ = $1; } | rename_list ',' rename_name { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { /* insert the variable in the list $1 */ $3->suiv = $1; $$ = $3; } } ; rename_name : TOK_NAME TOK_POINT_TO TOK_NAME { coupletmp =(listcouple *)malloc(sizeof(listcouple)); strcpy(coupletmp->c_namevar,$1); Save_Length($1,21); strcpy(coupletmp->c_namepointedvar,$3); Save_Length($3,22); coupletmp->suiv = NULL; $$ = coupletmp; } ; only_list : only_name { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) $$ = $1; } | only_list ',' only_name { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { /* insert the variable in the list $1 */ $3->suiv = $1; $$ = $3; } } ; only_name : TOK_NAME TOK_POINT_TO TOK_NAME { coupletmp =(listcouple *)malloc(sizeof(listcouple)); strcpy(coupletmp->c_namevar,$1); Save_Length($1,21); strcpy(coupletmp->c_namepointedvar,$3); Save_Length($3,22); coupletmp->suiv = NULL; $$ = coupletmp; pointedvar=1; Add_UsedInSubroutine_Var_1($1); } | TOK_NAME { coupletmp =(listcouple *)malloc(sizeof(listcouple)); strcpy(coupletmp->c_namevar,$1); Save_Length($1,21); strcpy(coupletmp->c_namepointedvar,""); coupletmp->suiv = NULL; $$ = coupletmp; } ; exec : iffable | TOK_ALLOCATE '(' allocation_list opt_stat_spec ')' { Add_SubroutineWhereAgrifUsed_1(subroutinename, curmodulename); inallocate = 0; } | TOK_DEALLOCATE '(' allocate_object_list opt_stat_spec ')' { Add_SubroutineWhereAgrifUsed_1(subroutinename, curmodulename); inallocate = 0; } | TOK_NULLIFY '(' pointer_name_list ')' | word_endunit /* end */ { GlobalDeclaration = 0 ; if ( firstpass == 0 && strcasecmp(subroutinename,"") ) { if ( module_declar && insubroutinedeclare == 0 ) { fclose(module_declar); } } if ( couldaddvariable == 1 && strcasecmp(subroutinename,"") ) { if ( inmodulemeet == 1 ) { /* we are in a module */ if ( insubroutinedeclare == 1 ) { /* it is like an end subroutine */ insubroutinedeclare = 0 ; /* */ pos_cur = setposcur(); closeandcallsubloopandincludeit_0(1); functiondeclarationisdone = 0; } else { /* it is like an end module */ inmoduledeclare = 0 ; inmodulemeet = 0 ; } } else { insubroutinedeclare = 0; /* */ pos_cur = setposcur(); closeandcallsubloopandincludeit_0(2); functiondeclarationisdone = 0; if ( firstpass == 0 ) { if ( retour77 == 0 ) fprintf(paramout,"!\n"); else fprintf(paramout,"C\n"); fclose(paramout); } } } strcpy(subroutinename,""); } | word_endprogram opt_name { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { insubroutinedeclare = 0; /* */ pos_cur = setposcur(); closeandcallsubloopandincludeit_0(3); functiondeclarationisdone = 0; if ( firstpass == 0 ) { if ( retour77 == 0 ) fprintf(paramout,"!\n"); else fprintf(paramout,"C\n"); fclose(paramout); } strcpy(subroutinename,""); } } | word_endsubroutine opt_name { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 && strcasecmp(subroutinename,"") ) { insubroutinedeclare = 0; /* */ pos_cur = setposcur(); closeandcallsubloopandincludeit_0(1); functiondeclarationisdone = 0; if ( firstpass == 0 ) { if ( retour77 == 0 ) fprintf(paramout,"!\n"); else fprintf(paramout,"C\n"); fclose(paramout); } strcpy(subroutinename,""); } } | word_endfunction opt_name { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { insubroutinedeclare = 0; /* */ pos_cur = setposcur(); closeandcallsubloopandincludeit_0(0); functiondeclarationisdone = 0; if ( firstpass == 0 ) { if ( retour77 == 0 ) fprintf(paramout,"!