function read_arr2d, filename, varname, t1, t2 ;; function that read input file and return 2d array with monthly timecounter nyear = (t2-t1+1)/12 arr2d = ncdf_lec(filename, VAR=varname) arr2d = arr2d[t1:t2] arr2d = reform(arr2d,12,nyear) ; put in 2D array arr2d = total(arr2d,2)/nyear ; total over 2th dimension (i.e.years) return, arr2d end ;; here start procedure that use function read_arr2d pro std_ts_ICE, masknp, s_iodir_data, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs @common @std_common ; get exp1 info vICE1 = getenv('VAR1_ICE') & prefix = getenv('V1ICE_PREF') & suffix = getenv('V1ICE_SUFF') ; get exp2 info vICE2 = getenv('VAR2_ICE') & prefix2 = getenv('V2ICE_PREF') & suffix2 = getenv('V2ICE_SUFF') ; get ice climatology info std_file_ice = isafile(getenv('FILE_ICE'), title = 'ICE Extent Climatology', iodir = std_iodir_climato) ; time_ice = ncdf_lec( std_file_ice, VAR='time' ) time_ice = (time_ice - FLOOR(time_ice) ) * 12 time_ice = (round(time_ice) + 11) mod 12; round to nearest integer t1 = where(time_ice eq 0) t1 = t1[0] ; january t2 = where(time_ice eq 11, count) t2 = t2[count-1] ; last day of december vICE_ext_NH = read_arr2d(std_file_ice, getenv('VAR_ICE_EXT_NH'), t1, t2 ) vICE_ext_SH = read_arr2d(std_file_ice, getenv('VAR_ICE_EXT_SH'), t1, t2 ) ; vICE_area_NH = read_arr2d(std_file_ice, getenv('VAR_ICE_area_NH'), t1, t2 ) vICE_area_SH = read_arr2d(std_file_ice, getenv('VAR_ICE_area_SH'), t1, t2 ) ; cdti3 = string(cnt, format = '(i3.3)') print, cdti3 + ') ' + blabla filename = cdti3 + '_ts_ICE_'+prefix if prefix NE prefix2 then filename = filename + '_'+prefix2 if KEYWORD_SET(postscript) then openps, filename+'.ps', portrait = 1 ; d1_d2 = '('+strtrim(date1, 1)+' - '+strtrim(date2, 1)+')' ; iodir = std_iodir_data ; ICE Area in NORTH Hemisphere domdef, 0, jpi-1, 30, 90, /xindex ICE_N = rseries_ncdf(vICE1, date1, date2, prefix, suffix, FIRSTONLY = 1 - allrec) ICE_N = grossemoyenne(ICE_N.arr, 'xy', /integration, mask2d = masknp) if jpt mod 12 ne 0 then stop nyr=jpt/12. ICE_N = reform(ice_n, 12,nyr) ICE_n = total(ice_n,2)/nyr ICE_N = {arr:ICE_N * 1.e-12, unit : '10^12 m^2'} ; ICE EXTENT (Area minus 15%) in NORTH Hemisphere ICE_N_15 = rseries_ncdf(vICE1, date1, date2, prefix, suffix, FIRSTONLY = 1 - allrec) msk = ICE_N_15.arr gt 0.15 ; remove 0.15% for observations ICE_N_15 = grossemoyenne( msk, 'xy', /integration, mask2d = masknp) if jpt mod 12 ne 0 then stop nyr=jpt/12. ICE_N_15 = reform(ice_n_15, 12,nyr) ICE_n_15 = total(ice_n_15,2)/nyr ICE_N_15 = {arr:ICE_N_15 * 1.e-12, unit : '10^12 m^2'} ; ;ICE Area in SOUTH Hemisphere domdef, 0, jpi-1, -90, -30, /xindex ICE_S = rseries_ncdf(vICE1, date1, date2, prefix, suffix, FIRSTONLY = 1 - allrec) ICE_S = grossemoyenne(ICE_S.arr, 'xy', /integration, mask2d = masknp) if jpt mod 12 ne 0 then stop nyr=jpt/12. ICE_S = reform(ice_S, 12,nyr) ICE_S = total(ice_S,2)/nyr ICE_S = {arr:ICE_S * 1.e-12, unit : '10^12 m^2'} ; ICE EXTENT (Area minus 15%) in SOUTH Hemisphere ICE_S_15 = rseries_ncdf(vICE1, date1, date2, prefix, suffix, FIRSTONLY = 1 - allrec) msk = ICE_S_15.arr gt 0.15 ; remove 0.15% for observations ICE_S_15 = grossemoyenne(msk, 'xy', /integration, mask2d = masknp) if jpt mod 12 ne 0 then stop nyr=jpt/12. ICE_S_15 = reform(ice_S_15, 12,nyr) ICE_S_15 = total(ice_S_15,2)/nyr ICE_S_15 = {arr:ICE_S_15 * 1.e-12, unit : '10^12 m^2'} ; title = 'Northern Hemisphere'+'!C'+prefix+' '+d1_d2+'!C'+' Global Annual Mean Ice Area (BLACK)'+'!C'+ 'and Extend