pro std_plot_all, doplot = doplot, _extra = ex compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs @common @std_common ; scripts for nemo v3_2 and v3_3 PRINT, '' PRINT, ' ############################################' PRINT, '' PRINT, ' LAUNCH of std_plots' PRINT, '' PRINT, ' ############################################' PRINT, '' ; std_iodir_data = isadirectory(getenv('DIR_DATA'), title = 'path of data in NetCdf format') std_iodir_climato = isadirectory(getenv('DIR_CLIMATO'), title = 'path of climatological data') std_iodir_mask = isadirectory(getenv('DIR_MASK'), title = 'path of mask files (ex: subbasins)') ; meshmask std_file_mesh = isafile(getenv('FILE_MESH_MASK'), title = 'mesh_mask', iodir = std_iodir_mask) std_file_msksub = isafile(getenv('FILE_MASK_SUBDOMAIN'), title = 'sub-bassin masks', iodir = std_iodir_mask) ; climatologies std_file_Levitus_T = isafile(getenv('FILE_TEMP_3D'), title = 'Levitus_T', iodir = std_iodir_climato) std_file_Levitus_S = isafile(getenv('FILE_SAL_3D'), title = 'Levitus_S', iodir = std_iodir_climato) std_file_reynolds = isafile(getenv('FILE_SST'), title = 'Reynolds', iodir = std_iodir_climato) std_file_oaflux = isafile(getenv('FILE_FLUX'), title = 'oaflux', iodir = std_iodir_climato) std_file_mld = isafile(getenv('FILE_MLD'), title = 'Mixed layer depth', iodir = std_iodir_climato) std_file_ice = isafile(getenv('FILE_ICE'), title = 'ICE', iodir = std_iodir_climato) std_file_snow_arc = isafile(getenv('FILE_SNOW_ARC'), title = 'SNOW_ARC', iodir = std_iodir_climato) std_file_snow_ant = isafile(getenv('FILE_SNOW_ANT'), title = 'SNOW_ANT', iodir = std_iodir_climato) IF strlowcase(getenv('FILE_GEOHEAT')) EQ 'no' THEN std_file_geoheat = 'no' $ ELSE std_file_geoheat = isafile(getenv('FILE_GEOHEAT'), title = 'Geothermal heating', iodir = std_iodir_climato) ; allrec = 1 - keyword_set(long(getenv('READ_ONLY_FIRST_RECORD'))) ; Output run experience1 std_file1_T = isafile(getenv('FILE1_T'), title = 'exp1 grid T input file', iodir = std_iodir_data) std_file1_U = isafile(getenv('FILE1_U'), title = 'exp1 grid U input file', iodir = std_iodir_data) std_file1_V = isafile(getenv('FILE1_V'), title = 'exp1 grid V input file', iodir = std_iodir_data) std_file1_I = isafile(getenv('FILE1_I'), title = 'exp1 ice input file', iodir = std_iodir_data) ; Output run experience2 std_file2_T = isafile(getenv('FILE2_T'), title = 'exp2 grid T input file', iodir = std_iodir_data) std_file2_U = isafile(getenv('FILE2_U'), title = 'exp2 grid U input file', iodir = std_iodir_data) std_file2_V = isafile(getenv('FILE2_V'), title = 'exp2 grid V input file', iodir = std_iodir_data) std_file2_I = isafile(getenv('FILE2_I'), title = 'exp2 ice input file', iodir = std_iodir_data) PRINT, '' PRINT, ' std_iodir_data : ' + std_iodir_data PRINT, ' std_file1T : ' + std_file1_T PRINT, ' std_file1U : ' + std_file1_U PRINT, ' std_file1V : ' + std_file1_V ; PRINT, ' std_file1W : ' + std_file1_W PRINT, ' std_file2I : ' + std_file1_I PRINT, ' std_file2T : ' + std_file2_T PRINT, ' std_file2U : ' + std_file2_U PRINT, ' std_file2V : ' + std_file2_V ; PRINT, ' std_file2W : ' + std_file2_W PRINT, ' std_file2I : ' + std_file2_I PRINT, '' ;######################################################################### ;########################## Load Grids ################################ ;######################################################################### ; load the grid load_orca, std_file_mesh ; reading variables masknp = read_ncdf('tmaskutil', file = std_file_mesh, /nostruct, /cont_nofill) ;######################################################################### ;############################ Read Data ################################ ;######################################################################### ; allrec = 1; - keyword_set(long(getenv('READ_ONLY_FIRST_RECORD'))) ; ;;; 3D ;;; ; temperature T1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_T'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file1_T ) IF std_file2_T NE std_file1_T THEN BEGIN T2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_T'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file2_T ) ENDIF ELSE T2 = {arr:-1} TLev = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR_TEMP_3D'), filename = std_file_Levitus_T ) TRey = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR_SST'), filename = std_file_reynolds ) ; salinity S1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_S'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file1_T ) IF std_file2_T NE std_file1_T THEN BEGIN S2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_S'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file2_T ) ENDIF ELSE S2 = {arr:-1} SLev = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR_SAL_3D'), filename = std_file_Levitus_S ) ;;; 2D ;;; ; Net Downward heat flux Q1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_QNET'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file1_T ) IF std_file2_T NE std_file1_T THEN BEGIN Q2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_QNET'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file2_T ) ENDIF ELSE Q2 = {arr:-1} ; Geothermal heating IF std_file_geoheat EQ 'no' THEN geo = {arr:float(getenv('VAR_GEOHEAT'))} $ ELSE geo = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR_GEOHEAT'), filename = std_file_geoheat ) geo = geo.arr*1.e-3 ; convert into W/m2 ;climatology QNET = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR_FLUX'), filename = std_file_oaflux ) ; erp (evaporation damping) ERP1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_ERP'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file1_T ) ERP1 = {arr:ERP1.arr * 86400., unit:'mm/day', grid:'T'} IF std_file2_T NE std_file1_T THEN BEGIN ERP2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_ERP'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file2_T ) ERP2 = {arr:ERP2.arr * 86400., unit:'mm/day', grid:'T'} ENDIF ELSE ERP2 = {arr:-1} ; emp (evaporation minus precipitation) EMP1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_EMP'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file1_T ) EMP1 = {arr:EMP1.arr * 86400., unit:'mm/day', grid:'T'} IF std_file2_T NE std_file1_T THEN BEGIN EMP2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_EMP'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file2_T ) EMP2 = {arr:EMP2.arr * 86400., unit:'mm/day', grid:'T'} ENDIF ELSE EMP2 = {arr:-1} ;mixed layer depth MLD1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_MLD'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file1_T ) ; 10 m IF std_file2_T NE std_file1_T THEN BEGIN MLD2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_MLD'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file2_T ) ; 10 m ENDIF ELSE MLD2 = {arr:-1} ;climatology MLD = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR_MLD'), filename = std_file_mld ) ; velocities U1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_U'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file1_U ) ; old formulation: we tested variable name ; IF strlowcase(getenv('VAR1_U')) EQ 'uocetr_eff' OR strlowcase(getenv('VAR1_U')) EQ 'vozoeftr' THEN BEGIN IF strlowcase(U1.unit) EQ 'm3/s' THEN BEGIN ;IF it is a transport it is transofrmed in velocity U1.arr = U1.arr / e3u_3d(/e2) * umask() U1.unit = 'm/s' ENDIF IF std_file2_U NE std_file1_U THEN BEGIN U2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_U'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file2_U ) ; old formulation: we tested variable name ; IF strlowcase(getenv('VAR2_U')) EQ 'uocetr_eff' OR strlowcase(getenv('VAR2_U')) EQ 'vozoeftr' THEN BEGIN IF strlowcase(U2.unit) EQ 'm3/s' THEN BEGIN U2.arr = U2.arr / e3u_3d(/e2) * umask() U2.unit = 'm/s' ENDIF ENDIF ELSE U2 = {arr:-1} ; V1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_V'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file1_V ) ; old formulation: we tested variable name ; IF strlowcase(getenv('VAR1_V')) EQ 'vocetr_eff' OR strlowcase(getenv('VAR1_V')) EQ 'vomeeftr' THEN BEGIN IF strlowcase(V1.unit) EQ 'm3/s' THEN BEGIN ; test on unit to understand if it is a transport or velocity ;IF it is a transport it is transofrmed in velocity V1.arr = V1.arr / e3v_3d(/e1) * vmask() V1.unit = 'm/s' ENDIF IF std_file2_V NE std_file1_V THEN BEGIN V2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_V'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file2_V ) ; old formulation ; IF strlowcase(getenv('VAR2_V')) EQ 'vocetr_eff' OR strlowcase(getenv('VAR2_V')) EQ 'vozoeftr' THEN BEGIN IF strlowcase(V2.unit) EQ 'm3/s' THEN BEGIN V2.arr = V2.arr / e3v_3d(/e1) * vmask() V2.unit = 'm/s' ENDIF ENDIF ELSE V2 = {arr:-1} ; ice Ithi_1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_Ithick'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file1_I ) caldat, time, mm april = where(mm EQ 4, cnt) Ithi_april_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ithi_1.arr[*, *, temporary(april)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ithi_1.unit} jan = where(mm EQ 1, cnt) sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt) Ithi_jan_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ithi_1.arr[*, *, temporary(jan)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ithi_1.unit} Ithi_sept_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ithi_1.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ithi_1.unit} undefine, Ithi_1 ; IF std_file2_I NE std_file1_I THEN BEGIN Ithi_2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_Ithick'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file2_I ) caldat, time, mm april = where(mm EQ 4, cnt) Ithi_april_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ithi_2.arr[*, *, temporary(april)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ithi_2.unit} jan = where(mm EQ 1, cnt) sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt) Ithi_sept_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ithi_2.