This tool can be used to generate a domain decomposition using recursive k-section partitioning. The decomposition is written to file and may subsequently be hand-edited for fine tuning. Requirements: Bathymetry of model domain in; NEMO namelist file describing the job you want to run (principally to get the z-coordinate options). Run make_partition.exe -h to get a list of the available flags. The new partition is written in ASCII to To use this in (this version of) NEMO move it to your run directory and rename it to partition.dat. Edit the namelist file and in the nampp section add: nn_readpart = .TRUE. The NEMO run will then use the partition in partition.dat - you must ensure that the job uses the same no. of MPI processes as you specified when creating the partition! Any requests for help/new functionality to This tool was created as a part of the (UK) HECToR dCSE project FINISS.