minus 15% (BLUE)'+'!C'+'Observation (DASHED)' jpt=12 time=julday(1,15,1900)+30*lindgen(12) pltt, ICE_N, 't', 0., 15., 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT, MIN = 4., MAX = 16. $ , COLOR = 000 , small = [1, 2, 1], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex pltt, ICE_N_15, 't', 0., 15., 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT, LINESTYLE=2 $ ;;; dashed lines is LINESTYLE=2 $ , /ov1d, COLOR = 000, small = [1, 2, 1], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex pltt, vICE_area_NH, 't', 0., 15., 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT $ , /ov1d, COLOR = 100, small = [1, 2, 1], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex pltt, vICE_ext_NH, 't', 0., 15., 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT, LINESTYLE=2 $ ;;; dashed lines is LINESTYLE=2 $ , /ov1d, COLOR = 100, small = [1, 2, 1], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex ; title ='Southern Hemisphere !C'+prefix+' '+d1_d2+' - '+'!C'+'Global Annual Mean Ice Area (BLACK)'+'!C'+ 'and Extend minus 15% (BLUE)'+'!C'+'Observation (DASHED)' pltt, ICE_S, 't', 0., 15.,19000101 ,19001231 , /REMPLI, /NOERASE , MIN = 0., MAX = 20. $ ,COLOR = 000, small = [1, 2, 2], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex pltt, ICE_S_15, 't', 0., 15., 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT, LINESTYLE=2 $ , /ov1d, COLOR = 000, small = [1, 2, 1], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex pltt, vICE_area_SH, 't', 0., 15., 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT $ , /ov1d, COLOR = 100, small = [1, 2, 1], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex pltt, vICE_ext_SH, 't', 0., 15., 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT, LINESTYLE=2 $ , /ov1d, COLOR = 100, small = [1, 2, 1], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex ; htmltxt = [ htmltxt, '
'+blabla, '
' ] if KEYWORD_SET(postscript) then closeps if prefix NE prefix2 then BEGIN d1_d2_2 = '('+strtrim(date1_2, 1)+' - '+strtrim(date2_2, 1)+')' tsave = time domdef, 0, jpi-1, 30, 90, /xindex ;ICE Extent in NORTH Hemisphere ICE_N2 = rseries_ncdf(vICE2, date1_2, date2_2, prefix2, suffix2, FIRSTONLY = 1 - allrec) ICE_N2 = grossemoyenne(ICE_N2.arr, 'xy', /integration, mask2d = masknp) if jpt mod 12 ne 0 then stop nyr=jpt/12. ICE_N2 = reform(ICE_N2, 12,nyr) ICE_N2 = total(ICE_N2,2)/nyr ICE_N2 = {arr:ICE_N2 * 1.e-12, unit : '10^12 m^2'} ;ICE Extent minus 15% in NORTH Hemisphere ICE_N2_15 = rseries_ncdf(vICE2, date1_2, date2_2, prefix2, suffix2, FIRSTONLY = 1 - allrec) msk = ICE_N2_15.arr gt 0.15 ; remove 0.15% for observations ICE_N2_15 = grossemoyenne( msk, 'xy', /integration, mask2d = masknp) if jpt mod 12 ne 0 then stop nyr=jpt/12. ICE_N2_15 = reform(ICE_N2_15, 12,nyr) ICE_N2_15 = total(ICE_N2_15,2)/nyr ICE_N2_15 = {arr:ICE_N2_15 * 1.e-12, unit : '10^12 m^2'} ;ICE Extent in SOUTH Hemisphere domdef, 0, jpi-1, -90, -30, /xindex ICE_S2 = rseries_ncdf(vICE2, date1_2, date2_2, prefix2, suffix2, FIRSTONLY = 1 - allrec) ICE_S2 = grossemoyenne(ICE_S2.arr, 'xy', /integration, mask2d = masknp) if jpt mod 12 ne 0 then stop nyr=jpt/12. ICE_S2 = reform(ICE_S2, 12,nyr) ICE_S2 = total(ICE_S2,2)/nyr ICE_S2 = {arr:ICE_S2 * 1.e-12, unit : '10^12 m^2'} ;ICE Extent minus 15% in SOUTH Hemisphere ICE_S2_15 = rseries_ncdf(vICE2, date1_2, date2_2, prefix2, suffix2, FIRSTONLY = 1 - allrec) msk = ICE_S2_15.arr gt 0.15 ; remove 0.15% for observations ICE_S2_15 = grossemoyenne(msk, 