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ithi_2.unit} Ithi_jan_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ithi_2.arr[*, *, temporary(jan)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ithi_2.unit} undefine, Ithi_2 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN Ithi_april_2 = {arr:-1} Ithi_sept_2 = {arr:-1} Ithi_jan_2 = {arr:-1} ENDELSE ; Ifra_1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_Ifrac'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file1_I ) caldat, time, mm jan = where(mm EQ 1, cnt) Ifra_jan_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ifra_1.arr[*, *, temporary(jan)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ifra_1.unit} febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt) Ifra_febr_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ifra_1.arr[*, *, temporary(febr)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ifra_1.unit} march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt) Ifra_march_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ifra_1.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ifra_1.unit} april = where(mm EQ 4, cnt) Ifra_april_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ifra_1.arr[*, *, temporary(april)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ifra_1.unit} sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt) Ifra_sept_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ifra_1.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ifra_1.unit} undefine, Ifra_1 ; IF std_file2_I NE std_file1_I THEN BEGIN Ifra_2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_Ifrac'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file2_I ) caldat, time, mm jan = where(mm EQ 1, cnt) Ifra_jan_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ifra_2.arr[*, *, temporary(jan)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ifra_2.unit} febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt) Ifra_febr_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ifra_2.arr[*, *, temporary(febr)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ifra_2.unit} march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt) Ifra_march_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ifra_2.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ifra_2.unit} april = where(mm EQ 4, cnt) Ifra_april_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ifra_2.arr[*, *, temporary(april)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ifra_2.unit} sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt) Ifra_sept_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ifra_2.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ifra_2.unit} undefine, Ifra_2 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN Ifra_jan_2 = {arr:-1} Ifra_febr_2 = {arr:-1} Ifra_march_2 = {arr:-1} Ifra_april_2 = {arr:-1} Ifra_sept_2 = {arr:-1} ENDELSE ; Isnow_1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_Isnow'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file1_I ) caldat, time, mm febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt) Isnow_febr_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isnow_1.arr[*, *, temporary(febr)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isnow_1.unit} march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt) Isnow_march_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isnow_1.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isnow_1.unit} sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt) Isnow_sept_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isnow_1.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isnow_1.unit} ;undefine, Isnow_1 ; IF std_file2_I NE std_file1_I THEN BEGIN Isnow_2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_Isnow'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file2_I ) caldat, time, mm febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt) Isnow_febr_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isnow_2.arr[*, *, temporary(febr)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isnow_2.unit} march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt) Isnow_march_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isnow_2.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isnow_2.unit} sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt) Isnow_sept_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isnow_2.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isnow_2.unit} ; undefine, Isnow_2 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN Isnow_febr_2 = {arr:-1} Isnow_march_2 = {arr:-1} Isnow_sept_2 = {arr:-1} ENDELSE ; Isal_1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_Isal'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file1_I ) ;SF ready for mask : remove 0.15% for observations ;SF ;SF Ifra_1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_Ifrac'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file1_I ) ;SF msk = Ifra_1.arr gt 0.15 ; remove 0.15% for observations caldat, time, mm march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt) febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt) Isal_march_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isal_1.