PRO std_ts_read_AMOC, var_name, dt1, dt2, prefix, suffix, t45, t70, t50 compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs @common @std_common list = rseries_ncdf(var_name, dt1, dt2, prefix, suffix, /fileslist) nfiles = n_elements(list) t45 = 0. t70 = 0. t50 = 0. ts_Time = 0. trans = strlowcase(var_name) EQ 'vocetr_eff' OR strlowcase(var_name) EQ 'vomeeftr' ;trans = strlowcase(var_name) EQ 'vomeeftr' ; ADD definition of mask_atl_nomed to compute AMOC (with no Mediterranean Sea) msk_atl_nomed = read_ncdf( 'atlmsk_nomed', filename = std_file_msksub, /nostruct, _extra = ex ) FOR i = 0, nfiles-1 DO BEGIN var = read_ncdf(var_name, allrecords = allrec, filename = list[i], /nostruct) ts_Time = [ ts_Time, Time] ; FOR t = 0, jpt-1 DO BEGIN msfatl = msf(var[*, *, *, t], msk_atl_nomed, TRANSPORT = trans, /nostruct, indexboxzoom = ind) msftot = msf(var[*, *, *, t], TRANSPORT = trans, /nostruct, indexboxzoom = ind) yaxis = gphit[ind[0], ind[2]:ind[3]] ; computation of max Atlatic Meridional Overturninc Circulation at 40°N and 50°N indy = where(yaxis gt 40 and yaxis le 50) domdef, 0, 3500 ;SF commented because we've to compute msftot starting from msf atlantic; i.e. without mediterranean sea. ;SF t45 = [t45, max(msftot[indy, firstzw:lastzw], /NaN)] t45 = [t45, max(msfatl[indy, firstzw:lastzw], /NaN)] ; computation of max atlantic Antarctic Bottom Water between 80°S and 65°S indy = where(yaxis gt -80 and yaxis le -65) domdef, 300, 3500 t70 = [t70, min(msftot[indy, firstzw:lastzw], /NaN)] ; computation of max Antarctic Abyssal Bottom Cell between 65°S and 30°N , indy = where(yaxis gt -65 and yaxis le 30) domdef, 2500, 5000 t50 = [t50, min(msftot[indy, firstzw:lastzw], /NaN)] domdef, 0, jpk-1, /zindex ENDFOR ENDFOR time = ts_Time[1:*] ; remove first record of 0 jpt = n_elements(time) t45 = t45[1:*] ; remove first record of 0 t70 = t70[1:*] ; remove first record of 0 t50 = t50[1:*] ; remove first record of 0 return end pro std_ts_AMOC, masknp, s_iodir_data, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs @common @std_common ; get exp1 info vV1 = getenv('VAR1_V') & prefix = getenv('V1V_PREF') & suffix = getenv('V1V_SUFF') ; get exp2 info vV2 = getenv('VAR2_V') & prefix2 = getenv('V2V_PREF') & suffix2 = getenv('V2V_SUFF') ; cdti3 = string(cnt, format = '(i3.3)') print, cdti3 + ') ' + blabla filename = cdti3 + '_ts_AMOC_'+prefix if prefix NE prefix2 then filename = filename + '_'+prefix2 if KEYWORD_SET(postscript) then openps, filename+'', portrait = 1 ; d1_d2 = '('+strtrim(date1, 1)+' - '+strtrim(date2, 1)+')' d1_d2_2 = '('+strtrim(date1_2, 1)+' - '+strtrim(date2_2, 1)+')' ; iodir = std_iodir_data ; compute the MSF ; std_ts_read_AMOC, vV1, date1, date2, prefix, suffix, t45, t70, t50 if prefix NE prefix2 then begin tsave = time std_ts_read_AMOC, vV2, date1_2, date2_2, prefix2, suffix2, t45_2, t70_2, t50_2 time = tsave & IF n_elements(time) NE jpt THEN stop ENDIF ; plots... title = prefix+' '+d1_d2+'!C'+'Max Atlantic MOC between 40N and 50N' pltt, t45, 't', 0., 30., date1, date2, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT $ , small = [1, 2, 1], TITLE = title, YTITLE = varunit, _extra = ex IF prefix NE prefix2 then begin title = prefix+' '+d1_d2+' - '+prefix2+' '+d1_d2_2+'!C'+'Max Atlantic MOC between 40N and 50N' pltt, t45 - t45_2, 't', -9., 9., date1, date2, /REMPLI, /NOERASE $ , COLOR = 250, small = [1, 2, 2], TITLE = title, YTITLE = varunit, _extra = ex endif htmltxt = [ htmltxt, '
'+blabla, '
' ] if KEYWORD_SET(postscript) then closeps if KEYWORD_SET(postscript) then openps, filename+'', portrait = 1 title = prefix+' '+d1_d2+'!C'+'Max AntArctic Bottom Water between 80S and 65S '+d1_d2 pltt, -t70, 't', 0., 20., date1, date2, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT, window = 2 $ , small = [1, 2, 1], TITLE = title, YTITLE = varunit, _extra = ex if prefix NE prefix2 then begin title = prefix+' '+d1_d2+' - '+prefix2+' '+d1_d2_2+'!C'+'Max AntArctic Bottom Water between 80S and 65S' pltt, -t70 + t70_2, 't', -5., 5., date1, date2, /REMPLI, /NOERASE $ , COLOR = 250, small = [1, 2, 2], TITLE = title, YTITLE = varunit, _extra = ex endif htmltxt = [ htmltxt, '
'+blabla, '
' ] if KEYWORD_SET(postscript) then closeps if KEYWORD_SET(postscript) then openps, filename+'', portrait = 1 title = prefix+' '+d1_d2+'!C '+'Max AntArctic Bottom Cell between 65S and 30N '+d1_d2 pltt, -t50, 't', 5., 30., date1, date2, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT, window = 3 $ , small = [1, 2, 1], TITLE = title, YTITLE = varunit, _extra = ex if prefix NE prefix2 then begin title = prefix+' '+d1_d2+' - '+prefix2+' '+d1_d2_2+'!C'+'Max AntArctic Bottom Cell between 65S and 30N' pltt, -t50 + t50_2, 't', -5., 5., date1, date2, /REMPLI, /NOERASE $ , COLOR = 250, small = [1, 2, 2], TITLE = title, YTITLE = varunit, _extra = ex endif domdef, 0, jpk-1, /zindex htmltxt = [ htmltxt, '
'+blabla, '
' ] if KEYWORD_SET(postscript) then closeps return end