'xy', /integration, mask2d = masknp) if jpt mod 12 ne 0 then stop nyr=jpt/12. ICE_S2_15 = reform(ICE_S2_15, 12,nyr) ICE_S2_15 = total(ICE_S2_15,2)/nyr ICE_S2_15 = {arr:ICE_S2_15 * 1.e-12, unit : '10^12 m^2'} ; ; time = tsave & IF n_elements(time) NE jpt THEN stop if KEYWORD_SET(postscript) then openps, filename+'', portrait = 1 title = 'Northern Hemisphere'+'!C'+prefix+' (BLACK) - '+prefix2+' (RED) '+d1_d2_2+'!C'+'OBSERVATION (light blue) '+'!C'+' Global Annual Mean Ice Area (CONTINUOUS) '+'!C'+ 'and Extend minus 15% (DASHED)' jpt=12 time=julday(1,15,1900)+30*lindgen(12) pltt, ICE_N.arr, 't', -.2, .2, 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT,MIN = 4., MAX = 16., window = 2 $ , COLOR = 000, small = [1, 2, 1], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex ; BLACK pltt, ICE_N2.arr, 't', -.2, .2, 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT, window = 2 $ , /ov1d, COLOR = 250, small = [1, 2, 1], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex ; RED pltt, ICE_N_15.arr, 't', -.2, .2, 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT, LINESTYLE=2 $ ; linee tratteggiate LINESTYLE=2 $ , /ov1d, COLOR = 000, small = [1, 2, 1], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex pltt, ICE_N2_15.arr , 't', -.2, .2, 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT, LINESTYLE=2 $ ; linee tratteggiate LINESTYLE=2 $ , /ov1d, COLOR = 250, small = [1, 2, 1], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex pltt, vICE_area_NH, 't', -2., 2., 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT $ , /ov1d, COLOR = 100, small = [1, 2, 1], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex ; light blue pltt, vICE_ext_NH, 't', -2., 2., 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT, LINESTYLE=2 $ , /ov1d, COLOR = 100, small = [1, 2, 1], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex ; blu scuro ; title ='Southern Hemisphere'+'!C'+prefix+' (BLACK) - '+prefix2+' (RED) '+d1_d2_2+'!C'+'OBSERVATION (light blue) '+'!C'+'Global Annual Mean Ice Area (CONTINUS)'+'!C'+ 'and Extend minus 15% (DASHED)' ; title ='Southern Hemisphere'+'!C' pltt, ICE_S.arr, 't', -2., 2., 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /NOERASE, MIN = 0., MAX = 20. $ , COLOR = 000, small = [1, 2, 2], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex pltt, ICE_S2.arr, 't', -2., 2., 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /NOERASE $ , /ov1d, COLOR = 250, small = [1, 2, 2], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex pltt, ICE_S_15.arr , 't', -2., 2., 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT, LINESTYLE=2 $ ; linee tratteggiate LINESTYLE=2 $ , /ov1d, COLOR = 000, small = [1, 2, 2], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex pltt, ICE_S2_15.arr , 't', -2., 2., 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT, LINESTYLE=2 $ ; linee tratteggiate LINESTYLE=2 $ , /ov1d, COLOR = 250, small = [1, 2, 2], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex pltt, vICE_area_SH, 't', -2., 2., 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT $ , /ov1d, COLOR = 100, small = [1, 2, 2], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex pltt, vICE_ext_SH, 't', -2., 2., 19000101, 19001231, /REMPLI, /PORTRAIT, LINESTYLE=2 $ , /ov1d, COLOR = 100, small = [1, 2, 2], YTITLE = '10^12 m^2 ', TITLE = title, _extra = ex ; htmltxt = [ htmltxt, '
'+blabla, '
' ] if KEYWORD_SET(postscript) then closeps endif domdef return end