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isal_1.unit} ;SF ;SF Isal_1.arr = Isal_1.arr * msk ;SF ;SF Isal_march_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isal_1.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isal_1.unit} Isal_febr_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isal_1.arr[*, *, temporary(febr)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isal_1.unit} sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt) Isal_sept_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isal_1.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isal_1.unit} ;undefine, Isal_1 ; Isal_2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_Isal'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file2_I ) IF std_file2_I NE std_file1_I THEN BEGIN caldat, time, mm march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt) febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt) Isal_march_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isal_2.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isal_2.unit} Isal_febr_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isal_2.arr[*, *, temporary(febr)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isal_2.unit} sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt) Isal_sept_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isal_2.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isal_2.unit} ; undefine, Isal_2 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN Isal_febr_2 = {arr:-1} Isal_march_2 = {arr:-1} Isal_sept_2 = {arr:-1} ENDELSE ; IvelU_1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_IvelU'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file1_I ) IvelV_1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_IvelV'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file1_I ) Ivelo_1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_Ivelo'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file1_I ) caldat, time, mm febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt) IvelU_febr_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(IvelU_1.arr[*, *, febr],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:IvelU_1.unit, g: 'T'} IvelV_febr_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(IvelV_1.arr[*, *, febr],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:IvelV_1.unit, g: 'T'} Ivelo_febr_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ivelo_1.arr[*, *, febr],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ivelo_1.unit, g: 'T'} march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt) IvelU_march_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(IvelU_1.arr[*, *, march],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:IvelU_1.unit, g: 'T'} IvelV_march_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(IvelV_1.arr[*, *, march],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:IvelV_1.unit, g: 'T'} Ivelo_march_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ivelo_1.arr[*, *, march],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ivelo_1.unit, g: 'T'} sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt) IvelU_sept_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(IvelU_1.arr[*, *, sept],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:IvelU_1.unit, g: 'T'} IvelV_sept_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(IvelV_1.arr[*, *, sept],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:IvelV_1.unit, g: 'T'} Ivelo_sept_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ivelo_1.arr[*, *, sept],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ivelo_1.unit, g: 'T'} ; IF std_file2_I NE std_file1_I THEN BEGIN IvelU_2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_IvelU'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file2_I ) IvelV_2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_IvelV'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file2_I ) Ivelo_2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_Ivelo'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file2_I ) caldat, time, mm febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt) IvelU_febr_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(IvelU_2.arr[*, *, febr],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:IvelU_2.unit} IvelV_febr_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(IvelV_2.arr[*, *, febr],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:IvelV_2.unit} Ivelo_febr_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ivelo_2.arr[*, *, febr],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ivelo_2.unit} march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt) IvelU_march_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(IvelU_2.arr[*, *, march],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:IvelU_2.unit} IvelV_march_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(IvelV_2.arr[*, *, march],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:IvelV_2.unit} Ivelo_march_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ivelo_2.arr[*, *, march],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ivelo_2.unit} sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt) IvelU_sept_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(IvelU_2.arr[*, *, sept],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:IvelU_2.unit} IvelV_sept_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(IvelV_2.arr[*, *, sept],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:IvelV_2.unit} Ivelo_sept_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ivelo_2.arr[*, *, sept],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ivelo_2.unit} undefine, Ifra_2 