\n"); else fprintf(paramout,"C\n"); fclose(paramout); } strcpy(subroutinename,""); } } | TOK_ENDMODULE opt_name { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { /* if we never meet the contains keyword */ Remove_Word_end_module_0(strlen($2)); if ( inmoduledeclare == 1 ) { if ( aftercontainsdeclare == 0 ) { Write_GlobalParameter_Declaration_0(); Write_NotGridDepend_Declaration_0(); Write_GlobalType_Declaration_0(); Write_Alloc_Subroutine_For_End_0(); } } inmoduledeclare = 0 ; inmodulemeet = 0 ; Write_Word_end_module_0(); strcpy(curmodulename,""); aftercontainsdeclare = 1; if ( firstpass == 0 ) { if ( module_declar && insubroutinedeclare == 0) { fclose(module_declar); } } GlobalDeclaration = 0 ; } } | boucledo | logif iffable | TOK_WHERE '(' expr ')' opt_expr | TOK_ELSEWHERE | TOK_ENDWHERE | logif TOK_THEN | TOK_ELSEIF '(' expr ')' TOK_THEN | TOK_ELSE | TOK_ENDIF opt_name | TOK_CASE caselist ')' | TOK_SELECTCASE '(' expr ')' | TOK_CASEDEFAULT | TOK_ENDSELECT | TOK_CONTAINS { if (inmoduledeclare == 1 ) { Remove_Word_Contains_0(); Write_GlobalParameter_Declaration_0(); Write_GlobalType_Declaration_0(); Write_NotGridDepend_Declaration_0(); Write_Alloc_Subroutine_0(); inmoduledeclare = 0 ; aftercontainsdeclare = 1; } else { incontainssubroutine = 1; strcpy(previoussubroutinename,subroutinename); if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { if ( firstpass == 1 ) List_ContainsSubroutine = Addtolistnom(subroutinename, List_ContainsSubroutine,0); insubroutinedeclare = 0; /* */ closeandcallsubloop_contains_0(); functiondeclarationisdone = 0; if ( firstpass == 0 ) { if ( retour77 == 0 ) fprintf(paramout,"!\n"); else fprintf(paramout,"C\n"); fclose(paramout); } } strcpy(subroutinename,""); } } ; word_endsubroutine : TOK_ENDSUBROUTINE { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { strcpy($$,$1); pos_endsubroutine = setposcur()-strlen($1); functiondeclarationisdone = 0; } } ; word_endunit : TOK_ENDUNIT { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { strcpy($$,$1); pos_endsubroutine = setposcur()-strlen($1); } } ; word_endprogram : TOK_ENDPROGRAM { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { strcpy($$,$1); pos_endsubroutine = setposcur()-strlen($1); } } ; word_endfunction : TOK_ENDFUNCTION { if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) { strcpy($$,$1); pos_endsubroutine = setposcur()-strlen($1); } } ; caselist : expr | caselist ',' expr | caselist ':' expr ; boucledo : worddo opt_int do_arg | wordwhile expr | TOK_ENDDO optname ; do_arg : | do_var '=' expr ',' expr | do_var '=' expr ',' expr ',' expr opt_int : | TOK_CSTINT opt_comma ; opt_name : '\n' {strcpy($$,"");} | TOK_NAME {strcpy($$,$1);} ; optname : | TOK_NAME ; worddo : TOK_PLAINDO ; wordwhile :TOK_DOWHILE ; dotarget : | TOK_CSTINT ; iffable : TOK_CONTINUE | ident_dims after_ident_dims | goto | io | call | TOK_ALLOCATE '(' allocation_list opt_stat_spec ')' { Add_SubroutineWhereAgrifUsed_1(subroutinename, curmodulename); inallocate = 0; } | TOK_DEALLOCATE '(' allocate_object_list opt_stat_spec ')' { Add_SubroutineWhereAgrifUsed_1(subroutinename, curmodulename); inallocate = 0; } | TOK_EXIT optexpr | TOK_RETURN opt_expr | TOK_CYCLE opt_expr | stop opt_expr | int_list ; before_dims : {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) created_dimensionlist = 0;} ident_dims : ident before_dims dims dims { created_dimensionlist = 1; if ( agrif_parentcall == 1 ) { ModifyTheAgrifFunction_0($3->dim.last); agrif_parentcall =0; fprintf(fortranout," = "); } } | ident_dims '%' ident before_dims dims dims {created_dimensionlist = 1;} int_list : TOK_CSTINT | int_list ',' TOK_CSTINT ; after_ident_dims : '=' expr | TOK_POINT_TO expr ; call : keywordcall opt_call { inagrifcallargument = 0 ; incalldeclare=0; if ( oldfortranout && !strcasecmp(meetagrifinitgrids,subroutinename) && firstpass == 0 && callmpiinit == 1) { /* pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_curcall, pos_end-pos_curcall); fprintf(oldfortranout," Call MPI_Init (%s) \n" ,mpiinitvar);*/ } if ( oldfortranout && callagrifinitgrids == 1 && firstpass == 0 ) { pos_end = setposcur(); RemoveWordSET_0(fortranout,pos_curcall, pos_end-pos_curcall); strcpy(subofagrifinitgrids,subroutinename); } Instanciation_0(sameagrifname); } ; opt_call : | '(' opt_callarglist ')' ; opt_callarglist : | callarglist ; keywordcall : before_call TOK_NAME { if (!strcasecmp($2,"MPI_Init") ) { callmpiinit = 1; } else { callmpiinit = 0; } if (!strcasecmp($2,"Agrif_Init_Grids") ) { callagrifinitgrids = 1; strcpy(meetagrifinitgrids,subroutinename); } else callagrifinitgrids = 0; if ( !strcasecmp($2,"Agrif_Open_File") ) { Add_SubroutineWhereAgrifUsed_1(subroutinename, curmodulename); } if ( Vartonumber($2) == 1 ) { incalldeclare=1; inagrifcallargument = 1 ; Add_SubroutineWhereAgrifUsed_1(subroutinename, curmodulename); } } ; before_call : TOK_CALL {pos_curcall=setposcur()-4;} callarglist : callarg | callarglist ',' callarg ; callarg : expr { if ( callmpiinit == 1 ) { strcpy(mpiinitvar,$1); if ( firstpass == 1 ) { Add_UsedInSubroutine_Var_1 (mpiinitvar); /* curvar=createvar($1,NULL); curlistvar=insertvar(NULL,curvar); List_Subr outineArgument_Var = AddListvarToListvar (curlistvar,List_SubroutineAr gument_Var,1);*/ } } } | '*' label ; stop : TOK_PAUSE | TOK_STOP ; io : iofctl ioctl | read option_read | write ioctl | write ioctl outlist | TOK_REWIND after_rewind | TOK_FORMAT ; opt_CHAR_INT : | TOK_CSTINT TOK_NAME ; idfile : '*' | TOK_CSTINT | ident ; option_print : | ',' outlist ; option_inlist : | inlist ; option_read : ioctl option_inlist | infmt opt_inlist ; opt_outlist : | outlist ; opt_inlist : | ',' inlist ; ioctl : '(' ctllist ')' | '(' fexpr ')' ; after_rewind : '(' ident ')' | '(' TOK_CSTINT ')' | TOK_CSTINT | '(' uexpr ')' | TOK_NAME ; ctllist : ioclause | ctllist ',' ioclause ; ioclause : fexpr | '*' | TOK_DASTER | ident expr | ident expr '%' ident_dims | ident '(' triplet ')' | ident '*' | ident TOK_DASTER ; iofctl : TOK_OPEN | TOK_CLOSE ; infmt : unpar_fexpr | '*' ; read :TOK_READ | TOK_INQUIRE | TOK_PRINT ; write : TOK_WRITE ; fexpr : unpar_fexpr | '(' fexpr ')' ; unpar_fexpr : lhs | simple_const | fexpr addop fexpr %prec '+' | fexpr '*' fexpr | fexpr TOK_SLASH fexpr | fexpr TOK_DASTER fexpr | addop fexpr %prec '*' | fexpr TOK_DSLASH fexpr | TOK_FILE expr | TOK_EXIST expr | TOK_ERR expr | TOK_END expr | TOK_NAME '=' expr ; addop : '+' | '-' ; inlist : inelt | inlist ',' inelt ; opt_lhs : | lhs ; inelt : opt_lhs opt_operation | '(' inlist ')' opt_operation | predefinedfunction opt_operation | simple_const opt_operation | '(' inlist ',' dospec ')' ; opt_operation : | operation | opt_operation operation ; outlist : uexpr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | other {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | out2 {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} ; out2: uexpr ',' expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s,%s",$1,$3);} | uexpr ',' other {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s,%s",$1,$3);} | other ',' expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s,%s",$1,$3);} | other ',' other {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s,%s",$1,$3);} | out2 ',' expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s,%s",$1,$3);} | out2 ',' other {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s,%s",$1,$3);} | uexpr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | predefinedfunction {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} ; other : complex_const {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) strcpy($$,$1);} | '(' expr ')' {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$," (%s)",$2);} | '(' uexpr ',' dospec ')' {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"(%s,%s)",$2,$4);} | '(' other ',' dospec ')' {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"(%s,%s)",$2,$4);} | '(' out2 ',' dospec ')' {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"(%s,%s)",$2,$4);} ; dospec : TOK_NAME '=' expr ',' expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s=%s,%s)",$1,$3,$5);} | TOK_NAME '=' expr ',' expr ',' expr {if ( couldaddvariable == 1 ) sprintf($$,"%s=%s,%s,%s)",$1,$3,$5,$7);} ; labellist : label | labellist ',' label ; label : TOK_CSTINT ; goto : TOK_PLAINGOTO '(' expr ',' expr ')' ',' expr | TOK_PLAINGOTO label ; allocation_list : allocate_object | ident_dims | allocation_list ',' allocate_object ; allocate_object : ident {Add_Allocate_Var_1($1,curmodulename);} | structure_component | array_element ; array_element : ident '(' funargs ')' {Add_Allocate_Var_1($1,curmodulename);} ; subscript_list : expr | subscript_list ',' expr ; allocate_object_list :allocate_object | allocate_object_list ',' allocate_object ; opt_stat_spec : | ',' TOK_STAT '=' ident ; pointer_name_list : ident | pointer_name_list ',' ident ; opt_construct_name : | TOK_NAME ; opt_construct_name_colon : | TOK_CONSTRUCTID ':' ; logif : TOK_LOGICALIF expr ')' ; do_var : ident {strcpy($$,$1);} ; %% void processfortran(char *fichier_entree) { extern FILE *fortranin; extern FILE *fortranout; char nomfile[LONG_C]; int c; int confirmyes; /* fortrandebug = 1;*/ if ( mark == 1 ) printf("Firstpass == %d \n",firstpass); /******************************************************************************/ /* 1- Open input and output files */ /******************************************************************************/ strcpy(nomfile,commondirin); strcat(nomfile,"/"); strcat(nomfile,fichier_entree); fortranin=fopen( nomfile,"r"); if (! fortranin) { printf("Error : File %s does not exist\n",nomfile); exit(1); } strcpy(curfile,nomfile); strcpy(nomfile,commondirout); strcat(nomfile,"/"); strcat(nomfile,fichier_entree); strcpy(nomfileoutput,nomfile); Save_Length(nomfileoutput,31); if (firstpass == 1) { if (checkexistcommon == 1) { if (fopen(nomfile,"r")) { printf("Warning : file %s already exist\n",nomfile); confirmyes = 0; while (confirmyes==0) { printf("Override file %s ? [Y/N]\n",nomfile); c=getchar(); getchar(); if (c==79 || c==110) { printf("We stop\n"); exit(1); } if (c==89 || c==121) { confirmyes=1; } } } } } /******************************************************************************/ /* 2- Variables initialization */ /******************************************************************************/ line_num_fortran_common=1; line_num_fortran=1; PublicDeclare = 0; PrivateDeclare = 0; ExternalDeclare = 0; SaveDeclare = 0; pointerdeclare = 0; optionaldeclare = 0; incalldeclare = 0; VarType = 0; VarTypepar = 0; Allocatabledeclare = 0 ; Targetdeclare = 0 ; strcpy(NamePrecision," "); VariableIsParameter = 0 ; strcpy(NamePrecision,""); c_star = 0 ; functiondeclarationisdone = 0; insubroutinedeclare = 0 ; ininterfacedeclare = 0 ; strcpy(subroutinename," "); isrecursive = 0; InitialValueGiven = 0 ; strcpy(EmptyChar," "); inmoduledeclare = 0; incontainssubroutine = 0; colnum=0; incom=0; couldaddvariable=1; afterpercent = 0; aftercontainsdeclare = 1; strcpy(nameinttypename,""); /* Name of the file without format */ tmp = strchr(fichier_entree, '.'); strncpy(curfilename,fichier_entree,strlen(fichier_entree)-strlen(tmp)); Save_Length(curfilename,30); /******************************************************************************/ /* 3- Parsing of the input file (1 time) */ /******************************************************************************/ if (firstpass == 0 ) { fortranout=fopen(nomfileoutput,"w"); /* NewModule_Creation_0();*/ } fortranparse(); if (firstpass == 0 ) { NewModule_Creation_0(); } strcpy(curfile,mainfile); if (firstpass == 0 ) { fclose(fortranout); } }