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IvelU_febr_2 = {arr:-1} IvelV_febr_2 = {arr:-1} Ivelo_febr_2 = {arr:-1} IvelU_march_2 = {arr:-1} IvelV_march_2 = {arr:-1} Ivelo_march_2 = {arr:-1} IvelU_sept_2 = {arr:-1} IvelV_sept_2 = {arr:-1} Ivelo_sept_2 = {arr:-1} ENDELSE ; Iage_1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_Iage'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file1_I ) caldat, time, mm febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt) Iage_febr_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Iage_1.arr[*, *, temporary(febr)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Iage_1.unit} march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt) Iage_march_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Iage_1.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Iage_1.unit} sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt) Iage_sept_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Iage_1.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Iage_1.unit} undefine, Iage_1 ; IF std_file2_I NE std_file1_I THEN BEGIN Iage_2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_Iage'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file2_I ) caldat, time, mm febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt) Iage_febr_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Iage_2.arr[*, *, temporary(febr)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Iage_2.unit} march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt) Iage_march_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Iage_2.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Iage_2.unit} sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt) Iage_sept_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Iage_2.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Iage_2.unit} undefine, Iage_2 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN Iage_febr_2 = {arr:-1} Iage_march_2 = {arr:-1} Iage_sept_2 = {arr:-1} ENDELSE ; jpt = 1 ; ; shorter file names for legends... ; std_file1_T = file_basename(std_file1_T,'.nc') std_file1_T = (strsplit(std_file1_T,'_grid_T',/extract,/regex))[0] std_file2_T = file_basename(std_file2_T,'.nc') std_file2_T = (strsplit(std_file2_T,'_grid_T',/extract,/regex))[0] std_file1_U = file_basename(std_file1_U,'.nc') std_file1_U = (strsplit(std_file1_U,'_grid_U',/extract,/regex))[0] std_file2_U = file_basename(std_file2_U,'.nc') std_file2_U = (strsplit(std_file2_U,'_grid_U',/extract,/regex))[0] std_file1_V = file_basename(std_file1_V,'.nc') std_file1_V = (strsplit(std_file1_V,'_grid_V',/extract,/regex))[0] std_file2_V = file_basename(std_file2_V,'.nc') std_file2_V = (strsplit(std_file2_V,'_grid_V',/extract,/regex))[0] std_file1_I = file_basename(std_file1_I,'.nc') std_file1_I = (strsplit(std_file1_I,'_icemod',/extract,/regex))[0] std_file2_I = file_basename(std_file2_I,'.nc') std_file2_I = (strsplit(std_file2_I,'_icemod',/extract,/regex))[0] ;######################################################################### ;###################### STANDARD PLOTS ################################ ;######################################################################### IF keyword_set(doplot) EQ 0 THEN doplot = 0 ; fixed color tabled lct, 64 cnt = 0 htmltxt = '' ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Erp salinity damping term' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_erp, ERP1, ERP2, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Evaporation - Precipitation - Runoff term' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_emp, EMP1, EMP2, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Net heat flux' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_qnet, Q1, Q2, QNET, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Meridionnal Heat Transport' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_mht, Q1.arr+geo, Q2.arr+geo, masknp, std_file_msksub, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Global Barotropic stream Function' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_bsf, U1, U2, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'mean Temperature diff with New Reynolds' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_sst, T1, T2, TRey, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'mean Salinity diff with Levitus' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_sss, S1, S2, SLev, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Arctic mean Salinity diff with Levitus' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_ArcSal, S1, SLev, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Arctic mean Salinity diff with Levitus and exp2' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_ArcSal, S1, S2, SLev, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Arctic mean Salinity diff with Levitus at z=100 meters' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_ArcSal, S1, SLev, /z100, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Arctic mean Salinity diff with Levitus and exp2 at z=100 meters' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_ArcSal, S1, S2, SLev, /z100, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'mean Temperature diff with Levitus at z=100 meters' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_T100m, T1, T2, Tlev, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'mean Salinity diff with Levitus at z=100 meters' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_S100m, S1, S2, SLev, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Mixed layer depth' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_mld, MLD1, MLD, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Mixed layer depth differences' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_mld, MLD1, MLD2, MLD, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Zonal mean Mixed layer depth' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_ZonMld, MLD1, MLD2, MLD, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Vertical Global mean T & S' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_GlobMeanTS, T1, T2, TLev, S1, S2, SLev, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Zonal mean Temperature diff with Levitus: Global' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_zonal_T, T1, T2, TLev, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Zonal mean Temperature diff with Levitus: Atlantic' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_zonal_T, T1, T2, TLev, SUBBASIN = 'Atl', _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Zonal mean Temperature diff with Levitus: Indian' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_zonal_T, T1, T2, TLev, SUBBASIN = 'Ind', _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Zonal mean Temperature diff with Levitus: Pacific' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_zonal_T, T1, T2, TLev, SUBBASIN = 'Pac', _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Zonal mean Salinity diff with Levitus: Global' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_zonal_S, S1, S2, SLev, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Zonal mean Salinity diff with Levitus: Atlantic' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_zonal_S, S1, S2, SLev, SUBBASIN = 'Atl', _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Zonal mean Salinity diff with Levitus: Indian' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_zonal_S, S1, S2, SLev, SUBBASIN = 'Ind', _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Zonal mean Salinity diff with Levitus: Pacific' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_zonal_S, S1, S2, SLev, SUBBASIN = 'Pac', _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Meridional stream Function: Global (no Med)' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_msf, V1, V2, SUBBASIN = 'GloNoMed', _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Meridional stream Function: Atlantic' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_msf, V1, V2, SUBBASIN = 'Atl', _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Meridional stream Function: Indian' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_msf, V1, V2, SUBBASIN = 'Ind', _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Meridional stream Function: Indo-Pacific' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_msf, V1, V2, SUBBASIN = 'IndoPac', _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Equatorial Temperature' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_EqT, T1, T2, Tlev, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Equatorial Salinity' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_EqS, S1, S2, SLev, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Equatorial zonal velocity' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_EqU, U1, U2, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Mediterranean salt tongue at depth=700' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_Med_Sspread, S1, S2, SLev, 700, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Mediterranean salt tongue at depth=1000' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_Med_Sspread, S1, S2, SLev, 1000, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Mediterranean water at lat=40¡ N' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_Med_Sdepth, S1, S2, SLev, 40, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Mediterranean water at lat=38¡ N' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_Med_Sdepth, S1, S2, SLev, 38, _extra = ex ; ;; ; all plot are done for ice fraction > 0.15% ;; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Arctic Ice Fraction: MARCH' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceFrac, Ifra_march_1, Ifra_march_2, /ARC, /MARCH, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Arctic Ice Fraction: SEPT' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceFrac, Ifra_sept_1, Ifra_sept_2, /ARC, /SEPT, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Antarctic Ice Fraction: MARCH' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceFrac, Ifra_febr_1, Ifra_febr_2, /ANT, /FEBR, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Antarctic Ice Fraction: SEPT' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceFrac, Ifra_sept_1, Ifra_sept_2, /ANT, /SEPT, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Arctic Ice Thickness: JAN' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceThick, Ithi_jan_1, Ithi_jan_2, Ifra_jan_1, Ifra_jan_2, /ARC, /JAN, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Arctic Ice Thickness: APRIL' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceThick, Ithi_april_1, Ithi_april_2, Ifra_april_1, Ifra_april_2, /ARC, /APRIL, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Antarctic Ice Thickness: APRIL' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceThick, Ithi_april_1, Ithi_april_2, Ifra_april_1, Ifra_april_2, /ANT, /APRIL, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Antarctic Ice Thickness: SEPT' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceThick, Ithi_sept_1, Ithi_sept_2, Ifra_sept_1, Ifra_sept_2, /ANT, /SEPT, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Arctic SNOW Thickness: MARCH' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_SnowThick, Isnow_march_1, Isnow_march_2, Ifra_march_1, Ifra_march_2, /ARC, /MARCH, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Arctic SNOW Thickness: SEPT' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_SnowThick, Isnow_sept_1, Isnow_sept_2, Ifra_sept_1, Ifra_sept_2, /ARC, /SEPT, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Antarctic SNOW Thickness: MARCH' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_SnowThick, Isnow_febr_1, Isnow_febr_2, Ifra_febr_1, Ifra_febr_2, /ANT, /FEBR, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Antarctic SNOW Thickness: SEPT' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_SnowThick, Isnow_sept_1, Isnow_sept_2, Ifra_sept_1, Ifra_sept_2, /ANT, /SEPT, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Arctic Ice Salinity: MARCH' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceSal, Isal_march_1, Isal_march_2, Ifra_march_1, Ifra_march_2, /ARC, /MARCH, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Arctic Ice Salinity: SEPT' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceSal, Isal_sept_1, Isal_sept_2, Ifra_sept_1, Ifra_sept_2, /ARC, /SEPT, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Antarctic Ice Salinity: FEBRUARY' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceSal, Isal_febr_1, Isal_febr_2, Ifra_febr_1, Ifra_febr_2, /ANT, /FEBR, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Antarctic Ice Salinity: SEPT' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceSal, Isal_sept_1, Isal_sept_2, Ifra_sept_1, Ifra_sept_2, /ANT, /SEPT, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Arctic Ice Velocity: FEBRUARY' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceVel, IvelU_febr_1, IvelU_febr_2, IvelV_febr_1, IvelV_febr_2, Ivelo_febr_1, Ivelo_febr_2, /ARC, /FEBR, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Arctic Ice Velocity: SEPT' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceVel, IvelU_sept_1, IvelU_sept_2, IvelV_sept_1, IvelV_sept_2, Ivelo_sept_1, Ivelo_sept_2, /ARC, /SEPT, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Antartic Ice Velocity: MARCH' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceVel, IvelU_march_1, IvelU_march_2, IvelV_march_1, IvelV_march_2, Ivelo_march_1, Ivelo_march_2, /ANT, /MARCH, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Antartic Ice Velocity: SEPT' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceVel, IvelU_sept_1, IvelU_sept_2, IvelV_sept_1, IvelV_sept_2, Ivelo_sept_1, Ivelo_sept_2, /ANT, /SEPT, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Arctic Ice Age: MARCH' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceAge, Iage_march_1, Iage_march_2, Ifra_march_1, Ifra_march_2, /ARC, /MARCH, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Arctic Ice Age: SEPT' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceAge, Iage_sept_1, Iage_sept_2, Ifra_sept_1, Ifra_sept_2, /ARC, /SEPT, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Antarctic Ice Age: FEBR' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceAge, Iage_febr_1, Iage_febr_2, Ifra_febr_1, Ifra_febr_2, /ANT, /FEBR, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Antarctic Ice Age: SEPT' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceAge, Iage_sept_1, Iage_sept_2, Ifra_sept_1, Ifra_sept_2, /ANT, /SEPT, _extra = ex ; IF n_elements(htmltxt) GT 1 THEN putfile, psdir+'std_plot_html_body.txt', htmltxt[1:*] return END